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I'm looking for Yoda = (Teacher)

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posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by elouina

The truth is you won't need money if you master it fully that is why I see it as a no need for money type of thing. I seen some freaky stuff in my life a levitating monk and other what not odd phenomenons. But still I do not believe this should ever be used as a financial earning option. I mean sure you can master it and pretend to be the next David Blane but it is just silly. These gifts/ abilities are given to help people and money should never be the number 1 thing on the list.

But your life is your own and you are your own master of it.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

I write my own rules, and money talks.... You gotta pay to see the freak.
Like I said, fingers crossed. May never even happen.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 10:30 PM
I had myself some attempts at the psiwheel but never had success...I'm pretty good in creating and manipulating psiballs, though, and I can say 100% energy manipulation is real, so maybe moving things is just extending that energy so that it reaches, connects and then moves said object. I'm glad you could do that, even without knowing exactly how you did.
As for finding Yoda, it is commonly said that when the student is ready, the master will appear. Until then, just keep practicing, meditating and going deeper into the subject.
I wish you best of luck in your journey!

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Raven_Heart
It is commonly said that when the student is ready, the master will appear.

How true! I think I mentioned that to another person not even a month ago.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Raven_Heart

Thank you Raven for the words of wisdom

That is why I said to some people before a true master would not demand proof from me he would already know the truth.

p.s: careful with the ball if it explodes in your hand possible nerve damage may follow

edit on 25-2-2012 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Dear OP, looks like yoda you've found.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by ILikeStars

I am awaiting a pm from Yoda

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:51 PM
A Yoda,Hmm?
Need for one, there is not.
Already know, what you need.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

Greetings to you again, M.A.

Your assumption is incorrect. The Student must be able to demonstrate their capability, in all forms of disciplinary activity, before they may advance to the next level, or be properly placed.

In primary and secondary school you undergo tests, and exams which prove your ability to recall, and use the information and formulas you have been taught. During college and university there are academic placement tests, which students may take to demonstrate their comprehension of a variety of otherwise required classes. If proficiency is demonstrated then the student may skip these classes to pursue the next classes on the curriculum.

In the martial arts every degree is accompanied by a physical demonstration of the skill, training, and discipline of the Student. The same applies to Monks, who must demonstrate proficiency in meditation, and theological doctrines. The Bodhisattva of the Zen arts must demonstrate a koan, or another form of Zen art to his/her Zen Master before advancing in the Zen school of thought.

When one undergoes training at the police academy a written test, as well as a physical exam constitute graduation, if the student does not pass both, they do not graduate. Military training, like-wise, requires the passing, and demonstration, of martial arts, weapons training, physical capabilities, and technical know-how. Failure to do so, results in failure and removal from the graduating class, or unit.

Even magickal and mystical societies, like the Golden Dawn and the inner order Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis, have, as a requirement to pass from Grade 0=0, to 1=10, to 2=9 and so on, a demonstration of magickal, psychic, or Theurgy abilities. Assorted other societies, like Aleister Crowley's Astrum Argentium, the Freemasons, the Ordo Templi Orientas, Denning and Phillip's Aurum Solis, and Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical Society had similar demonstration requirements.

You have said you can operate a psi-wheel from 3-5 meters away. If you're seeking a Teacher, whether that Teacher is a Zen Master, a military psychic, a spiritual teacher, part of a psychic society, or a religious institution's emissary, you must be able to demonstrate your ability before advancing.


No one is interested in harming psychic individuals. A basic query of YouTube, with only the search term "psi-wheel" will reveal thousands of entries of people who are working psi-wheels, on camera, for the whole world to see. See for yourself Right Here. Now, none of those people were assaulted, kidnapped, killed, or forced into government labor camps. It would take one large persecution complex, stemming from a rampant ego, to believe that you would be treated any differently.

Since you say you're not ego-based, I have to believe you don't believe there's any danger to demonstrating your ability, as all of those people have done so, safely, without harm coming to them.

So, I must still insist: video, or it didn't happen.

~ Scribe

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 12:47 PM
As a teacher, I'd highly recommend Tai Chi / Chi Gong Master Gregory James (who himself trained under Grandmaster Waysun Liao)...he's a bit of a wandering Taoist monk, so easiest to access if you're willing to travel...currently in India, then Brazil in mid-April. He's shown and taught me things far beyond this.



A couple of demonstrations for public consumption (just 'teasers', though):

May the force be with you ;-)
edit on 26-2-2012 by shamsher108 because: switched .org to .com in a link

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by LionOfGOD



Dear OP,

I think I know a little bit about the esoteric arts, but of course I may be mistaken....

I believe, and I believe the subconscious of others believe also, that communication is far more than just a one way street moving only from left to right. And this tool is capable of accurately predicting future events, if one has the correct cipher.

If you know what I'm talking about, ok then.

If you want me to share examples of what it is I am trying to share, let me know and I can deliver.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe

No one is interested in harming psychic individuals.

Star () for that entire post buddy, nice.

I'm not sure I agree with this particular statement Scribe. I don't presume to speak for everyone, but peoples' fears can manifest themselves in mysterious ways, and sometimes in ways they themselves are not fully aware of.

There may be people or organizations capable of and willing to attempt to control psychic abilities and harness them or attempt to militarize such abilities which in my honest opinion may indeed be harming psychic individuals.

But then again, I'm fromt the school of thought that everyone has the potential for performing psychic abilities, or at least demonstrate capabilites that extend beyond the five senses most people depend upon to garner their experiences with from our shared reality.

Fears that are left unresolved within the mind tend to be projected outwards onto our shared reality in some manifestation, so the mind that has those fears can deal with them.

Point I'm trying to make is that there may indeed be those who wish to harm or inadvertantly hurt those with psychic abilities just by trying to control them.

How many laws are there in America?
What is the specific number of laws?
Are the required learning in schools?
Can any child born today live long enough to learn the number of these laws and what they all are?

Are people STILL paying lawmakers to make new laws for them?

Above are logical arguements to demonstrate that the people of America who consider this "Freedom" consider this freedom because they are subjugated to continious psyops from their society beginning at an early age.
edit on 26-2-2012 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:31 PM
Be your own...

If it helps, i wrote the "your spiritual revolution" thread series here on ats. You can follow the parts by clicking on the roman numbers down in my sig.

More parts,
soon come...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i

Jim Irie

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by ILikeStars

The only people who "come after" psychics are skeptics. There are no black-bag government agencies who kidnap, torture, and hold secret tribunals for psychics. In fact, the truth is quite the opposite. If you are psychic, or an intuitive, or a spiritualist, or a medium then there's a HUGE market for you.

You can write books like Carlos Castaneda, Silver Ravenwolf, Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland, and others. You could host television shows demonstrating your ability like Uri Geller, Dan Brown, John Edward, Sylvia Brown, and others. You might even be able to host hands-on workshops across the country, like Caroline Myss, or John Holland do.

If you're not confident enough in your ability to make the national rounds, then you can always set up a spiritual cleansing shop, a new age store, tour the college circuit, or perform your art at fairs and conventions. The options and opportunities are, quite honestly, unlimited and endless. You could even get more creative and invent your own approach for "going public" with your abilities.


As for personal fears never being allayed, that is not an external threat to psychics, but an internal one. One born of personal conscience, and interpersonal fears. If you're afraid that someone will militarize you, or your ability, but all evidence and research suggests otherwise, then it is you who is being irrational, paranoid, and unreasonable. It is not a giant conspiracy which has been covered up, as the irrational/paranoid mind is often wont to believe.

Now, I understand the Hollywood shows psychics as being wanted and coveted by the government for their abilities. But, we must all surely understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Hollywood screenplays are written with the intention of drawing the mind into the fictional universe being constructed. Any movie about psychics ultimately features some kind of anti-psychic group, because that makes for good tension, and suspense. Not because those groups actually exist, or existed. In fact, the government (of the United States at least) has several times developed groups, university teams, and more to peacefully study the claims and effects of these people.

They're friendly to psychics, not threatening.


I understand your views of laws, and lawmakers as psychic influence. But it's really not. Laws are, usually, put into place as safety measures for individuals. Yes, there are corrupted laws, unnecessary laws, and bad laws; but there are also good laws, necessary laws, and noble laws. It depends on the people who vote for the individuals who script and pass these laws.

Take the SOPA/PIPA bills as an example. These are examples of corrupt, dishonorable, and bad lawmaking. The people, however, got word of the corrupted nature of these two bills, and took action to block them, stop them, and let it be known they would not settle for internet censorship. A prime example of the ineffectual nature of psychic government operations.

It all depends on whether the people care about the laws being passed. Not about how strong the psychics in the government are.

Still, an interesting read. Starred, and thank you for the reply.

~ Scribe

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

let me internalize and digest that for awhile. A lot going on at my house today, but it is a good read and I hope to respond and share dialogue about this later this week. Hopefully in the next couple days.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

my #ing hell.. why the hell would the fbi or anyone care about some random replacable dude that believe he moved a psi wheel with his mind??? Are you kidding me? You believe you move something so light it could fly away with the slightest breeze with your mind and that makes you special enough to make the fbi track you and spy on you? Holy # thats so funny.

I followed this "internet trend" for some times and most of the time, the people that do psi wheel are a bunch of kids that give up after a few months because no matter how much they train they cant do anything else than moving a psi wheel. If that was real telekinesis, you could move bigger things as well. Either you can move anything or you cant do #. The thing is not to train your mind to move bigger things, as i said either you can move anything or it is not telekinesis, but it is to increase your "mind stamina" to be able to move things for a longer time. See the difference?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 04:06 PM
It´s kinda like:

First you have to understand how the whole physical/astral connection works. Clear is that your brain is the connection between them. But what are the catalysts that bring you to the wanted level?
Its really easy when you know it...

Your brain works with PICTURES and ARCHAIC SYMBOLS AND THE WILL to do it, to reach what you want.
Do you have children? Yes? Then read the next example:
Remember when your kid learned to walk or to talk.
When it has done it once, it has the picture of the certain action.
Now put this upon yourself: If you have the will to do it(and thats the harder part! Think how often you had to give your child the braveness to go on...), the brain sends the command through the nerves to the legs and does it! (Here plays the motoric a important role, but the same you can achieve to mental technics.)

So notice:

***Image + Will = Act!***

This is the first important rule! And if you do a bit research on magical subjects you will see that is the pure core of every teaching and culture or ritual...


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by _damon
reply to post by The Magicians Apprentice

my #ing hell.. why the hell would the fbi or anyone care about some random replacable dude that believe he moved a psi wheel with his mind??? Are you kidding me? You believe you move something so light it could fly away with the slightest breeze with your mind and that makes you special enough to make the fbi track you and spy on you? Holy # thats so funny.

I followed this "internet trend" for some times and most of the time, the people that do psi wheel are a bunch of kids that give up after a few months because no matter how much they train they cant do anything else than moving a psi wheel. If that was real telekinesis, you could move bigger things as well. Either you can move anything or you cant do #. The thing is not to train your mind to move bigger things, as i said either you can move anything or it is not telekinesis, but it is to increase your "mind stamina" to be able to move things for a longer time. See the difference?

Interesting and understandable so the pulsations, bleeding nose and vomiting is that due to the energy/mind stamina lacking?

Another thing all those youtube videos of psi wheel kids are fake

Points are:

1. They are sitting right in front of it.

2. They have their hands around it which effects it due to the heat.

3. At such close space between them and the psi wheel it is effected by their breathing.

4. Their computer is right in front of the wheel recording through a web cam, thus any vibrations from the computer transfers to the table then to the psi wheel rig. The heat from the monitor can also effect it and the list goes on why.

Now scratch all that over with white paint and do a more complex version.

1. Place the psi wheel on a bench far away from any electronic devices or windows as possible.

2. Sit 3-5 meters away from the psi wheel to be sure your breathing or anything else is not effecting it.

3. Have complete utter focus on the wheel for 30 minutes for me it was 30 minutes before I had it do any movements at all. At the 30 minute mark mine only was slightly nudging no prior movement at all. This is why I think the youtube phenomenon is fake they do it in matter of seconds without any prior training done.

4. once you go above 1 hour of complete utter focus you could do more then nudges with it.

5. Watch the fun pulsating headache, bleeding nose and vomiting times roll after you gain full control of the psi wheel.

Question as to why that happened to me during the set up that I ran has been answered by you I guess.

So thank you for telling me about the stamina

Also how does one train and increases their energy/mind stamina?

Now if one were to dedicate years of training and there are real results.

From your professional point of view what other things would be possible?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by JimIrie

Thank you will sure read it

I have been doing more focusing exercises I drew a dot on a peace of paper and been staring at it at a calm state of mind. I have a question is it normal to see a white like circle moving around it? and by moving I mean literal moving

What is it exactly?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by ILikeStars

Ok um how did you know that I know that you know that I know ?

Also the cipher sir you are starting to surprise me even more

We must speak I shall U2U you.

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