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MSM Try To Debunk Illuminati Denver Airport Underground Facility

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posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:07 AM
*Not sure if this belongs here so mods please move if this is the wrong forum*

What a joke, they did a horrible job of proving that this is just an airport. Yeah, were just gonna paint this place up with depictions of the end of the world because it brightens the place up. We just built the massive underground system of tunnels in a really bad economy to transport luggage, RIGHT!
More MSM lies...

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:13 AM

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:29 AM
So they admitted that its at least 4 storeys deep !

And the guide even hinted there might be more, he has "not found" .

The whole Denver puzzle sells its self.

There is one painting there that has always really had an impact on me, its a smaller one in a corridor somewhere in DIA, it shows planet earth, with space in the top of the picture, and it has an "Alien geometric stick figure" on the earth, which seems to be "sprinkling life" on the earth, also with a man and an animal in the foetal position.

In the space portion of the painting, many alien like face's, look towards earth and the activity's taking place.

I am sure you can all guess what that implies

I have had trouble finding much on the Artwork, I know its viewable on a youtube video about the DIA art/conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:31 AM
Wow, what a poor job of even trying to debunk the theory. So she took a walk below where they transport the bags - big deal.

Did you notice they way the said "nothing will ever convince them"? Like people who believe this are delusional.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:32 AM
Shame no-one could ever debunk something like this. If there does happen to be secret bunkers other than the 4 floors they've shown the entrances aren't exactly going to be easy to find. They would be more likely be in one of the various out buildings away from the general public.
edit on 24-1-2012 by TrueInstinct because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:41 AM
At the end, one of the hosts brings up huge Horse outside and Even the TV Hosts said that the airport was different from most airports....

Uhh.....Yeah !

One doesn't have to be a delusional "Conspiracy Theorist" to see that.

It occupies the size of Manhattan...

A four story deep baggage handling system .....that doesn't even function ?

The New World Airport Commission "Advisory Group formed specifically for DIA" ?

Yep, there's a reason as to why many won't "Believe" that this place isn't an ordinary airport....simply because it isn't !!

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:45 AM
Being a Denver native, I've always gone back and forth on this one.
To one of the posters above... a lot of the videos about the artwork have been taken down. 5 years ago, there were tons, now there isn't too many.

Anyway, I do feel as though they built the airport to "kill two birds with one stone". It has been serving it's purpose as an airport, but I think it can be easily turned into something else. As for what, I don't really know. I've heard all of the theories though.
If you look at DIA from above, the runways are shaped like a Swastika. Aren't there a few other buildings in the US that if looked at from above are shaped like that?
That land also belonged to the Native Americans. My parents bought a house out there and had to jump through hoops at the beginning because technically the Native Americans could claim their land back.
Then there are alien references, NWO, etc, etc. It is really difficult to say what exactly is going on. And in my opinion, it isn't just the airport. There is at least a 5 mile radius of miscellaneous (very nicely built) buildings and structures that are all connected. I take my kids out there sometimes to watch the airplanes take off. Most of the buildings are vacant. There are no signs. They seem to serve no purpose. But they are well kept. So who knows.
And the blue horse with the glowing eyes pretty much tops everything off! He's hideous!
Below is a link to back up some of the things I've mentioned.
edit on 24-1-2012 by PassedKarma because: spelling error!

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Just using a bit of logic here. Why would anybody put a bunker underneath an airport? Even a bunker will not save your life given a direct hit from a nuclear weapon and an Airport would be a high priority target in the event of a SHTF scenario.

Surely if you are going to have some secret bunker then the best place to put it would be underneath 1 mile of granite in the middle of the dessert.

Just saying.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Here is a non-conspiracy theorist link about some of the insides of DIA.
More DIA info

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by mileslong54

Fun stuff. 'Debunk' coming from Fox news though? How reassuring.
It's more like thumbing a nose and saying 'nyah nyah, hah-hah' with raspberry accompaniment.


Now, let's see DIA let some Alt News crews in for all-access.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by michael1983l
Just using a bit of logic here. Why would anybody put a bunker underneath an airport? Even a bunker will not save your life given a direct hit from a nuclear weapon and an Airport would be a high priority target in the event of a SHTF scenario.

Surely if you are going to have some secret bunker then the best place to put it would be underneath 1 mile of granite in the middle of the dessert.

Just saying.

IMO, the logic is this. Denver lies smack in the middle of the USA

Logic is also this. From the the edges of a country, the common point is "the middle".. Denver.

Logic is also this. Launching a nuclear weapon at a country and hitting "the middle" is the most inconceivable task. (defense tactics 101)

Logic is also this. To flee a Holocaust, natural disaster, war, revolution et al. You would go inland at high altitudes. to the middle of the country ... Denver (1 Mile above sea level)

Logic is also this. If you are running away.. in a plane.. to the middle of the country(or the globe perhaps).. "Denver".. you most certainly want to HIDE as soon as you get there (bunker AT the airport).

Logic is also this... if you want to bomb a target, you aim at it. Denver is 53 square miles with buildings being only approximately 15 square miles.. leaving 38 square miles to burrow like a weasel to hide. big target requires lots of them to do the job

Logic is also this.. you were not really using logic in your post

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Glargod

Not to mention Denver is set to be the new capital in America in the event of major disaster or martial law....

Denver is already designated to be the NEW CAPITOL OF AMERICA under coming martial law/NWO. A MILITARY based capitol, since the NWO/martial law regime is essentially a MILITARY TAKEOVER of this nation.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by PassedKarma
Being a Denver native, I've always gone back and forth on this one.
To one of the posters above... a lot of the videos about the artwork have been taken down. 5 years ago, there were tons, now there isn't too many.

Anyway, I do feel as though they built the airport to "kill two birds with one stone". It has been serving it's purpose as an airport, but I think it can be easily turned into something else. As for what, I don't really know. I've heard all of the theories though.
If you look at DIA from above, the runways are shaped like a Swastika. Aren't there a few other buildings in the US that if looked at from above are shaped like that?
That land also belonged to the Native Americans. My parents bought a house out there and had to jump through hoops at the beginning because technically the Native Americans could claim their land back.
Then there are alien references, NWO, etc, etc. It is really difficult to say what exactly is going on. And in my opinion, it isn't just the airport. There is at least a 5 mile radius of miscellaneous (very nicely built) buildings and structures that are all connected. I take my kids out there sometimes to watch the airplanes take off. Most of the buildings are vacant. There are no signs. They seem to serve no purpose. But they are well kept. So who knows.
And the blue horse with the glowing eyes pretty much tops everything off! He's hideous!
Below is a link to back up some of the things I've mentioned.
edit on 24-1-2012 by PassedKarma because: spelling error!

why didn't this tv show mention the obvious swastika shape?

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:34 PM
well, of course all airports have underground cities for baggage handling, wait for it..that don't
Because I'm sure funding useless underground city systems is always supported. I would like to know another major airport located 25 miles from its closest city. The thing is MASSIVE, shaped like a swastica, which they showed but didn't popint out, and buried a timecapsule..riiiiight..nothing to debunk, nothing to even question...
Give me a f&*kin break why does anyone still watch this sh*t?

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by MentalData
well, of course all airports have underground cities for baggage handling, wait for it..that don't
Because I'm sure funding useless underground city systems is always supported. I would like to know another major airport located 25 miles from its closest city. The thing is MASSIVE, shaped like a swastica, which they showed but didn't popint out, and buried a timecapsule..riiiiight..nothing to debunk, nothing to even question...
Give me a f&*kin break why does anyone still watch this sh*t?

exactly, very strange to be the most modern and strange airpot in america with unlimited funding..they build 4 levels minimum underground...and it doesn't WORK

yet they had time to commission Armegeddon style Paintings and the time capsule!!!

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 03:14 PM
For all of the information about DIA I think it's Simple they have some kind of Underground Hideout that took 25 -30 years to build. (Check the History of DIA) And if TSHTF and it would only be for the Top Elites. In the Movie 2012 the Guy said each place on the ships for 2012 was "1 BILLION Euros" and I guess thats not far from the truth only "GOLD" instead of Euros. There is a Ton of info on DIA and Yes you have to SIFT it out but why would it take that Long to Build an Airport ? Anyway you should Decide for yourselves. 11505l0l16542l10l10l0l3l3l0l233l1140l0.6.1l7l0

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 08:05 PM
i had to login just to say this one quick thing ... the "swastika" design for the runways is easily explained by the fact tht its a pretty common practice for airfields especially temporary ones or ones that have military use ... it is so there can be a constant infux of airplanes from all four cardinal directions so you dont have a waiting line of boeings doing circles overhead waiting to land ... and you may think well DIA is not a military airport ... buts its the same reason why our interstates are built to make sure that for every mile of road there is less than a 6 degree slope ... so that military planes can use the roads as runways in the event of an invasion or tactical strikes on major airports ... so most modern airfields are built knowing that they may be used in an emergency one day

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by 42sadhu

So you're saying many airports are designed this way? I would like to know which airports we are referring to.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by MentalData

there are thousands of airports around the world designed this way ... pick ten random ones you know of and google earth them and see if you find what looks like a swastika ... now granted there may be many substrips built around some of the major airports that disguise the "swastika" but just look for the cardinal directions ... dont get me wrong i fully believe DIA is more than an airport im just saying that the "swastika" is explainable

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by MentalData

i found the correct terminology ... its called a pinwheel design and like i said basically thats the most efficient lyout to move planes in and out ....check out this link

cant hyperlink so just copy and paste into browser

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