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What if Bush isn't stupid?

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posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 12:57 AM
So often here, and everywhere else, Bush is blasted as dumb. However, it seems he recieved high marks (higher than Kerry) on his intelligence test when entering the military. (and no, if you're wondering, this isnt a pro-Bush thread.) So what if he isn't stupid? Then what could be the driving force(s) behind his policies and actions?

Option #1

Big business

Bush is often accused of looking out for corporate interests, and shaping his policy around the desires of these corporations. While the ties are there, what does this profit Bush in the end? Not much, in reality. More oil? That doesn't make HIM money. And, if you look, his administration has been marked by rooting out dishonesty in corporations. Many dishonest actions that previously would have been let slide have been prosecuted. How does this help the corporate world? And if you want to throw in Cheney and his ties, specifically Haliburton, again, where does Cheney profit? To me, it's obvious why Haliburton would be given the contract. It is a known and trusted option to bring into a country that is a mess. If you're going into a country like Iraq and trying to rebuild, wouldnt you want companies you feel you can trust and rely on at your back?
Conclusion: Big business is a possibility, but not one that really makes much sense, all things considered. More of an easy thing to comprehend and latch on to, than a real explanation.

Option #2

Make daddy proud

I have heard it tossed about also that G.W. Bush went to war in Iraq to make his daddy happy. All I have to say to this is that, while his family might have been known as rather dysfunctional, no one with such a simple minded agenda could ever become president. Such a person would have too limited of a scope to their drive to succeed.

Option #3

Saudi Ties

This option has a little more possibility. I think it is pretty clear that Bush has tried to establish close ties with the Saudi's. However, how would this really shape his policy? What would the Saudi's possibly give in return for Bush shaping policy to make them happy? All they really have is money, which Bush could get many other ways, and oil. So it must be oil. But then we are back at the old oil talk again, right? Maybe not.
Why would Bush want said oil, since it isn't HIS gain, and on top of which, the US is not even profitting from the Iraqi oil? Because he thinks that those whose interests concern him will need the oil. For what, and why? Often numbers are thrown about saying that oil will run out in X amount of time, usually not that far in the future, so could he want it to have some control over the fuel that the US will need? Perhaps. What other options present themselves?

Option #3 A

Bush wants control of the Iraqi oil to protect american interests, sees and opportunity to gain it, through an easy target in Hussein, and thus we go to war and gain control of said oil. If oil is to become as scarce as projected, protecting american interests in such a way might not have been such a bad idea. Not to international liking, obviously, but still, it might have been a prudent move, IF things are expected to become dire.

Option #3 B

Bush is a bloodthirsty warlord and craves the power and energy flexibility that having access to such large oil reserves will grant him. His interests are either personal, and he's the next Hitler, or perhaps they have NWO (or pick another society) ties, and he is grabbing power to further these evil plans. All of the people of the world who hate Bush gleefully adhere to this option, if they are aware of this theory. But really, it's pretty improbably....right?

Option #4

the New World Order

This option is one where Bush is a member of secret society elite, among the secret powers that conspire to bring about a New World Order. A curious option, as rhetoric seems to have ramped up in recent years for a new world order, some of it involving Bush himself. The problem is, does such a devious entity as the NWO, or rather the organization behind it, even exist? Most of us here would likely believe that. To me, at least, it seems certain that there is....shall we say, a power behind the power, or perhaps a world on the other side of the mirror. So this Option has some life to it, as well.

So what can we conclude?
It seems that Bush had a reason for wanting us access to Iraqi oil. Or, perhaps, the power behind the power had an interest. For profit seems unlikely, as Bush is a proponent of new energy sources, which will hurt the oil industry in the long term, and also because he wouldn't reap the oil profit. So Bush has gained access to a major oil source. If an oil crisis arose, the US would likely be in a position to survive without too much damage. This would be ending #1. Bush could be a puppet for a major power behind the power, and the war in Iraq was just a move in the puppetmaster's global game of chess. This would be ending #2. And then there is ending #3.
Bush gains control of an oil source, and frees an oppressed people, while also thwarting the violation of UN policies and abuse of UN programs by the French, Russians, and Germans, who were a large part of the reason why Iraq was still a threat of any sort. The freeing of the oppressed pleases Bush's religious side, because it not only aides those in need, but takes out an Islamic warlord. That sounds pretty cheery to him, I would think. In addition, the US gains control of an oil source, and thwarts France, Russia, and Germany's corruption. As a "global cop," this would please Bush as well. And the oil, the oil, what about the oil? Given the extent of planning for restoring all oil operations, the oil is very important to Bush as well. What if it is important for valid reasons, not nefarious ones?
What would those reasons be? They would have to be a threat, and a large one. Is the threat terrorism? Perhaps there is a plot, unknown to the public for national security reasons, to cripple to US by severly damaging or destroying the ability of the US to import oil. This seems EXTREMELY likely, as, without the oil, every aspect of the US would be crippled. Transportation, industry, commerce, military, etc. There would not be a single aspect of daily life that would not be affected. Millions would die, and the US would become vulnerable. So, to counter this, the US now has a strong presence in a country that has a major oil source. Sounds like a good solution to me. Perhaps not executed as well as could be hoped, but still, a solution.
What other threats are possible? I would have to say the other major threat, and one that is getting huge attention suddenly, would be a natural threat, such as severe climate change, pole switching, etc. Obviously, most of the major "doomsday" scenarios have flaws, but it's not too far fetched that there could be a serious threat of this sort. Does anyone here honestly think the general public would be made aware of it? I certainly don't. Now some of you are probably thinking, "whoa, but Bush doesn't even care about the environment!" Maybe he doesn't. Or maybe he knows that environmental initiatives won't matter. Because maybe, just maybe, he isnt stupid.

To conclude, I would just like to say that i am not predicting disaster, or terrorist strikes, etc. I just wanted to accomplish two things. One, to throw out some possibilities to everyone as to what might be going on, beyond the usual, short-sighted "Bush is an #$%&*#$!," a war criminal, etc. Secondly to make people think about this outside of partly lines, out side of personal feelings. Be objective. Look beyond the symptoms and try to find the cause of the symptoms. Our president isn't an unintelligent man. Nor is he, I think, a rabid christian. (He only used that, I think, to draw support, and with that, votes.) He has a plan, and I can guarantee you, it's not so simple as so many make it out to be, nor is it likely based on any information we are privy to. But if we can look at REAL possibilities, and look deeper than the surface, there could be, most likely WILL be, information let slip that could point to a solution to this question. Something big COULD be on the horizon, but it's not topped the rise yet, we don't think, but it's hard to tell through the walls and the fog. So keep an eye out, and maybe we can at least get a shape of what is to come.

[edit on 4-11-2004 by saturnine_sweet]

[edit on 4-11-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:05 PM
bush is stupid.
bush may play it off like he makes decisions but his board of advisors do that for him.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:13 PM
If he's not stupid, he sure fooled me
I think that IQ bunk that was going around earlier just had Bushes IQ doubled to top Kerry's by 20 pts.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:19 PM
Bush is an incoherent boob. He is the front man for all "the powers that be" actions.
Nothing he does, (except conversations with God) comes from him. He takes orders, suggestions, from others pulling the puppets strings.
Whoever these powers are, picked him because he's perfect. No mind of his own. Wired at 1st debate, like a monkey at a zoo and given orders to say this or say that.
A psycho motivated by power and most willing to bring in the NWO. A willing participant.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:21 PM
Bush is definitely stupid. Fortunately for him, however, his political opponents are even more stupid than he is.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:29 PM
I'm just curious.... How is it that a man thats soooooo stupid goes tp Harvard and post graduate school at Yale?

People, I'll admit he's a poor speaker, but I will never call him stupid.

Finally, all presidents get advice from "their board of advisors."

Some people are blinded by their hate.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:34 PM
No, Bush is not stupid. It's America that is stupid.

No offence to Americans

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:35 PM
LOL! Are you asking this as a serious question?

They have this ol saying back where he comes from... Bush is dumber then a bag of hammers.

The Bush out in front of my house is smarter then GW

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 09:36 PM
Yes, we're stupid because we don't think like you. I'll risk a warning and call that an ignorant statement.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 11:08 PM
Did no one actually READ what I posted? I gave possibilities as to why certain key actions that have occured in the past four years may have occured, with the hope that someone here might actually stop and consider the possibilities. This isn't an "I support Bush" thread; it is a "stop hating blindly and look at the possibilities" thread. But maybe some of you just can't manage that.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 11:12 PM
I don't think that the leader of the most powerful country in the planet can be remotely stupid.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by saturnine_sweet
Did no one actually READ what I posted? I gave possibilities as to why certain key actions that have occured in the past four years may have occured, with the hope that someone here might actually stop and consider the possibilities.

Option #5: Bush wants what he thinks is best for America.

I know it's not chic to think this way, but maybe Bush wants what he thinks is best for America, and considers himself the best man for the job of President.

Since the possibility wasn't offered, I figured you weren't interested in hearing about it.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 02:36 AM
To conclude that Bush is stupid is the easy thing to do, considering that he, ah, has a rather creative way with the English language, no? I swear, sometimes my brain hurts when I hear some of the things he says!

He's a rather poor speaker when he is unprepared, but he does speak well in front of more intimate crowds and when he is discussing certain topics, such as terrorism.

I believe this is somewhat intentional on his part as well in terms of crafting his political image - to project to political opponents that he is indeed stupid so they will (mis)underestimate him, and to also appear to the electorate as just an average joe. I also think, however, that he is a slacker. Take how he has run his previous companies or the fact that he receives the majority of news from others in his administration - he does project an air that he doesn't work all that hard. But, I don't know.

Anyway, to be more on topic, I'm not sure I buy into this NWO stuff, though I find it intriguing. I have heard it argued that he could either be part of it or against it. If Bush knows that their is a shadow government and is against such a thing, then this could be one reason that he has largely defied the UN and world opinion and has followed his own agenda with Iraq. And perhaps something is occurring behind the scenes, something that would require an aggressive aquisition of oil resources in order for the survival of the U.S. And NWO or no NWO, Iraq is a strategic location for the U.S. military.

On the other hand, perhaps Bush is a part of a vast NWO conspiracy. Take the deficit - maybe Bush is acting under orders and is intentionally bankrupting the U.S. to facilitate the U.S.'s economic collapse to further a secret agenda? It could be time for another superpower to arise, or it might be time for the U.S. to be knocked onto more equal footing with the rest of the world.

Hmm, don't forget PNAC!

NWO or no NWO, though, politicians always do...stuff.
Many times they are self-serving, and sometimes they really are looking out for the people. Who knows?

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:00 AM
Majic -

Actually, about half of the options were "what bush thinks is best for america." I was just taking it into a little more depth, as in WHY does he think it best. You can't tell me Bush would have taken so many political risks without a very good reason. Thus I speculated as to why.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:19 AM
George Bush said "The French have got no word for entrepreneur" that speaks for Bush's stupidity.

He's just very lucky that so many million Americans are gullible enough to vote for him.

In his own words he works with "war on his mind".

Really clever.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by saturnine_sweet

Actually, about half of the options were "what bush thinks is best for america." I was just taking it into a little more depth, as in WHY does he think it best. You can't tell me Bush would have taken so many political risks without a very good reason. Thus I speculated as to why.

Well, he took the risks because Jesus told him to....Reguardless what he claims, Bush does what's in the best interest of Bush, not for this country.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by USER
George Bush said "The French have got no word for entrepreneur" that speaks for Bush's stupidity.

He's just very lucky that so many million Americans are gullible enough to vote for him.

In his own words he works with "war on his mind".

Really clever.

not gullible to vote for him but gullible for believing that he actually got that many votes and that he didn't cheat.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by USER
George Bush said "The French have got no word for entrepreneur" that speaks for Bush's stupidity.

He's just very lucky that so many million Americans are gullible enough to vote for him.

In his own words he works with "war on his mind".

Really clever.
Bushisms to laugh at for 4 more years!

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by LostSailor
I'm just curious.... How is it that a man thats soooooo stupid goes tp Harvard and post graduate school at Yale?

a privliged person

People, I'll admit he's a poor speaker, but I will never call him stupid.

i would

Finally, all presidents get advice from "their board of advisors."

but i bet that they didnt need the advisors to decide what cereal to eat in
the morning!

Some people are blinded by their hate

i never said i hated him, but yeah, i hate him.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 08:37 PM

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