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Indictment against Organized Religion in the US, economic sanctions, and bans

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posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by MagnumOpus

God help us,

here we go again with MagnumOpus's shenanigans,

I wonder where you copy and pasted this anti-Christ propaganda from?

I think everyone will take note that your volcano derived god will deliver you right into the fire of Hell, where your ideas and beliefs will burn into eternity. imho

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Whatever, guy,

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 12:34 PM
You read one book and acclaimed yourself the expert of the world, but others read thousands of books and did make good sense of the world, providing the real truths.

That the very origin of your one book is really not honest with explaining to the masses the Origin of their Moses god was that of Jethro's Midian Volcano worship, places you in the same category as the Vatican that said the Earth Was Flat or that Earth was the Center of the Universe. You are the agent that tries to kill truth.

Your lack of knowledge is just as profane to the truth as these other massive blunders in religion. Your ignorance of the history of religion always disqulifies all you say, even before you open you mouth. without ever having opened your eyes to the history of truth avaliable from the other books than the one that attempts to deceive man.


The second event, proved by Eduard Meyer, is that these Jews on their return from Egypt united with tribes nearly related to them, in the country bordering on Palestine, the Sinai peninsula and Arabia, and that there, in a fertile spot called Qades, they accepted under the influence of the Arabian Medianites a new religion, the worship of the volcano god Jahve. Soon after this, they were ready to conquer Canaan.14” 14 Freud, p. 74.



Dear Martin

I am enjoying your description of Capri and your lovely life there. Yesterday, Sunday, I was reviving memories of our stay in Capri with your uncle.1 It was very hot then, and we were the only guests in September. The boatman who rowed us into the Blue Grotto told us horror stories of a certain Timperio, I think, who once haunted the island. Vesuvius also was active, producing a smoke cloud by day and a fire cloud by night, just like the God of Exodus in the Bible. For Jehovah (Jahve) was a volcanic god, as you will learn from the second essay on Moses, which is now finished, awaiting your return.


edit on 12-4-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Christian BS artists exposed

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Right again, son of man, the only book I have ever read is the Bible.

You are just too clever

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 12:48 PM
That is why the world notices your Lord is a pagan Volcano type god.

Those that know science also take note the even the Story of Noah is one about the issues of Volcanic type events and the issues of the bird's return is one of the effects of Hydrogen Fluoride in the atmosphere that would cause birds not to be able to fly far, they were a barometer then as now. imho

Science has replaced organized religion and the fairy tales you call god.

The world will call you and your ilk as those as ignorant as the flat earth society, and you become the deceivers of man, the Beast that reject even learning simple origins of religion.
edit on 12-4-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Organized Churches ignorance of science that is all about fraud/

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Right again, son of man, the only book I have ever read is the Bible.

You are just too clever

What were thoes things we were reading for 20 years before we cracked open a Bible?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by MagnumOpus

God help us,

here we go again with MagnumOpus's shenanigans,

I wonder where you copy and pasted this anti-Christ propaganda from?

I think everyone will take note that your volcano derived god will deliver you right into the fire of Hell, where your ideas and beliefs will burn into eternity. imho

Like this guy:

Now, lets all gather for a word of prayer.

edit on 12-4-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:16 PM
Nah. Science and Truth doesn't need any prayers for people to accept. It is automatic.

The Gatherings will be to see if anyone should call their Preacher a Deceiver of Man for failings to teach the Essene history and their heaven was on Earth not in the Sky.

So, if one goes to a big Cathedral type church with high ceilings, that is about the Nimrod god in the sky things.

And if your Preachers forget to teach that Midian's Jethro was a big Volcano god worshiper and Moses married a Volcano worshipper's daughter, he might be all about deceiving the church just for money, and the church productions are as fake as any Hollywood Fiction Fantasy.

Just as one should point out that their preachers are Deceivers, one does the same things to those of like intentions of the organized church on ATS.

We'll see their patterns of lies develope over their despiration to keep science and truth from pointing out that organized religion is a big lie for money and power over dumb people. imho

We shall all watch their whining and ignorance on display to the world. Such will serve as a teaching method for all parts of the world to tell their preachers are deceivers of man via making faked up god not only from the days of Moses, but the same fantasy creations to attempt to make Jesus a faked up god.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

*shruggs shoulders*

You're still talking about the retard Essenes who couldn't figure out when was a good time to take a crap and when a bad time to take one would be, and expect to learn a damn thing from them besides how to die from a ruptured colon.

Whatever floats your boat.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What a plagiarized thread...imho

You really are just parroting Manly Hall and General Pike. But that's fine I guess. I am guilty of parroting my God from time to time as well.....My God's name is The Lord Jesus Christ. Your gods are just other men.......good luck with that!

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 07:09 PM
Whoahhh, this hit me like a brick in the face as Propaganda...big time........... who is it that is promoting this exactly.......... Death by a thousand cuts ain't gonna work her Billybob. Thats one long winded crock of politics, or re-educatin

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 07:46 PM
What does one expect from Cult Member when the sail down the Nile without a paddle---denial.


Is Christianity a Cult?

Don't just react. Let us consider this question honestly.

How do YOU view members of a cult? Let's say, the Heaven's Gate cult, whose members all killed themselves in the hopes of riding the UFO in the tail of Comet Hale-Bopp.

1) Probably, you would say that members of a cult have lost the ability to think for themselves. They abandon rational, critical thinking. (Most normal people would not accept the idea of salvation in the tail of a comet.) Now, consider the claims of the bible- walking on water, parting of the Red Sea, sticks to snakes, Jonah and the whale, Noah and the Ark, etc. Do people accept these things without question or critical thinking? They most certainly do!

2) You would probably say that they do not have any thoughts that are different from their leadership. Now, do most Christians hold wildly different viewpoints from their leaders? No.

3) You would also say that they do not question what their leaders say, and are willing to do ANYTHING they are told to do for salvation, including the killing of others, or themselves. Most Christians would not question what their minister or priest told them, and they would do anything to secure their salvation, if they were told to do it by their leaders.

4) You would say that they deeply and sincerely believe that they have found the truth, and that they are strongly defensive when they are confronted on areas of their beliefs. This statement applies exactly to all Christians.

5) Also, you know that people who are in cults always deny that they are in a cult...


The indoctrination practices of Christianity are indistinguishable from any other cult.

How can I qualify this statement?

According to the Grolier Encyclopedia, brainwashing involves two aspects: the confession of past crimes or errors, and re-education to new beliefs. Victims of brainwashing are "brought to confess" by "isolation from familiar surroundings", and a "routine requiring absolute obedience and humility", and "social pressure" from other victims with whom they are in contact. "The last includes mutual criticism and self-criticism sessions, which play particularly on the generalized guilt feeling that all people have to some extent. At the same time regular indoctrination sessions are conducted. The acceptance of the new ideas is again fostered by group pressure and the anticipated reward of freedom."

These are the methods of Christianity.

More from Grolier Encyclopedia: "Improved understanding of psychology and neurophysiology have enabled modern totalitarian regimes to create extremely effective brainwashing programs. Some of their techniques, however, have been used for centuries; the INQUISITION, for example, elicited confessions from alleged heretics by similar methods. In the context of religion, some scholars have noted a parallel between brainwashing for political purposes and the techniques used by some religious groups to generate religious excitement and conversion."

Again, Christianity. The parallel is observable in religions that use physical means (such as scourging, singing, rhythmic movement, dancing and drumming) to induce a trancelike state in which the individual is open to conversion. It is also apparent in the mind-control practices of some of the modern religions prevalent in the United States and elsewhere, most notably the People's Temple group of Guyana, whose 900 person membership committed mass suicide in 1978.

What happens to individuals who have been psychologically abused and morally betrayed by
fundamentalist cult-like churches? How can they recover from the damage done? Physically leaving a church is relatively easy, but the emotional and psychological departure can take months or even years. This is why it is hard to understand how any person can stay under a state of religious influence - much the same way that people fail to see how battered women stay with their abusers.

Such dysfunctional and destructive cults of religion (whether Hari Krishna's, Moonies, Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate or Fundamentalist Christians) often use manipulation, fear, and deception to maintain a hold on members. They also shower their prey with unbelievable amounts of affection and approval for staying in the group and meeting their expectations ("love-bombing"). The religious cults discourage members from receiving information from the outside. Thus it becomes a sin to read any "worldly" publications or "spiritual pornography." Cults establish their own distinction between right and wrong, good and evil; everything in the group is positive (godly), and doubts, and serious questions are not tolerated. The authority of the group's leadership is virtually absolute.

More on the URL----

edit on 12-4-2012 by MagnumOpus because: A place called Christian's Denial of truth.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:39 PM
Isn't it amazing that Autowrench can do a listing that gets 60 plus stars for the opening listing and the pages run on for 50 pages plus.

Then we have the organize religion Cultists, like NotUrTypical, who can muster perhaps 4 stars on an opening listing.

There are a lot more of those that know the organized church and its followers are Con Artists selling Jahve volcano worship for god.

Nobody but you own little click that floods all the religion topics with nonsense give you few the occasional star.

You have no popular support for telling the world more and bigger lies, or flooding the themes with your nonsense. imho

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 04:04 AM
And yet more interesting reading that religion started up from Volcano worshiping as Noah's theme was a volcanic disaster, Moses Mtn. and Red Sea Crossing is Volcanic linked, and Soddom and Gomorrah is volcanic disaster linked. The last two made more special because of oil deposits in the regions adding to the effects.

It appears the big reason the name of god could never be spoken was that the Yahweh term quickly links back to Jahve, of the Volcano god them of Jethro in Midian. And with that comes just Pagan worship that exposes their entire scheme isn't really about god.

Interesting background symbol for this page is that of the first Christian church of Jerusalem.


Sigmund Freud, a Jewish atheist and one of the great pioneers of psychoanalysis, instead saw the beginning of monotheism and the Levite priesthood as originating with the monotheistic Aten religion in ancient Egypt around 1300 B.C. The Aten religion was started by the heretic pharaoh Akhenaten, who was the predecessor and possibly the father of the famous pharaoh, Tutenkhamen. In his book, Moses and Monotheism, Freud presented his theory that Moses had actually been a conglomerate of two different people, one who was a priest of Aten who led the Jews out of Egypt, the other a Midianite priest who delivered the Law from a volcano god named Yahweh. Descriptions of a shaking mountain, unquenchable fires, a pillar of smoke leading the Hebrews to the mountain, and characteristic plagues led Freud to read Mount Sinai (a.k.a. Horeb) as being an accurate description of a volcano. Although the mountains on the Sinai peninsula are not volcanic, there are volcanoes on the western border of Arabia, near Midian, where Moses married into the family of the Midianite priest, Jethro. In the Bible, the condemnation of idol worship begins with Moses, who presents the first laws against them, with the exception of Jacob, who orders his household get rid of foreign gods in Genesis (35:2). One of the cities said to have been built by the Hebrew slaves in the Book of Exodus is Pi-Thom, which translates to “City of Aten.” (1:11). Freud also traces circumcision as originally being an Egyptian custom since the practice had been the most widespread in Egypt. Aside from Freud, the Qur’an says that Queen Tiye, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, and Akhenaten’s mother, was the one who adopted Moses (28:9), as mentioned in the Book of Exodus (2:10).


The Old Testament name Yahweh is so sacred to rabbinic Jews that it is believed that the name is never spoken, but is instead substituted with the name Adonai, a common Semitic title meaning Lord. The Christian Bible in turn renders all instances of Yahweh as “the LORD.” Roughly translated “I am that I am,” it gives the etymological impression of totality beyond the division between male and female, but the God of the Bible is definitely that of a male, and the Old Testament records that many Jews worshipped the Asherah, a fertility goddess identified with Venus, along side Yahweh, much to the disdain of the prophets. In Moses and Monotheism, Freud brings notice to the similarity in name of Yahweh (which he renders Jahve) to that of the Roman Jove, an alternative name for Jupiter (Zeus), and also makes a more cautious comparison of Adonai to the Egyptian Aten.


edit on 13-4-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Digging up the essene of Pagan religion of volcano worship, the big secret of religion

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Right again, son of man, the only book I have ever read is the Bible.

You are just too clever

What a lie! The only book you have ever read is the Bible?
What about school? Children's books? Magazines, newspapers, etc? See, this is why no one can believe you. Anyone knows better than that. I have read the KJV/NIV Bibles, and it took all of my reading skills at age 30 to be able to understand what I was reading. Please, if you want my respect, retract that statement.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Oh, you think that thread got a lot of action? Check out this one:
When it was active, I believe it had a lot more pages. That Christians being brainwashed thread made the ATS news one day. And I am not even a writer. I don't do it for pats on the back, flags or stars, I do it so people will KNOW. They have an inherent Right to know. The leadership of every institution has been lying to us for years, lining their own pockets. That includes the Christian Corporation in all of it's many sects. Let he who has ears, hear me, and let him who has a brain, think about what I said. Let him who can read, and study, do so.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:35 AM
Yes, The People do have te right to know. That is indeed an impressive thread also. I'll check it out more later today.

The biggest reason for cranking up the Bible thumpers non-sense level is to try to pull the wool over peoples eyes not only on the theme of Moses' god being a volcano god, but the biggest reason is money or liabilty money. The reason for the Jahve or Yahwah cranking up into full swing at the end times is anthropologic effects, or the causations of man's harm to the environment and the delicate natural balances of the Earth.

Just as the Revelation's End-Times issues predicted there will come huge problems with the Oceans and Massive problems with planet heating and that extending into more frequent and more violant volcanic linked eruptions and disasters. In the Nuclear National Security business we've known this was coming since the middle-1980's and known why.

The Holy Roller's will try to convince the world this is god, but the issue really is that man screwed up the Earth's Balance with chemical emissions, in particular Freon, that is now causing the principle system failures linked to the Ocean's heating, the Earth's Crust heating, and the rise of energy and frequency of damaging storms, the rise and frequency of Volcanic events and Earthquakes. The Bible thumper's biggest game is to keep the focus of the masses off of the industries and the anthropoligic causations of the effects.

These days all the world is starting to recognize that Jahve or Yahwah is on the upswing, but it is all about Nature's Ways and the disruptions of the Natural Balances, not god.

One can see what was called "Jahve" in the days of old is on the rise because of man's poor stewardship of environment. And the theme of Jahve is that of Moses story, as well as the principle issue of Revelations. I can't really do this web page well with copy and pastes of texts, it is the photos and graphs on the URL that makes the points clear:




Global Earthquake and Cosmic Collisions

Isaiah 13:10 Indeed, the stars of the sky and its constellations will not give their light. The sun will be dark when it rises, and the moon will not shine.

Joel 3:15 The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will cease their shining.

Joel 2:10 The earth quakes before them; the sky shakes. The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars cease their shining.

Matthew 24:29 and Mark 13:24 [ The Coming of the Son of Man ] “Immediately after the tribulation of those days: The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shed its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the celestial powers will be shaken.

Revelation 6:12 [ The Sixth Seal ] “Then I saw Him open the sixth seal. A violent earthquake occurred; the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair; the entire moon became like blood;”


Darkened Sun and Bloody Moon

Acts 2:20 (HCSB) “The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and remarkable Day of the Lord comes.”

Amos 5:20 (HCSB) “Won’t the Day of the LORD be darkness rather than light, even gloom without any brightness in it?”

Joel 2:31 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and awe-inspiring Day of the LORD comes.

Zechariah 14:6 On that day there will be no light; the sunlight and moonlight will diminish.


edit on 13-4-2012 by MagnumOpus because: End-Times are here and the Organized Religion types are running a cover up

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Oh, now you're just trollin'

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by autowrench

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Right again, son of man, the only book I have ever read is the Bible.

You are just too clever

What a lie! The only book you have ever read is the Bible?
What about school? Children's books? Magazines, newspapers, etc? See, this is why no one can believe you. Anyone knows better than that. I have read the KJV/NIV Bibles, and it took all of my reading skills at age 30 to be able to understand what I was reading. Please, if you want my respect, retract that statement.

LOL, sarcasm FTW! Re-read it as sarcastic Autowrench.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Iason321
reply to post by autowrench

Oh, now you're just trollin'

LOL, this is hilarious.

You need to warn folks when you plan on being sarcastic apparently friend.

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