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What HAS Barack Obama Done?

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posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by VandettasThere has always been a a lot of Barack Obama bashing, and a lot of talk about all the things he HASN'T done, but one thing I've always wanted to know is what HAS he done?

He gave us money to buy cupcakes.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Masterjaden

Keep your involvement classified as that is not to be discussed anywhere!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko

Originally posted by tangonine

The last president didn't.

first Bush lied when he said he gave up golf...second are you actually a fan of the idiot that was Bush...That for me said it more replies from me....if your smart enough to be a fan of Bush...then you are obviously mentally impaired...I do not like to pick on the handicapped...

I didn't say I was a fan of Bush, I said he stopped playing golf. You ARE illiterate.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Yur kiddn rite?

better do your example being health care reform.......most states are suing the Feds over that issue and abolishing it now (as we argue over it here)........research!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by tangonine

He goes on vacation twice a year for two weeks each and that is during August for his birthday and during December for the holidays (where he is at now).

Every golf outing he is working as in the corporate world most will go golfing just to get out of the office to have a change of scenery but remain working during said outings.

He don't golf for leisure as he's working! Remember the golf outing with him and Boehner? They were both working.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by tangonine

He goes on vacation twice a year for two weeks each and that is during August for his birthday and during December for the holidays (where he is at now).

Every golf outing he is working as in the corporate world most will go golfing just to get out of the office to have a change of scenery but remain working during said outings.

He don't golf for leisure as he's working! Remember the golf outing with him and Boehner? They were both working.

yeah. gotcha. can I get that job? the one where I get to work from the golf course? Oh wait... he's only making a measley $190K a year... well, except for all the campaign digs and the book deals (where you get Saul Alinsky to write a book for you then you take the profits) and all the real estate bits where you roll in at $5.5M.

yeah. Being president is tough... unless you un-tough it and make your secret service entourage miss Christmas with their families and accompany you to Hawaii so you can float about and play more golf.
edit on 20-12-2011 by tangonine because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:08 PM
He's only damaged the USA and undermined the constitution.

Any companies or organizations that support him are traitors to the country and need to be remembered after he's gone and undermined.

He's continued all the things people hated Bush for (wars, 'patriot' act, spending) but far worse.

He's mismanaged the economy caused by overspending and excess credit, by spending massive amounts more.

He's completely misunderstands business and undermines the recovery at every chance.

He's for taxes wherever he finds least resistance, even though taxes burden the economy and only hurt the poor.

He's pushed his marxist agenda wherever he is able, as stealthily as possible.

He's signed into law the ability to imprison Citizens indefinitely just like North Korea.

He needs to go. No matter who gets nominated as his opposition, the nominee as bad as they are, will be a far far better option than to keep destroying the country under Obama.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Henley

I'm no fan of the former but here is a graph in regards to your comment.

I guess you have no idea there is a difference between an estimated number and a real number then?
Or do you really believe Obama has been 5 years in the future as well?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by tangonine

The current salary for POTUS is $400,000 a year!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by kerazeesicko

Originally posted by tangonine

The last president didn't.

first Bush lied when he said he gave up golf...second are you actually a fan of the idiot that was Bush...That for me said it more replies from me....if your smart enough to be a fan of Bush...then you are obviously mentally impaired...I do not like to pick on the handicapped...

I didn't say I was a fan of Bush, I said he stopped playing golf. You ARE illiterate.

But he did not stop playing golf. He promised to stop playing golf.
Then he continuted to play golf.
Facts are handy.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by tangonine

The US Secret Service Premiere Presidential Detail (for which no more then 100 qualify for at a time) are attached to his hip for the time he's in the office and for the rest of his life. It's mostly former military and ultra cleared former law enforcement whose families have become accustomed to being away for long periods of time it is a drain on those families yes, but they know that they have one of the most important gigs in the nation and are very proud of them for being able to undertake such a gig.

A friend of mine's cousin is a member of USSS PPD and her family rarely sees him.

Off Topic is that if you thought the TSA patdowns were intrusive you ain't seen nothing yet as a USSS patdown is far more intrusive and I myself have been subjected to just that on at least a dozen occasions or more and I jokingly told the agent doing the patdown that they better buy me dinner and they laughed.
edit on 20-12-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:21 PM
More than Bush Jr. done..............he's the nigg** cleaning up the mess our ivy league skull and cross bones good old southern boy ruined.

While Obama isn't snowy white, he's a hell of a lot better than the Bushes.

Do the research.

I've done the 30 years of do the work, you reseach. No I'm not going to hand it to you free and clear.

Who signs your paycheck...........that's what I want to know????

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Edit your thread of the n word so that your informative thread won't be yanked or risk having you get docked for points!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:24 PM
I'm forever in Obama's debt, really. He has actually done a lot for me, personally.

First of all, he has relieved me of the dangerous misconception that there may be a shred of hope for the existing power structure and political system in America. By fooling me in 2008 with his rags-to-riches story, his flowery speeches and his expertly feigned determination to "fix" Washington, then turning around and proving to be little more than a pawn in the hands of forces much more stronger than he (or any President) will ever be, he has helped me realize that the system has in fact failed.

Obama's endless talking and droning speeches has helped my marriage by putting my children to sleep at a reasonable hour and giving me more time with my wife.

His crafty negotiation technique -- where he asks for half of what he should ask for in the first place, then goes all blustery for a few minutes when he's shot down, and then ends up giving the other side everything they wanted and more -- has taught me everything I need to know about recognizing a pushover when I see one.

He has the unique charm of a man who, if you've fallen overboard, will toss you the most beautiful lifesaver on the boat, but doesn't seem to notice it's only decorative, made of brass, and doesn't seem to care when it knocks you unconscious and drags you to the bottom.

He has given me a burning desire to become a successful entrepreneur. Well, more like the desperation to become an entrepreneur. But still, I give him credit.

He talks about the Constitution like a secretly gay man might write a love letter to a woman: just vague enough to be believable, until you find out what happens behind closed doors.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n

He talks about the Constitution like a secretly gay man might write a love letter to a woman: just vague enough to be believable, until you find out what happens behind closed doors.

Your choice of words is, well, how do I put it: exceedingly observant, yet subtle enough that we all know exactly what you're referring to.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:56 PM
I think the original poster and many here are looking at the situation through a straw. The fact is that the situation we're in was enabled by many in our Govt over many years and over many administrations. Nobody forced our Govt. into putting our country into the debt that may eventually transform us into debt slaves. Almost our entire Govt. has let private influences run our Govt. while Congress, Senators and Presidents act as a rubber stamp approval for these influences (with few exceptions).

And I don't think Occupy Wall Street or any other protest will change things. The violence that may erupt or be false flagged at those protests will only make matters worse and lead to restrictions on the American people. Coordinated purchasing strategies by large groups of people is our only real power left. Like the thousands of enslaved ants in "A Bugs Life", we too could identify those small numbers that feed off our work and decide to end our servitude to them by changing what we do. No violence is needed. We simply collectively use our money to empower us, just as the top tier does.

Sadly, I don't see enough people that realize the true situation and what to do about it. We've lived with this top down control for centuries and haven't ever broken out of it. Years back it was the Coliseum games and today we have "Dancing with the Stars" and televised Wars to keep us from focusing on The Game played upon us. The top tier owned media gives multiple injections of messages of what to think on a daily basis. Is there a hope that people will escape this nearly hypnotic trance put upon us? We can do it if only we can work together. I hope we can.
edit on 20-12-2011 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Thank you...........can't chenge the time for change has expired.

I only speak the truth from my heart.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by thepixelpusher
I think the original poster and many here are looking at the situation through a straw. The fact is that the situation we're in was enabled by many in our Govt over many years and over many administrations. Nobody forced our Govt. into putting our country into the debt that may eventually transform us into debt slaves. Almost our entire Govt. has let private influences run our Govt. while Congress, Senators and Presidents act as a rubber stamp approval for these influences (with few exceptions).

And I don't think Occupy Wall Street or any other protest will change things. The violence that may erupt or be false flagged at those protests will only make matters worse and lead to restrictions on the American people. Coordinated purchasing strategies by large groups of people is our only real power left. Like the thousands of enslaved ants in "A Bugs Life", we too could identify those small numbers that feed off our work and decide to end our servitude to them by changing what we do. No violence is needed. We simply collectively use our money to empower us, just as the top tier does.

Sadly, I don't see enough people that realize the true situation and what to do about it. We've lived with this top down control for centuries and haven't ever broken out of it. Years back it was the Coliseum games and today we have "Dancing with the Stars" and televised Wars to keep us from focusing on The Game played upon us. The top tier owned media gives multiple injections of messages of what to think on a daily basis. Is there a hope that people will escape this nearly hypnotic trance put upon us? We can do it if only we can work together. I hope we can.
edit on 20-12-2011 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

Oh it's sesame street simple: the politicians are in it for self-gain only. 99.9% of them. And they don't give two craps about you or your family or your job or your education or anything else.

We're reduced to the voting for the guy (and I say "guy" on purpose) that screws us the least. That's what this nation has become.

It started out with the government serving the people. 236 years later, it's the people ducking and dodging the oppressive government. I'm a conservative, and I send blistering e-mails to my representative and senators (and I get back crap) about once every two weeks. (republican rep, 2 commie senators) and I get the same replies from the idiot staffers (R) that I do the idiot staffers (D).

We have no voice. This republic is dead (I'd start a 14th amendment debate at this point, but it's too late)....

The question is: w t f are we going to do about it?
edit on 20-12-2011 by tangonine because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2011 by tangonine because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by tangonine

I agree it very clear what is going on and many realize the corruption. In the same breathe as complaining about the Govt. a person I talked to says they heard on TV that Ron Paul cannot win and wouldn't throw their vote away. What person in the Govt. that offers alternate solutions has a chance? And please don't focus on Ron Paul because no one candidate can save us at this point. We need to act in a positive non-violent way for ourselves.

People are still allowing themselves to be directed. Independant thinking and the embrace of People Power seems to be easily struck down by the sea of media messages we get.

edit on 20-12-2011 by thepixelpusher because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by vexati0n

Obama has tried very hard to clean up the mess the ivy leage skull & cross bones arse hole Bush Jr messed up.

Bush Jr. bankrupted the two companies his father gave him and walked off with many of the older worker's pensions.

A liar, a thief, mass murderer and scum bag of the lowest type.

Again I say for what it is worth and I implore any other people out there that can see auras, Bush Sr. and Jr. have none...............look and report back.

For me not to see a aura on a person or animal is very uusual.

I see no aura for Bush Sr. or Jr. which to my mind denotes they are not human.........I realize this is a very rash statement........honestly from my heart this is what I see.

For Obama I see a yellow aura.

And that humbly is what I myself see.

Other people that are sensitive to auras please feel free to report what you see.
edit on 20-12-2011 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

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