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Can an object approaching the South Pole be hidden from prying eyes

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by stereologist

The problem is that you are trying to twist the facts to meet some preconceived conclusion. If the date ranges do not overlap, then they do not overlap. The date range for the impact is given as a 200 year range. That's like a date plus or minus 100 years. You are essentially reducing the precision of the estimate to plus or minus 250 years.

You also estimate a long recovery time. Could you show that cultures worldwide were not growing, but stagnant at that time? The Egyptians seemed to be doing quite well. The earliest known hieroglyphics come from the 32nd century BC.

I believe Europe was experiencing their Dark ages during this period, I will research this more but given how far back we are looking it isn't that much of a stretch to add 50 - 100 years. We're also talking about something with a theorized impact time. Again, it isn't all that far out. Recovery time of civilisations isn't important to the actual info I'm researching anyway but it is still an interesting path I need to follow up on.

Melancholia did not have multiple impacts.
Melancholia was mentioned as one of three common themes, due to the fact it shows a planetary body entering our solar system. The other themes were Alien invasion and Cluster comets/multiple objects hitting Earth.

Another explanation is that the Mayan culture continued to use a calendar they were adopting. There was no back dating.

As far as I could tell Mayan civilization began from YES, they did back-date their calendar.
edit on 3-4-2012 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by knightsofcydonia

pics or it didn't happen.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Jace26

Actually, you are quite wrong, the south pole is Antarctica and the north pole is the Arctic.

The North Pole is in the Arctic and the South Pole is in the Antarctic.

Please understand the difference between the geophysical poles and the surface areas where those poles are located.

"uneducated Americans" as you called people know the difference.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

I believe Europe was experiencing their Dark ages during this period, I will research this more but given how far back we are looking it isn't that much of a stretch to add 50 - 100 years. We're also talking about something with a theorized impact time. Again, it isn't all that far out. Recovery time of civilisations isn't important to the actual info I'm researching anyway but it is still an interesting path I need to follow up on.

The Dark Ages were after the Roman Empire collapsed, not millennia before.

You can't mangle date ranges without justification. The date ranges do not overlap. If you can show that the dates for the impact have much larger error bounds, then yes there might be overlap.

As far as I could tell Mayan civilization began from YES, they did back-date their calendar.

If the Gregorian calendar is in use in Mexico does it mean that they back dated the calendar?

The long count is likely to be an Olmec calendar adopted by the Mayans. Other civilizations besides the Mayans used the long count.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

After further research into this topic it appears to me that it is possible there may be a celestial body in and or around the "Dark Rift". It is so dense we may only feel the affects. Either way, imho I think where we are headed in the Solar System is a place with much more energy, birth of stars, and a lot we do not know about this area of space. People have only speculated what may or may not happen with other bodies that inhabit our Solar System.

In regards to the Maya..... I like how Susan Rennison puts the theories into perspective and writes about each one and their credibility.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

After further research into this topic it appears to me that it is possible there may be a celestial body in and or around the "Dark Rift". It is so dense we may only feel the affects.

Anything in the Dark Rift is at least 300 light years away making it too far away to have any noticeable affect on us.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:47 AM
I checked out the Susan Rennison site. It begins with promoting the Hunab Ku as a Mayan symbol. It is not. It is Aztec and post Colombian in origin. The Arguelles claims about the symbol are made up New Age fluff that is repeated by the site.

The site then goes down the garbage hole with the following comment

After some analysis, I believe there are well known Mayan Calendar experts like Jose Arguelles and Carl Calleman who promote their interpretations with the intent to uplift the consciousness of mankind.

So the site is relying on 2 people that are frauds. No need to read any farther.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Well, you definitely have the right to deem anything credible and the opposite. Thats your opinion and I have one as well but.... its off topic and Im not online to argue perceptions and opinions. I must admit though....I wonder if you read the entire analysis of the 2012 Mayan hype Susan wrote. She doesn't jump on that band wagon. She takes the theories and dissects them in my opinion.

When you state that the fluff is 300 light years away....where are you getting this information?

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by knightsofcydonia
Can you see through holograms?

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Let me recap the statements. You wrote

After further research into this topic it appears to me that it is possible there may be a celestial body in and or around the "Dark Rift".

I wrote

Anything in the Dark Rift is at least 300 light years away making it too far away to have any noticeable affect on us.

You responded with

When you state that the fluff is 300 light years away....where are you getting this information?

The Dark Rift is not close to our solar system. If something is in or around the Dark Rift, then it too is not close to our system.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:53 AM
There's a cloaked mothership at the north pole refueling it's magnetic energy supply using earths magnetic field.
It should be finished refueling in about a month. Hopefully there's not another one waiting in line at the pumps

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:01 AM
I looked at more of Susan Rennison.

The next junk was about Barrios another hoaxer. She calls him Gerardo, but that was a president of El Salvador. She means Carlios.

Pretty soon this unseemly mess dives into the notion that the info from genuine Mayans is preferred. Next there is the claim that there are Mayan prophecies being fulfilled. This is complete with no evidence just some frantic hand waving and the following declaration:

modern Mayan Elders have correctly predicted that the world is now rapidly moving into a completely new dispensation.

It's baloney after baloney after baloney story with no substance and a reliance on hoaxers and charlatans.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by stereologist

Again.... it doesn't appear you have spent time reading the entirety of which she writes. But thats fine.... I am not here to push her nor her opinion or yours. In case you missed it though I wanted to show you what you may or may not have read... or again.... if you already read it.

Dr Paul LaViolette’s book Earth Under Fire; Earth’s survival of the Apocalypse, was first published in 1997 and then revised and republished with a different subtitle as Earth Under Fire; Humanity’s Survival of the ice Age (2005). It seems that this research was not known about by Jenkins and this is most unfortunate. To provide accurate information about Galactic Cosmology it is necessary to consult scientists who have attempted to integrate their research with ancient world mythology and ancient archaeoastronomy.

I think one is either in tune or wants to be in tune with the energies that surrounds us or you are one who think the talk of energy is hoopla. Which if it is the latter then my opinion is that is a very closed minded way to perceive that which we know we are....Energy that is. I'm not into all this new age stuff but its pretty hard to deny it when it is all around and it speaks in a positive tone. Personally I am still on the fence and collecting more data and trying to make sense of it.

In regards to The Dark Rift ... it is a long ways away... or so they say. I haven't seen it myself so I have to go off others theories. Within the fluff (another theory) is a lot they cannot see. Within the fluff (Oort or Hill Cloud whichever you prefer) are objects that come our way, and so I have no idea if any approaching object bigger than a comet would be able to come close enough to Earth without someone knowing it (if it were detected either by sight or by instruments) but anything is possible. Could something sneak up on us? Thats possible too. It is my understanding that objects outside our Solar System can come in our Solar System as well.

Star perturbations and stellar companion hypotheses Besides the galactic tide, the main trigger for sending comets into the inner Solar System is believed to be interaction between the Sun's Oort cloud and the gravitational fields of near-by stars[3] or giant molecular clouds.[34] The orbit of the Sun through the plane of the Milky Way sometimes brings it in relatively close proximity to other stellar systems. For example, during the next 10 million years the known star with the greatest possibility of perturbing the Oort cloud is Gliese 710.[39] This process also serves to scatter the objects out of the ecliptic plane, potentially also explaining the cloud's spherical distribution.[39][40] In 1984, Physicist Richard A. Muller postulated that the Sun has a heretofore undetected companion, either a brown dwarf or a red dwarf, in an elliptical orbit within the Oort cloud. This object, known as Nemesis, was hypothesized to pass through a portion of the Oort cloud approximately every 26 million years, bombarding the inner Solar System with comets. However, to date no evidence of Nemesis has been found, and many lines of evidence (such as crater counts), have thrown its existence into doubt.[41][42] Recent scientific analysis no longer supports the idea that extinctions on Earth happen at regular, repeating intervals.[43] Thus, the Nemesis hypothesis is no longer needed.[43] A somewhat similar hypothesis was advanced by astronomer John J. Matese of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2002. He contends that more comets are arriving in the inner Solar System from a particular region of the Oort Cloud than can be explained by the galactic tide or stellar perturbations alone, and that the most likely cause is a Jupiter-mass object in a distant orbit.[44] This hypothetical gas giant planet has been nicknamed Tyche. One all-sky survey using parallax measurements in order to clarify local star distances, the WISE mission, is currently underway with part of its mission being to help with either proving or disproving the Tyche hypothesis.[43]

Honestly..... I don't think "we" have been studying the heavens long enough to really grasp it..... its all speculation and theories.... no concrete evidence as far as I can tell.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Hope this helps
The dark rift is in the direction of the Milky Way Galaxy Centre.
It is an area toward the Centre of our galaxy which is obscured to the naked eye by interstellar material - cosmic dust in other words
However radio astronomy can penetrate this and has revealed an amazing collection of differing cosmic bodys ie stars there.
The Mayans used the dark regions between stars as markers the dark rift being one.
We use stars to break up and map the night sky IE constellations - The Maya were different in their approach.
The significance of the dark rift or Galactic Centre is to do with alignment and though it could be said this alignment occurs once a year that is not true in respect of an alignment of both the Sun the Earth and the Galactic Centre or black hole - as in its course around the Galactic Centre the Solar System rises and falls in a wave form ~
This is speculation based on facts as is all Science - Yet the Black Hole at our Galaxys Centre is a power house driving the movement or spiraling arms and perpendicular radio emissions - this is what the dark rift obscures

edit on 3-4-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Yes, thank you. What you just wrote is what I am reading as well to do with the "alignment" and that is only IF we are where we think we are and IF there is really a black hole...and IF.... see what I mean. Its all an IF. lol

I await whatever comes my way and doesn't. In a way I hope something HUGE happens to set the stage for us as humans to be on the "right" track. The way its been the last ten years is not something any of us, if reincarnated would want to experience again. It just sucks overall. We need some change in the air and if it is is in the form of the wave.... I welcome it.

Also, this "wave" is something Viola Neal foresaw (in the 60's).... still trying to get her book, Though the Curtain. I may have to pawn one of my kids to afford it though. lol Just kiddin!

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

I don't need to read the entirety to determine that what is posted on the site is baloney. It relies exclusively on baloney stories from well known charlatans.

It is very close minded to avoid the evidence that is so easy to obtain that shows that the material is baloney. Begin with the so-called Mayan glyph which is not Mayan at all and has nothing whatsoever to do with cosmology. It goes downhill from there.

The Dark Rift is a long way away as determined by astronomical observations. You certainly do not have to go off other theories since the distance has been measured.

so I have no idea if any approaching object bigger than a comet would be able to come close enough to Earth without someone knowing it (if it were detected either by sight or by instruments) but anything is possible. Could something sneak up on us? Thats possible too. It is my understanding that objects outside our Solar System can come in our Solar System as well.

Gravity studies and whole sky surveys tell us that no planet sized objects can be within 320AU that we do not know about. That still leaves small objects and farther out large objects.

Can something sneak up on us that is planet sized or larger? No. By 8x the distance to Pluto it would be detected. Can an asteroids sneak up on us? Yes if it is small enough it cannot be detected by current instruments.

Honestly..... I don't think "we" have been studying the heavens long enough to really grasp it..... its all speculation and theories.... no concrete evidence as far as I can tell.

False. You are using theory as in a guess and science does not use the word theory to mean a guess.

Nemesis was to have a highly elliptical regular orbit. That has been shown to be impossible. Nemesis cannot have the properties suggested. Science determined that. Tyche probably doe snot exist. Knowing that the orbit could not be highly eccentric it was given a regular orbit that is far out from the Sun. Matese et al had suggested that they would have found Tyche by now. Nothing has turned up int he WISE data. Even if Tyche exists it never comes close to the orbits of the known planets.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by artistpoet

Yes, thank you. What you just wrote is what I am reading as well to do with the "alignment" and that is only IF we are where we think we are and IF there is really a black hole...and IF.... see what I mean. Its all an IF. lol

I await whatever comes my way and doesn't. In a way I hope something HUGE happens to set the stage for us as humans to be on the "right" track. The way its been the last ten years is not something any of us, if reincarnated would want to experience again. It just sucks overall. We need some change in the air and if it is is in the form of the wave.... I welcome it.

Also, this "wave" is something Viola Neal foresaw (in the 60's).... still trying to get her book, Though the Curtain. I may have to pawn one of my kids to afford it though. lol Just kiddin!

Yes a lot of ifs and buts for sure
Energy moves in wave form and spirals and there are pathways created that cosmic bodys such as the Sun are carried upon IE the Orion limb one of the spiral arms of our Galaxy - We are connected to this energy via the Sun our parent of Earth.
We on Earth are out of step with the Universal forces/ laws of Nature - Anyone can see that
There is something better a better way and science can be a tool to help but is not the solution itself.
God damn - we gotta wake up and learn basic truths and values like tolerance and respect for each other and all living things - Many feel it and can not go back to sleep thinking all is OK.
One way or another something is bound to give - This world is turning into a scrapheap of beings an asylum.
We need passion and commitment to do the right thing - Governments and their puppet masters can not be looked to nor any institutions - We are on our own yet we have the Universe on our side if we only but knew.
Sorry to ramble but Incoming object is on it's way it is called Love and all else is false

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by stereologist

If something were inbound from the north pole it would be very difficult to keep it secret. On the other hand, if something were inbound from the south pole it would be easier.

No, it wouldn't.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by ngchunter

Hey you don't think it's easier to keep something in the heavens a secret in the southern hemisphere as opposed to the northern hemisphere.


no indigenous inhabitants, but there are both permanent and summer-only staffed research stations

the population doing and supporting science or engaged in the management and protection of the Antarctic region varies from approximately 4,400 in summer to 1,100 in winter; in addition, approximately 1,000 personnel, including ship's crew and scientists doing onboard research, are present in the waters of the treaty region


There are now approximately 4 million people living permanently in the Arctic,

Indigenous populations now range from about 80% in Greenland, 50% in Canada, 20% in Alaska, 15% in Arctic Norway and as little as 3-4% in Arctic Russia

Antarctica has no indigenous populations. The permanent human population of the Arctic - about 4,000,000. The Antarctic - 0. may be right because I easily found this video said to be from Scott-Amundsen, the south pole station itself.

NIBIRU - Latest with 5 planets Visible

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

What you have posted is irrelevant. The number of lay people is not important. The issue is how many people are bothering to look up. For example, a meteor shower or northern lights is unlikely to be observed above Mexico City, or Paris, or New York, or LA, or Tokyo, or any other large city even though there are millions of potential viewers there. They do not look up and they would not see much even if they did due to light pollution.

Numbers is irrelevant considering that the southern skies are watched as rigorously as northern skies by amateur and pro astronomers.

Posting a hoax video was done for what purpose?
edit on 3-4-2012 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

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