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Creepy things kids have said to you

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posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 06:51 PM
I think that I have only heard one thing that is weird. My sister had twins and when they were about 2 or so they were talking about this black guy who was in their house. Now the trailer they lived in I think my mom and dad lived there for a very long time (not sure how long but I think 20 or so years). Anyway I grew up in the trailer and atleast one other nephew grew up there too. I'm not sure on my other sisters or brother. Anyway nobody ever mentioned a ghost in the house. Also I did have some pretty vivid nightmares but don't remember a black dude. anyway my sister used to go to the cemetery all the time and we thing it followed her home.

I had this dream where I was in my brothers house and his son was playing but there was a new addition to their family a little girl. So this was about a year before they found out they were pregnant again and it was a girl. I kind of remembered the girls name but forgot it when I woke up, but I remember it was a little weird but not too weird and we found out they are going to name her Olivia.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I used to drop off my youngest nephew to elementary school when I lived out in the country with my older sister. At the time he was about 6 or 7 years old. It was about a nine mile drive down a country road to get to the school from my sisters house. There was an old cemetery and church on a hilltop that you pass by on one section of the road. One morning I was taking him to school like always. Phillip kept looking out his window, staring at something. I did not ask him what. Finally he asked me, "Uncle Chris, who is that boy standing in the graveyard playing with the dog?" I looked over but there was nothing there. I asked him to point to where he was seeing him and describe him to me. He pointed next to mausoleum type building and said "He's standing right there, he looks a little older than me. He's got on overalls and he's got a dog next to him."

There was nothing there.

I had never seen anything in that cemetery before or since then. That was the only time that Phillip saw anything that was not there with me anyways.
edit on 29-4-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I'm babysitting my niece (she's under 2), she's crying, I go in to check in on her and i go "what's wrong", she responds with "there's a creepy standing right behind you"..... I'm 17 then, I'm terrified, my first thought was to leave
but i turned around and didnt see anything.... Phewwwww

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Redditor 'Psalm-96' related a story about his four-year-old daughter waking him up at 6am, leaning in and whispering the words: "I want to peel all your skin off".


posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Childrens imaginations
Could that be all it is?

My grandson (3) watches a childrens program that has little characters in it called Vegimals. They are part animal and part vegetable.
It wasnt long before he started playing with his imaginary vegimals, often telling us to "be careful and don't tread on them"
One day we were driving through town when he suddenly screamed and started crying, he was really upset, he blurted out "The vegimals just got off that bus and that car run them over, now they're all squashed on the road"

Childrens imaginations have no bounds, they can create their own reality and to them it is VERY real.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Yeh man, our most recent baby used to follow something around the room with his eyes....he could see very well and would follow my finger it was super weird when you would see him make the same facial but following something behind you moving through the house.

He would even move his head forward to look around my head to watch it travel up the hallway. He was never afraid of it so I suspect it was something nice.

Ever since, when I suggested to my two eldest kids that this may not be the first life we've lived, and my 5 year old assured me that it was his second time around and my eldest told me it was his first time here (and as I've said before he definitely acts like it), I've been a firm believer in the other side of the veil.

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I'm really not sure why people find this creepy at all, in fact, if people keep labeling events like this creepy then the events will always have a negative connotation. The media and social conditioning has polluted most people's minds into thinking things like this are bad, scary, weird, or not real.

(Realtruth smashes the creepy music sound clips that accompany all ghost chasing and paranormal shows)

Think about this.

1) You are not the name on your birth certificate

2) You are not the body you reside in currently

3) You are not your profession, career, or anything else you have experienced in this life.

4) Want proof? Go to a graveyard, funeral home, or wake. Everyone leaves their physical shells sooner or later.

So why the thinking that spirits, or things kids see, or say are weird? They just haven't been conditioned by the BS and negativity of adult thinking yet, but that does change in time for many.

Suggestion listen to kids and don't be condescending you might just learn something worthwhile.

Peace out,

edit on 29-4-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 09:02 PM
There is another thread on here right now that deals with adult experiences, i dont want to link to it but it was on the first page of recent posts. I found these 2 threads very similar, different enough to warrant separate threads so not saying "already been posted" just that my response is the same.

Could these events be the inability to differentiate between dreams where the subject believes they occur during awake but are actually dreams?

As someone who with intermittent sleep paralysis for 20 years it has helped me to understand how the lines between fantasy and reality can become blurred and even or especially if the duration of the event is only seconds long. The shorter the easier it seems to get confused because it is not as involved as a longer, more drawn out event.

It is also good to study false memories or memory repression, not calling these false memories just a way to better understand how over time real and unreal becomes more of a fine line. I read that this plays a part into statutes of limitations being implemented.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 09:07 PM
My whole life has been filled with weird and strange things happening all the time!

Like one time I exclaimed in High school i was 13 at the time and in the Music room "Oh, Thats the Music People get their heads cut up to!" everybody looked at me Like WTF?!? the music was *Dance Of the Sugar Plum Fairy*

I had all sorts of paranormal stuff happen to me so much so that my sense of humor is Very dark, Dry and sadistic and most people (on the Internet) sometimes view it as trolling and it's not that at all I am also a Pessimist Meaning I gear up for the Worst case scenario I see the Funny side in the most Morbid of things I can't help it!

P.S Is the Karma Automatic because Mine seems to go up and down Like a YOYO?!?
edit on 29/4/13 by fr33kSh0w2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 09:22 PM
We had a creepy experience with our middle daughter when she was about 4. She never said anything but freaked us out enough with her silence.

She was cute as a doll in her white gown, brown hair and brown eyes. Anyhow back then I would actually watch TV a little bit, hardly ever now.

The wife and I were watching something I cant' remember what it was maybe a rented movie or something. But she got out of bed and came in the living room with her blanket and stood right in front of the TV. We both asked her what she needed several times and she just stood there not answering. We got a little louder each time and she still didn't respond. Then suddenly we realized her eyes were closed. We both got louder and said whats wrong honey? Her little eyes opened up just a little bit to where you could only see the whites of her eyes and we were just a little bit creeped out. When something like that happens you have to wonder exactly who or what is controlling her body. We freaked out and she turned around and walked off with her eyes closed and went back to bed. Never said a work and never did that again.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 09:54 PM
I wish I'd said such things as a kid, or even seen paranormal visions due to my Untarnished Childhood Awareness of the Supernatural.
The only thing I can boast is articulateness due to my mom not using baby talk. Boooring.
Speaking of other kids, they just said regular old mundane silly stuff.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:10 PM
I was never one of those kids who could see this sort of thing, and I've both wanted it badly and felt blessed at its absence. But tonight I happen to be home alone with the better half at work, and on nights like these I always sort of watch my cat thinking he'll "know" something is up before I do.

And boy, do I hate it when I turn off the lights and he stares at a spot behind my head.

I agree with a post I saw earlier in the thread. Perhaps all this "gift" is, is something to do with the brain. That might also explain why people report sudden awareness after head trauma. But then, I wonder why animals are supposedly more receptive to "spirit" than we? Maybe it works the same, and some are just not able?

If it does work the same way with animals as it does with us humans, would young animals show signs of strange behavior like these children?

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:33 PM
A few years back I came home to visit. During my stay I had to take my sister to the hospital. I was sitting in the waiting area with my mom when a little girl about 4-5 walked up and stood beside me. She looked at me and said "are you Jesus?" I was in the army and was clean shaven with a skin tight flat top hair cut (no long hair or beard). I smiled and was about to tell her no when she backed up slightly and said "no, you're the other one" and ran back to her family across the room.

A prank? A weird kid? I don't know but if it was a joke she was a great actress. She really freaked my mom out LoL

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:33 PM
When we were little our sitter liked to tell us creppy stories and play"games"with us. One of these games being light as a feather swift as aboard. Yeah i know she was a peach. Well anyway it never worked for her. One day my older siblings tried it on me, just us. I was arround 6 at the time. They floated me off the floor, quickly dropped me and ran from the room. I recall being confused at their reaction and thinking wasn't this what we were trying to do all this time. Not really a comformation of a paranormal expirience or was it..?

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:57 PM
When my daughter was around 2, she used to tell me she liked the "lady up high". I asked her lots of questions trying to figure out who she was talking about. It wasn't me, or the painting of an angel above her head, or anyone on TV, or anyone else who she hung out with. I asked her about it again when she was 5 or 6, and she had no recollection of it.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I'm really not sure why people find this creepy at all, in fact, if people keep labeling events like this creepy then the events will always have a negative connotation. The media and social conditioning has polluted most people's minds into thinking things like this are bad, scary, weird, or not real.

(Realtruth smashes the creepy music sound clips that accompany all ghost chasing and paranormal shows)

Think about this.

1) You are not the name on your birth certificate

2) You are not the body you reside in currently

3) You are not your profession, career, or anything else you have experienced in this life.

4) Want proof? Go to a graveyard, funeral home, or wake. Everyone leaves their physical shells sooner or later.

So why the thinking that spirits, or things kids see, or say are weird? They just haven't been conditioned by the BS and negativity of adult thinking yet, but that does change in time for many.

Suggestion listen to kids and don't be condescending you might just learn something worthwhile.

Peace out,

edit on 29-4-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

#4 doesn't prove that anything exists beyond the body.

You have presented a concept or hypothesis. You have not proven it and it cannot be considered truth.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 12:11 AM
My parents thought it was creepy when I started talking about the UFO that I saw

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 12:45 AM
I love hearing these stories!

A close friend of mine has an adopted son.
They used to go on long walks together, just the two of them. My friend would always tell me that he could tell when his son was about to say something interesting, because he would get quiet for a while and he could tell he was thinking intently about something.

Once when he was about 4, he asked my friend... "Daddy, would you like it if we were brothers and we could play together all the time?"
My friend said that he would, very much.
His son told him... "Then when you die... wait for me. Don't come back right away."

My friend is a complete skeptic, and wasn't sure what he thought about it. His son told him other things over the course of a few years that really freaked him out. It all lasted until his son was 5 or 6.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Malcher
There is another thread on here right now that deals with adult experiences, i dont want to link to it but it was on the first page of recent posts. I found these 2 threads very similar, different enough to warrant separate threads so not saying "already been posted" just that my response is the same.

Could these events be the inability to differentiate between dreams where the subject believes they occur during awake but are actually dreams?

As someone who with intermittent sleep paralysis for 20 years it has helped me to understand how the lines between fantasy and reality can become blurred and even or especially if the duration of the event is only seconds long. The shorter the easier it seems to get confused because it is not as involved as a longer, more drawn out event.

It is also good to study false memories or memory repression, not calling these false memories just a way to better understand how over time real and unreal becomes more of a fine line. I read that this plays a part into statutes of limitations being implemented.

this struck a chord with me because I am always aware of when I am dreaming, except for one time. It is always is the same, but sometimes after I get my kids off to school, I go lay back down for an hour or so. I always set my alarm on my phone.. and inevitably I hit snooze over and over. This always changes my dream and in my dreams I am almost 100% sure that I am awake, so much so that I think I can feel and perceive my body movements no different than when I am awake. Then the alarm will go off again after my 10 minute snooze button hit and I wake up for real and the differences between the dream state and my awake state are so minute that I could hardly tell the difference. sometimes i fall right back asleep and am not even aware that I woke up all the way, I suppose I probably didn't fully awake.

This has always led me to wonder how much of our mind perceives dream states as reality. Now the things I have witnessed as being 'creepy' as some might say have rarely been when I was asleep or even near it.. usually in the middle of the day doing my normal routines and such. So while I believe that part of it can be a mis-perception of a dream state, some is just outright creepy/strange/weird/what have you.. I have come to the conclusion that I simply do not know. There is more out there to know and I just don't know it yet. LOL

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 12:59 AM
I had to make an account just to respond to this post.

Few weeks back I was driving with my 5 year old daughter and I missed my turn to I needed to turn around, the next location where I could do so was a cemetery. So I turn in and make a quick U turn, as im waiting for traffic to pass so I can merge my daughter says "daddy who is that little boy peeking over the wall?" I look around and ask her where is he at?? She points to the right, I look and see nothing so I ask again where? She then says frustrated nevermind, I looked once more before finally pulling out but I couldnt get the thought out of my head what she saw....

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