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Are you ready to be silenced? Gun control is catalyst for something bigger.

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posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:45 AM
I think you hit it right on. I believe 'Mental Health' will be the teeth that the government uses. Definitions of mental health could vary widely, and to my way of thinking are a back door attack on gun ownership. After what defines sane, and what can interpret what is not. Beliefs might play a big part.

The second amendment states everything clear, everything else is an invasion by those bent on disabling it. I can scarcely understand how democrats can stand for and watch their liberties vanish, content all the time. Abuse of political power must cease or we will wake one day to a dictatorship with despots in charge.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:49 AM
Don't forget, it's also about divide and conquer. America has done that particular tactic before. Get the sides glaring at each other and willing to rat each other out, and you've got them in a weaker position. Easier to overwhelm.

The witch cry also calls on the fear tactic: if you dare question the gods of greed you shall be branded.

And of course they'd slowly build things up to make truth-seekers the dangerous, wild card. It was because of people finding out the truth that SOPA and other bills were overthrown by the vote. Ignorance and fear are how they're ruling right now. Truth-seekers are about dispelling ignorance and are too angry to be afraid. So rather than change their tactics to be a bit more honest, they're trying to regain their old stance.

We should all be careful: I completely agree. But we should also take heart. If truth-seekers are being targeted, it means someone at least is doing something right.

And I agree on the Alex Jones part. I remember years ago he wasn't the way he is now. Years ago I could stand to listen to him and believed what he said. These days when he says something and points out "facts", I double check his facts and nine times out of ten find out he is only telling a partial truth. I don't listen to him much anymore.

I think it's up to us to pick up the pieces from that interview and prove we're not the blustering idiots the media is making us out to be.

I believe in flying saucers, but I also don't believe they took down the towers. Neither do I think a massive sound weapon did it while miraculously not touching any of the bystanders nor nearby buildings with rippling sound waves. I do believe the people who brought those towers down - government, Goldberg, I don't care where they work - should face trial for their mass homicide rather than cashing in for what they apparently took as a day's work.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by rabzdguy

Maybe they are taking away the guns so when the ufos come..people dont mass shooting at them. Who knows. Certainly is something going on.

I don't think a civilization that can cross the galaxy either interdementionally or at the speed of light are afraid of a chunk of lead or brass flying less than 1500 feet per second that can easily be stopped by bullet proof materials. We humans have now developed materials that are as thin as clothing using graphene that can stop bullets so a group of aliens that have thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions or even billions of years of evolution ahead of us should surely be able to stop simple projectiles.

edit on 17-1-2013 by knowledgedesired because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:18 AM
I have long thought that as population increased, the government would try to find ways to "manage" the populous more and more. The last thing we want as humans, is a lack of law and order. Could you imagine what would happen if there were no laws or consequences. Take a look at just a handful of the recent disasters where there was a temporary disruption of law and order. Looking at it from this perspective, you could see why the government wants to make it easier to control the population. You have seen it since the beginning of time. It's nothing new. Population distribution is controlled by laws, taxation, targeted development and dis-development of regions. They make certain lifestyles more or less attractive by controlling costs of energy, food, land, local laws...etc. It truly is like a game of the Sims for the government. The EASIEST to sell, and most cost effective way to gain physical and mental control of the population, is through drug management, gun management, and media/propaganda management, while slowly reducing liberties. Of course, government by definition is control of people. However, here in the US at least, it's SUPPOSED to be control of the people, by the people themselves. This control has drifted further and further away from the people, and the government has distanced itself from the people and has created sheeple. Some sheeple are only now beginning to see the lines of separation due to the gateway we are going through at the moment. Many are not seeing it, due in no small part to the carefully crafted plan. The plan is designed to make the people think that they NEED the control, and that it was their own idea in the first place. It's a kind of passive aggressive plan.

Where things get blurry for me, is the fact that the government seems so incompetent in so many areas, yet they are still able to proceed with a master plan. What is real, and what isn't? I have much more to say but I have to run out now.

Let's try to keep critical thinking, and common sense alive.
edit on 17-1-2013 by zayonara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:28 AM
I agree, this is just one of many "moves" being made on our God given rights.
If we didn't have God given rights, all we would have left is government allowed privileges and restrictive laws.

Starred and Flagged.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:57 AM
"[I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a human being. Truthers, birthers, no planers, liberals, conservatives, hippies, rednecks... who the hell is any of those things? It's a stereotype, one you've been handed by people who have a vested interest in making sure no one listens to your questions.)"

Wow that is just awesome - really - I am reading this thinking crazy is defined by the society. What is crazy in one might be valued in another. For example obsessive compulsive disorder in the right environment with the right manifestations might be considered adaptive behavior. Dismiss the doubters as crazy and delisional and plant some real horse poop stories out there a-la have human half fish baby on the rags in the store next to the real meaty questions that should be asked. "Move along people" nothing to see here, and if you want to stand around after the circus leaves surely there's a screw loose. Very effective these lables.
edit on 17-1-2013 by LittleBirdSaid because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-1-2013 by LittleBirdSaid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:21 AM
I was wondering when the discussion was going to evolve to this type.....kudos OP......
At first I thought maybe they were trying to drive millions of more people to drugs ......which that might be part of the plan who knows. I do agree that the govt is going to come down hard on mentally challenged people or people taking certain medications. I have often thought about seeking therapy for stress or whatever else in the past and NOW I am damm glad I didn't. People have no idea what is about to happen on this issue. Custody rights for children will be challenged from this, jobs in jeopardy, your guns, along with many other things. There was an article recently about many of the Newtown police force needing to take long periods of time off work due to extreme PTSD. Guess what......I hate to say it but it does not matter if they are prescribed drugs or not they are about to be labeled as "unfit" not only to perform their jobs but also "unfit" to carry a weapon and possibly dangerous to others while having PTSD. That is also going to instantly apply to millions of veterans like myself even though we were never diagnosed as having PTSD we will be labeled as potential trouble. How convenient for the "agenda" isn't it??

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Ok how i see this based on the things i have learned about the civilian arm of the feds. It is massive in fact. See they use gangstalking tatics. There trying to protect them thats the goal. With trained inside understanding. You will see thru the news. There getting hit from screwing with peoples lives alot more then people relize. One tactic they use is to make people look crazy and get them branded by a psychologists. This then if it goes as we are thinking it will. Get there arms taken away. If your a target which alot of us probably are on sights like this. They can use this to make outselfs defenseless to the most horrible attack on our lives and our minds by these groups.
there tactics are very psychological. And i will tell you or warn you lol. To protect your family members and your self learn hypnosis and how to protect your mind from converstaion hypno From masters at it. Its there magic how they breack thru your familys wall and your friends.
the last battle is the one for our minds. Everyone needs to learn hypno asap. Its what there useing aginst us.
in conflicts its importain to know and use the tools they use. Gives equal footing.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:51 AM
I believe you are absolutely correct OP - They could literally label anything a "mental illness" or a "terrorist" just like they label all kinds of ridiculous stuff for being on the terror watchlist. I just read that Texas schools are teaching that the Boston Tea Party was a Terrorist Act.

I first started thinking about this when everyone was talking about the bills coming out discussing "Domestic Terrorism"

According the the DOJ and FBI, you can be a terrorist suspect for any of the following: Anyone paying with cash, Buying waterproof matches, If you're missing any fingers, Anyone purchasing firearms, Buying night-vision binoculars, People with weatherproofed ammo, People belonging to "organizations", Anyone buying MRE's. (Meals Ready To Eat), People buying night flashlights. (There are day flashlights?), Taking part in peaceful protests and demonstrations, and Having over a weeks worth of food in your house.

Now it will be guns. One by one they just add to the list and this has been going on for years. Even back in 2009 Dept. of Homeland Security said this:

Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to right-wing extremists,” it says. “DHS/I&A is concerned that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize veterans in order to boost their violent capacities

I know that we need to have people on these watchlists and to stop possible terrorists...what I don't trust is that the government will not overstep it's bounds

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Far as I can tell it already has overstepped its bounds. "Terrorist" is already effective in getting one neighbor to turn in the other. I had a job in Illinois where I had to monitor foreclosed/for sale houses - it was literally the only job I could find, being an outsider from Florida in a small, tight-knit society. So I went to these houses and I photographed the front to show the bank the place was still standing. One day a tenant called the police - also his friends - and reported me as a terrorist... right before trying to run me off the road in his truck. Guess who got in trouble for that: me. Guess who was screened, followed, watched, and had her phone tapped for months after that. All for doing my legal job.

I even got people coming to me as I inspected houses to proposition me to join their little militia groups... while walking and talking like cops. -_- That was quite the experience.

I went to Germany a while back and everyone there uses cash for everything. Credit cards are very very frowned upon. I liked that idea: it makes sense not to depend on convenience so much. So I try to use cash now. And I've been branded a terrorist already anyway, so what the hey.

The point to my little examples is that as broad as the "terrorist signs" are, anybody can be a terrorist. All you have to do is not like them. Or feel like they're getting in the way. Right now ever single man in my husband's unit are classified as terrorists. They carry weapons, they're part of an organization, they often pay cash.. and okay they're not considered veterans yet but many of them are soon to be. As thanks for serving their country.

I have a friend in intelligence and she sometimes comes to me with the attitudes of her fellow soldiers. They aren't afraid to not like you just because you're a civilian. And they are honestly convinced that anybody who has a free mind is automatically a criminal. It's a very "us against them" attitude in the ranks.

Maybe we the people should petition somehow to get that silly terrorist explanation rephrased into something realistic. Such as "if you see them scoping out that base - actually scoping it out not looking because they're a curious relative of a soldier - then they might be a terrorist".

... The Boston Tea Part... an act of terrorism? Strictly by definition, yes. As a thing taught to students??? That's basically telling them standing up for themselves is the wrong thing to do, please stand aside while we rape and pillage their village.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
so, if i hear this right...all mentally ill, deeply depressed, or paranoid people, regardless of their afliction, should be allowed to buy and own AR15's, with as many multiple bullet clips, and as many rounds as they want, and they cannot be known to any government agency, or LEO. have i got that right?

Why are people on prescription narcotics and other mind altering drugs allowed to have Drivers Licenses?

More people are killed every year by them crashing into people than firearm deaths.

Why do Politicians get away with their DUI's? Driving Drunk kills many Americans every year.

Why aren't Doctors arrested? They make mistakes and kill hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.

Why was the FDA allowed to adopt "Bayesian Statistics" and stop using Clinical Trials to prove medical devices/drugs are safe for use? "Bayesian Statistics" means they will ""look at the bad data as it comes in down the road and deal with it then"""......they've been pencil whipping the approvals on things to create jobs and money...even though it's been killing Americans.

Why don't we secure America's southern border? illegal immigrants have been killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.......they just keep crossing the border and getting away with it.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by pathwalker777
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Ok how i see this based on the things i have learned about the civilian arm of the feds. It is massive in fact. See they use gangstalking tatics. There trying to protect them thats the goal. With trained inside understanding. You will see thru the news. There getting hit from screwing with peoples lives alot more then people relize. One tactic they use is to make people look crazy and get them branded by a psychologists. This then if it goes as we are thinking it will. Get there arms taken away. If your a target which alot of us probably are on sights like this. They can use this to make outselfs defenseless to the most horrible attack on our lives and our minds by these groups.
there tactics are very psychological. And i will tell you or warn you lol. To protect your family members and your self learn hypnosis and how to protect your mind from converstaion hypno From masters at it. Its there magic how they breack thru your familys wall and your friends.
the last battle is the one for our minds. Everyone needs to learn hypno asap. Its what there useing aginst us.
in conflicts its importain to know and use the tools they use. Gives equal footing.

Hypno doesn't work on me I tried that years back for something and when I discovered it had no affect on me. We had thisthing in the pub every year at college when some hypnotist would come and do a little show and every year I was the guy who went up OK stage and proved him wrong.

Probably has alot to do with the fact that I'm add and can concentrate on multiple things at once however there is an agenda out there who label people like me as broken and in need of repair. People have actually told me they feel sorry for me for having a debilitating mental condition. Lol wtf?

Maybe that's why there is such a push to medicate people like me, because their brainwashing doesn't work. I don't feel compelled to watch TV or movies or popular music and I seldom shop for anything I don't need.

Perhaps ill be the first to be labelled mentally ill?

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by KristinLynnxo

If anything you could say govt is paranoid and therefore mentally ill. Shall we round them up? Lol no guns for them either.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:30 AM
So, too sum up....

Anyone who questions ANY part of a MSM story, is being labelled a conspiracy theorist.

Conspiracy theorists are being lumped in with those folks who are labelled 'unstable' or 'mentally ill'.

Therefor, if you do not buy EVERY story the MSM is feeding you, you are potential terrorist and will be treated as such!

Awesome. (Augment / clarify, if I am missing a step in there)
edit on 1/17/2013 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by SwineSlayer

It's clear that the MSM and Liberal Agenda seek to paint any and all Conspiracy Theorists, Gun Owners, Conservatives, and anyone else acquiring their ire as being either "mentally ill" or a Domestic Terrorist..both of which would require immediate detainment / confinement upon that supposed recognition

You do realize that half of the conspiracy loving friends that post here at ATS are "liberal" right? Why on earth are you allowing this to be yet another divisive issue, this should be uniting, yet, you fall for the left right crap, again and again.

anyways... no one is confiscating guns, get over it, complain about the things actually taking place.

As for the mentally ill... If you are going to convince me that any of the school shooters were of sound mind and body, I have a bridge to sell you. they were clearly mentually unstable. And that's where it gets murky.

Reportedly the Newtown shooter used his mothers guns. They of course tried to paint her as a gun nut end of the world pepper type person, but this begs a question....

If this woman went in to purchase a gun, how would anybody know she had a mentally unstable kid in drugs who might gain access to the weapon?

See, I'm all for regulation and restrictions, but right here, I'd have to say even the new proposed measures would have failed to do anything.

now lets take it to the logical argument, if someone at the school was armed, they might have stopped the kid. Sure, might have. Or, maybe he kills them, and instantly gains access to another weapon.

guns don't solve gun violence.

Maybe you guys are right, maybe this is a catalyst. Then again, maybe you've all lost touch with reality, assuming moderate gun control laws are the only thing stopping your government from going rouge and tyrannical.

Why is reducing magazine size from 10 to 7 rounds an issue? Why is expanding the ability to share background check data between states and agencies a bad thing? Why would allowing the ATF to enforce laws already on the books, be bad for you?

See, you all fall back to "gonna take my guns" but clearly that isn't the case, so what exactly are you worried about?

i'll tell you this much, someone willing to say on record they'll shoot at whoever comes to try to take their guns away, well, to me, they are the poster child for gun control laws.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
reply to post by KristinLynnxo

If anything you could say govt is paranoid and therefore mentally ill. Shall we round them up? Lol no guns for them either.

lol true!
I think alot of them are more advanced than mentally ill...they are Psychopaths!

Some Psychopathic Symptoms:

Frequent lying
Deceitful and manipulative behavior (either goal-oriented or for the delight of the act itself)
Lack of remorse or shame
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Incapacity for love
Loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in personal relations
A frequent need for excitement
An inflated self-worth
An ability to rationalize their behavior
A need for complete power
A need to dominate others
No emotion

Yep.... it's official

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:34 AM
I noticed things have been moving quick with this gun control stuff with bills being passed. When have you ever seen the government move quickly. When anything really important has to be done like helping with storm sandy aftermath or katrina these buggers go on holiday. It is like those airport scanners they already had those things made it was like a month or so after the underwear bomber they came out.
This is just a theory so I could be way off base here but is the NRA playing a role as the bad guy? Weapons manufacturers make boat loads of money. The NRA represents these manufacturers. The price of guns have gone up after sandy hook ,is the price going to stay up?Who is making money is the first thing I ask myself so who is making money in this case.?Are they trying to create this black market demand for these guns and therefore make people criminals so they go to prison. Making money on both ends. The cigarette companies created the black market for their product when it was taxed so much. They can't demonize pharaceuticals but they are making people crazy so they wont be able to have guns. Just one big circular money scheme and TPTB so many steps ahead that all we can do is react.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

That's the point, the new gun control laws themselves are really a big deal. Yet the govt has done it in such a fashion that has really upset and irritated a large percentage of the populace.

There are some things I agree with.

1. Gun control to some extent isn't a bad thing.

2. Preventing severely mentally ill people from harming others is important.

That being said, the issue is not gun control measures but merely how they are portraying the gun toting crowd and also how they are slowly painting even the slightest discontent in society as a mental illness and then liking mental illness to terrorism and potential mass murder.

And then they go light a fire under everyone's ass to prove a point (for example the pissed off gun clubs and anyone who thinks that things are getting out of hand).

the general populace, the ones who sip the koolaid will start to view anyone who isn't with them as a potential problem that needs to be removed from society. They will demand it so they can remain safe.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Ok I had to create an account to clear this up for everybody. I haven't read the whole thread, but the OP mentioned Alex Jones.

Alex Jones has a CIA handler named Norvell or Norbell, I forget.
That is a fact, confirmed by Stew Webb (look him up if you don't know who he is)
So don't trust him, he's a fear mongering, disinformation spreading, puppet.

The government owns both sides, most of the time.
edit on 17-1-2013 by artifact because: extra info

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by spearcarrier

Sorry to tell you this but illinois is one of the states that are a hot bed for this organisation. there are a few others. Thats basicly one of the generation states. They have been building this for manny years. You where followed by this group and your phone was taped because you where a outsider and not part of there group. They do this to alloutsiders quick. Among other things. But from your postings i gather you know all about this now :
BTW you where already targeted before there theater strated. They do the crazy theater to see how you react. See if your passive to law enforcment ect. When this start to upset there info gathering of your state of mind ect play passive. Rember they play off of you and because of that you have so much power. U just have to see how to use it. Rember they only learn what you show them. And sure as #### when it starts your homes phones cars are bugged.
edit on 17-1-2013 by pathwalker777 because: (no reason given)

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