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Is Atheism a religion of War?

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posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 03:37 PM
All religions, or belief systems / political parties, etc. by their very nature are religions of war. Atheism has a chance, though, to change that -

By understanding that they have a more open viewpoint - but also by understanding how culture works, and how religions work - denying their mechanics exist is ultimately not in Atheism's best interest.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

The whole is sacrificed by the idealistic pony game its individual parts play amongst one another, trading bits of their borrowed power back and forth as they attempt to garner their own force, not willing to give up their individual pleasures for the progress of the whole, because not all of them believe there's a future for the whole.

I don't know if that makes sense. I hope it does.
edit on 14-7-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Serdgiam

The whole is sacrificed by the idealistic pony game its individual parts play amongst one another, trading bits of their borrowed power back and forth as they attempt to garner their own force, not willing to give up their individual pleasures for the progress of the whole, because not all of them believe there's a future for the whole.

Ill give my take on it, thats all I can do

I think all the smaller systems (from religion down to individual perception) see their part of the whole as the future for ALL the whole.

I think free will basically means we can choose where to direct energy. And, as you say, we decide to use it to tear down the foundations of others so our structure will appear bigger. But, if both systems decided to help each other build both structures (even just through encouragement), then they can truly reach new heights. There is always competition, but one is constructive and the other is destructive.

And if we choose to constructively compete, it means a better quality of life for everyone involved, including the ones who perceived themselves to be "at the top."
edit on 14-7-2013 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 04:17 PM
You start with aggression, and state your religion; then if anyone tries to refute, all you have to say is 'see! I told you! you attacked my religion in reply!'

Tell me who has gone to real war, over religion? I believe you haven't seen any atheist led wars.

Disagreement isn't war. Discussion and debate isn't war.

You managed to judge and cast hate upon a whole section of people, who claim 'they do not know', very un-Christian like. In fact, your savior would frown upon your judgement of others, considering he was the man of peace.

A religion is a belief and a set of rules to follow. Athiesm is saying you don't know what is out there, and with lack of evidence, you will not follow those set of rules, but you still have morals and respect for those around you (as much as any religious person, on average).

Relating to ATS? Do you notice how many topics that have nothing to do with religion where the religious swoop down and claim their selves and their beliefs, and how they think God is the reason for it all? Do you not see the Christian presence on the forums?

By your own standards, Christians are at war with every single thing.

While I disagree with a lot of mainstream science, and think less theories should be taught in basic school (incl big bang, as well as others), when people want 'religion kept out of schools' they mean no forced prayers, no 'under God' in the pledge, stuff like that. When I was in school, there was nothing wrong with people saying prayers for themselves, having Christian groups, etc. It just can't be state sponsored, you could certainly have it church sponsored though; as in all don't pay taxes and could use those savings to support extra curricular activities like Christian study groups and organizations that students can choose to participate in.

It is almost laughable, to have someone from the religion that has killed more people than any, to call a non-religion a group of war, when they only show disdain for what they feel is cult-like behavior; that seeps into nearly every single thread here.

You would probably call anyone in disagreement with you an atheist, attacking you, 'warring' with you; when they very well might be Christians in disagreement with you.

I think once Christians act more like Christ; you'll get much less flak from everyone ... simple as that. When the basis of what is taught and practiced is love, peace, acceptance, respect, and living by example; instead of division, hate, greed, elitism, vanity, selfishness ... you'll see much more respect for the religion as a whole.

I'm not saying I don't believe in something greater than us ... but I can say I don't believe in an all powerful being that smites, kills, requires blood sacrifice, and sentences his own creations to eternal punishment. When my dog pees on the floor, I don't throw her in the oven. When my child throws something out of her crib, I do not strike out at her. Thus, since God is to be pure love, light, and perfection ... I cannot see this entity wiping out all life, sending people to burn in hell, or requiring any kind of sacrifice. It sounds more like a demon who has taken over and twisted the words to be falsely followed out of fear, not love.

If you cannot question anything, then you are not capable of critical thinking. If you can't think about things, you are just brainwashed. To find the truth in the text, you need to have an open mind and be able to reason. The Bible has a lot of good lessons; find the love and peace in it, and you have found your salvation ... find the hate, and you've lost your soul.

No amount of pointing fingers and getting upset at people who don't agree with you, will change anything; nor does it make a good case for your side. Do exactly what it teaches you; turn the other cheek, preach love, accept all those around you, live by example ... this is the only way to bring people in and open their eyes. Hate, toxicity, lashing out ... can only bring more negitivity your way.

I hope you find peace one day OP

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 05:15 PM
Well as a gambling man I would say the atheists are 50% right and they are 50% war like but as a religious guy I would say they are little children and cruel old men whom are frightened of what they can not know or are so rotten guilty about something they deny that they will ever face it having not faced it on earth, also some are just upset because there prayers were not answered and they hat god for not being there when they needed him.
Even amongst us religious types we have all felt such.

But no. I disagree with them but they are less war like at the moment, still give them power and lets see what happens when there oppression of the religions causes a backlash.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Hushabye
reply to post by BlueMule

Please tell me who my god is then...because religion requires a belief in a supernatural power....

Oh wait- you're right! I believe in MYSELF!
I am super and natural~

Yup, you yourself are your god. And maybe the atom, the God-particle, UFOs, and the controlling mythological narrative known as science. Your culture-heroes are Darwin, Dawkins, etc.

I bet you like science fiction and comic books too, eh?

Mutants and Mystics: Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal

Read it and weep.

edit on 14-7-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

And maybe the atom, the God-particle, UFOs, and the controlling mythological narrative known as science.

Oh, so science is myth now? And I had no idea that comics were something to weep over.

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:51 PM

Are you willing to put your convictions to the test by doing chakra meditation for a few months and see if something happens with your body?

Chakra meditations have nothing to do with a god- unless you believe in the particular religions that endorse this. I'm an atheist- and I meditate every day, when I do my yoga. In with the good, out with the trash!

I also believe in colors and energy!
edit on 14-7-2013 by Hushabye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Serdgiam

The whole is sacrificed by the idealistic pony game its individual parts play amongst one another, trading bits of their borrowed power back and forth as they attempt to garner their own force, not willing to give up their individual pleasures for the progress of the whole, because not all of them believe there's a future for the whole.
I don't know if that makes sense. I hope it does.
edit on 14-7-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

It does for me represented as a carnival 'Pony Ride'. You have the individual ponies 6, one a black, one an appaloosa, one a grey etc representing different belief systems. Then you have the carnival ride owner, (in my mind a Cherokee Native American and her husband the Carnival Magician, I know this couple). The individal pleasures of the children in each distinct saddle on different colored ponies, going round and round a dirt track enjoying the freedom or exhilaration of being on a hooved animal trained to go in circles clockwise. The future is that there is a HUB that spins at the center, the spokes (of the wheel) emminate outward. The hub is the center of all thoughtform (God potencial), the spokes, the different religions, the children, well, lets hope they stay in the saddle or decide they had enough of the predictable roundabout and the 3.00 dollars spent for 5 minutes was worth it.
edit on 14-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Atheism is a religion of war. It wars on other religions around it, making fun of people in an attempt to make them appear backwards for the sake of ridicule, but more often than not the religion of choice to attack always primarily seems to be Christianity.

Atheism is no more a religion of war than any other "self appointed Religion" (as the true religion is War and conquering). Atheists dont kill people, invade and land grab, destroy civilizations that are more knowlegable than their own, steal their gold infect with disease, torture and burn to death (to their mind the hedonistic), take all of their history in the form of writings/pictographs and burn them. Atheism is allowed, its a counterpoint necessary to bring in educated debate to further enlightenment, to distinquish with smaller and smaller points of discernment.
edit on 14-7-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2013 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Sinners love to deny existence of God to justify their sins.

It has been happening for ages. Nothing new.

God has given humans the power to act freely. This power is not given to animals and plants though they have the same soul as humans have. Why? Because animals and plants are lives of punishment for souls who were once sinners in human form. Souls receive punishment from God, though humans do not realize.

God stays hidden from human's view; by His own powers. God does not want souls to know about Him or realize His powers easily. This is the way it is. So it is far easier to sin for humans than to do good deeds.

Christianity is no guarantee that a human wont sin; and atheism is no guarantee that a person will always sin; though a sincere Christian is less likely to sin than an atheist.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

easy there patner.. you don't talk out against atheism around these parts.. it will get you lynched..

Atheism is good

Religion bad..

if you think otherwise it makes you a primitive ape.
edit on 15-7-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-7-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 01:19 AM
If Atheism isn't a religion, why are all posts about atheism on ATS in the Religion, Faith and Theology section of the website?

If atheism isn't a religion, where outside of religious discussion does the topic of atheism come up?

If atheism isn't a religion, why are we arguing about gods and the bible as the religions do?

If atheism isn't a religion, but a description, what outside of views on religious matters does it describe?

If atheism isn't a religion, but a description, why do atheists capitalize Atheism?

If atheism isn't a religion, why when asked to describe our religious views do we say atheist?

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 03:14 AM
Why oh, why oh why can't religious believers understand that atheism or anti-theism is not an organized ANYTHING! It isn't a religion it isn't a Non-religion or an Anti-religion.

It is not a group of any kind. Just because they dont fit into your box, doesnt mean they are meant for a different box somewhere else! THEY ARE BOXLESS!! lol

Religion is an organizing principle just like any other form of government. Religion is used to influence people and the wield power. Power those religious groups will not give up lightly.

Believers and non-believers alike have all engaged in war.

Religious wars are not noble, and they leave people just as dead as any other form of war.

But when will believers finally begin to understand that atheists are not a group of any kind?

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

All I know is that atheists weren't responsible for the Crusades, the Thirty Years war, the Spanish Inquisition, the Muslim wars of conquest, or the Nakba. Nor have any atheists ever claimed some land was given to them 2000 years ago by some invisible sky god who speaks through burning bushes, so they now have the right to ethnically cleanse it of its current residents. Nor do atheists spit on girls and women who don't conform to religious codes of dress.

I love these threads by members of the Judeo-Chrisitian religious sects, who like to claim they're all about peace and tolerance, yet they post very inflammatory and bilious threads like this one insulting people with beliefs other than their own, and ascribing certain very negative qualities of hate to all people of said persuasions. Well played. It shows us what your religion is really about. Keep on choogl'n with your bigoted, hateful religious thread, OP.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by GargIndia
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Sinners love to deny existence of God to justify their sins.

It has been happening for ages. Nothing new.

God has given humans the power to act freely. This power is not given to animals and plants though they have the same soul as humans have. Why? Because animals and plants are lives of punishment for souls who were once sinners in human form. Souls receive punishment from God, though humans do not realize.

God stays hidden from human's view; by His own powers. God does not want souls to know about Him or realize His powers easily. This is the way it is. So it is far easier to sin for humans than to do good deeds.

Christianity is no guarantee that a human wont sin; and atheism is no guarantee that a person will always sin; though a sincere Christian is less likely to sin than an atheist.

And here I thought religion was away for the professed religious to be absolved of their sins, to wit: Newt Gingrich and his justification for why people should consider him for president given his past slimy moral behavior. To wit: the justification of the Catholic Church in protecting its child-raping priests from secular law. To wit: the rationalization by Zionists to ethnically cleanse their claimed homeland, supposedly given to them by their god. To wit: the justification by some Muslims and Hindus to oppress and abuse women.

"Onward, Christian soldiers" -- what is that ditty about? It's about rationalizing killing people by the acre for one's god and country.

Seems religious folk are always too happy to talk about sinners -- particularly those outside of their own religion -- but spend very little time or rhetoric on self introspection. Funny how that is.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by LesMisanthrope
If Atheism isn't a religion, why are all posts about atheism on ATS in the Religion, Faith and Theology section of the website?

If atheism isn't a religion, where outside of religious discussion does the topic of atheism come up?

If atheism isn't a religion, why are we arguing about gods and the bible as the religions do?

If atheism isn't a religion, but a description, what outside of views on religious matters does it describe?

If atheism isn't a religion, but a description, why do atheists capitalize Atheism?

If atheism isn't a religion, why when asked to describe our religious views do we say atheist?

If there was no religion there would be no atheism (sounds like heaven). However just because atheism concerns and can only concern religion, doesn't mean they are the same.. It would be like saying a non-reader is actually a reader because non-reading is only ever brought up when discussing reading. They are relative states but polar/opposite and only have meaning when spoken about in conjunction with each other.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:19 AM
Atheism is not a religion. And it's not about war. It's about people who choose not to fill their minds up with biblical old dribble. Like the days of old. I would rather be called a Free Thinker VS Atheist. Freedom From Religion Foundation can send you all some really nice stuff. I get a newsletter each month, And in this news letter they have the the black collar crime watch. PAge after page of religous people, preachers, priest.s rabbis, all doing nasty, nasty things. all in the name of the Lord.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by openyourmind1262
Atheism is not a religion. And it's not about war. It's about people who choose not to fill their minds up with biblical old dribble. Like the days of old. I would rather be called a Free Thinker VS Atheist. Freedom From Religion Foundation can send you all some really nice stuff. I get a newsletter each month, And in this news letter they have the the black collar crime watch. PAge after page of religous people, preachers, priest.s rabbis, all doing nasty, nasty things. all in the name of the Lord.

By it's very nature Atheism is most certainly a belief system therefore it fit's the requirements for a non organised religion or belief SYSTEM, you raise your children to believe as you do or tell them your beliefs and as you are the font of all things as far as they are concerned then just like any religion you pass your belief system on to them.

Agnosticism, Hmm now that is not a religion.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

God has given humans the power to act freely. This power is not given to animals and plants though they have the same soul as humans have. Why? Because animals and plants are lives of punishment for souls who were once sinners in human form. Souls receive punishment from God, though humans do not realize.

That isn't even remotely scriptural. Animals don't have souls, they only have a spirit which is the life God breathed into them. God didn't make them in his Image.

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