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Lose weight before TSHTF. What do you suggest? I don't think fat people will survive...

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posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

In essence, those who shoot straight will tend to fare far better?

Street smarts are important. But street "i have a big gun, and so does everyone with me" never hurts either. In any society breakdown, the Mazlow triangle would indicate that it will be brute strength and might that will take a front row.

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

The best body types during a survival scenario will be those that can do much with very little. All those scrawny people that get picked on? Yep, they can probably go a week on 500 calories. The big tough strong guys will be starving and probably die. Natural living means being big and bulky or having nearly no body fat will actually hurt your chances of survival.

If you want to train for it, then take up some hobbies like mountain biking or anything that doesn't develope excess bulk or reduce your bodyfat to nearly nothing. Mountainbiking is a great one because training literature discusses the value of bodyfat and muscle effeciency (as opposed to muscle size). The combonation of extended exercise with reasonable strain makes it a very good way to train for any situation.

When you're accustomed to pounding your guts out on a 25 pound bike over roots, rocks, hills, streams, and mud, doing it on foot becomes alot less challenging. If you choose to try it, just watch how easy experienced riders make the physical aspect of the sport look. Conditioning pays off!
edit on 8-7-2012 by Evolutionsend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 06:10 PM
I suggest adopting the survivalist and self reliant lifestyle.

Get up about 5am... fix breakfast... ahearty one too...

then out to feed the animals, bust and chop firewood and stack or bring in before it gets to hot.

Then start chopping and hoeing corn and beans, fetch more water for the animals cause it is hot... bring in firewood and start a fire to cook a pot of beans for lunch on... simmer all morning

Back to the fields...mend fences... eat lunch... take a nap until about 1-130pm...

Then pick beans or shuck corn... light duty stuff... maybe fix or work on the truck or tractor... run a few errands...

Then feed and water the animals before supper

Haul more wood... build a fire and cook while you shell the beans you fixed...

Eat... build a good fire in the wood stove ...get the canner ready... wash and sterilize about 7-12 canning quart jars... pack and can the beans you picked and shelled today...

While this is happening... you peel peaches or apples and string up the slices and hang in the rafters to air dry...

Then take the canning jars and beans out of the canner...set aside to cool... it would be about 11pm... go to bed... get up and repeat the next day

Who needs a gym? Did wonders for me... went from a 42 down to a solid 38 waist. 50 years old and can still outwork most of the young studs I hire for my farm store.
edit on 8-7-2012 by AlreadyGone because: spelling

posted on Jul, 8 2012 @ 06:12 PM
Why not just lose weight on the shtf diet plan? Sure beats Slim Fast!

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 11:05 AM
I have no idea what it will be like when we eventually experience what's to arrive, what it will be, or when it will happen, but I will state that the fatter you are, the more reliant on your environment you are, and here in America, if you're reliant, you're more expected than not, reliant on the government some how--which is precisely how they desire you.

posted on Jul, 9 2012 @ 03:28 PM
Heres a simple way to loose weight quickly ive done this a few time's with great results.
Drink water
Drink water
Drink water! i can't stress this enough soda, juices milk are just not necessary. This will also help with many other aliments sick drink more water, headache? drink water. In today's day and age water has taken the back burner to other liquids.
Drink a glass of water before every meal.
Look at your portions are they to large? cut down on them.
Eat 100% homemade food even fried spend the time cooking with all natural.(no quick fixes example spaghetti sauce)
Do cardio but not the standard run till your legs give out this is flawed you wont loose weight and youll feel like crap especially if you have never ran before.
30-60's(30 second FULL SPRINT 60 second power walk) then move to 60-120's do this as many times as possible start say 20 set's and move from there.
i would recommend a light run about a 1/2 mile for starters than move up from there to 1.5 miles.
work on push up's, pull ups and crunches. if you cant do them the standard way look up modified pull ups and push up's.
if you decide to do light jogs be creative run everywhere but don't pre plot a course this is boring and you will likely want to quit instead make your movement decisions on the fly.
I guarantee you guys/gals will loose weight doing this.(and you dont have to pay me)
watch those pounds fall off
Lastly get real running shoes look for a store that has a treadmill to tell you the correct shoes to buy.
Where comfortable clothes for running! i wear light basketball shorts you can even go to a army surplus store and buy a set of pt shorts. these are great for running

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I once had an overweight gentleman tell me " If the world ever falls apart and we are struggling to survive, I'll be able to live off of my fat for a long time but skinny little girls like you will be the first to go." My response to him was, "But I can run for a long time without getting tired and on less food so I will be able to get away quicker and leave you panting in my dust"

posted on Jul, 11 2012 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by jeffmarble
Heres a simple way to loose weight quickly ive done this a few time's with great results.
Drink water
Drink water
Drink water! i can't stress this enough soda, juices milk are just not necessary. This will also help with many other aliments sick drink more water, headache? drink water. In today's day and age water has taken the back burner to other liquids.
Drink a glass of water before every meal.
Look at your portions are they to large? cut down on them.
Eat 100% homemade food even fried spend the time cooking with all natural.(no quick fixes example spaghetti sauce)
Do cardio but not the standard run till your legs give out this is flawed you wont loose weight and youll feel like crap especially if you have never ran before.
30-60's(30 second FULL SPRINT 60 second power walk) then move to 60-120's do this as many times as possible start say 20 set's and move from there.
i would recommend a light run about a 1/2 mile for starters than move up from there to 1.5 miles.
work on push up's, pull ups and crunches. if you cant do them the standard way look up modified pull ups and push up's.
if you decide to do light jogs be creative run everywhere but don't pre plot a course this is boring and you will likely want to quit instead make your movement decisions on the fly.
I guarantee you guys/gals will loose weight doing this.(and you dont have to pay me)
watch those pounds fall off
Lastly get real running shoes look for a store that has a treadmill to tell you the correct shoes to buy.
Where comfortable clothes for running! i wear light basketball shorts you can even go to a army surplus store and buy a set of pt shorts. these are great for running

This is fairly good advice, but if I may offer a few tweaks.Water is very important for a number of reasons. 1) the average person has about 10-15lbs of excess water weight. This is why all those liquid diets work, to an extent. after you lose the water weight, you will hit a plateau where you are not loosing the weight very fast and this discourages people. 2) water is a natural diuretic. The more you drink, the less you retain. Water flushes out excess salt and once the salt is gone, the water does not stick around.. This is why you see all those meat heads at the gym with a gallon of water. 3) water before a meal is essential because it helps with the digestion process.
Do not eat fried foods. Fried foods are heavy in calories and the key to lose weight is to burn more calories than you ingest.
Before you do any cardio, find out what your target heart rate is first. You want to keep your heart rate 60-70% above normal to start burning fat quicker. 70-80% is preferable because this is the aerobic zone and will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. Also, around 50% of calories burned will be from fat.
If you need motivation, I suggest going to the gym. Some gyms ban muscle heads and are geared towards average people that just want to get healthier. You may make a friend that will help you stay motivated or at the very least, see people in your same situation and feel more comfortable. My gym is great for just the average Joe. They have what they call a "lunk alarm" that is a spinning bright yellow light and siren that sounds when someone is grunting loudly, slamming weights, or just actin like a meat head. They embarrass him so he will either not do it again or find another gym.
I recommend mapping out a route for a while if you are jogging so you have a finish line and goal you are working towards. A little advice.... make the finish line back where you started. When I first got into fitness, I made it a straight line and had to suffer back the same length I came... true story...
Lastly and most importantly, DO NOT eat just 3 meals a day. 6 small meals spaced out through the day is the best diet. ALSO DO NOT eat anything after 8pm.

Before you jump into any diet or training, research as much as possible and become educated on how the body works. If your car broke down, you wouldn't just start poking around in the engine hoping for amazing results if you do not know an engine works.

If you are very over weight and not use to exercise, take it easy at first. Do not over exert yourself as you can easily do more damage than good.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 05:07 AM
If and when SHTF, I'll probably be both. I'm trying to get a little chubbier but keep the athletic side of me. That way I can afford not eating for 3-days straight and not worry about death but I'd have to start worrying afterwards. Safe haven point + self-sustainable environment is where I'll be heading. I won't say where this is at but it's off the grid.

If you want to lose weight, watch your carbs and sugar intake. If you eat the right meals and up to a certain amount of calories, you can lose a lot of weight pretty quickly. Think 20lbs in a month without it being muscle loss. There are programs out there for this and there are pills that satisfy your appetite when you're eating less than what you're used to. You can just go to the pharmacy to get these or get Rx if you have insurance.

Exercising is inefficient for weight loss but you'll still need to do it to be healthy. If you can parkour then you're pretty fit for survival unless you start getting hungry. Extra stored fat is necessary I think, so try to keep it 15-20lbs over what your ideal weight would be. I'm no doctor, it's just an opinion.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Em2013
Think 20lbs in a month without it being muscle loss.

You have to have high protein intake to avoid muscle loss as your body will cannibalize it's own muscle to satisfy the need for protein.

Originally posted by Em2013
and there are pills that satisfy your appetite when you're eating less than what you're used to. You can just go to the pharmacy to get these or get Rx if you have insurance.

Most of the pills that you can get OTC are crap and mostly marketing. OxyElite Pro are the best I have found, but I have never seen them in stores, only online. If you go to a doctor, they can put you on a diet plan and prescribe some decent pills. Most doctors will be reluctant to just start prescribing pills if you do not have a proper diet first.

Originally posted by Em2013

Exercising is inefficient for weight loss but you'll still need to do it to be healthy.

This is just completely wrong and horrible advice.

Originally posted by Em2013

If you can parkour then you're pretty fit for survival

Parkour IS exercise!

The best diet is not starving yourself or eating 1 or 2 meals a day, it's eating 6 small meals spaced throughout the day.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Catalyst317 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Catalyst317

The best diet is not starving yourself or eating 1 or 2 meals a day, it's eating 6 small meals spaced throughout the day.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Catalyst317 because: (no reason given)

To be more precise, the best diet FOR CATALYST317 is to eat 6 small meals spaced throughout the day. The same is not true for myself.

Not every human body is the same. The soone rpeople figure this out, the sooner we can create medicine that is truly therapeutic.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:14 AM
There's absolutely nothing wrong with being fat! As most people get older they get fat. Even myself about 2 yrs ago I didn't have half the beer belly I do now. I guess all those hundreds of beers didn't help much ha ha.

But in an economic melt down you'd want to be fat trust me! First you'd have more stores to live off. You're body would slowly burn up that fat. Then also if you're fat you appear bigger and more intimidating to some hoodlem who's looking for someone to rob or something like that. You'd be a less likely target than a thin or weak looking person.

I'm not fat really but I just am amazed that people are so brainwashed. There's all kinds of body types. go to a shopping mall. Everyone is made different. Of course there's nothing wrong with trying to lose some weight if that's what you wanna do though. Speaking of which maybe I should try getting some exercise.

I've heard of so few cases of people losing weight and then keeping it off long term that I don't think it's all that easy to do. I think the most important rule of a human being is to be "for yourself". So whatever your body looks like you love yourself unconditionally. As the problem is never an external one. The problem is NEVER that a person is too fat. The problem is always an internal one where someone hasn't learned to accept themself and has built up these false expectations and assumptions from all the brainwashing that goes on around getting fit.

What I mean by that is it's like the back of a persons mind they might think, if only I was like this or that then I"ll be happy and then I can love myself. That's so sad. You have every right to be happy right now and to love yourself right now as is. Who cares what others think. All that matters is what you think.

But anyway I think just finding a sport you love to do is a good way to keep in shape. But don't do that sport because you want to get in shape. Find something you actually love to do. That way the fitness part will take care of itself as you get out and do it all the time.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:17 AM
Hm, I think people forget that Obesity also leads to other health problems such as joint issues, heart problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes among other things. Certainly your fat might get you through a long stretch of famine, however, I think you need to look at the odds of such a scenario occurring. If the odds are low, I would say you are better off losing the weight and negating the problems associated with Obesity for your life right now.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Originally posted by Catalyst317

The best diet is not starving yourself or eating 1 or 2 meals a day, it's eating 6 small meals spaced throughout the day.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Catalyst317 because: (no reason given)

To be more precise, the best diet FOR CATALYST317 is to eat 6 small meals spaced throughout the day. The same is not true for myself.

Not every human body is the same. The soone rpeople figure this out, the sooner we can create medicine that is truly therapeutic.

Do a little research on this. Six small meals is ideal for weight control as well as keeping your body fueled. Yes, lets create and rely on medicine because it's to hard to exercise. It's so much easier to take a pill than be responsible.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by antonia

But keep in mind a lot of what you just said is what's been told to us by dr's and main stream media for decades. So now we just naturally assume that's the way it is. That's wrong. Some people can be thin and have all those same problems. Some fat and no problems.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:35 AM

Exercising is inefficient for weight loss but you'll still need to do it to be healthy.

This is just completely wrong and horrible advice.

While I would agree all people should exercise, what the previous poster said was true. Most studies have found people actually eat more after working out. It's also been found exercise alone is not a good weight loss tool. There were several articles related to this study published, you can google them if you wish.
Here is one, now I don't think we need to stop exercising because it has benefits for our overall health, but slaving away on the treadmill isn't the answer to being fat. The best answer is to stop eating so damn much I think.
edit on 15-7-2012 by antonia because: opps

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by r2d246
reply to post by antonia

But keep in mind a lot of what you just said is what's been told to us by dr's and main stream media for decades. So now we just naturally assume that's the way it is. That's wrong. Some people can be thin and have all those same problems. Some fat and no problems.

If you look at the diet of those sick thin and fat people you'd see they are fairly similar. Simple fact, I know more fat type 2 diabetics than thin ones in my life, and excess fat contributes to insulin resistance. That biological mechanism is proven, furthermore, being thin is not enough. One needs to look at body fat percentage, you can be a thin person and still have too much body fat.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by antonia

Yes, exercise is ineffective if you are still eating crap. (As pointed out in the article) Yes, you are hungrier after a workout than if you did not work out, but that's where self control comes in. If you work out and burn 500 calories and then eat enough food for 1000 calories, than exercise is pointless. The article states that diet is more effective... Again, if you are eating double cheese burgers or doughnuts all the time, exercise will do nothing for you. To loose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Catalyst317

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Originally posted by Catalyst317

The best diet is not starving yourself or eating 1 or 2 meals a day, it's eating 6 small meals spaced throughout the day.

edit on 15-7-2012 by Catalyst317 because: (no reason given)

To be more precise, the best diet FOR CATALYST317 is to eat 6 small meals spaced throughout the day. The same is not true for myself.

Not every human body is the same. The soone rpeople figure this out, the sooner we can create medicine that is truly therapeutic.

Do a little research on this. Six small meals is ideal for weight control as well as keeping your body fueled. Yes, lets create and rely on medicine because it's to hard to exercise. It's so much easier to take a pill than be responsible.

I don't take any pills. I eat 1, maybe 2 meals a day. And doing the way I have, I have lost 200 lbs in the past 18 months. I never go hungry, and eat whatever quantity of food i want when I am eating my meals.

If i were to eat more often, i would be bloated and miserable all the time. I cannot eat before 4pm or the bloating keeps down my productivity.

posted on Jul, 15 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Catalyst317

When you exercise, how long does it take to burn 500 calories? An hour? Two hours? A day's walk? You're not going to get very far if all you do is exercise and not monitor what you eat. You need to exercise and it keeps you healthy and loading up on protein is also necessary. Losing 20lbs in a month is not hard, I've personally seen 5 people do this through two different programs and they weren't over 200lbs either.

Efficiency is the key-term that I used, there are more efficient ways to lose weight. Plus, if you don't change your diet for something that you'll be happy with for the rest of your life, you're going to be SOOL once you don't get time to exercise anymore, like having a job and taking care of kids.

I've seen people use anti-hunger pills and at least around where we live, the particular brand that they use worked for them. Anyways, my point is, the key to losing weight isn't in exercising, it's knowing what you should and shouldn't eat. How many carbs do you eat in a day? How much sugar to you have? How does your body react with insulin levels? The list goes on and everyone's different. I personally don't need to watch what I eat because it's impossibly hard to gain weight for me. But that doesn't mean I don't watch what I eat, I do because I care about my health.

When it comes down to it; you can't outrun a pack of wolves, and you can't outsmart them. They have been fighting for longer than you have if you've ever fought, and they know their environment very well. The best thing to do in my opinion is to be well-prepared to defend yourself from these predators so that you can use them as a food source.

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