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Jesus Christ's Superderterministic, Cosmological, Magnum Opus.

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posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Nooneimparticular

Thanks. I knew there were more than just two people reading and partaking of this thread's contents.

Good on you, because whoever totally groks what's here is rich already, may the things you've come into awareness and understanding of, bless you immeasureably and through you, the larger world within which you and WE are all emersed as the active historical participants and causal agents of change and transformation (where "change" is just something different from or relative to, what came before) that we all are by the neccessity of free-will choice (for better or worse), may those given to do so find the fulcrum (white stone) and move the whole of history in an infinitely better direction, even by whatever degree however big or small, and at whatever speed however fast or slowly..

What I've learned from it, is this. Choose life (to the full, even to overflowing!).

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
And frankly, it's what it says about us as human beings in the creation, intrinsic to a longggg cosmic evolutionary process, and as children of a loving God (see Phi Ratio Proportion) in the "heavenly household" of God as a first/last cause and as the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, whereby Jesus made it all about US in the first place - that is equally if not even MORE astounding!

And we will come to know the truth, and the truth will set us free, and yet, if we are freed for his sake why then, we shall be truly free indeed!

"And as my father hath first sent me, even so send I, you."

Deny ignorance!

Tally ho!

NAM aka Bob

bump to get this on latest page for consideration (deep grokking).

All the Best,


posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Sorry, that is not "deep grokking".

It is just more "shallow grokking". "Deep grokking" is doing. It isn't listening or reading and analyzing second hand experiences.

edit on 24-8-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by daskakik

We become what we "eat".

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Sounds good but it isn't true.

Reading about some place does not mean that you have been there.

edit on 24-8-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by daskakik

As spiritual food for the soul it's here there and everywhere. Like the wind that blows, while you can hear it's sound but don't know from where it comes or where it goes, so to the spirit moves and goes wherever it pleases and to whomever it wants. It is radically free, and by the truth it imparts, we too are set free, liberated, without hindrance or constraint, to "love as do as you will" (St. Augustine). Those who've experienced this hyper-freedom, we know it, and knowing it, we laughed at the subjective prison cell of our own making from which we presumed there was no escape, as we emerged from its confines into the light of life (God-conscious awareness).

edit on 24-8-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I agree, it's everywhere but you don't know what it really is. Of course you don't need to know what it is to use it but that doesn't change the nature of it.

All you have done is walk into a larger cell.

edit on 24-8-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by daskakik
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I agree, it's everywhere but you don't know what it really is.

It manifests itself in the form of a smile on the face of the one who knows it, and it warms the heart and invigorates the energies of the one who after much seeking, finds the hidden treasure. It evokes the humor of understanding and the childlike wonderment and awe of new discovery. It's playful and creative, and it's filled with the spirit of wisdom. It is a light lighting up our path and a lamp unto our footsteps. It's the Good News of all ages, and the indominable reason of the rock of ages against which everything that isn't reasonable, or loving, fails and falls apart. It's a unified cornerstone of the foundation of the universe, relative to which any house divided or a kingdom corrupted falls. It's so many things that there aren't enough nor sufficient words to describe it, although it's safe to point a finger (right finger, heavenwards) in the direction of the one in whom it was embodied without measure, from who's jug of living water, our cup overflows.

To know Him is to know it, and to follow him is to tread upon it's path.

"Christianity hasn't been tried and found wanting -- it has been found difficult, and hasn't been tried!"

~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton

However, what I've tried to show earlier, in discussing the fundamental positive double-bind inherent in its proposition, it that it needn't be "hard" or difficult, requiring nothing more really than a truly open mind and a willing heart, along with the willingness to laugh at our own foibles and prior ignorance, or our prior hard-heartedness as the case may be.

edit on 24-8-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Nope that is the larger cell that I am talking about. You have gone from your own subjective cell to someone else's.

Didn't you read that I once sounded just like you? Been there, done that.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by daskakik

The depth and breadth of heaven through the gateway of Christ (remember those twin pillars, that's how TALL the door is), isn't a "cell" but a domain of limitless possibility from life to life in eternity. He is the way, the truth, the life and the (objective) reality. In him (in his father) with him (them) in us, we are made real, we are found again, made alive, again, we are born again.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 04:53 PM

Words To Live By

"Each day we ought to offer our hearts to God as a rose with the dew still on it" (St Margaret)


"Entrust your past to the mercy of God; entrust your future to the providence of God. Live today in the love of God." (St Augustine)


"We crucify ourselves between two thieves: the regret of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow." (quoted by Archbishop Fulton Sheen)


"The measure of love is to love God without measure." (St Bernard)


"In His Will is our peace." (Dante)


"From sour-faced saints, O Lord, deliver us." (St Teresa of Avila)


"All the way to heaven is heaven; for Jesus said: I am the Way." (St Catherine of Siena)


"The purpose of the Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit." (St Seraphim of Sarov)


"Hope isn't hope until the situation is hopeless." (G. K. Chesterton)


"Alleluia! --- All my gashes cry!" (C.S. Lewis)


"Joy is the infallible sign of the Presence of God." (Leon Bloy)


"If it can be celebrated, celebrate it!" (Carl Hoegerl, C.Ss.R.)


"The reason the angels can fly is that they take themselves so lightly." (G. K. Chesterton)


"Jesus is the Lord of the impossible!" (Charles de Foucauld)


"All I know of tomorrow is that God's Providence will rise before the sun." (Lacordaire)


"Pray and you will be saved; do not pray and you will be lost." (St Alphonsus Ligouri)


"In the evening of our lives, we will be judged by love." (St John of the Cross)


"May God deny you peace---and grant you glory!" (Miguel de Unamuno)


"The glory of God in man fully alive." (St Irenaeus)


"Love your crooked neighbor with your crooked heart." (W. H. Auden)


"To live is to change and to be perfect is have changed much." (John Henry Newman)


"Nothing would be done at all if a man waited till he do it so well that no one could find fault with it." (John Henry Newman)


"It is not as a child that I confess Christ. My Hosanna comes forth from the crucible of doubt." (Dostoievsky)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

You sound like the brochure.

If you had actually been there you might have a different description. Instead you have somebody else's.
edit on 24-8-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by daskakik

You do not know what experiences I've had, or where I am at or where I'm going, so please don't assume. And my perspective is my own based on my own research and cumulative experience, knowledge, gnosis, etc etc.

What's a wonder, to me, is how extraordinary revelation can pass right under another's radar, without detection.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by daskakik

You do not know what experiences I've had, or where I am at or where I'm going, so please don't assume. And my perspective is my own based on my own research and cumulative experience, knowledge, gnosis, etc etc.

Your posts show where you have not been to those that have.

What's a wonder, to me, is how extraordinary revelation can pass right under another's radar, without detection.

I have already detected your "extraordinary revelation" and then detected others. Your stuck on this one.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by daskakik

An OBE is not a prerequisit to enjoy the koinonia of the Lord.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

True but it might be a requisite to realize that it has nothing to do with any godlike being. That it is just a description that someone who couldn't explain it used.

You know how "materialists" sound to you, when they say that there is nothing else? That when you die it's over and the rest is just wishful thinking?

That is what you sound like to me when you say god is everything and god is love.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by daskakik

What I'm saying is that the reason for everything is God's love as a first/last cause, so that there can be koinonia or the communion of intimate participation.

And if I sound to you like the materialists sound like to me, fine.

What's intriguing to me though, as far as this thesis went, is the intersection between things spiritual AND the material causation, but of course short of God tapping you on the shoulder and verbally saying "Hi!" nothing I offer will satisfy you, and that's ok with me, and frankly there's nothing I can do to pursuade you, and to be honest, this thread isn't for you (as a staunch atheist) and neither are you the only one reading it, so it's all good.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 05:56 PM
i have been reading along for some time now,
please continue to join the dots,
i am enjoying your thread


posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by XPLodER


See my reply
to 3NL1GHT3N3D1 on page 16, along with the bumped posts for reconsideration, most of the "dots" are included there.

This is also key to unravelling the mystery I've been investigating and for a keyword phrase hint - redmoon @ 3:00pm.

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Jesus Christ's Superderterministic, Cosmological, Magnum Opus

I would respond to this with irrefutable, scientific, rational logic, but I don't even know what it means!

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by jiggerj

Good question!

Magnum Opus, means Great Work, in this case as the culmination of the efforts of many over a very longg period, to realize an ideal of perfection, and complete the process in it's final realization.

Cosmological, is fairly self explanaatory and means of cosmic proportions, or universal.

Superdeterminism, I'm using that in a different sense from the standard quantum physics model term, which is used to invalidate Bell's Theorem showing transluminal interconnectedness or what Einstein and others called "spooky action at a distance", to mean, in this case - already established, from a first/last cause in eternity, or simply put, something that was inevitable, because it's eventuality was already imbedded, by design, into the creation, such that it could only arise, and be seen as having arisen, as a result of a creative intent, and a level of foreknowledge and high precision design-control, that can only have initiated already with the end in mind, from the very beginning, including, by extension, the formation of the entire universe itself, with earth and the human being included as an integral part of the big BIG picture, if you will, even yes as an cosmic evolutionary process. The point where God catches up with himself in the person of the son of God etering the scene to complete the previously "unfinished business", left only for he himself to complete. So a marker was left, in the divine order of creation by which Jesus was recognized by the Magi, and came to recognize himself as having a very special task to perform - his Great Work aka Magnum Opus, which has now been established at a point in time and history, which for all due purposes and in the grand scheme of things might well have happened yesterday as it did about 2000 years ago.

Hope that helps, but please, don't make it your task, your mission, to refut it, before fully considering ALL the information I've presented in this thread, and please, if possible bracket the tendency to simply react with the traditional anti-religious sentiment, because that's not what this has been about, and it may even stand in diametric opposition to organized religious authority for all we know, on that I can't say.

I'm trying to keep it honest, and insightful, not as something to be held up to ridicule by the standard atheist reaction/reasponse, which would be hurtful to me, to see my work here treated in that manner, as something small and petty, easily discarded as of no consequence whatsoever. Let's not do that I hope, so that said, all I ask for is an open mind and a willingness to consider things from a new perspective, absolutely free from any sort of prior contemptuous bias or set of presupposition prior to investigation, which in the words of Herbert Spencer, Scientist, is a certain way to keep a man (or woman) in everlasting ignorance.

Best Regards,


The Day of the Cross

edit on 24-8-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by daskakik

What's intriguing to me though, as far as this thesis went, is the intersection between things spiritual AND the material causation, but of course short of God tapping you on the shoulder and verbally saying "Hi!" nothing I offer will satisfy you

Funny story. I was staying at the home of an uncle and his family who happen to be catholic. At this point in my life I was already an atheist. One day a friend of the family, who is evangelical, paid them a visit, to spread the good word. After she left they started talking about her message. One particular point that they questioned was "being filled with the spirit". At one point a cousin of mine said "I think they just fake it".

I spoke up and said, "no actually it is real".

I have never felt anything like that during mass, said my uncle's wife.

"Just because you have never felt it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist" I answered, "and if you ever feel it you will have no doubt that what you are feeling is what that woman was talking about".

You see, I'm not asking you to satisfy my need for proof. I've already been where you are at and have gotten past the god-centered "warm and fuzzy" stage. You seem to forget that every time you respond to me.

I know this thread isn't for me. I am also not just posting for you but for whoever may be lurking around.

edit on 24-8-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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