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Will these supposed Aliens return in Dec 21st?

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by stereologist

They wrote down many things and it was often myth, not history. The problem is compounded by mistranslations by fiction writers such as Sitchin.

I am quite aware of the Sumerian King List. So, are you saying there is no history of Ancient Sumer at all written down anywhere? That everything these highly advance people every scribed was fiction, and myth? That's a stretch of the imagination, friend. I read about Ancient Sumer years before Sitchen came out with his books. Moses was a Sumerian, after all.

Ancient Sumeria
(Primary Author: Robert A. Guisepi, not Sitchen)

Ancient Sumer History

Background and History

So you are saying all of this rich history is fiction and myth? How many other civilizations in recorded history are myths then?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

The Sumerians, and all ancient cultures, did what we have always done as a species. They anthropomorphized those things we don't understand. AAT supporters always claim that since all these cultures described these beings as coming from the sky it must mean they were aliens.

I do not suppose for an instant that these Ancient People had a conception of what an alien was, to them, anything, any being that came down from the sky was a God, plain and simple. I would say that they only way the Ancient Sumerian's arrived at this concept was through the writings of Gilgamesh, and Enoch. Also, some of the Annunaki communicated with humankind, and taught them things.
I would say that the idea of ETs from a far off planet came from the ETs themselves, not from the indigenous people on the surface.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Viking9019
reply to post by autowrench

The Annuaki were not Reptilian though.How many times does that have to be explained?

WE have to all admit that we simply do not know, we are guessing, and are trying to put information together that has been lost, or tampered with. I have come across evidence that they were Reptilian, and that they were not Reptilian. The Stone Relief's certainly look like Reptilians, and if they are not the Annunaki, then who were the Sumerian's trying to depict?

Sumerian Alien Descriptions
The Annunaki have no defined appearence, although according to the fertile crescent mythology , the Annunaki are likely to look like humans in their original forms, but in larger height. The Annunaki are a shape-shifting race and can possibly mold themselves into many shapes and sizes. The Reptilians are another alien species that are rumored to be real. It is not clear if the Anunnaki or Reptillians are two seperate species, or infact being the same species or either a branch of eachother. Reptilians have also been noted to shape shift, and have knowledge on genetic engineering. Some ancient Gods worshiped in ancient world religions are believed to be Reptilians, luring humans to have the desire to be revered as Gods, the same thing that the Sumerian's did to revere the Annunaki. The difference is that the Reptillians are humanoid reptiles in their original form, with scales (and sometimes descirbed to be reptiles without scales). Reptilians have been known to have a malevonent nature, though benevolant Repitlians do exist. The true nature of the Annunaki is virtually unknown.

There was a time when I was accosted by two beings, both were very tall, and both were sitting on golden thrones. Bother attempted to convince me they were in fact Gods, and both demanded my worship, and devotion. Only my knowledge of these beings kept me from their grip. I saw right away they were Annunaki, and that they were not Gods at all.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I didn't ay such things. I have stated that myth is not history. There are of course historical statements by ancient cultures, but not all of it is real. Much is religious mythology. That is not history.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Objectively, on the subject of the AAT with regards to their return and their benevolence/malevolence. An assumption is often made that they will be benevolent? Why is this, is it because of the interpreted belief that the stories/myths/prose about these beings and the events attributed to them show no malevolence?

If this is true, I beg to differ. There are many instances within these stories/myths/prose where malevolent acts have occured. Sodom and Gomorrah come to mind. And what about the ten plagues of Egypt. Or how about the story of Medusa.

I could go on and on. Ultimately my point here is this. We do not know for certain what would happen if we were to meet Extraterrestrial's regardless of whether they have visited us in the ancient past or not. If you are attributing these stories to be anthropomorphized renditions of factual events or history with regards to proof of previous alien visitations; keep this in mind, history is always written by the winner.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by autowrench

The anunnaki are definately reptilian

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Check out the channeled material of the cassiopeaens... they put it all to together.

Also the ra material. And even the channel material of guy ballard

Stichen is not the only person to translate the texts there are others

I think its accepted knowledge that the sumerians talked about aliens
edit on 15-3-2012 by putnamcrab because: not finished yet

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by putnamcrab

Check out the channeled material of the cassiopeaens... they put it all to together.

Also the ra material. And even the channel material of guy ballard

Stichen is not the only person to translate the texts there are others

I think its accepted knowledge that the sumerians talked about aliens

It is not accepted knowledge that the Sumerians talked about aliens unless you are referring to humans from neighboring areas. These claims are completely false.

I do not believe in channeling. That is just the mediums of yore dressed up in modern clothes. It's baloney. None of these people can tell you anything truthful that we do not know about. For example, can any of these channelers tell us about a star system that is not well understood and tell us anything that could be verified? Have they?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by cowDrinker

If you saw it on the history channel, you just got trolled. The history channel has turned into the MTV of history, it is all about sensationalism, hype, making money.

Heck, if I were an advertiser I would choose to put my ad on during 'Ancient Aliens', because the viewers would buy anything!

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Well you would think that, however its modern channeling verified repeatedly... and the cassiopeaens (google them)

Have took extra care to keep the channel from being corrupted... if you're a complete debunker then there's no need. However if you need the knowledge its worth reading and you will get something out of it...

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by stereologist

the cassiopeaen transcripts are really worth the read, whether youra skeptic or not... atleast you would understand what is going in the minds of these posters

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by Razimus

You are wrong, there is no Alex Jones, Jessy Ventura and David Icke there, if Childress, Tsoukalos and others are not presenting things in the most accurate way, that does not mean the overall idea is wrong. Far not, they are on to something, they are not accurate about it. Like I said on the other thread, dont think that they are spreading lies to people, they are simply presenting a theory that has a lot to make people wonder and not just wonder but see the discrepancies existing in history and similarities of what is seen today and that indeed not every single drawing or picture you see is artist expression when people in the past were presenting real events and some have been proven to have happened.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 07:53 AM
Say the the Annunaki do return...If I were them I would be so extremely dissapointed in how the wolrd turned out. I mean if they were willing to share their knowledge of the universe with mankind (assuming that they wanted man would use it to better thier lives) and they came back to this dump, wouldn't you be bummed out?

Personally, I would be irate...

I'm a firm believer that ancient civilizations and ETs crossed paths. I'm willing to bet that they even hungout for awhile (as the distance they traveled was probably a long and tiring they needed a place to rest for a bit.) Modest Mouse said it best "...a thousand miles is a long drive inside a car. Eleven-thousand miles is too far inside a car." Apply that to space travel and multiply it by...well a thousand...and a much needed break would definately be in order.

To overtly claim that the Annunaki don't exist...even though there are stories and records telling of their interactions with humans, to me seems more ridiculous than saying that they are outright not real with no evidence provided to prove otherwise. Give me a document that is as old as the stories of their being, direct me to a place where I can read about an individual from this era coming out and stating this never happened...I'd love to see it. Until then, I'll look back on our history with an open mind and keep starring at the stars with sheer wonder.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by putnamcrab

Well you would think that, however its modern channeling verified repeatedly... and the cassiopeaens (google them)

Please provide evidence of this claim that any channeling has been verified.

Channelers are frauds that make up stories for the gullible to believe in. Stories such as the cassiopeaens are a good example of how easy it is to dupe people.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by putnamcrab

the cassiopeaen transcripts are really worth the read, whether youra skeptic or not... atleast you would understand what is going in the minds of these posters

I did do an internet search and it showed a lot of nothing about this fiction.

This wacko tale comes from Laura Knight Jadczyk.

This is the person that got a divorce because she claimed here husband was a reptilian zombie replacement for the original husband that had been sent to break here connection to the cassiopeaens.

Here group is often referred to as a cult with her at the top and members kept in place with tales of impending doom, anger, humiliation, and tells of her neediness (begging for money). There is also the raffle scam that has her in hot water with the law.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by stereologist

So I see you went straight to debunkin this! And because you do not belive in channeling... your not studied enough on the subject to know that misfortune happens to every channel... some are worse than others check out what happened to the ra material or guy ballard...

You see what you may not understand being a debunker is that there is powers outthere that will do anything to stop the info from getting out there. Like the situation where most all of the original alien reasearchers have died?

Furthermore in every case channeling is finished before the crazy starts, but if you did the research before you started debunkin you would have more weight to your claims... but you didn't

You see you should read and research every aspect of a discussion to fully understand why it fiction or non-fiction.. if you were in a high school debate you would've failed the class

You silly debunkin punkin!
edit on 17-3-2012 by putnamcrab because: finished my thought

edit on 17-3-2012 by putnamcrab because: missing words

edit on 17-3-2012 by putnamcrab because: still more thoughts

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by cowDrinker

There's only one theory I can logically deduce. We're not alone as a race; to assume otherwise would be stupid. Meaning there's multiple races we're more advanced than, and races far more advanced than ours. The theory behind a UFO is to spin fast enough to create its own inertial frame of reference; we can create perfect metals in space, imagine perfecting the process. We thought the sound barrier was impossible to break, I'm sure there's a way to travel faster than light. By time-space relativity, one wouldn't age if they were going the maximum speed possible. Point being, on Dec. 21st, the planets are supposed to line up in a straight line; what if they use the synergized gravity as a slingshot from the beyond?

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by onlyonetruth

The theory behind a UFO is to spin fast enough to create its own inertial frame of reference; we can create perfect metals in space, imagine perfecting the process. We thought the sound barrier was impossible to break, I'm sure there's a way to travel faster than light. By time-space relativity, one wouldn't age if they were going the maximum speed possible. Point being, on Dec. 21st, the planets are supposed to line up in a straight line; what if they use the synergized gravity as a slingshot from the beyond?

Spinning fast? That doesn't make sense.
Going faster that the speed of sound is not the same as going faster than the speed of light. The sound barrier was seen as possible. It was an engineering problem. The speed of light issue is believed to be impossible.
Going fast relative to a place makes both observers see the others clocks as moving slowly. Recheck what you think is happening.

The real gaffe here is that there is no planetary alignment on Dec 21st.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by putnamcrab

You see what you may not understand being a debunker is that there is powers outthere that will do anything to stop the info from getting out there. Like the situation where most all of the original alien reasearchers have died?

As I stated before channeling is a way to lure money out of the pockets of the gullible.

Furthermore in every case channeling is finished before the crazy starts, but if you did the research before you started debunkin you would have more weight to your claims... but you didn't

Channeling is theater. It is an act. If you had done any research at all you would be aware of this.

If you have anything substantial to support this charade called channeling why don't you post it.

It looks more like you are simply trying to justify the money you've thrown away following this hoax called channeling.

edit on 18-3-2012 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 08:33 AM
Here is an interesting stat on belief in channeling. In 2005 a Gallup poll asked how many people believe in channeling. It was 9% back then. A drop from 15% in 2001.

If the levels have not dropped since 2005 then still 1 in 11 people are being duped. That's a lot of people.

Channelers teach people to be ignorant, to avoid reason, that science is dogmatic. They encourage their followers to avoid interactions that undermine the ideas of the channeler. They encourage followers to shift money towards the channeler.

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