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Could mainland U.S. be invaded by a conventional military?

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posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by BODYBAGxPAT

And we would do it with a smile on our faces.

I know what scares me more than Insurgents in Iraq -- a Biker Gang armed to the teeth with weapons (and a reason), and a couple cases of 80-proof liquor and brew. Talk about mean .. just ... DAMN.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 05:07 PM
I doubt a single phase attack would do much more than give a few generals an extra badge and a good after dinner story but if you get enough people together so they form a well trained unit then you could arrange a well scripted attack on the fuel production networks to a degree where they're basically scortched earth and perhaps the nearest fuel centres in canada/mexico so that supplies of fuel are scarce so suddenly you're paying $400+ a gallon if you can find a place with fuel as the military/police will take whats left and if you have a few well hidden subs to sink any tankers bringing in any fuel

then with the ability to transport food around the states stopped there will be riots and other civil disobedience making the place alot softer for someone to attack

the trick with any system is to find its weak spot and exploit it and the americans love of gasoline would be a major hello

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Maxatoria

An attack of that magnitude would be unheard of, an impossibility. If it did succeed we would respond with the full might of our armed forces and leave a wake of devestation that would make their citizens envious of our own. I think the rioting would be severely limited as peoples focus would switch to getting even with our attackers.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by StargateSG7

You do realize those 747 would be destroyed the moment they began operating in such a fashion, and would do almost no damage, and our retaliation would be 1000 times more severe?

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Maxatoria

Do you know why the Soviet Union never attempted an attack on the U.S. in any fashion...either conventional or Nuclear? Or why the Soviets never attempted an attack on a NATO Country? Or why the Soviets...who had very detailed first invade Afghanistan then swing their forces and occupy the Middle Eastern Strait of Hormuz with Iraq as an ally?

The reason was because they would have gotten their ASSES KICKED!

Now we are talking about the Soviet Union...a Super Power...a NUCLEAR POWER...with massive numbers of Military Personal as well as a very Large Army. Why did they not attack? Because they KNEW they could not win!

Now you start talking about Makeshift Weapons and Such....PLEEEEUUUZZZEE!!!

I want folks here to know I am not posting an opinion nor am I posting this as some Nationalistic Propaganda of the type that I have read many times on this board by people who are PROUD of their Home Country but long on Theory and Hope and Short on REALITY.

The U.S. Military has Networked Super Computers that run...24/7...War Scenarios as well as Natural Disasters or Terrorist Attacks and this includes Unconventional Warfare as well as Nuclear War and the U.S. Military's ability to SHOOT DOWN ICBMS...SLBMS...NUCLEAR ARMED well as be able to track from Space where any sizable amount of Nuclear Fuel is traveling.

Now to ask a question such as has been raised here has an obvious answer....NO! Even if my some MIRACLE...Front Line Russian or Chinese Tank Divisions were to suddenly appear out of thin air in the Middle of the U.S. Mainland...the U.S. Army in conjunction with all other unlike all other Countries Military's...the U.S. Military operates as a Highly Mobile Integrated Force with Computerized systems accessing threats as to determine which enemy targets to destroy a CHESS GAME...only with real Warriors!

The U.S. Military would cut through them like a knife through warm butter. They would have NO CHANCE!
Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I am 100% pro USA, but I don't trust our gov't. Look at F&F - look at the foreign troops that this administration has in our country. Please, comment on these things.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

How many people hunt in the US? I bet it is more then most standing armies in the world. Something to think about.

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I am 100% pro USA, but I don't trust our gov't. Look at F&F - look at the foreign troops that this administration has in our country. Please, comment on these things.

This is something I know about in detail. I am also dismayed when I read Propaganda as STUPID AS I HAVE READ about...and please remember I am an INDEPENDENT...that the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION has allowed large numbers of Foreign Troops on U.S. Soil. This is a remark made primarily by a certain Cable News Station that is Right Wing.

I cannot begin to tell you how absolutely appalled I and my associates get when we see Poor to Lower Middle Class Americans with little Education be Bull S#!%%@& into believing that the Obama Administration is putting the Public at Risk. This is simply NOT TRUE and is a low blow from certain individuals seeking to exploit certain Uneducated Americans Patriotism by putting out this lie.

There were just as many if not more Foreign Troops who are INVITED HERE in an DECADES LONG ongoing program to train together as well as learn as well as teach the best tactics of each side. This is a GOOD THING and for anyone in the Media to use this as a Flashpoint Statement is just WRONG as well as lying to the American Population.

I am not Democrat or Republican as I am Independent...and I come from Mass....which is home to a very large Group of Independent Voters. For those who think that Mass. is a Weak State as it has Healthcare, Allows Gay Marriage, But also tends to vote Democratic in it's State Reps but also has a History of Having Republican Governors as well as voted Ted Kennedy's seat to Republican Scott will soon understand that the people of this state don't care what Party you are from but what YOU AS A LEADER CAN DO! I am WEALTHY and my Health Insurance went DOWN after Mass. became the First State to have Mandated Health Insurance Coverage For ALL! And we are talking about MASSACHUSETTS...the people who started the REVOLUTION! I have a Cemetery down the street from me which is three old ones in town that have REVOLUTIONARY WAR DEAD HONORED WITH WREATHS AND FLAGS EVERY MEMORIAL DAY! So don't believe the Bull...look at the facts and VOTE IN THOSE YOU THINK CAN DO THE JOB! SCREW PARTY LINES! Split Infinity

posted on Jul, 4 2012 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity
Thank you. I hope and pray you are right.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

No foreign military force of any relevant size has ever,nor will ever be allowed into the US for training.For the most part,any training of foreign troops by the US is done on their own soil by US cadre.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

That would not be "conventional".Did you even read the OP?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:31 PM
i just had an idea that would 'technically' work all you need is enough cash to totally buy out the american government at the highest level and then just get the constitution changed to remove the ability of the american people to defend themselves with more than a pea shooter and slowly run down the armed forces till theres barely enough left to make a decent parade in one part of the country then just roll in and take over the show

it would take years but if you are of the slowly slowly catch a monkey mentality then it could easily work

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Maxatoria

Ha! That sounds like exactly what is going on in America.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:00 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:01 PM

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
500,000 enemy operatives can wreak a lot of havoc if they are all set into motion simultaneously


It may be hard to catch some Al Qaeda operative, but guess what, even that is not unheard of. A couple of traced cellphone calls, receipts, tickets etc.

If you are hiring half a million operatives, it will be also prone to infiltration. And POOF! Goes the plan.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:17 PM
Now would be a perfect time to attack the USA, with it's armies spread across the world. Getting a big enough military force there without being spotted is highly unlikely though, so it's not likely to happen. If you took out their satellites first to remain hidden, it would alert them to what was happening and they would pull all their forces back home. The question is, would the forces get back before a full scale invasion is launched? Probably not, do how far inland would the invasion reach before these forces arrive? Interesting thought!

For all you Americans who think that because you have so many gun owners and organised militia, do you really think that is going to stand up to a highly trained and organised army with tanks and planes? Any invading army will not be like the US army, they will use wholesale slaughter in an invasion, your guns and militia won't stand up to that! You can't organise into groups, that would make you targets! The best you could do is guerilla warfare, but an invader will happily kill civilians to get at you. So, just because your country has guns, doesn't mean you could do # with them.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:22 PM
What exactly is a conventional military?
If that includes drones which the US does not have a monopoly on then yes it could and would happen under the right circumstances in my opinion.

If your hypothetical question does not include drones then I would think it would come down to people power..
The US could not nor would not Nuke on their own land so if they are stormed by a couple of hundred million armed and trained soldiers it would be a tough one to defend against.

I also wonder if one was to attempt an attack on the US it strikes me as a smart time to do it because of the US forces being so spread out and battle weary at this moment.

Interesting thread and I should add that I am not a US citizen so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
Regards, iwinder
edit on 9-8-2012 by Iwinder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Iwinder
The US could not nor would not Nuke on their own land so if they are stormed by a couple of hundred million armed and trained soldiers it would be a tough one to defend against.

Look, so that we keep our feet on the ground... 200,000,000 invading army is going to arrive to Colorado exactly how?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by Iwinder
The US could not nor would not Nuke on their own land so if they are stormed by a couple of hundred million armed and trained soldiers it would be a tough one to defend against.

Look, so that we keep our feet on the ground... 200,000,000 invading army is going to arrive to Colorado exactly how?

I have no idea, perhaps partly airborne since 911 it's fairly obvious anyone can fly a jet over restricted air space and not get shot down.

My 2 million number was just that, but if you want to check out troop numbers you better check out the Asian aspect of the globe.

One thing does come to mind and it

I don't know if it is possible or not but if people think it can't be done they better be damned sure they are right.
Regards, Iwinder
edit on 9-8-2012 by Iwinder because: (no reason given)

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