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Understanding Reptilians, The Meaning, The Misinterpretation, and Us! PLEASE READ ALL!!

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posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 02:02 AM
I think this OP is just about the best I have read here on ATS.

This guy has got it nailed especially about the US over seas policy and the military industrial complex.

Listen to this guy.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
The same way that I would think that people would actually read a thread before replying to a thread... hmmm it seems to be effecting everyone tonight.

I know exactly who to blame for this... I hope they read it!

Peace, NRE.
edit on 11-11-2012 by NoRegretsEver because: (no reason given)

If you're responding to my post, I was stating I wonder what happened to the threads that posit people were inter-dimensional reptiles because of some video effects. I wasn't saying this was one of those threads

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 04:52 AM
What an excellent thread, well done sir. I've only recently listened to Icke and find his theories quite fascinating. Not yet a convert but this thread goes a long way to explaining many things.
Thanks for taking the time to post it
Peace S&F

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 05:54 AM
very interesting thread indeed...i was not aware of my reptilian part of thebrain until now thanks to you man..

for all those who only followed up till the pictures well did wrong

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 05:55 AM
I didn´t intend to blow your thread, just when you did took shapeshifting as one of your striking information with badly photoshopped images those images alone makes your case fragile.
Someone mentioned even if people are mentally ill doesn´t mean they don´t have "bad" force reptilian? causing facial change and behaviour issues... Lets think about this a bit more....

If child has been sexually abused all her life like in Aileen Wuornos case, so she has reptilian in her when she gets to her killing spree and murders men? Well she didn´t kill women only men, she was abused by men when she was a child, she was mentally ill, so was it reptilian part in her what caused the illness or the fact she had very sad childhood?

Facial changes, why don´t you all go to front of mirror and try some expressions.

Humans are capable of making 10,000 unique facial expressions! That’s an amazing number of combinations considering we have just 43 muscles in our face. The good news is you don’t have to recognize all 10,000 to be a good—or even a great—liespotter. The facial expressions worth knowing about can be grouped into seven basic emotions: fear, happiness, sadness, anger, contempt, disgust and surprise).

Everyone of us has most likely been caught by camera when our expression might not been so good, why should we exclude George Bush, he also have 43 face muscles and variety of expressions.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 07:01 AM
I am truly sorry, and I really tried to read the whole thread from top to bottom before judging, but I just could not get past this part:

The same way that we are taught about the boogeyman, the devil, demons, etc,. is the same way that the one thing that actually has changed the minds of current humans is the story of Adam and Eve, and that witty snake.

What if I told you that all of this is very, very REAL, and closer to home then you think?

Please tell me that by very real, you are speaking metaphorically. If that is the case I will make sure to read the rest before I comment further. Thanks

Oh, and this poster explained my other problem quite well, though I wouldn't say photoshopped, more just image errors:

Posted by dollukka

when you did took shapeshifting as one of your striking information with badly photoshopped images those images alone makes your case fragile.

edit on 11-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 07:28 AM
Sorry for the double post, but I just went ahead and read the rest anyways.

Now I must say that I agree with most of what you said. I have read much on the reptilian part of our brain myself.

My main question is:

Why did you not say this right off the bat?: "I am NOT saying that reptilain shapeshifters are REAL!! I am saying that this is a distraction from that it really means, If you see what the reptilian part of our brains actually does (as shown above), and how it is being controlled (as shown below) if we showed reptilian figures as the pictures above, and just left out the photoshop, and the word "shapeshifters" this would make much more sense."

Also, can some people have a stronger/weaker reptilian aspect to our brain? Or is it all about control of it? I almost feel that the reptilian aspect of my brain is weaker/less pronounced. I have noticed that I display the emotion/thoughts that are associated with the mammalian and human parts more than others I personally know. That and I just feel generally, more "warm blooded".

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 07:31 AM

edit on 11/11/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 07:48 AM
Very interesting op!
I am definitely not one for ickes theories on the British royal family and NWO and all that. But I have thought in the past about how basic human survival instincts affect the super rich and the kind of things they desire.
I've never really looked into how the brain works before and that idea of us still having our basic "reptilian" brain left at the center, now encased in millions of years of evolution, but it still controls our basic animal instincts.
I've often thought about how these affect our personalities.
And how, when you think about it, selfishness is at the heart of every decision we make. No matter how much we think its for the good of others.

Catch my drift?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Have not had time to go over all the links but I appreciate the time invested here and plan to return. I remember reading a story about "Cheney speaks to the Reptilian Brain" and saving the article though I no longer have it handy - it can be googled up (and as always I will locate it if you'd like)

And there is always that dragon Conspiracy that follows the Royal Family.

Royalty, like REDBULL - HAS WINGS.

Thinking that Kings and Queens are descended from these Reptilian Dynasties (and the humans mixed) even though there is a concerted effort to keep the bloodlines pure. Now, given the potential for disease, and the difficulty and plain unnaturalness of mating within your own familial gene pool only - what could be the cause of such practice except for a GENUINE belief in superiority?

Could this be by virtue of some dark and murky, even sinister past?

An entitlement?

I have an affinity for animals. For some reason unbeknownst to me I think of many on this planet do not see themselves as a part of the natural world and the earth. Maybe they are not as much so as I am? Biblical stories tell of a golden age, and even archeological history and writings....and then this fall.

I think we were an interrupted species.

I think some of us are closer (Junk DNA-wise) to the original planetary dwellers (the hobbits) and others have a greater mix of some kind of killer "off planet" gladiator-dragon gene.

LOL I'm serious.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

How many times does it have to be explained that these "pictures" are a result of artifacts due to badly encoded/overly compressed video??
If you did even a tiny bit of research on video compression you would know this. And did you ever ask yourself why reptiles only show themselves on bad quality videos and never EVER in good ones?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Wongbeedman

Yes its part of our evolution, and reminds me of opening theme of "once upon time.. Homme"

Not so well known fact is our heart, where also evolution from reptiles are seen

The reptilian heart has a thin wall surrounding a spongy inner part. In many ways, this resembles the embryonic state in birds, humans and other mammals. The anatomy of their hearts is subsequently completely different from reptiles, but studies of the genetic building blocks now show that all the hearts have a common molecular structure.

Science Daily

When its part of our evolution and reptilian brain cortex is primaly about survival, greed is not part of it, greed is chemical process in brains. When having a power it feeds reward system of brains including increase of testosterone and dopamine and main element in this is culture. Reptiles don´t have reward system in their brains its all about survival.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by dollukka

Interesting that the shape of the reptilian heart in that diagram looks much like the symbol we actually associate with a heart. Perhaps that is its origin and not swans or whatever. Didn't the Egyptians consider the seat of the soul to be the heart, and hold snakes in high esteem?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Renegade2283
I am truly sorry, and I really tried to read the whole thread from top to bottom before judging, but I just could not get past this part:

The same way that we are taught about the boogeyman, the devil, demons, etc,. is the same way that the one thing that actually has changed the minds of current humans is the story of Adam and Eve, and that witty snake.

What if I told you that all of this is very, very REAL, and closer to home then you think?

Please tell me that by very real, you are speaking metaphorically. If that is the case I will make sure to read the rest before I comment further. Thanks

Oh, and this poster explained my other problem quite well, though I wouldn't say photoshopped, more just image errors:

Posted by dollukka

when you did took shapeshifting as one of your striking information with badly photoshopped images those images alone makes your case fragile.

edit on 11-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-11-2012 by Renegade2283 because: (no reason given)

Google Serpent Seed.

It is even recognized in a way by factions within the Church.
St Thomas Aquinnas famously justified the theory because according to him God doesn't demand blood be spilled for a crime unless blood was involved in the sin. Eve had some blood spilled and so she was (and women were) made to suffer agonizing childbirth forever after that little indiscretion. What I find notable is that her creator though clearly infuriated, still loved her and tried to love her child, even though the reptile had his way with her. You will also never find Cain compared to the likeness of God. In his image is not used anywhere involving Cain. It is with Adam, Able and Seth. Cain is referred to as "son of the evil one" or a "murderer from the start." Scathing criticism from God to a grandson, I'd say! Think he was adopted. lol

It is a very strange story.
You can't make this stuff up.

I mean if you did, I would think you would keep it simple.
Unless you are charged with providing explanation for something everyone already knows happened but perhaps they do not know the back story or why? You might exploit those with your own fabricated tale but it would have to parallel and be in keeping with the original, actual events for people to propel the legend forward.

edit on 11-11-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Have you seen this on Tru-TV?

I was thinking of starting a thread on it ...
(might even be in your links - you'll find it good if you haven't seen it yet)

The Creepy Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

In the season premiere episode of Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, the team investigates a harrowing story of full-body transformation, politicians hellbent on world domination and lizard people who may be among us. Here's the full story behind this bizarre conspiracy theory. Is it the terrifying truth or silly hogwash?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant

It is a very strange story.
You can't make this stuff up.

edit on 11-11-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

I beg to differ. You ever play that game where one person starts a story and you pass it around a circle and change one thing, then see how much it has changed? The stories get very strange, trust me.

Also, you ever read/watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? It even has reptilian humanoids in it. Now that is strange.

As for the part where you said woman suffering for there indiscretion with the devil or whatever. Don't all mammals that have live births experience pain and secrete blood? Just saying

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Have you seen this on Tru-TV?

I was thinking of starting a thread on it ...
(might even be in your links - you'll find it good if you haven't seen it yet)

The Creepy Reptilian Conspiracy Theory

In the season premiere episode of Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, the team investigates a harrowing story of full-body transformation, politicians hellbent on world domination and lizard people who may be among us. Here's the full story behind this bizarre conspiracy theory. Is it the terrifying truth or silly hogwash?

Already a thread for it here:

Funny enough I have been following it along with this one.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Don't all mammals that have live births experience pain and secrete blood? Just saying

Blood yes but jury's out on the pain. Apparently it is mild discomfort because animals can register distress and I don't really believe that GOSSIP GAME theory. I think when people passed these histories on it was their job to get it right and they were the scribes assigned to get it right or they might be beheaded. Just sayin'

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Renegade2283
Also, you ever read/watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? It even has reptilian humanoids in it. Now that is strange.

After searching the web it appears it is not as strange or uncommon as one might think. I really feel this thread might be on to something and it seems there are no scientific data whatsoever???

I found a lot of common grounds about the dissociative state of the human mind and it is somehow related to reptiles. Be it due to (self) medication or a real psychosis people all over the world experience similar 'feelings' of being some kind of a reptile. Snakes, lizards, crocodiles (sometimes other animals like elephants and hawks even aliens) but never lower life forms like trees and flowers.

That may seem normal, but the fact was that I had a reptilian brain. My whole way of thinking and perceiving had changed. I had full control over my motor functions, but I felt ungainly. I was detached from my body........
Now, twenty-four hours later, I'm beginning to get my neocortex back (I think). Soon, I hope to be human again.

This person also talks about a similar autism 'feeling'

Reading a very in depth description of what this dissociation felt like, something occurred to me. It is the same feeling that can occur with autism. Detached somewhat from your body, among other things. I know this because I have the high functioning form of autism. I guess I just found it amusing to see a normal person getting so freaked out about soemthing I experience quite often.
Actually the part of "feeling like a reptile" is something very familiar to me as well, although i just assumed it was part of the dissociation. is it something different?

Crazy ways our minds work? i find this very interesting indeed.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by dollukka
1. picture Aileen Wuornos, according what David icke says these reptilians are royal bloodline, sorry to say Aileen Wuornos has nothing Royal in her, her father was psykopath and pedophile and mother had finnish roots and no royal blood.

2. picture of eyes of Bush, we have moisture on our eyes and everyones eyes shines when light reaches them, specially lightrays shows very well.

3. Retilian face? i really wish to see more about this woman as this is so badly photoshopped as these strange bubbles are also in her hair.

Btw Aileen Wuornos was mentally ill, and in deep psychosis.
edit on 10-11-2012 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

There are windows into soul and scarey things shown in videos, in pictures, and just because someone is mentally ill, does not mean they are not possessed, accessed, influenced by, or even "replaced" by a negative being, because those things can and do happen.

The hair, those kind of videos, while some claim possession, I see frequency disturbance, possibly haarp or scalar wave beams being directed at them. So mind control.

But, Bush has more than his eyes going for him, some disturbing changes in skin, a kind of morphing. Is it shape shifting and his hologram slipping? Could be. Or it could be influence of soul or entity again, within or surrounding him.

Some photos and vidoes show the eye opening up over the eyelid and that rather freaky shift in the eyes an eyelids.

And weird teeth things, some razer sharp teeth that I find odd that video compression targets teeth and makes them look like that.

Then in other ones, the hands, go from five fingered to a little odd, claw like, I'd say.

All in all, don't know fully what is occuring. Do know that camera's are not completely limited to our brain programming so while still 3D technology can see more than we can.

And that Love, and Goodness, is the way to overcome the reptilian brain and that standing our ground, as Christians or as Spiritually aware and loving people, and resisting this means it must leave.
edit on 10-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I find this subject very fascinating whether true or not but as I have
heard before there is some truth in every conspiracy.

Since digital cameras have been on the scene people have been
picking up strange anomalies in pictures,especially in ghost hunting.
Could it be that taking pictures of humans with the digital cameras
are showing these same kind of anomalies?Are they showing our
true nature or the true nature of certain people?

there are so many strange things that happen every
day in our world so the possibility that reptillians existing
is plausible.
I would have to see one up close and personal
to really believe though.

So many questions,so few answers,
anyway just a passing thought...

Just finished watching the Jesse Ventura episode and
I have to say it wasn't very indepth.It was a mockery
of other peoples belief,its like trying to prove that there is a soul
or that aliens do exist,its all in the eye of the beholder.

I also think he didn't have to trash David Icke,he didn't even give him a
chance to answer a question,right or wrong it was a poorly done
What if he had to show proof of the conspiracies he believes
in right then and there?what if someone treated him the way he treated David Icke?

Mr.Icke may not be someones cup of tea,but he has a lot of
good information out there and should be given the respect
for the ridicule he has gone through to get his message out.

I had a lot of respect for Jesse,but this episode he has shown his
tolerance or lack of for a fellow conspriacy theorist.

The arrogance of people continue to amaze me.

edit on 11-11-2012 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

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