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2012 End of World?

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posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 08:21 AM
I think it's possible that the Mayans 'became' the Chinese / Tibetian civilisation that begun this main epoch. Not in a strictly 3D sense, they vanished when 'the evil' started coming over their way and basicly moved to central Asia and surrounds and began from there again. Of course there are still Mayans around today in the Americas.
It's just a thought - I always felt like the spyplane incident ( USA and China ) back in 2000 or 2001, forget which, was looking at things like the Shenshi pyramids, and the Chinese writing system looks like a more symbolic version of the Mayan glyphs - the Mayan glyphs look like cartoons of the future.

Has anyone heard of The Black Dragon Society? There is some link with that (attributed to Elizabethan England, the times of the beginnings of the British Empire) to China because alchemy came from there, and the Asiatic masters are oft cited as having been the source of all Western secret society teachings. It could be that some alchemical knowledge was passed on that was turned to weapons of war and destruction, which went over the seas to the 'New World'. How fireworks became projectile guns, how scaring away evil spirits with fireworks became killing people with guns and cannons for their land and inner-earth treasures.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 05:50 PM

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 04:25 AM
Both predictions and musicians can be put into the same set as being part of the same type of thing, but I doubt anyone would say Milli Vanilli and Mozart are the same. Y2K was as mentioned, a panic phenomenon caused by the fear of what a global computer crash could do. I never once gave it any serious consideration, and was incredulous at how much of an uproar it started. On the other hand, 2012 is a year I am very interested in experiencing, whether or not anything happens. The Mayans had a lot of company in agreement that around that time there will indeed be some kind of shift of the ages. A Hindu friend of mine confirmed for me that many Hindus feel that we are very near the end of the Kali Yuga, which is considered to be the absolute low point of all four ages, and ends by, in my friends words 'the slate being wiped clean'. Christians are nearly unified in the belief that we are very near the 'rapture/apocalyse/armageddon'. The Aborigines say this is the end of the dreamtime, the Hopi say that 8 of the 9 signs of the end times have already been fulfilled. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Maori, & Dogon Tribe, all point to this era. And of course, astrologists have long said that we are now entering the age of Aquarius.
So, imo, 2012 is a year worth anticipating, while Y2K was a panic phenomenon worth enjoying, at least I enjoyed it.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 04:32 AM
yeah milli vanilli were rubbish!!
I didn't have their posters or nothin!!!

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 06:31 AM
The Aquarius Age thing doesn't add up tho' - it only works if you leave the 12-equal-signs starting at 0 degrees Aries every Spring Equinox*. If you change that to sidereal (star) time (but leave the equal signs) - which is what Hindu astrology uses - then the Age of Aquarius doesn't begin until about 2323.

And remember that at the turn of last century 'everyone' thought that was the End of the World too - without there being things like the last book of the Bible to encourage such thoughts.

*that hasn't been changed since the days of the Ramses ( I forget what one, II I think ) pharoahs - it's not even been moved into Pisces which is where we are meant to have been for the last 2000 years.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 06:34 AM
Can't remember if I posted this on this site before - but the reason the Mayan calendar ends when it does is because that happens to be the end of this particular "Sun".
Presumably the plan would be to prepare the calendar for the next "Sun" as soon as things settle down after the event which separates each "Sun" from the next.

The word isn't going to end in 2012. What happens is that our sun is one of several suns (or stars) that orbit the much larger Alcyon. We are all part of the Plaedies system and all the stars in it are subject to similar cycles.

Alcyon has a ring or belt around it (like Saturn) that extends beyond our orbit. Periodically our Sun and our planet have to pass through this ring. When that happens one of the effects is the apparent darkness that lasts for 3 days.

This is effect marks the end of the current "Sun" - the new "Sun" begins as soon as the light returns.

For more info - Google 3 days of darkness - there's plenty to read!

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 06:47 AM
This theory has been lingering around for years...some of my thoughts/comments

I read somewhere (sorry i have no refrences) around the time of the big y2k scare that our current calender year is not even correct anyways, because of something along the lines that leap was not implemented until such and such a year and for many other reasons and that at best guess this is truley the year 2009 or something (like I said I cannot remeber exactley but it was along those lines) I will try and dig something up on that or maybe one of you have heard something similar.

Also I remeber a music video a few years back (I think an incubus video) that featured a story line about this and it kept refrencing 10:24 or maybe this is a totally differnt theory does anyone know anything about this?

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 07:49 AM
That's true, the Mayan calander (Tzolkin) is a condensed version of all their other many calanders, and the 2012 date is about most of the long and the short counts all resetting on the same day - ie, they all (or most) are returning to 0 at the same time, then the counts begin again.

The many OVNIs filmed in Mexico since the eclipse are said to be indications of the Sixth Sun, I still have one of the early video releases on that and it's called Voyagers of the Sixth Sun.

Y2K was a legitamite, though very much avoidable, scare. The amount of computers that would not recognise the date correctly (correct insofar as what is being used for now and what they run to) was a lot, and it did involve control systems for all kinds of everyday stuff we take for granted. For example, water treatment and regulation and delivery is all automated here where I am - if those computers failed to recognise that the date-time count had moved onto the next year then they don't have the right instructions as to when to do specific tasks, so they would add the Cl poison at the wrong time, maybe even add the wrong amount, and so forth.
Some things didn't matter because the years were not in use, only the times on the clock. The problem was the various automated tasks that were being carried out by year-checking instructions.

Of course, that could easily have been avoided by being able to change the year from 19-- to 20--, a matter of programming initially - and of course it could have been avoided by not tying up necessities onto anything automated at all.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 08:00 AM
Yes, I imagine that posting a maintenance man at each chlorination station that night to oversee what the roll over caused the automated system to do would have been a simple safety measure that was also quite inexpensive. The value of saving memory was the reason that years were inputted as 2 digits and not 4, and I can't imagine that the programmers would have done that if they could foresee that in less than 20 years, that could cause chaos. And it didn't. The Mayan calendar system is still almost completely a mystery to me, though the design, interconnection, and genius of it seems clear to me.
Ozone is a much safer way to treat water than chlorine, and I hope someday it is the only way it is done.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 08:10 AM
It didn't - as far as we know. There was a HUGE amount of desparate programming going on in the months leading up to the year rollover. Things have certainly changed since then - there is something even more wrong with the world, and it could turn out to be connected. The problems described were not necessarily going to have effects right away.

That excuse about memory they seem to have given seems way lame - it couldn't save that much memory and surely anyone would know to make computers workable beyond 1999.

Agreed on the water, though I'm not too sure about how ok ozone is. I'd prefer to see Schaubergers systems of water purification and energising in use, alongside permaculture style examples such as the reed bed sewage treatment, and obviously grey-water recycling as well as proper composting toilets and rainwater harvesting - but of course these are all basics that ought to have been standard build all along. There is only deliberate sabotage to account for how any of the usual inferior methods in use were chosen and employed.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 08:20 AM
I spent 4 years building powerful ozone generators. It is just oxygen that is electrified to make it more active. O3, instead of O2, and it is an oxidant, which will oxidize most anything. If you were sealed in a room full of it you'd surely die, but then if it was full of water you would too.
Our biggest problem imo is our agreeing to ignore our impact on our environment, and address it in a meaningful way. It is far past the point of no return, imo, but then if so, thats the way it goes, no worries.

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 08:44 AM
I'm not convinced on ozone, though I am convinced it's way better than Chlorine for water treatment. I can't find the information online that I'd read about it, so I'll have to leave it at that for now. Photocopiers generate O3 and it's not exactly a pleasant energy nor smell.

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 06:15 PM
6.42 years to go!!!

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by j619pinoy
6.42 years to go!!!

Or less!!
The new age is alleged to begin on the 21 12 2012 solstice ( 11:11 AM ), so the fireworks are most likely to be done by then. The start of the 'house cleaning', 'slate wiping', etc., may be much sooner. I feel no later than July of that year, at the latest. So, maybe, its, < 6 years till the show really gets going. I think I see the preliminaries already winding up, and the hype is building steadily.
What will happen? Do I want to see it? I don't know, but I am one of those who strongly suspect there is something up.... We'll see.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 07:01 AM
Has anyone heard of the case of John Titor (stupid question really, seeing as this is a conspiracy-related forum). Anyway, for all 2 of you who haven't heardabout him...

In 2000 a guy called John Titor suddenly appeared on well-known US Scientific web-forums claiming he had travelled back in time from 2036 to recover info and research relating to the re-building of civilisation in his time.

Laughable?!?! yeah I know. Probably just some loon right.

Well he spent about 6 months and answered, with absolute flawless detail, every question that was asked of him... about civilisation in the future, the physics of time travel. So if he was a fake, he was one hell of a smart fake. He disappeared without a trace about 6 months after turning up.

Anyway, here's the bit that, for me, relates to this topic:

He claimed that to the people of his time (the future), 2015 was widely regarded as the time when EVERYTHING changed. In the years running up to 2015, there was a World War 3 involving nuclear weapons, Russia, the US, and parts of Europe. Civilisation pretty much crumbles, a couple of billion die, and civilsation begins again, with a higher emphasis on community and family.

Is it just me, or does this tie in a bit too nicely with the Mayan predictions?

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 07:15 AM
Titor was a fraud... World War 3 could unfold in the next 20 minutes for all we know, with the Middle East going to war with each other the recent striker on Isreals warship by a missle which most likely was prvided form Iran, and with tnsions in the far east at a all time high, well... im sure we all get it... I don't know that we will reach 2012 like someone a few posts before said 2012 is the end now is the begging of the end... BY the time all the nukes fall massive damage will be done YOU and I and even ATS will be gone I give it less then a year before the next Nuke is dropped on a major city... if not a nuke a H-Bomb... The fact is when a country besides the US finds out how to produce Anti-Matterw ere all gonners, plane and simple... cross your fingers guys but its most likey we wont see 2012, we'll die for our freedom, and NK will die for its communism, and Iran it Allah, and the Christians there Jesus!

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 07:16 AM
Following on from my above post, just thought I'd share what John Titor had to say about what occurs in 2012:

"Does anything happen in the year 2012? I've heard stories about the world ending.

In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its 7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?"

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 09:10 PM
I don't know much about Titor, just that many feel he was a fake, and many feel he was the real deal. I would check into it, if it was important to me, but I have other priorities now. As for time travel, I don't feel its impossible, but don't know of any really convincing accounts of it off hand. Still, I do know, or at least am very convinced, people can and do see the future. There is too much recorded evidence of that, imo. More important than that for me, though, and the reason I feel so sure of it, precognitive dreams. In 35 years, I've had maybe 6 - 10. It has finally, at 39 years old, convinced me that we can see ahead, for sure. Of course I am sometimes wrong, and I sure can't predict the future, I just occasionally get a glimpse of it ahead of time. It's unimportant to me whether others believe it. Its just my thing.

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by cassini
Yep thats right although I`ve just read a book which says its actually 2013 not 2012. Not sure what to make of it.

The Mayans are one of these groups of people who believed in the cycles of the planet. At the end of each stage the world sufferes a cataclysm. I think (without) checking that we are in the sixth period and at the end of this (2012/2013) the world just ends, no more cycles.

I`m not entirely sure but I believe there are Hopi Indian Prophecy?s that tie in with the Mayan stuff pretty neatly I`ll have to go check

Gonna have to go look at those damn books again....

to u an to the other people it was presumed that the end of the world is going to end december 21st 2012 according to the mayan calender but my question is why the 21st of december it is no special date cuz the birth of christ is the 25th and the 31st is the last day of the year but as far as i know there is no special event on the 21st and we have no clue what is supposed to end the world

[edit on 19-7-2006 by encinoman]

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by encinoman

Originally posted by cassini
Yep thats right although I`ve just read a book which says its actually 2013 not 2012. Not sure what to make of it.

The Mayans are one of these groups of people who believed in the cycles of the planet. At the end of each stage the world sufferes a cataclysm. I think (without) checking that we are in the sixth period and at the end of this (2012/2013) the world just ends, no more cycles.

I`m not entirely sure but I believe there are Hopi Indian Prophecy?s that tie in with the Mayan stuff pretty neatly I`ll have to go check

Gonna have to go look at those damn books again....

to u an to the other people it was presumed that the end of the world is going to end december 21st 2012 according to the mayan calender but my question is why the 21st of december it is no special date cuz the birth of christ is the 25th and the 31st is the last day of the year but as far as i know there is no special event on the 21st and we have no clue what is supposed to end the world

[edit on 19-7-2006 by encinoman]

The 21st of December is the shortest day of the year, or the winter solstice, thats what happens on that day.

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