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I am a 25yr old White Male in UK, and I have been diagnosed with HIV :(

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posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by lakesidepark

Do you realize the flue vaccine only cures 1.5 out of 100 adults and not 60% as claimed, and causes dangerous side affects? There is also evidence to suggest the toxic drugs to treat HIV actually cause Aids?

Treatment of a patient with prednisone at 60 mg per day for about three months can actually cause AIDS. This treatment and doses often given to patients suffering from lung fibrosis, thrombocytopenia, or other chemically induced chronic illnesses.

The majority of AIDS patients who participated in the four major Zidovudine (AZT) clinical trials in the US between 1987-1992 were HIV-negative prior to their treatment with AZT. Briefly, a total of 2,349 patients participated in these studies, and at least 77% of them were HIV-negative prior to their treatment with AZT.

HIV is not the cause of AIDS. It also indicated that the use of illicit drugs alone or the use of antihemophilic factors does not cause AIDS.

AIDS is caused by the heavy use of corticosteroids and/or cytotoxic drugs to treat many health problems resulted from the use of illicit drugs by drug users and homosexuals.

The appearance of AIDS cases in the USA in 1978 coincided with approval of corticosteroids aerosol by the US FDA in 1976. In addition, homosexual men are usually heavy user of rectal glucocorticoids.

AIDS in hemophiliacs is caused by the use of corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive drugs to prevent the formation of antibodies for factors VIII and IX and to treat other health problems.

edit on 6-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration


The majority of AIDS patients who participated in the four major Zidovudine (AZT) clinical trials in the US between 1987-1992 were HIV-negative prior to their treatment with AZT. Briefly, a total of 2,349 patients participated in these studies, and at least 77% of them were HIV-negative prior to their treatment with AZT.

I know for a fact that is compllete BS and shows that you have no understanding at all.
You dont give AZT to people who are HIV negative, why would you give AZT to a completly healthy person as hiv negative simply means he has not got the virus.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

Drugs like AZT and prednisone cause aids not the virus it self. HIV is a virus that can be cured with alternative methods, make no mistakes about it. But you won't achieve that by simply taking a few supplements like a multi-vitamin and Milk Thistle, although I'm not saying those are bad. But there are strict alternative treatment regimes and you really have to want to do what ever it takes to be cured, even this means spending quite a vast sum of money. Personally I think spending money on good health is worth it. To give you an Idea I spend roughly $300 a month on supplements as I have a chronic bacterial infection called Lyme disease which is actually very hard to treat. I've never heard of divine water before except for in a church but thanks for letting me know, I'm sure most people with half a brain aren't foolish enough to waste money on something like that though. I've done years of research in alternative medicine and I know people that have been cured from things like cancer and aids by going this route. I think some of those "quack" websites are pretty dangerous though because alot of them are actually run by pharmaceutical company's to try and discredit the alternative health movement. I firmly believe people should take responsibly of there own health. If I ever got cancer or aids I would absolutely not go the conventional method. And sorry if you thought I was rude, I just hate to see people spreading misinformation about things which could actually help people. Take a look at for your self, there is some good information which might give you an idea about what alternative health is really about.
edit on 6-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:36 PM
I replied on the previous page, but here is the Equal Treatment issue (December 2009, scroll to p. 19).
So, I made up "divine water"?
Any more false allegations?

The whole issue is on quack science, and how clinical studies function.

But that's probably a "conspiracy" and we shouldn't trust people who actually study these things; we should rather take the word of every self-styled Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to sell us a cure for a "small price".

Never mind that the people who took the medication tended to live, while the others just died.

For divine water scroll down to p.19.
edit on 6-1-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman

....But that's probably a "conspiracy" and we shouldn't trust people who actually study these things; we should rather take the word of every self-styled Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to sell us a cure for a "small price".

Never mind that the people who took the medication tended to live, while the others just died.

I think you have to say it louder. They DIED. They are DEAD.

That's the thing the denialists that only read and spout the snake-oil seem to ignore constantly. Amazes me.

They should quit quoting monotherapy studies done in 1992 on patients that were already deathly ill and doing it as their last shot, they got better...then they died and the denialists quote that as their proof.

I'll even take a 2001 study if you got one....I do (A5095). Still taking the same drugs. Even have some frosty vials in a vault fer ya when they find new stuff to test. I'm not dead. Sorry that ruins your argument but I would rather live than concede such a foolish argument as this.

I wouldn't even continue it except there was one part of OP about not staying on the drugs, and I hope the OP gets it that I am not responding to this to fight the denialist....I would keep my mouth shut for that normally, but just the thought the OP might buy into it is enough for me to take my own chances and say what I know and live.
edit on 6-1-2012 by lakesidepark because: just can't quit fighting the idiots that are trying to kill people...its a mission

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by benjamin2012

It's a shame that yet another life is crippled by an incurable disease :S

Although I am sorry to hear of your plight I am afraid my sympathy is kind of limited. I am not homophobic in anyway but I look at this as I would look at an alcoholic with liver disease or a crack addict dying of an overdose it's sad but self inflicted. I know it sounds harsh and I mean no disrespect but we all have to live by our choices, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. My advice to you would be accept your fate, have faith in your friends and family and live your life the best you can.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

That paper is clearly biased and I would not doubt that organization is funded by pharmaceutical lobbyists, its quite clear they have a bias agenda. There have been scientifical studies that have shown certain natural treatments are effective against disease and virus's, there are probably quite a few published. I don't know which quack science you are talking about but toxic drugs such as AZT suppress the immune system and are far more dangerous then taking natural treatments that support the immune system. With that kind of attitude I would question whether you want a cure or prefer to stay infected. I am not denying the existance of HIV and I do not endorse quack science. Drugs like AZT can be scientifically proven to have a negative effect on the immune system. To me that is quack medicine -- taking something that lowers your immune system when you should actually be taking everything you can to boost your immune system to fight the disease/virus. If you want to put all your trust in "pharma science" with there glossy magazines demonizing anything that is not a pharmaceutical drug then that totally up to you. And I am not going to try and stop you if thats the pursuit you wish to take. But there are many people who have been cured of HIV by going an alternative route, which doesn't involve toxic drugs and you can't take that away from them.
edit on 6-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Bys0n
reply to post by benjamin2012

It's a shame that yet another life is crippled by an incurable disease :S

Although I am sorry to hear of your plight I am afraid my sympathy is kind of limited. I am not homophobic in anyway but I look at this as I would look at an alcoholic with liver disease or a crack addict dying of an overdose it's sad but self inflicted. I know it sounds harsh and I mean no disrespect but we all have to live by our choices, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't. My advice to you would be accept your fate, have faith in your friends and family and live your life the best you can.

Incurable disease? HIV is not incurable... I know people that have been cured using alternative treatments, HIV is only a virus. And like most virus's there is always something in nature that can kill it. You just have to be wise about it and not put toxic drugs into your system, but instead give your body the right things to use its own immune system to destroy it along with other natural anti-virals.
edit on 6-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by lakesidepark

Originally posted by halfoldman

....But that's probably a "conspiracy" and we shouldn't trust people who actually study these things; we should rather take the word of every self-styled Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to sell us a cure for a "small price".

Never mind that the people who took the medication tended to live, while the others just died.

I think you have to say it louder. They DIED. They are DEAD.

That's the thing the denialists that only read and spout the snake-oil seem to ignore constantly. Amazes me.

What treatment did they try and use to get rid of there HIV? No one here is trying to sell snake oil. This type of ignorance is bewildering... I guess this is the reason big pharma is so rich, people are tricked into believing there are no natural cures for these illnesses.

edit on 6-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Well thanks for clarifying.

I appreciate your points, but in the case of HIV/AIDS I don't agree.

However, a lot of people are seeing benefits by combining complimentary medicine with ARVs.

ARVs have really given us a "Lazarus effect", where people get off their death beds and start living again.

They are not a cure or a solution, but people are living!

I think especially with alternative medicine, the side-effects can be better managed, and many doctors today actively encourage their HIV patients to explore things like reflexology or homeopathy.

My apologies for perhaps coming on very strong, and I do wish you well, and keep us posted.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by halfoldman
I replied on the previous page, but here is the Equal Treatment issue (December 2009, scroll to p. 19).
So, I made up "divine water"?
Any more false allegations?

The whole issue is on quack science, and how clinical studies function.

But that's probably a "conspiracy" and we shouldn't trust people who actually study these things; we should rather take the word of every self-styled Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to sell us a cure for a "small price".

Never mind that the people who took the medication tended to live, while the others just died.

For divine water scroll down to p.19.
edit on 6-1-2012 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

The reason the people died was because they weren't taking the right kind of natural treatment or they weren't following a proper protocol provided by a professional that has had success curing people with HIV. Yes believe it or not there are many doctors in the alternative field who have Ph'ds and degrees in science. Big pharma would love for you to believe otherwise though. Those patients treated with conventional methods might live, but for how long, and in nearly all cases they get AIDS. The harsh reality is its AZT and Other "Antiretrovirals" are what Cause AIDS. HIV in it self does not.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

AZT, ddI, ddC , protease inhibitors and other drugs termed "antiretrovirals" have not been found in any controlled studies to show proven clinical benefits for HIV/AIDS patients. The only studies published that claim positive outcome were short-term and did not have statistically significant results.

Even more alarming, there is plenty of evidence that these drugs have been found to cause the very symptoms they are meant to cure. Over 500 M.D.s' and/or Ph.D.'s have signed a statement calling for a reappraisal of the causes of AIDS, and questioning whether the symptoms are being caused by HIV.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:14 PM
I am flabbergasted by some of the posts on this thread. Please do not seek medical advice from a web forum. I share a lot of the distrust of the pharmaceutical industry that many on this thread have but I would not recommend that people forego proven treatment due to uninformed anonymous posts. I have known people with HIV who lived a normal lifespan with antiretroviral treatment. I do have a problem with the way that the HIV epidemic was delt with during its infancy and I believe the public health response should be a larger focus of conspiracy theories.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:14 PM
Don't believe these money making pharma, there is a cure for HIV.
man cured

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by benjamin2012

It may come as a big surprise to most people, but HIV tests given to people today don't actually test for the presence of the HIV virus. Rather, they test for the presence of HIV antibodies that the immune system creates to defend itself against HIV. And just because you have HIV antibodies doesn't mean you actually carry HIV. In some circumstances, up to 50 percent of HIV positives are false, causing havoc with the lives of those patients who are falsely accused of being "HIV positive."

This startling fact was revealed in a recent study that's being published in the July 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. It shows that patients who are recruited for HIV vaccine trials often end up testing positive for HIV even though they were only exposed to the vaccine, not the virus.

"Almost half of HIV-negative people who participate in clinical trials for HIV vaccines end up testing positive on routine HIV tests -- even though they're not actually infected" reports US News & World Report.

Some vaccines caused a false positive rate of over 86 percent.

edit on 6-1-2012 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:18 PM
Modern medicine keeps hiv and aids in check pretty well. Dont do anything stupid. Work closely with your doctors so they can finetune it.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by qver74
I am flabbergasted by some of the posts on this thread. Please do not seek medical advice from a web forum. I share a lot of the distrust of the pharmaceutical industry that many on this thread have but I would not recommend that people forego proven treatment due to uninformed anonymous posts. I have known people with HIV who lived a normal lifespan with antiretroviral treatment. I do have a problem with the way that the HIV epidemic was delt with during its infancy and I believe the public health response should be a larger focus of conspiracy theories.

No one here is giving medical advise. Just sharing our knowledge and experience on an internet based discussion forum. People claiming HIV is incurable really need to back up there claims. There is much proof that antiretroviral treatment can actually cause HIV/Aids and over 50% of people who get tested do not actually have HIV. But after they start taking the antiretroviral drugs there immune system weakens and they develop the disease.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:25 PM

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

you know very little on the subject and you post like you know it all. YOu dont I see you still failed to address the comments i made on one of your earlier posts.

SO i put it in this question to you why would anyone give azt to people who have not got the HIV virus. The study you posted claimed this is what they did

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by benjamin2012
I just find it too hard to believe with all the money and research gone into finding a cure or vaccine that we are still no closer to finding one.

I have just recently been diagnosed with polycythemia vera- an extremely rare bone-marrow/blood disorder -out of a million people, only 4 new cases a year are diagnosed-they don't know what causes it, there's no cure, it's not going to "go away"-I will have it for the rest of my life-Conspiracy? Nope-luck of the draw-just like you........

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