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Bad News for Central Valley California

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posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:44 PM
California is f'ed. It is not coming back until the local governments purge themselves of the unions a la Wisconsin, and we stop voting for Jerry Brown's tax initatives.

I'm the last of my family to be living in this state. Everyone else is dead or moved.

I'm outta here next fall.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by GreenGlassDoor

Not cool

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by 1BornPatriot

This is why my family and I got out of California. I could see it coming back in 2006, and it's going to get worse than this. Gangs of homeless with guns, knives, or what have you, attacking people for money, food, and whatever else they can get. I had a friend who was attacked by a homeless man last summer who was carrying a knife. Took her purse and her car. We got out and got into the country, where I can at least start measures to defend myself and family if need be.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
Welcome to Obama World,or was it Bush?

I have seen a similar increase in my city in the midwest.

Be kind,buy them a meal.

Lets just call it the new America brought to us by our Gov't.

"Forget the politicians. The politicians were put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice you have owners. They own you."

"It's a Big Club and you ain't in it. You and I are not in the Big Club."

edit on 18-11-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by Starchildren

check into Agenda 21 - it appears to be a land grab of the rural areas of America "supposidely" to turn them into wild lands - they are moving the jobs to the cities and shutting down small towns - I have been trying to look for modern ghost towns - as evidence of the on slaught - in Florida it got so bad - had to move back to CA. and it hasn;t been much better - I might add. but my wife is working and thats better than not, I am still having difficulty finding work. hopefully, that is about to change for the better.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:34 PM
I lived in a small city a few years back, (not going to say where), and the homeless were starting to flock there to escape the bigger cities south of it. They would come and pitch tents on the sidewalk to sleep, and in the parks. Even on the lawn of city hall. For a city that had never seen a homeless problem before, they started off with taking the nice approach, and let them sleep where they wanted, and hang out on the streets as long as they didn't cause problems and break the laws. The locals, the cops, business owners, all kind of took these people under their wing and helped them out. A large soup kitchen was opened and the salvation army extended it's bed count to help during winter time. The churches got involved as well, and the local job agencies stepped in and offered free classes to them for computers and tried to network jobs. The motels would offer them a deal on a very reduced cost stay so they could shower, clean up, and job hunt. Everyone in the community literally tried to work together to help people, but then it backfired.

Many of the homeless (who were not mentally ill) who came up there to just live on the street and fly a sign, didn't want real help to get off the street. They came to the soup kitchen and utilized the salvation army and a few other programs, but all in all, they never put forth effort to change anything. When the mayor's wife stepped in and offered temporary housing situations for them, and single handedly offered rides to job interviews, the majority of these people flat out refused and chose to live on the street and sleep in the park.

The situation then took a turn for the worse. Despite all of the help offered, most of the homeless living /sleeping in front of businesses at night in the downtown area started to harass people and threaten them if they didn't give them something. We had men, posing as war vets camped out in front of walmart, flying a sign that they were a hungry and starving vet, then would actually pack up at the end of the day and go back to their nice RV or apartment.

Soon, the homeless staying downtown started to become angrier, despite what was offered to them and some became violent and some women were raped, a man was stabbed, and a business owner killed because she would not hand over her sandwich, when the soup kitchen was open on the corner. Most of them started to defecate on the sidewalks and in front of the doors to businesses. In broad daylight, they would urinate in front of people.

So, the crack down came. They couldn't camp anywhere at all on any sidewalk or on the lawn of the city hall. They were no longer allowed to even loiter on the sidewalk during the daytime, they had to be coming or going.
Then the homeless took their business to a nearby woods and set up shop, and started trouble there too.

Something needs to be done, and it needs to change... but what do you do when a community reached out and tried to help and that help was refused?

And as I said while ago that is why I got the hell out of California and got far away from the cities, because I think it's going to get far worse than what it is now.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by 1BornPatriot
reply to post by Starchildren

check into Agenda 21 - it appears to be a land grab of the rural areas of America "supposidely" to turn them into wild lands - they are moving the jobs to the cities and shutting down small towns - I have been trying to look for modern ghost towns - as evidence of the on slaught - in Florida it got so bad - had to move back to CA. and it hasn;t been much better - I might add. but my wife is working and thats better than not, I am still having difficulty finding work. hopefully, that is about to change for the better.

Thank you. I'll check into it. I have never heard of this before. I hope things do get better for you.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by 1BornPatriot

I can certainly understand being concerned about growing numbers of homeless people, but I don't see them forming a flash mob. That's typically "urban youths" (nice term to avoid uncomfortable facts, IMO) who have no respect for the property of others, and think that, if they want it, they have a right to take it.

That said, the homeless issue is one that should concern people, with the economy going down the tubes as it's been doing for the past four years. Yes, four years. I know what hardships MY family has faced as a direct result of the policies of the current administration. We haven't even been anything close to well off, but we have never before struggled as we do now. For most people I know, homelessness isn't something that could never happen to them, but something very close to their minds as they try and get by.

California, though, is at more risk, I think. From my understanding (and please correct any misconceptions), the state has been hovering around bankruptcy for some time now, and the illegal alien problems are a huge factor in this. So you not only have a growing homeless population, but you also have more illegals using public resources, crowded cities, gang issues, and an economy that makes even ordinary people desperate. Bad times for the state. I don't see any solutions, either, that won't have a lot of people up in arms, for one reason or another.

Any thoughts on solutions? These issues could hit anywhere.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:42 PM
To the Op... This is 2012, in case you didn't notice.

Many middle-class fell into poverty level. Many of them, because of the stress of being in poverty---- i.e. No $$$$ lost their spouses and families... Poverty will make you crazy.. literally.... Many turned out into the street.

This is thread-worthy? These days, it's normality in the good o'l USA.

The solution... move into a different country...where the same stuff happens all over the world.. Welcome to the rest of the world, by the way. It now doesn't matter where you live, in that respect.

We live in a Carribean country... and not in a touristy place. Today... probably four people asked me for money. I gave a 4 yr old girl and her brother a piece of bread. But if we gave to everyone who asked us...we would not have what we need to live. It's all in a day's living here.
edit on 18/11/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
The homeless here have been hanging around, looking for food at my back door. I have gone through a bushel of potatoes and ten lbs of carrots feeding those deer in the last three weeks.....I never even get a thank you.

You know, you have a valid point there. I don't have any problem trying to help someone (as we are able) that is really in need. There are people that DO want to work, do want something better, and simply can't find what they need. There are some, though, that are simply not trying. I KNOW this is a fact, because I have a relative that fits into that category. This is a person that's stayed with my family before, and with other family members, and some friends. In each case, people were trying to help. A place to stay, meals, to allow time to get a job, save up, and get on his feet. All for NOTHING. Constant complaints about everything, even the meals provided, stealing, irate behavior towards all in each household, and totally degenerate behavior all made his presence intolerable. Yes, stealing. At this point, this person CHOSE to move from where he was, living in a camper belonging to a (now former) friend, stating that the town was too small for decent opportunities, to a homeless shelter in a bigger city. So, he's there now, and telling people he was "kicked out", treated badly (same stuff he claimed we did...), etc. He plays the victim, citing any excuse at all for why he can't get a job, with tons of places in easy walking distance. His hair is too long (barely over a buzz), the people in this or that place are idiots, etc, the pay would not be enough to move immediately, and on and on and on. Listening to the stories, you would think the place was something out of a horror movie. So, yes, there are some who are homeless because of their own attitudes. Some that we cannot help.

All that aside, though, there are a lot that really are in need, and could use help. We can't neglect them because of the deadbeats.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by hollwd
reply to post by 1BornPatriot

Your 1st problem is that you WERE IN STOCKTON, CA... DID you know that is the most dangerous city in America I think... I use to live there in an OK area in 1972. Right after we left, the entire apt. complex was rented out to the Vietnamese. After the War in Vietnam.. that is where they sent to Boat People. My X in-laws still live there..

DO not stop... keep driving...

That's interesting that you bring up the Vietnamese. When I was looking at what groups voted for Obama in 2012, I was shocked that 73% of Asians voted for Obama.

Most of the Asian population in the US, are young (probably one of the reasons they voted Obama -- his campaign targeted the young).

This is the breakout according to the 2010 census:

No. 1 are the Chinese at 4 million.

No.2 are the Filipinos at 3.4 million.

Someone here (in the Philippines?) had posted on another thread that he was surprised how many Filipinos supported Obama, and that they were sending money to Obama's campaign. About 43% of all Filipinos in the US reside in California.

No.3 are people from India at 3.2 miillion.

No. 4 are the Vietnamese at 1.73 million.

This a ethnic group screwed up by about 30 years of war. It really did damage to their national psyche.

No. 5 are the Koreans at 1.7 million.

No. 6 are the Japanese at 1.3 million.

Of course this is nothing compared to the 50 million Latinos in the US (not including the illegals).
The Latinos put Obama over the top.

That and I read some 3 million less registered Republicans voted in 2012 than in 2008.
If that's true, all I can say is %#$@%.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Did you read my post carefully? The homeless hanging around at my back door here are the deer.

edit on 18-11-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Yes, but it brought to mind the way some homeless people act. At least the deer have the good reason of no speech. It's a sad fact, though, that many in that situation place themselves there, and want everything handed to them. Same types as those that linger in parking lots, claiming to need gas money, or hotel money, or money for whatever. One woman in Tampa tried the same fake story three times with my oldest and I. That's the sort that makes some people assume they are all that way.

Having deer that close would be pretty cool, though! I have always been a big softie for animals.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
reply to post by rickymouse

Yes, but it brought to mind the way some homeless people act. At least the deer have the good reason of no speech. It's a sad fact, though, that many in that situation place themselves there, and want everything handed to them. Same types as those that linger in parking lots, claiming to need gas money, or hotel money, or money for whatever. One woman in Tampa tried the same fake story three times with my oldest and I. That's the sort that makes some people assume they are all that way.

Having deer that close would be pretty cool, though! I have always been a big softie for animals.

I used to worry about if panhandlers were lying or not. Now I don't unless there is some obvious reason I just give a little now and then if I can and don't worry about it. If they are lying its on them I give in the spirit of helping out period.

I have noticed more people on corners that are obviously not regular panhandlers not dressed like them but look like every day people and kind of nervous out there. Probably not homeless but unemployed for a while and getting more desperate. Some have signs asking for work even. Are some scamming probably but i have been out of a regular job for nearly 3 years so I don't care some of them may really need it.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:39 PM
the west is dying ..or perhaps being purposely destroyed .

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
It's not just California, I have seen a huge growth in the number of people homeless in my area....or so poor they might as well be.

I'm not saying this to be a fear monger, but things are getting bad out there!

People can blame politics or whatever, but the best thing to do is to give them a few bucks or feed them. They are our brothers and sisters and we could only dream for generosity if we were in that predicament.

Good luck to you all. We are not far off from begging and stealing ourselves.

edit on 17-11-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

Here's the problem I have with all of this. Where are their families in all of this? I've had an uncle and a cousin so far lose their house and jobs. They are staying with our grandparents and have been earning their keep working on the house, spitting firewood, and doing odd jobs around the town. The only answers I can think of are that the homeless either have no extended family, or they do have family and they've screwed up so much that their family no longer has anything to do with them. Blood is thicker than water. If their own families aren't taking them in and helping them out, then I'm certainly not inclined to help them.

If people are determined to make something of their lives, they'll do anything they can to make it happen. I have an aunt who use to be an executive, but got laid off. Now she does three blue collar jobs to make ends meet. That's determination. That's being unwilling to fail. Every time I do see the homeless, I think that they could work if they didn't think they were above the job they'd be doing and actually worked to make some money. I have examples of successes in my own family from that. The ones who are still struggling are being taken care of by all of us, and we're doing everything we can to get them jobs and back on their feet.

I'm sure that most of you will think I'm evil for saying this, but perhaps it's not a bad thing for the species if they weren't around anymore. Every other animal on the planet has to follow the rules. The weak are left behind and eaten by wolves. There's a sign at pretty much every trailhead I've ever been to. It reads, "Please do not feed the animals. They will become dependent on you feeding them and will not be able to fend for themselves." The same applies to our species.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
reply to post by rickymouse

Yes, but it brought to mind the way some homeless people act. At least the deer have the good reason of no speech. It's a sad fact, though, that many in that situation place themselves there, and want everything handed to them. Same types as those that linger in parking lots, claiming to need gas money, or hotel money, or money for whatever. One woman in Tampa tried the same fake story three times with my oldest and I. That's the sort that makes some people assume they are all that way.

Having deer that close would be pretty cool, though! I have always been a big softie for animals.

I used to worry about if panhandlers were lying or not. Now I don't unless there is some obvious reason I just give a little now and then if I can and don't worry about it. If they are lying its on them I give in the spirit of helping out period.

I have noticed more people on corners that are obviously not regular panhandlers not dressed like them but look like every day people and kind of nervous out there. Probably not homeless but unemployed for a while and getting more desperate. Some have signs asking for work even. Are some scamming probably but i have been out of a regular job for nearly 3 years so I don't care some of them may really need it.

Mostly, I decide on each person. Simple discernment will usually spot a fake. I know there are a couple of guys here (not a big place, so not a huge issue) that are really in need, and we give when able. Some, yes, might simply be out of work for too long, and desperate. I KNOW people that have been out of work for years. The ones that don't get anything from me are those hanging out in parking lots, with some sad story or another. Example, a woman in a store lot, near a car MUCH nicer than mine, hitting people up for money on a regular basis. Nice clothing (different outfits all the time), nice car, etc, but she's in need? This woman told more than one nonsense story to me and my oldest, more than one night. She didn't get anything. The scruffy-looking guy, that most would have thought was a mugger, who asked for a buck or two because he was out of gas? He got a little. He looked honest. It's really not that hard to spot the professional panhandlers, and tell them from those with a real problem. Way more with real issues than fakes, though. Way more with little to give, actually giving, from what I see, than people with a lot to offer. I guess some don't realize how bad it can be, if they have never been there.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by bpg131313

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
It's not just California, I have seen a huge growth in the number of people homeless in my area....or so poor they might as well be.

I'm not saying this to be a fear monger, but things are getting bad out there!

People can blame politics or whatever, but the best thing to do is to give them a few bucks or feed them. They are our brothers and sisters and we could only dream for generosity if we were in that predicament.

Good luck to you all. We are not far off from begging and stealing ourselves.

edit on 17-11-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

Here's the problem I have with all of this. Where are their families in all of this? I've had an uncle and a cousin so far lose their house and jobs. They are staying with our grandparents and have been earning their keep working on the house, spitting firewood, and doing odd jobs around the town. The only answers I can think of are that the homeless either have no extended family, or they do have family and they've screwed up so much that their family no longer has anything to do with them. Blood is thicker than water. If their own families aren't taking them in and helping them out, then I'm certainly not inclined to help them.
I'm sure that most of you will think I'm evil for saying this, but perhaps it's not a bad thing for the species if they weren't around anymore. Every other animal on the planet has to follow the rules. The weak are left behind and eaten by wolves. There's a sign at pretty much every trailhead I've ever been to. It reads, "Please do not feed the animals. They will become dependent on you feeding them and will not be able to fend for themselves." The same applies to our species.

Could not agree with you more! I have a relative like that. Already mentioned them. He's basically made himself unwelcome. Two months in our home, and he stole money from us, even from my 10-yr-old son, complained if he was asked to do anything to help around the house, was far less than serious about getting a job, treated us like we owed him something, complained every time the kids did ANYTHING, even if they were being really good, and so on. He's stolen from other family as well, and other friends (now, I assume, former friends), to the point that almost no one is willing to help. Basically because you can't help. Someone that thinks they are too good to work, that the world owes them a living (and I wish I was exaggerating), that talks trash about everyone that tries to help them, that won't follow simple rules of hygiene, and that behaves like a total degenerate, you can't help. In that case, he's going to have to realize that he, and only he, put himself where he is, and decide to change his attitude and behavior. His deal coming to us was simple. Either he got a job, and saved for a car and a place, covering his expenses, or he worked at our house, doing some needed repairs, helping clean, etc, to earn his keep. He didn't think he should do either one. Not only could we not afford to support him, we didn't think it was right to subject the kids to daily harassment, or make them do without. If he'd been like the family you describe, he could have stayed. In the end, he chose to leave, when told he was going to pay back what he stole, and for things he deliberately destroyed.

No, you aren't evil for saying what you did. In his case, if he can't survive, well, that's HIS option. He had every chance, and more help than he should have had. I am sure some extended family would call me mean or something, but they would learn, if they tried helping him. Yeah, he's family, and I love him, but I cannot, and will not, help him ever again. All I will do is pray that he wises up, that God gives him a swift kick to the seat of his pants, and he realizes he, and only he, can make his life better. He's in a place now with programs for people that want to have a better life. All they have to do is set goals, agree to stop any substance abuse (and yes, he's also an alcoholic and has used drugs), and try to find work. Instead, he makes excuses.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:09 AM
A homeless man tried to mug a friend and I at a gas station one night when I refused to give him my change. He had attempted to enter the place I was working for while I was closing up and we had words that almost came to blows a week prior . After that an unavoidable altercation occurred where the man pulled out a screwdriver and stabbed my friend in the back and then ran away. My friend was OK nothing vital was hit, but afterwards the police told us that this particular guy was known for spitting in women's faces and telling them he had aids if they refused to give him money. They said they wished we had beaten the guy to death.

Homeless is probably not a good description of these people. There are those who are homeless due to mental illness, no support network (family friends etc) , and economic hardship. Then you have people who are for the most part degenerates or criminals. Not all mind you but you have criminals and addicts that have made being homeless a lifestyle that allows them to do nothing.

I try not to judge because I am thankful for what I have and have been through hard times myself. We should help people when we can but at the same time unless there is some way to rehabilitate these people they are naturally going to migrate as packs and prey on the weak or innocent.

Another reason to arm yourself while you can. Remember the Police are not going to show up until after something has already happened. When people run out of options and are destitute they may turn to any means to save themselves even at the expense of you and yours.

BTW another sign of the times in that incident. When the guy initially tried to stick me up with a screwdriver people in the parking lot just sat there and watched. There was a group of young guys probably 10 ft from the man and I and no one did anything. The employees in the store were the ones who called the cops after the man and I began to tussle and my friend ran over and jumped in.

edit on 19-11-2012 by NihilistSanta because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-11-2012 by NihilistSanta because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by allenidaho

Parasites eh? You're a real winner aren't you. You should be ashamed, they're human just like the rest of us. People like u make me sick. I can only hope u wind up in their shoes some day, just so u can get a taste. Keep that attitude up and you'll be doing back srokes in the lake of fire some day. Here's an idea, why don't you go do some volunteer work at a soup kitchen, or shelter to humble yourself, it might give u some character to your pathetic lifestyle.

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