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Piggies are friends NOT FOOD!

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posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

But, last time I checked I'm also part of the animal kingdom

See my meat chart above your reply.

Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder how you would taste?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Dr Cosma

But, last time I checked I'm also part of the animal kingdom

See my meat chart above your reply.

Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder how you would taste?

Seems like you hate humans or something.

Look, do you see the lion going out to hunt another lion?
No. What you see is the lion going to hunt the antelope.
Now, go round to the serengeti and tell the lion not to eat the antelope, to have some compassion.
To just be.

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

So, if we are predators, meat eaters, what makes us different to a lion, because we have a larger brain?

Give the lion a larger brain and see what happens...

Doesn't make sense that you link cannabalism, unless you're a cannibal.

I hunt rabbits, skin them and eat them, and I love it.
It's all part of nature, I'm sure you knew that already.

Keeping animals in bad conditions all stacked up in piles is not acceptable and wrong, like big food industry, but that's another story.

You forget, we're animals also, or did you think you're special?

I see your point.
Why do we have to eat animals if we can choose because we have a choice because we're sentient beings, ok, but we're still animals and that's why we're not as clever as most humans think we are.

Btw, Happy New Year.

edit on 31-12-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 08:42 PM
let me see we cant eat meat because its alive ?
corn is alive wheat is alive
are you sure when you bite into a bean it does not scream on a frequency you are incapable of hearing
i say respect all things and waste little be grateful for life but veggies are alive too

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 09:27 PM
I really want some bacon, now. I wasn't craving bacon before noticing this thread. I am going to Walmart to buy a large pack of thick-cut peppered bacon. I can taste it already...

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Explanation: Thanks for the menu of choice cuts! (St*rred)

Because this is the Survival forum and there is nothing wrong with eating long pig if the circumstances in SHTF sitX warrant it!

If you wish to discuss the philosophical aspects of the ethical debate on this I can only recommend this following thread by SpartanKingLeonidas posted in the Philosophy Forum ...

Long Pig : Can You Pass the Ketchup and Breasts Please..., (by SpartanKingLeonidas posted on 14-6-2010 @ 03:04 PM) [ATS]

And I ask you bluntly, can you please post how the position you have on this topic in anyway helps anybody survive after SHTF?

Personal Disclosure: Maybe the Survival forum isnt for you either!

edit on 1-1-2012 by OmegaLogos because: Edited to fix bbcode for bold.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by RUNSILENT
let me see we cant eat meat because its alive ?
corn is alive wheat is alive
are you sure when you bite into a bean it does not scream on a frequency you are incapable of hearing
i say respect all things and waste little be grateful for life but veggies are alive too

We all have our views and should surely respect each other enough to agree on disagreeing.

Yes, veggies and fruit are alive, but the fact that you do not percieve them 'crying' when you bite into them means to me that we were made to eat them. You do not experience their 'pain' or objection. This is how your perception was designed. It does not effect your compassion. If you pick a peach, another one will replace that one.

If you walk past a cow, piecefully standing and grazing in the field, and you suddely decide to take a bite out of it's bum, you will hear it protesing the pain you are inflicting.It will most certainly not keep dead still for you to keep taking bites out it's bum! It will run away. But do you see beans and wheat and fruit run away? Does the cow grow back that piece of bum you just bit off?

It is often the vegetarians that are attacked by meat eaters and this to me is simply sad. Why not just agreeing on disagreeing?

Peace, Veg and Rice!

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Don't put words in my mouth and don't make assumptions.

The man meat chart was to make you connect how an animal would feel.

No, I am not a cannibal, I don't eat any meat or flesh period.

You simply cannot make the connection, have empathy and are ignorant and rude to boot.

Almost like many of you are now either souless or have a non human soul.?

No empathy, no kindness.

If someone has to have animal protein than darn do the slaughtering humanely.

But it is possible, from what I am reading to live meat free and be healthy.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

See my reply to're comments aren't even worth a reply.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Dr Cosma

But it is possible, from what I am reading to live meat free and be healthy.

It is not only possible, it is the highest form of living and a blessing, promotes your understanding of yourself and brings you closer to the Creator. If you do not respect His creation, how is that bringing you closer to the creator?

My parents turned vegetarian when I was only 2. No meat, chicken, fish or eggs and nothing containing it. So I grew up in this way and now, at age 43, cannot imagine having to put flesh into my mouth and swallowing it. (Please, I ask you to respect my sensitivity, and not make a joke out of your insensitivity.)

I was the prima ballerina at my dance school and danced every day, sometimes up to 3 hours after school, (I walked to dancing about 5km away as I was in boarding school and had no transport to get there - was extremely fit), came first in class in my final year at school even though I was the youngest in class, and was very active in the wildlife society through which we did many strenous hikes in the raw Zululand.
- nothing special about me, just that vegetarian lifestyle truly promotes braincells, compassion, great fitness and zest for life.

Eating flesh numbs the senses, thus, people that have eaten meat for a long time cannot feel compasionate towards other living creatures.

It is sad for me to see how you people joke about eating corpses of the very creatures you were supposed to love.

Not funny at all.
The world is a bloody mess.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:22 PM
I have to be honest, I hate the stupidity and stubbornness on both sides. People say some pretty stupid and nonsensical things to win arguments or convince themselves of their position. The naturalism argument against vegetarianism and a health argument for vegetarianism are two of the stupidest things I've ever encountered in my life.

A varied diet - a diet that contains meat - is the optimal. There is no debate here, a vegetarian diet will never be healthier, certainly a vegan diet never will. This is just fact, you can't argue that. Perhaps there are some small number, an incredibly few people who do better for no meat, but they're exceptions to the rule.

Too many vegetarians are complete charlatans and hypocrites. Most haven't the first idea about agriculture or economics and insist upon eating a diet of foreign foods, shipped in from all continents. Cupboards full of foreign produce such as chickpeas and couscous is considering perfectly acceptable to the hypocritical vegetarians. They generally have no understanding of sustainability, or any idea of the number of animals that are killed, sometimes driven to extinction, by their food buying habits. A lamb is more important than a field mouse though, insects are also deemed unworthy of life by vegetarians.

There's so many fruit-loop vegetarians that it makes me embarrassed to call myself one. In terms of insane most vegetarians are up there with "psychics", you meet people who will talk about the vibrational level of meat eaters and tell you how they feed soy burgers to their pet dog or snake and will deprive their children by forcing them into vegetarianism -- Just uncontrollable levels of lunacy.

I really don't like most vegetarians. What I've also found is that many of them, especially the female vegetarians, aren't vegetarian for any sort of ethical reason, they just find meat "icky". Far too many vegetarians are fussy eaters, irrationalists disguised as moralists.

Here is a good discussion between Singer and Dawkin on vegetarianism. If you enjoy intellectual debate you should like this

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
Eating flesh numbs the senses, thus, people that have eaten meat for a long time cannot feel compasionate towards other living creatures.

^ A prime example of the sort of extremist, egocentric and irrational attitude of vegetarians towards meat eaters.

Next time I'm in Asia with Buddhist monks I will have to let them know that their meat based diet prevents them from feeling compassion to animals, and that their Four Noble Truths are just a disguise for their immorality and lack of compassion.

OfHumanDescent also makes me laugh. She pretends to be some great caring person with empathy for everything, always deriding the lack of empathy of others -- but she only feels empathy for cute mammals.

Here is a quote from OHD on another thread

If I had been there, I would have gotten my ax and made short work of the reptile. Reptiles I have no pity for, they are ruthless, have no compassion, empathy and will eat the person that feeds them. They only care about eating and sex. They are incapable of love or compassion.

Typical of the ever present irrationality of female vegetarians.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:37 PM
Pigs are very useful animals,

TextWell-known scientist Robert Winston from the UK is setting up a lab to breed pigs with special organs that could one day be transplanted into humans who would otherwise die. The first genetically modified pigs could be bred in two years, and the first pig-human transplant might occur in the next decade. There is a worldwide shortage of organ transplants. In the US alone, about 100,000 people are waiting for a transplant, and about 60% of these individuals will die on the waiting list. Winston's pigs, however, would have a supply of organs--hearts, livers, kidneys, and more--ready for those who are most desperate. Winston and his colleagues from the Imperial College of London have already created pigs with genetically modified sperm. However, the group is still waiting for permission from the EU to breed the animals. The researchers then plan to genetically alter the sperm so that the pigs' organs won't be rejected by a human immune system. The method would alter certain molecules on the surface of organs, in effect cloaking the organ so that the origin would be hidden from the human immune system. Animals with foreign genetic material are described as "transgenic." The researchers chose pigs because their hearts are similar to those of humans in size, shape and structure. Today, pig heart valves are regularly used in human heart surgery, after they have been stripped of their tissue to prevent rejection by the immune system.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

Eating flesh numbs the senses, thus, people that have eaten meat for a long time cannot feel compasionate towards other living creatures.

What are you talkin about? Do you have anything to back this up? Do you have any idea how that sounds?
From what I've seen in this thread it is the those that don't eat are the ones without compasion. Get off that high horse please

I love animals, I love humans and I love all forms of life but this is how I am, if I chose to eat meat I'll eat meat just like all those other animals.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

Eating flesh numbs the senses, thus, people that have eaten meat for a long time cannot feel compasionate towards other living creatures.

You can tell that to my dog who probably eats better than you

Mate, I'm telling you I eat flesh. Not only that, but I eat and have eaten a lot of flesh.
We have four chickens (pets) two smaller birds called common quail (pets) one cock (pet) and a rabbit (pet).
Two hunting dogs and a guard dog, all pets.

I find that the people who hunt their food have a lot of respect for animals.
Like if the rabbit makes it to the hole, it won. No ferrets! (they kill the babies)



It is sad for me to see how you people joke about eating corpses of the very creatures you were supposed to love.

That just reminded me of the Grizzly Man documentary. You seen it?
If not then watch it and wake up.
edit on 1-1-2012 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

You simply cannot make the connection, have empathy and are ignorant and rude to boot. Almost like many of you are now either souless or have a non human soul.?

Well actually I can. You linked a Human meat chart remember?
I have balance. It's a bit of both, sympathy and empathy. You're just confused, but you'll get over it I'm sure.
If I was ignorant I wouldn't have contributed to this thread. Heck, if I was ignorant I probably wouldn't even have registered on this site.
And now I'm souless? Says you of course.
No wait, I have a "non human soul".
Yep that's right, I have an amphibian soul, no wait! A reptilian soul!
What you getting at? lmao

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

Good reply.

Some of us understand that all life is precious and respect other beings.

The world is in a mess because some people don't understand and are are insensitive.

edit on 1-1-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Some of us understand that all life is precious and respect other beings.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
If I had been there, I would have gotten my ax and made short work of the reptile. Reptiles I have no pity for, they are ruthless, have no compassion, empathy and will eat the person that feeds them. They only care about eating and sex. They are incapable of love or compassion.

Which is it? Reptilians were living beings last I checked.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
Eating flesh numbs the senses, thus, people that have eaten meat for a long time cannot feel compasionate towards other living creatures.

It is sad for me to see how you people joke about eating corpses of the very creatures you were supposed to love.

Not funny at all.
The world is a bloody mess.

So, your basically saying I lack compassion because I eat meat. Great, thanks for that. Just because someone would eat a pig doesn't mean they lack compassion, you don't think some people respect the animals they kill and/or eat? If anything a human has more potential than any animal, having respect for the animal is realizing it lives on in you and you have the responsibility to make any animals comfortable and live in peace that you do not have to eat to survive.

This is the way of nature, maybe have a bit more respect for all those people and organisms who ate meat through out history in order to create YOU. Yea, that's right, you are a product of carnivores whether you like it or not, GTFO with the holier than thou attitude.

What you think plants aren't living organisms, you eat them don't you? Why don't you have as much compassion toward the plant kingdom? Get over yourself and face facts, in order to survive you must eat other things. If you are too insane to eat something because you think it makes you better than all the other horrible people in the world, then die of starvation.

Compassion won't solve the worlds problems, but rationality can.

And by the way, our food poops on your food.
edit on 1-1-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by JessopJessopJessop

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Some of us understand that all life is precious and respect other beings.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
If I had been there, I would have gotten my ax and made short work of the reptile. Reptiles I have no pity for, they are ruthless, have no compassion, empathy and will eat the person that feeds them. They only care about eating and sex. They are incapable of love or compassion.

Which is it? Reptilians were living beings last I checked.

Some of us understand that all life is precious and respect other beings.

She can tell that to the reptiles she wanted to axe.
What a hypocrite!

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Dr Cosma

Originally posted by JessopJessopJessop

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Some of us understand that all life is precious and respect other beings.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
If I had been there, I would have gotten my ax and made short work of the reptile. Reptiles I have no pity for, they are ruthless, have no compassion, empathy and will eat the person that feeds them. They only care about eating and sex. They are incapable of love or compassion.

Which is it? Reptilians were living beings last I checked.

Some of us understand that all life is precious and respect other beings.

She can tell that to the reptiles she wanted to axe.
What a hypocrite!

I think she's one of those kooks who believes in David Icke sort of reptilian conspiracies, so she has no compassion for actual reptiles.

Either that or she's a professional troll, I haven't quite decided

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