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Secrets Of The Craft From A Master Mason!

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posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

Who? It may not pertain exactly to the free masonry of today although I suspect some ties are still evident. But certain specific group within some of the Illuminati factions that rose up out of some of the factions of freemasonry have been actively suppressing technology. And overlording over the rest of us. I believe Adam Weishapt was one of the best examples. Might not have been his goal but its what occurred.

Now fastforward to today. The world is screwed. And masons are almost in all positions of power. The fiat money system is also linkable to masons.

I understand some masons are different than others. But thats my point. Should you not ditch some of the secrecy to do some clean up of some of the other factions that have damaged the world. / Killed discredited nikola tesla so they could keep Energy profits within G.E? although time has passed since this event.

Any of those pick one. Do masons care about this (which i suspect they do) and what has/ is being done to clean up the tarnished image. I would be furious if someone I was associated to plunged a whole planet into tyranny
edit on 13-3-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:57 PM
A I expected, no Mason worldwide will ever allow or admit that fellow members have ever done wrong under the brotherhood. Arguing with a Freemason is like arguing with a women; pointless and fruitfulness. You always feel like you have merely wasted time.

Fine then, I sarcastically declare Freemasonry to be high above reproach, flawless and without blame or cause for the actions of it's members. I in fact only oppose it through sheer blind ignorance born of a retarded and childish mind. I oppose it based on nothing at all, for I am a raving, stark mad lunatic better suited to crawl across prison cells than run through open fields.

There, that is my declaration, parroting exactly what you 'enlightened men' would believe. There is no other point in talking to you people. Until the day of your overthrow I wait in the wings with the rest of the base cowans, your pitiless observer, the chronicle of your downfall.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Scilon

Lol thats a bit harsh... and sexist :/

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by pshea38

Yes, we're a bunch of assholes.

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
But certain specific group within some of the Illuminati factions that rose up out of some of the factions of freemasonry have been actively suppressing technology.

Can you give the who, what, when, and where?

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
And masons are almost in all positions of power. The fiat money system is also linkable to masons.

Which leaders? How do you tie the fiat money system to the Masons?

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
Should you not ditch some of the secrecy to do some clean up of some of the other factions that have damaged the world.

Which ones are that?

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
Killed discredited nikola tesla so they could keep Energy profits within G.E? although time has passed since this event.

Who from Freemasonry do you suspect of this?

Originally posted by Mandrakerealmz
Do masons care about this (which i suspect they do) and what has/ is being done to clean up the tarnished image. I would be furious if someone I was associated to plunged a whole planet into tyranny

Who from Freemasonry has plunged the world into tyranny?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by YouAreLiedTo

My Grandfather was a Mason at the Shelby, NC Lodge. I think he was a level 32. He died several months before I was born.

I have had some Local Cops that destroyed my entire life. Most of these guys are connected to the Lawndale or Fallston Lodge here in NC.

Back in Sept-2006 I was going to work for US Customs and Border Patrol in Piegan, Montana. I was attacked and taken by Alien Beings from a Bridge in Charleston, West Virginia near the Amtrak Station. I was put on another bridge about 1 or 2 miles from where I was at. I was found walking around in shock and had to return to NC. I came back to NC talking about being attacked by Aliens and no-one would believe me. The Local Cops illegally broke into my residence and beat me and dragged me out of my own home and threw me in a hospital. I was tortured in the hospital. I lost my career with Homeland Security because of this! I also lost the only home that I had for me and my children because of these Local Cops! I feel my Grandfather has sworn revenge on all involved! My Grandfathers name-Harold Alan Elliott..

Since Sept-2006 someone has messed with my Grandmother and Grandfathers grave. I found a few pieces of colored glass on my Grandmothers..also years prior to this someone put a black X on a tree in my backyard.

I worked hard to even have a chance to work for Homeland Security. My intentions were to create a group of people that do nothing but look for missing persons. I also wanted to stop human trafficking and protect our borders.

There were atleast 4 cops that I know are Masons that attacked me. Will they ever be punished for destroying my life?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Scilon
A I expected, no Mason worldwide will ever allow or admit that fellow members have ever done wrong under the brotherhood.

How do we counter nothing? If you haven't provided evidence we cannot counter it nor are we required to do your work for you. Provide the evidence or get lost.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Quit playing dumb! Really!

Look, if there was any advice to give your 'grand' 'enlightened' brotherhood it's this;

1. Take responsibility for your past. The more you play ignorant and simply try to pretend nothing has ever happened the more your critics will laugh in your faces, both publicly and on-line.

2. Expose any and all members who have broken any laws. You need to do a massive, extensive house cleaning Freemasons. I know for 100% that in my small town alone you have at the very least bought and paid for prostitutes for your lodge parties in direct violation of local and state law. And yet YOU will claim this never happened, blah, blah, blah, blah. We're sick of your lies and cover-up.

3. End the secrecy. One of the saddest movements relegated to the dustbins of history is the Anti-masonic movement, which was strong enough to elect their own president. Have you even ever stopped to consider why that is?

4. If you want out and are afraid contact me privately and we can organize exit counselors to help you break your fanatical cult conditioning.

The world is not going to tolerate you people much longer. Unless you change your tune.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

? You should already be aware of this.... That other persons post is beginning to make sense to me now. Feel free to at least acknowledge this issue. the who. "The dicks who dwell at bohemian grove" Large masonic connection to many of them. Or is the point to not answer questions?

Your group has callously allowed itself to become infiltrated and now you burden the rest of the world. I find this annoying. I will also admit that this wasn't the intended goal of freemasonry and these days you guys do receive a lot of flack because this has occurred. Its not helping to be like. what are you talking about were a great bunch of guys. That never occurred. Their arnt 13 degrees above the 33rd what are you talking about that's silly.......

THAT stance isnt helping...
edit on 14-3-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by Scilon

1. What did we do in our past that you find wrong? I'm not a mind reader and I will not try to play these vague, generalities game with you. If we're committed a crime, name the crime and the specifics surrounding it. Don't play the "you know what I'm talking about" game either, I'm not a mind reader and I wanna know what event in history you think Masonry is involved with.

2. We expel members who we find to have broken their Oaths as Masons as well as any un-Masonic conduct that may result from civil crimes/infractions. I have seen in the last few years several Masons get kicked out when they had been found guilty of a felony. As I said before, we do denounce and act upon those members who tarnish the fraternity by their bad actions. If you know of prostitutes at Lodge parties then gather some evidence and turn them in.

3. No. I could care less what the zealous anti-Masons want. Secrecy/privacy is something I hold sacred, as all free men should. What occurs on my private property is none of your business. Your right to know ends at my right to privacy.

4. I truly love my Fraternity and see of no just reason why I shouldn't. There is no conditioning or coercion to stay against your will. One may leave at any time and doesn't need your help to leave. When I was Worshipful Master of my Lodge, I signed several demit slips for those who wished to withdraw, for whatever their reason, from the fraternity.

Well, I can't speak for how the world is, but in America, I have rights and anti-Masons can bitch all they want and can do nothing about it. If you're speaking of forceful attacks on us, I say bring it. For the most part, the only confrontation from anti-Masons has come in the form of vandalism of our property...cowards.

reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

The Bohemian Grove is not a Masonic organization nor do they hold authority over us, and vice versa. I asked a simple question, one which would back up your claims. Is it so hard for you to answer the question?

Who? For the love of God, who!? You say we've been infiltrated, but you won't name anyone. Why is that? Is it just easier for you to make generalized, vague accusations?

One, I can make statements like I have when you provide nothing supportive of your point. Why are we held to a standard you don't hold yourself to?

In the Scottish Rite, there are no more degrees above the 33rd. That is just fact. Nothing more to be said.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:11 AM
So do most anti leaning, non-Masons not support the 1st, 4th, and 9th Amendment of the US Constitution?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Many of those people who have been through that area and associate with Rothschild Rockefeller and Builderbergers have masonic association. These people have destroyed our planet through their insane ideals.

Do you ignore this and think free masonry is squeaky clean?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

I don't think Freemasonry is squeaky clean but that is due to a few members, not the values of the Craft. Who specifically associated with the Rockefellers, Bilderbergers, and Rothchilds? Can you name names? If you can't, then how did you come to this conclusion?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

John Key New Zealand Prime Minister is a free mason.... One who is of the negative persuasion. There are others also but ile stick to my country for now.

Before becoming our Prime Minister he learnt the tools of the craft from the Federal Reserve in New York. He must have lied and cheated the best of them to be awarded a country...
edit on 14-3-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Mandrakerealmz

Not familiar with John Key, but what did he do that is so bad? Did he steal the election? Was there accusations of fraud when he was re-elected (as from what Google brings up, he is was re-elected)?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:47 AM
Hmm, trust someone that has sworn to secrecy, yeah maybe if you take away 99% of my brain-cells, seriously what kind of an individual swears secrecy to something they know little about.

MASON: Would you like me to recommend you to the lodge so you can become a brother?
ME: Hmmm, Can you tell me everything that you know about Masonry?
MASON: Ummm, no , I'm sworn to secrecy.
ME: LOL Whatdu think I look like? a fool?, that's all I need to know, cya.
MASON: Starts spewing diatribe as I show him the door.

Come on, stop trying to turn horse pooh into gold, if it smells like pooh, it's probaby pooh, I dont need to hang out with a bunch of old men sworn to secrecy to help mankind, myself, or the world.

edit on 14-3-2012 by Haxsaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:51 AM
A MASTER MASON? Great. Trustworthy to Masonic brothers eh? You should be ashamed. And we know you can be bought. Some

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by KSigMason
He has used his position to do insider trading which was proven. Hes attempting to sell off our assets to foreign groups. The normal stuff a New World Order agent does to a nation..... And hes a Mason :/

I understand not all masons are like this but do you see how this is a bad look?

Also who built the Denver Airport. claims to the New World Airport commission or something like that. Followed by a building covered in masonic symbols. Just interested if you know what members were associated to that... "Project" and which lodge they belonged to.
edit on 14-3-2012 by Mandrakerealmz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by YouAreLiedTo
Ok everyone.

For everyone looking for the answers and the secrets of the Masonic Craft, I am about to lay out the guidelines for you. Tell me if you follow along.

1) Believe in a higher being. If you don't believe in a creator and someone that watches over this existence we call life, you can not be a Mason.

I am rather agnostic...I acknowledge the possibility of a higher being but don't necessarily subscribe to the idea there "must" be one...I do this because I find that once I subscribe to a belief I weld those goggles to my face and will no longer be able to see the world outside of them...I enjoy exploring ALL the possibilities...Does this have no place in masonry?

Another question I have is, what if someone believes in a GOD but that GOD happens to be satan...since you don't ask or particularly care what god they would be let in correct?

2) Love your fellow human. Treat everyone as if they were yourself. Contribute your time to making this world better than how you found it.

Love your fellow human: fair enough however, I know some people who do some irrational horrible things out of "love" does not always = yay happy flower time...sometimes it means I love my country and its people so much Im going to do whatever general destruction says...maybe kill a few hundred thousand to a million people in a country I've never been in...cuz I LOVE my country that much, oh ya and general destruction and the media says this country is full of inhumane people anyway, so im not really breaking this "love your fellow human" rule...their dogs over there.

Treat everyone as if they were yourself: This unfortunately applies your personal worldview and desires beliefs etc on if they want the same thing you problem with that so long as its "as if they were yourself"???

make the world better than how you found it: On a daily basis people argue of what exactly "better" is...its a relative term...Hitler was probably trying to make the world a "better" the notion Masonry is trying to make the world "better" is not comforting to me...

3) Divide your time. Set aside time for god, your work, your family, your leisure activities, and for The Craft. And when I refer to "The Craft", refer to #2.

clear enough.

4) We do NOT hold any god above another. We do not even ask you what god you believe in before we decide on your eligibility. I have met Masons that were Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, and, yes... oh my god... even Pagan.

So again, people who view satan as god are "good to go"? I just want some clarification on this is all.

And guess what? That Pagan was a gay-rights civil attorney. Go ahead and start spewing-off the homosexual... anti-Christian spin... but his entire purpose in his occupation is helping out those that can't help themselves. I only wish I had the power to help those being discriminated against.

Like athiests?

You also might not have know...

Masons donate $1 MILLION dollars per day towards various charities. No, you did not read that wrong. $1 Million, per day, to help out others.

How do I know you aren't robbing peter to pay paul here?

I personally don't believe in charities anyway. Its like throwing money at problems so at the end of the day you get up on a podium and tell people how awesome you are because you can afford to throw money at stuff...The only form of charity I find of sincere value is personal involvement, whether it be digging people out of rubble after a earthquake or in some way physically being present to help others...throwing money at stuff does NOT impress me (not that you are trying to anyway

I have NEVER met a Mason that tried to suppress someone else for his gain. Our goal is to help humanity.

How many Masons have you met? How many are there world wide?

Again, Hitler thought he was helping "humanity"...

I do not mean for this post to take the tone of defensiveness. Nor do I mean to take this topic toward anything negative.

Great, my questions are not meant to be in the tone of offensiveness so please don't respond defensively. I am asking legitimate questions.

thank you for your time.
edit on 14-3-2012 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2012 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by Scilon

What I would like is for you to back up your claims. You and a thousand other people come to this site and spew garbage about a group you know little to nothing about.

You cannot list any world leaders who are masons because there are none at the moment. You cannot list ways that masons have infiltrated the government because they haven't.

We are here, on this site, openly willing to tell anyone who asks, anything they want to know (barring the handshakes and passwords) yet people willingly remain ignorant.

Your idle threats of forcing us to give up secrets is cute, but so not necessary. Either ask, or join and find out. Or you could use the Google. It's an amazing tool when applied correctly. Almost as good as a square and compass.

No no, Brother! The square and compass should NEVER be compared to google! Google is full of untruths, whereas the S&C are undeniable truths!


posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Scilon
reply to post by KSigMason

What most troubles me is the condescension your brotherhood uses to peer down on us, the non-masons. You rapidly degenerate into insult and dismissal, assuming I have not done my research and that anyone opposing your secret club must be an ignorant wretch.

You create your own enemies, one post, one response at a time when instead you should all be changing tac to help the non-masons understand why it is we should look at you with anything other than suspicion. As for your grand public works, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club also does a fair amount of charity, but that does not detract from the FACT that they are a ruthless and criminal exclusive cabal.

Why is it that none of your enlightened order respond with rational, reasonable logic but instead attack, attack attack?

Again, Masons of ATS I have no beef with you, right now. Don't give me a reason to begin one please. I am asking a second time for you all and I to step back from hostility.
edit on 13-3-2012 by Scilon because: (no reason given)

With respect, I dont see a single post in this thread that I would consider to be an "attack" on anyone.

Where is the attack?

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