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Roswell Officer Speaks from the Grave: Taped Confession of ET Recovery Revealed

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posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:41 PM

A Lieutenant Colonel and Press Officer at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) in 1947 left a testament to the reality of fallen ET in a rare audio recording that was meant to be heard after his death. A portion of it is revealed here publicly for the first time.

Hey, a new can of worms being opened! Get yours before its gone! (or debunked) I just found this whilst looking for some UFO stuff. It came out a couple of days ago, and you can follow the link for "words from the grave" on
Real alien bodies confessions from a high ranking officer (Lt. Col) who was there! oh boy! Anyway ..I hope they get to the bottom of this, they say their going to keep us updated ! link
edit on 8-12-2012 by RUFFREADY because: spelin of cores

edit on 8-12-2012 by RUFFREADY because: crap!!

edit on 12/8/2012 by tothetenthpower because: --Mod Edit--All Caps -- Don't use them

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:51 PM

“To the best of my remembrance there was one body.”

“It was a relatively small body, comparable to, oh, maybe to an 11 year old or a 10 year old child.”

“It was pretty well beat up.”

Even if it is authentic in the first place, theres no mention of aliens in that recording.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 04:59 PM
Why is there just a "snippet" of the recording?

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Well, I noticed that also. But remember he was very strong in "keeping the secret" reluctant they say to ...give great detail.

The main point though really. is..A portion of it is revealed here publicly for the first time.

there's more coming..

edit on 8-12-2012 by RUFFREADY because: damn kitty its my pot pie!!

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Well if it was recording to be played after he died then he should have anything to worry about.

Makes me wonder if someone will be charging for the rest of the 'tape'. Its something we see from time to time , usually end up being a hoax.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:13 PM
Audio snippet

I'll take a wait and see stance for now.
I do believe something went on at Roswell and a subsequent cover up.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:22 PM

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:24 PM
"to the best of my recollection"

I call BS

when you see alien bodies, you never forget


and how suspicious that everything he says validates the mythos


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Audio snippet

I'll take a wait and see stance for now.
I do believe something went on at Roswell and a subsequent cover up.

Count me in with the same feelings...


posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Who's profiting from this?

Who's getting money from this news?

It's interesting news, sure, but, what ever happened to all these souvenir I-beams, ceramics, foils, and other crash material it seems every claimed witness on the planet seems to have carted off in their pockets? You'd think just one person out of all the dozens or more people that would have had contact with such a supposed amazing thing would have kept a secret stash along with a separate sacrificial stash to give up just in case it came down to hard duress.

The other thing; okay, so what? Even if the story this fellow tells is 100% factual honest truth, what does it mean? It's just another 'story', even if it seems to corroborate with other stories coming out of people that can be verified as on-site. Besides that, these people have had how many decades to get into collusion with each other about what 'facts' happened?

What does this story change?

The only thing this story seems to bring to the table is yet another wide eyed yarn to gosh at for willing believers to take home feeling validated.

Stories are nice. Stories are entertaining. More so if they're both 'true' and fantastic.
We all love stories.

In the end, however, does this DO anything?

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 06:18 PM
If there ever was a real alien crash/body.....the Democrats in America would have publicly releases said info to jumpstart the US economy...and get their 1 world government.

The planet and human race would have to come together to protect this spinning blue ball and get us ready to get off the planet and do some space travel of our own.

The only people who would want to keep it a secret would be Religious figure heads and bible thumpers. Releasing the info would end THEIR beliefs and current way of life. ....Then again this IS supposed to be the very last Pope.....

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Why is there just a "snippet" of the recording?

I have heard this recording before, Going to see if I can find it again... back later

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:19 PM
I believe Walter Haut......Jesse Marcel Jr., and a few of the other real participants........
The Roswell crash (or perhaps even earlier (1890 Aurora tex) and a few other select crashes ive heard testmony about
are real....At least till the mid fifties or so........and a couple of later ones...
Certainly some advanced tech of ourscould be involved ,but not every instance.......
These guys are the last of the honest men....The following generation does NOT have the moral character of these men...nor will they ever likely attain such....
These men are real oathkeepers.....who knew their duty , and knew mankind needs this info too.....
the compromise each reached with their conscience to give us the truth was not easily reached im sure.....
These were also patriotic people......vetrans of combat in WW2.......
You can take what they say to the bank in my book.........
We can thank our lucky stars such men lived at the time when this happened......

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Shdak

Originally posted by boncho
Why is there just a "snippet" of the recording?

I have heard this recording before, Going to see if I can find it again... back later

I think your right, im sure i have heard that recording somewhere before.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

This might be worthy of the Hoax Bin, as it seems it's possible this is audio from a video interview in 2000 and taken completely out of context:

That said, probably the most significant matter of fact in reference to what Tony has "labeled" a taped confession (aside from that being an erroneous description) is that the interview that Dennis & Wendy conducted with Walter was "VIDEO taped" (in November 15, 2000) and performed under the auspice of “Oral History” about “Walter’s life” (not just Roswell).

I was one of the researchers to get a full, unedited copy of the interview after Walter's passing and it was not at all what I anticipated, nor is it anything akin to what Tony describes herein–quite the opposite in fact.

To state the obvious, the merits of a "video" interview far surpass that of just audio alone, and for anyone to properly interpret it, or offer an informed opinion they need to watch it in its entirety; for research purposes—absorbing it several times while taking notes is prudent (as I did ).

To be clear and to put things in their proper context, Walter Haut for over 50 years (although endorsing the ETH for the Roswell Incident and repeatedly describing his part in the events, i.e., being the base PIO and writing the now famous press release and disseminating it to the civilian news organizations in Roswell) denied ever seeing bodies, wreckage etc., or being more involved then he was in his capacity as base PIO. In 1993 “he” wrote and signed an affidavit affirming said facts.

In the “2000 video interview” rather then being a confession or smoking gun as suggested here, for me in the most positive light it confused the issues and in the worst case scenario it affirmed what Walter had said all along as “HE SAID 4 TIMES THAT HE IDN”T SEE ANYTHING in the very same session!”

Moreover, during the interview in response to direct questions, he couldn’t remember where he did his basic training; he couldn’t remember where he was stationed after the war; he couldn’t remember certain words; he often repeated himself, as well as contradicted himself—one time within a few sentences and didn’t seem to be cognizant of it. I later had my wife watch the interview with me (without any advanced input from me); at the end, we both felt that we might be watching the early onset of either Alzheimer's and or some form of dementia.

In 2003 Walter appeared on the Larry King Show; again, he appeared very confused and in this instance could not finish the segment. Prior to unexpectedly exiting the interview, King asked:

"Did you, Walter, ever see any of the wreckage?"

Walter replied, "No."

From the comments section of this site:

Original below:
edit on 8-12-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD

Originally posted by Shdak

Originally posted by boncho
Why is there just a "snippet" of the recording?

I have heard this recording before, Going to see if I can find it again... back later

I think your right, im sure i have heard that recording somewhere before.

I believe it's from a video recording around the year 2000. That would be a worthwhile start in a search for it.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:26 PM
Another post about this blog:

I don’t mean to be rude; however, none of what is presented in the article is new; this was beat to death 5 years ago, and quite frankly as evidence is worthless:

• By text book definition, Walter had dementia of some sort, whether from old-age or otherwise.

• We have two (or more) conflicting affidavits, one Walter wrote himself and one Schmitt wrote.

• We have a “video-taped interviewed” where Walter seemed confused, very forgetful and contradictory; again he repeatedly said (4 times he didn’t see anything).

At the end of the day, for one to assess the Haut debacle properly, studying the video in its entirety (along with everything else) is essential; however, barring that pay heed to the a fore mentioned facts weigh it accordingly.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Great find and thank you for posting. I see the 'snippet' from the recording as a part of a very controlled media exercise. I have no doubt something happened at Roswell - too many accounts from people who worked in connection to hangar 51 and particularly near the end of their life.

This particular gentleman is now deceased and cannot be spoken to with regard to his recording - how convenient! It has been predicted by people who have been close to the inner circle of the cabal/illuminati/whatever that the cabal/illuminati/whatever will deny all Intergalactic Craft & Visitors - just as they have done for many years.

What is going to happen is that there will be a turnaround and the cabal/illuminati/whatever will suddenly announce that they do exist and that they are a threat to humanity. This recording is part of the drip feed to the masses via the media - nothing more nothing less.

This is the psychological operation to pull everyone into the same mind/thought control paradigm. Essentially there are plenty of people who have had their own personal Contact & Experience and describe what occurred as pleasant and peaceful.

Make up your own mind but I learned a few years ago to examine the evidence and then remove the word and all thoughts of coincidence and examine the evidence again.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 08:12 PM
Many members are familiar with the affidavits from Walter Haut, one from 1993 saying what he suspected and one from 2002 not to be made public until after this death in which he told of what he saw and knew and was under orders not to reveal as long as he lived. That's tantamount to a deathbed statement, for each of us to believe, disbelieve, ignore.

Haut Affidavits

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by xpoq47

Thanks for posting the Haut Affidavits, I will have to read that in the morning. It's very late here, this site always keeps me up at night.

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