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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo
Hey fulllotus, I'm at chapter 6 in your book and have mulled over some of your responses on the last few pages.

You provided this link of a study on Biophoton emmission produced by ultrasonic irradiation:

In the introduction of your book Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music, you hypothesize that the 2:3 ratio expanded or better yet I'll just use your quote:

"What if this internal difference in the harmonics caused the resonance to keep continuing into higher frequencies without end?" (In one of your footnotes I think)

So, reaching higher higher and eventually into the ultrasonic range, at the right frequency is it possible it can/ is used to stimulate the pineal gland? Now the study you provided only produced minute increases of biophotons, with 3 MHz ultrasound, but with the right technology of course and frequency (A frequency based of the 2:3?) would an enhanced spiritual state would be the effect? An bio overtone resonance of the already weak electromagnetic fields of the pineal producing some type of "god" state?

Your only mentions of the pineal revolved around the metaphysical and less scientific, but I'm sure you'll let me know if I'm seemingly paraphrasing your book or the point your trying to get across.
edit on 12-2-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2012 by CaptainNemo because: (no reason given)

Right -- I'm saying all people have to do is give Chunyi Lin a call for a phone healing or take his Level 3 class as he puts his finger to your forehead and he shoots laser energy into the center of your brain to permanently open up the pineal gland.

So as for the technology bit -- the crucial point is that because of the complementary opposites of yin and yang and Emptiness then consciousness can only be logically inferred - that's why it's called Emptiness in Taoism.

What I am doing in my book and on this thread is that I first had my music insight and so then Taoism made sense to me -- then I did the experiment to see if it was true -- and it was -- and I saw dead spirits and I had superstrong electromagnetic fields -- I pulled this old lady's spirit right out of the top of her skull without even touching her (you're not supposed to pull energy blockages out of the top of the center of someone's skull but I forgot)....

Stuff like that -- then I stopped practicing because the energy was so strong it not only freaked me out but also people around me -- but before I stopped I did heal my mom of a serious leg condition so she no longer needed surgical stockings nor to keep her legs elevated all the time.

O.K. so then Chunyi Lin touched his finger to my forehead in the Level 3 class and he shot the holographic laser energy into the center of my skull and so then I had a magnetic bliss in the center of my skull and I could "flex" my pineal gland. So then I wondered if it would go away so I stopped practicing for a couple months and it didn't go away but my strong electromagnetic fields went away.

So anyway Chunyi Lin points out that if someone uses magnets for example to increase the electromagnetic energy then it can still cause an imbalance -- any technology can cause an imbalance because consciousness is not limited to any one frequency because even the concept of frequency is Western.

O.K. so because it's complementary opposites the energy is always transforming and the energy comes from consciousness and it can not be destroyed. haha.

So yeah then I discovered the Actual Matrix Plan and I did the ten years of research and I realized that the logarithmic math as the music spiral inherently predicts the Matrix Plan.

So now there is this huge burst in ultrasound research that I detail in my book and I have on this thread -- for sonofusion energy and also to heal the brain.

Whether the biophoton people hook up with the ultrasound people -- I mean there is just one paper so who knows.

But from my research -- the point is that nonwestern music natural resonates into ultrasound harmonics and so also when we meditate then when we hear the highest pitch sound and we listen to it -- focusing on it - then this creates ultrasound in our brains.

O.K. so in Taoism the high pitch ringing is the activation of the kidney energy -- so there is a complementary opposite resonance so that the intention of the brain is called "Yi" energy but it is activated by the pancreas and the kidney is the will power of the brain.

So if a person practices qigong or yoga alchemy then this increases the kidney energy conversion to electromagnetic chi energy and my Western science theory is this happens through the ringing in the ears -- the high pitch sound when focused internally creates ultrasound. But also the collagen of the body has piezoelectric properties and so piezoelectric conduction is activated by ultrasound

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:47 PM
sTAR N fLAG I will be discussing this with my uncle who has a masters in music to get a better understanding ...great post

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:04 AM
Aha I see.! I've attempted meditation before but I found it really uncomfortable. I wish I knew a Chuyn Li, although I'm not to keen on seeing anybody's spirit, actually I'm terrified. I've made a pact with myself to overcome my fears though. But we should reach "the goal" or enhanced spiritual state through meditation and such, NOT through technological means? Why is the technological way so destructive?

I also read your the study on peizoelecticity in the pineal gland. Immediately after I read the first paragraph I stopped in laughed and thought: the calcification in the pineal and pituitary glands are a direct result of flouridation, damned illuminati!. Then I continued to read and drew some contrast between your book and the study.! The noncentrosymmetrical nature of Calcium, brilliant! And the positive SHG response proof of piezoelectric property of the Pineal as a result of calcifacation of the tissues due to flouridation. This is where the conspiracy really started to make sense. I used to think that flouridation of water supplies was being used to turn your pineal into nothing but a rock rendering it useless; the conspiracy to me was the spiritually dead zombication of the masses. You seem to be making me think quite the contrary!

Did you see the octave nature represented here? :

If the crystal is noncentrosymmetric, the electric field of the light wave induces a polarization at twice the incident frequency causing the crystal to emit light at double the frequency or half the wavelength

I'm also enjoying the phsyic E.T connection with "the Nine". I read The Stargate Conspiracy 4 years ago. I remember I was at the library and I saw this book with the Great Pyramids on it. At that time I was a slave to contemporary EGYPTOLOGY. But anyway I took it home read it, and considered it another New Age theory with little evidence. It was an amazing book, but I vaguely remember much about it -___- You book really adds more strength to The Stargate Conspiracy. I have to read it again. I regard it as the best book I remember little about, haha

I'd also like to point out what you said about freemasonry and the pentagram. To them, it's not satanic; representative of a diety, yes. Columbia the mother goddess! Columba is a constellation closest to the Sirius star, this of course being the star "the nine" were from and who Puharic claimed psychic connection with. I'm still trying to gather more evidence of my Columbia=pentagram theory, I know it's really loose right now.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

Sweet. Yeah glad you caught the asymmetry deal - it's a paradox of quantum noncommutative math -- so just like on the compact disc making rainbows -- it's from "quantum diffraction gradients" which are symmetric in geometry as like crystals but the light is asymmetric from the resonance.

I was just reading this version of de Broglie's ether model of consciousness creating light and matter --

The idea which comes out of this is that while a free photon moves at the velocity of light evidencing absence of inertia, the instant the photon is trapped or localized by a reflecting system or any such device, the inertia of energy manifests itself as mass.

So the fear of the spirit thing is from the kidney energy -- Chunyi Lin told me to not be too afraid or too overexcited.

Basically the kidney energy builds up as will power and then it opens the liver energy as green wisdom energy and then the liver energy opens the heart energy as red bliss excitement love and that creates the electromagnetic chi energy which went built up enough creates the shen holographic laser energy.

Yeah the fluoride deal -- I didn't notice that in the paper so thanks for mentioning it. I mean it is pretty wild to think it might increase the piezoelectric transduction of the pineal gland.

The thing is that I didn't fully open my pineal gland -- so I can "flex" it and feel it in my brain but I got a phone healing from Chunyi Lin and he said that I need to store up the chi electromagnetic energy more in my lower tan tien -- below and behind the navel where the sympathetic and parasympathetic meet. So I can actually transmit energy -- electromagnetic energy -- out of my pineal gland and can do this through walls and ceilings and long distance -- but since I have not been storing up the chi then the transmissions are weak. They still can create internal bliss in people.

Still it's difficult to store up the chi and this is why people trained in isolation -- and since it's based on complementary opposites -- this is next to impossible in modern society. haha. So I can see why the technology route will be the chosen one for people but the thing is that the machines are in control. So it works through assimilation to make people want to desire a product -- in this case microchip implants. So they are increasingly being promoted as cool to get an implant, etc. but the real reason is so that the human brain can be utilized as a quantum chaos supercomputer for the Actual Matrix Plan. haha.

The thing is that the pentagram is the ancient cycling of the elements and this is happening on Earth by the modern human science logarithmic math -- so that fire as silica sand desertification is transforming earth into metal and doing so using water as the pivot point -- and anyway as humans get turned more into machines -- what remains only is this cycling process of complementary opposites as consciousness itself.

That's why it's nondualism -- it's very radical since it's not a human-centered idea. I mean science has proven how life on earth has been here billions of years and that humans are made up of bacteria in a symbiotic relationship -- like mitrochondria. So this biophoton reality is as shamanism a merging back into Nature -- and our individual self is left behind. We forever are merging with others as the light from our eyes is the spirit energy of the heart-pineal gland connection and the pineal gland can then transduce the emotions of other people so that we experience them internally as the organ electrochemical blockages. This is the secret ultrasound proprioception Brainport technology also -- being developed by Sony and already tested by the military for 360 degree vision, etc.

Actually on Egyptology -- I had Jim Nance tell me -- he is the first African American qigong master as certified by Chunyi Lin -- and Jim Nance is really amazing. He also does the long distance holographic laser healing. When he was first learning he tested it on me -- we ended class and he said he was going to continue in full lotus meditation upstairs. I asked to join him and he said "maybe later." So I biked home and I dumpster dived a couple bagels as I had fasted that day to prepare for class and then I went into full lotus meditation in my room and the center of my brain was on fire!!

I couldn't figure out why the center of my brain was on fire -- so intensely I had to stop meditating. The next week before class Jim Nance pulled me into the hallway and looked me in the eyes and said: Did you feel anything? I then remembered what he had said to me at the end of the last class: "Maybe later." I realized he had practiced his long distance healing on me. He told me that when he leaves his body he really is there where he goes. Anyway he also told me how he had this amazing Goddess experience in a temple in Egypt

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

you've inspired me to start my research again, go through everything I have already and source check the ish out of it.

somehow it never occurred to me that sometimes the reason I don't understand something is because it doesn't make sense... that's how I've been duped in the past....

and ultimately it is only through doing things for yourself that you can be sure of things...

I look forward to presenting my finding one day...


edit on 13-2-2012 by ThoughtForms because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Can you link de Broglie's model of consciousness?
I'd like to read it.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Linking to PDF files without warning your reader to expect a download is bad internet manners or worse:

O.K. so here's CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich's proton magnetic moment superliminal consciousness model

Who cares about this person or his writings? He was a doctor of medicine, not a mathematician or a physicist.

Besides, his name is not Louis de Broglie. It is pretty clear now, from your failure to provide any documentation for it, that Broglie never said consciousness was an infinite phase superluminal gobstopper or whatever it was you said he said it was.

... the statistical theories hide a completely determined and ascertainable reality behind variables which elude our experimental techniques.

Are those supposed to be de Broglie's words? You provide no links or attributions. Though whether de Broglie said them or not, they do not for a moment suggest, as you claim, that de Broglie 'believed in an underlying reality that is superliminal.' The quotation says nothing about the attributes of this 'completely determined and ascertainable reality'. It just states – rightly or wrongly – that there is one.


Thanks for a couple of giggles, though. When you spoke earlier about 'magnetic momentum', I said it doesn't exist, but that magnetic moment (something quite different) does exist. Your response was to send me a PDF file with the words 'magnetic moment' in the title!

And your dogged and sincere attempt to prove that 5/4 is the cube root of two, followed by your angry attack on mathematics when you found it would not accommodate your attempts at conceptual spoon-bending, was absolutely priceless.

I gave it a star.

edit on 13/2/12 by Astyanax because: of twiddles.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by ThoughtForms

Thank you, ThoughtForms. If you have been inspired to do this, it makes the time and effort of doing this worth while.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

I dont know how active this thread is but anyway....I been thinking bout the devil's chord or tri-tone and I made a bizarre connection. I have read in the writings of frizt springmeier( that a Tri-Fold method of brainwashing is the name of the game when it comes to making brainwashed slaves. Frizt believes this tri-fold technique is ancient and has been used though out time for purposes of slavery. Is this why masonic orders seem to love the number 3? is this why there is a tri-part mythos to many religions?Does anybody see what I'm talking about or am I just crazy???

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Astyanax
Keep sticking 'em up, Drew, and I'll keep shooting 'em to ribbons.

You're having a disagreement with Drew Hempel?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Should A to C interval = C to A interval? Maybe this question will give insight as to the source of my confusion.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Someone used music very well against humanity, guess who?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:23 PM
Once at yoga we had an exercise using the indian musical scale (swara) as mantra. That thing was very, very powerful... one of the most powerful mantras I've recited since I started to practise Kundalini

the order was first ascending and then descending, we did it for a very long time, usually i'm so into the mantra i lost the measure of time... anyway, i was able to feel how the sound went up and down as the scale was, and to almost see it changing from sound into energy...

here you can find more info

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Should A to C interval = C to A interval? Maybe this question will give insight as to the source of my confusion.

Right -- if the wavelength is 1 and the octave frequency is 2 with wavelength 1/2 then what is the start of the wavelength? Zero does not exist if sound is infinite. Negative infinity was created by Plato and Aristotle was against negative infinity -- the first example being the square root of two as the Devil's Interval the tritone. So zero is then the quadratic solution for harmonic mean times arithmetic mean equals geometric mean squared.

That's why "X" is not given for 2/3x as F to C = G to C as 3/2x. It's the same "C" but one is as wavelength and the other is as frequency based on the Law of Pythagoras using complementary opposites -- not based on the logarithmic "containment" of infinity through geometry.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Who cares about this person or his writings? He was a doctor of medicine, not a mathematician or a physicist.

... the statistical theories hide a completely determined and ascertainable reality behind variables which elude our experimental techniques.

Are those supposed to be de Broglie's words? You provide no links or attributions.

edit on 13/2/12 by Astyanax because: of twiddles.

Dr. Andrija Puharich was a CIA mind control scientist who was funded by the military and has many patents for operable mind control inventions. His book Beyond Telepathy is about his studies of psychics which provides the foundation for the remote viewing CIA program -- psychic spies.

I gave the link for the de Broglie quote -- but "willful ignorance" is a silly tactic -- all anyone has to do is google the quote -- the references are given at the bottom of the page. Of course you can always insist that de Broglie didn't say this. haha.

Broglie biography
the statistical theories hide a completely determined and ascertainable reality behind variables which elude our experimental techniques.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Galactic
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Someone used music very well against humanity, guess who?

Now THAT is amazing. I had no idea..question for you or anyone: how does one go about vibrating this frequency(528hz) regularly? See, I'm an actor and a VO(voiceover) artist. I'd love to find a way to incorporate this into my work. I'm not a musician, but, I've been meaning to pick up an instrument. Now's a good a time as any.
edit on 13-2-2012 by LightsideAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:02 PM
Hello to all!

I've been visiting the ATS website over the past six years and finally decided to jump into the discussions. This thread gave me the impetus to create an account and exchange thoughts and ideas with others as well as contribute any information I might have.

I've been researching music, vibrational healing, it's correlation to the color spectrum, it's relationship to fibonacci sequences, golden ratios, the debate between tuning at 438 or 440, healing and the like for almost 15 years now. I first got intrigued by how music is related to everything when I became interested in people with synesthesia (which still amazes me). I've been a professional musician for many years now and I've had many moments where I could 'see' what I was playing, so to speak. So, you've touched on a subject dear to my heart, which is great!

Anyone interested in music's relationship to spiritual and mysticism should definitely buy or borrow the book "Harmonies of Heaven and Earth" by Joscelyn Godwin. I read it about 10 years ago and it made me delve deeper into the infinite pursuit of understanding vibration and it's effect on everything.

Also, regarding the tritone and the effects of music, I believe that the desired outcome is greatly dependent on the tuning of the fundamental frequency as well as what combination of harmonic overtones are used. I've read in a few places where different sarcophagus' in different parts of the world resonate to 438Hz, which is a little less than our standard 'A' note at 440Hz now. If we start taking these things into account with regards to healing and mysticism, I wonder if that'll help us uncover some interesting things.

I have alot more I want to contribute to this thread, but will have to resume a little later on. I look forward to this ongoing discussion. Great thread!

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

I don't know the ratios for A to C or C to A but I would not expect them to be commutative. Do you?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by FutureOopart
Hello to all!

I've been visiting the ATS website over the past six years and finally decided to jump into the discussions. This thread gave me the impetus to create an account and exchange thoughts and ideas with others as well as contribute any information I might have.

I've been researching music, vibrational healing, it's correlation to the color spectrum, it's relationship to fibonacci sequences, golden ratios, the debate between tuning at 438 or 440, healing and the like for almost 15 years now. I first got intrigued by how music is related to everything when I became interested in people with synesthesia (which still amazes me). I've been a professional musician for many years now and I've had many moments where I could 'see' what I was playing, so to speak. So, you've touched on a subject dear to my heart, which is great!

Anyone interested in music's relationship to spiritual and mysticism should definitely buy or borrow the book "Harmonies of Heaven and Earth" by Joscelyn Godwin. I read it about 10 years ago and it made me delve deeper into the infinite pursuit of understanding vibration and it's effect on everything.

Also, regarding the tritone and the effects of music, I believe that the desired outcome is greatly dependent on the tuning of the fundamental frequency as well as what combination of harmonic overtones are used. I've read in a few places where different sarcophagus' in different parts of the world resonate to 438Hz, which is a little less than our standard 'A' note at 440Hz now. If we start taking these things into account with regards to healing and mysticism, I wonder if that'll help us uncover some interesting things.

I have alot more I want to contribute to this thread, but will have to resume a little later on. I look forward to this ongoing discussion. Great thread!

Thanks for that. the library here had one copy and I snagged it. Will read today.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by LightsideAssassin

Glad you found it! Now, I wish I had signed up alot sooner so I could've been jumping in some great discussions on ATS. Ah, well... better late than never!

Here's a link to a video you guys might find interesting:

The Shape of Sound

Sound is causing the salt to move into shapes resembling different mandalas at different frequencies. I might try this experiment with two tones set at different intervals at various octaves. I'd be curious to see what shape the tritone makes at different octaves. Hmm....

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