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Why I debunk the chemtrail myth

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Aloysius, first and foremost I would like to say to you that, you do not debunk chemtrails. Yes, you often ATTEMPT to debunk chemtrails. But you have never actually successfully debunked them have you?

If so, where is the PROOF that chemtrails have been debunked? Where are the peer reviewed scientific studies and repeatable verified tests of samples, that support your claim that you have debunked chemtrails? Clearly you try every day to debunk them and yet every day you fall short of your goal.

And unless you are or have been a military aircraft mechanic involved in black ops missions. Then you shouldn't be taking this issues so personal. As if you've been slandered.

Not to be confrontational, but I'm not buying into your contrived reasons for wanting to debunk chemtrails 8 hours a day - 7 days a week..... nope not buying it at all.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by firepilot

In addition to longer life expectancy, air quality is continually getting better too..

Are you freaking kidding me? Air quality is getting better you say? LMAO

You must work for Battelle .... Better for who and in comparison to what? That statement can only be true on a small scale localized level. Where some large industrial polluter was shut down and put out of business.

The rate at which the air quality of the planet is getting worse may be slowing down but that is a far cry from it getting better.
edit on 6-11-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: edit text

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

Is it possible, since "they always spray before weather fronts" that it is actually atmospheric conditions that exist before weather fronts that cause contrails to persist? I have also seen intermittent trails where they persist in one place and then stop persisting, and start again etc., everything to do with weather conditions. It would be rather silly to think that it is a pilot or computer flipping a switch to release some unknown chemical for some unknown purpose, especially in such a random or arbitrary manner which is quite seemingly contingent on the weather.

To the original poster, THANK YOU. This theory is strange and not very substantial, and serves to increase paranoia without increasing real awareness. The emperor has no clothes, I agree.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Air quality in the United States IS getting better, because we have outsourced all of our pollution. Also traffic and factory pollution controls are more effective than ever.

How arrogant of you to say to the poster "give me a peer reviewed paper" to prove that chemtrails don't exist. Why don't YOU give HIM a peer reviewed paper showing that chemtrails DO exist! You are just like the physicists who want to pretend like cold fusion can't work, because the implications for the theories they have based their careers on would be devastating. Save face, and give up, chemtrails is a silly theory.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:44 AM
Scientific studies used to prove a point absolutely does not impressa me! They can prove anything they set out to prove and have shaped life not fit for humans by this practice. Medicine, food, products and comodities are all based on an alterior aim and not the original purpose. They aim to make money, at the end of the day, and that is what research supports.

So, thank you kindly for everyone involved in trying to debunk chemtrails with paperwork but I still prefer to use my God given gifts: eyes, ears, perception, common sense to stand firm in my belief that CHEMTRAILS ARE EVIL!!

Upon that proof (eyes, ears, common sense etc.) I will read research to back my perception and experience, such as Clifford Carnicom, who's intention is not financial.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by warrenite

Air quality in the United States IS getting better, because we have outsourced all of our pollution. Also traffic and factory pollution controls are more effective than ever.

That does not mean air quality on this planet is getting better. Like I said it's only localized air quality that might be improving.

How arrogant of you to say to the poster "give me a peer reviewed paper" to prove that chemtrails don't exist. Why don't YOU give HIM a peer reviewed paper showing that chemtrails DO exist! You are just like the physicists who want to pretend like cold fusion can't work, because the implications for the theories they have based their careers on would be devastating. Save face, and give up, chemtrails is a silly theory.

How arrogant of me?

How arrogant of you to not have read my three months worth of posting on this topic. I have supplied him with many papers already.

edit on 6-11-2011 by MathiasAndrew because: add link

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:00 AM

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
Aloysius, first and foremost I would like to say to you that, you do not debunk chemtrails. Yes, you often ATTEMPT to debunk chemtrails. But you have never actually successfully debunked them have you?

So why worry about me then??

Perhaps it is because I've certainly debunked a lot of your attempts to link various spurious technologies and papers that you say prove their existence.....after all those are not actually chemtrails, so pedantic-sematically your comment might be correct in that respect??

BTW do you know what debunking means??

If so, where is the PROOF that chemtrails have been debunked? Where are the peer reviewed scientific studies and repeatable verified tests of samples, that support your claim that you have debunked chemtrails? Clearly you try every day to debunk them and yet every day you fall short of your goal.

lol - no - I see you do not know what debunking means!!
No wonder you do not think I have debunked anything - let me help you with that....

Debunking means removing bunk - bunk is probably derived from "bunkum" - empty or insincere talk; claptrap

So anyone. for example, says that "contrail only last a few minutes" I can debunk that - "de-claptrap" it - by showing that contrails can last for various lengths of time. Eg this study defines contrail persistence by the width a contrail spreads to - 350m as the minimum for being "persistent" in their case, and this one has time frames of 50 minutes and 2.5 hours - with contrails < 50 minutes being termed "young".

When you say that a picture of barrels inside an aircraft with a "caution hazmat" sign visible is evidence of chemtrails then showing that the picture is doctored is debunking.

You see debunking chemtrails is not about finding proof they do not exist - it is about examining the evidence offered supposedly showing that they DO exist, and seeing if it is accurate, reasonable, factual.

So far none is.

And unless you are or have been a military aircraft mechanic involved in black ops missions. Then you shouldn't be taking this issues so personal. As if you've been slandered.

So you are saying that only military and black ops a/c generate chemtrails? Fair enough - if that is the case then no, I'm not being slandered.

Trouble is that's not the case for most ppl - have a look around at how many people are complaining about airliners doing the dirty......

Not to be confrontational, but I'm not buying into your contrived reasons for wanting to debunk chemtrails 8 hours a day - 7 days a week..... nope not buying it at all.

Given your track record on supporting chemtrails, and the level of evidence you bring to the debate I am delighted with your endorsement - thank you!

edit on 6-11-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by MathiasAndrew
How arrogant of you to not have read my three months worth of posting on this topic. I have supplied him with many papers already.

lol - yes you have - and most of them have have been quite interesting.

I would encourage people to go look at Matty's posts - he has unearthed a wealth of evidence on all sorts of things to do with the atmosphere, high energy fuels, studies on this and that.

Not one has have any actual evidence supporting the idea there are chemtrails tho'!

I recommend Stratospheric geo-engineering aka Chemtrails DEBUNK THIS!!!! as a starting place for anyone with the fortitude to look up all of Matty's fascinating and irrelevant research

edit on 6-11-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

My evidence is a lot better your non-stop opinion based assertions and assumptions.

Stating things are a myth with no basis to back it up. If you want to call it a myth then you have to prove it isn't true.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

Nope - I just have to show there's no evidence it is true.

If you don't want it to be a myth then all you have to do is show that it is true.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

How do you prove to a blind man what the color red looks like.... ??????

You being the metaphoric blind man

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by MathiasAndrew

There's nothing metaphorical about what would constitute proof of chemtrails - a single verifiable air sample would be enough.

I'm pretty sure there's been questions asked on here before about "what would constitute proof?"

Here's a thread discussing it -

And just a couple of hours ago I posted what would be valid proof for me - just the obvious ones - if there's something else then I wont' exclude it just because I didn't think of it today! -

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:38 AM
Dispersant planes are common knowledge

To be fair they were mostly used to spray Corexit or other chemicals on oil spills, but having seen these planes in action and then to see one fly over you, spraying, no where near an oil spill you have to wonder why....

These chemical dispersant planes DO exist, if there only used for oil spills then why are they flying over land and cities on a regular basis dropping stuff in the same manner you can see in these photos. The difference between the contrail and the so called chemtrail is clearly obvious to the human eye.

So, these are........?

And this is.....?

Namaste. x

P.s sorry bout the linking to images, does ayone know how to put the actual pictures on a post?

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:50 AM

An experiment in the 1960's in England, when the MoD sprayed cities from planes (which aparently dont exist!)

This is a well known experiment that happened, was this just the start?

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by mazzle

You can link to a picture by just putting the url of the picture between opening and closing [img] tags - close with a "/" even if you haven't figured out how to up load.

Were those planes C-130's spraying co-rexit?

You know there are 4 of those? They are half the 757th Airlift Squadron of the USAF Reserve 910 Airlift Wing - the squadron has 8 C-130's, of which 4 are fitted with "Modular aerial spray system" - the whole history of the airforce's insect/pest control efforts is public knowledge on this fact sheet.

And if it wasn't them then I guess I'll wait to see what they look like!

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by mazzle

An experiment in the 1960's in England, when the MoD sprayed cities from planes (which aparently dont exist!)

What planes don't exist? They used Valetta's and Devon's that I'm aware of - both of which certainly exist.

And this is quite well known now - although obviously secret at the time.

It was a biological warfare experiment - using a substance they thought was harmless and inert, but which was fluorescent so they would be able to see how far it spread.

The idea was to see how agents might spread, both to get an idea how they might be defended against, and also to see if they might be able to improve heir own delivery systems.

You can find video of it on YT:

The US also did this, but I am not aware of any video of it.

Also the aircraft spray was only part of the experiment - they also dispersed agents from vehicles and ships.

This is a well known experiment that happened, was this just the start?

Well if it was the start of something that is still going on I'd be most interested to see the evidence of that.

But AFAIK the experiments ended in the 1970's and no-one has come up with any evidence they are ongoing.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Yay thank you!!

Interesting the experiment in England dont you think, that no one knew about it at the time but do now?

Dont you think it could be the same case with this subject?

I value your opinion as i do everyones on ATS, everyone is entitled to their own.

In my opinion, Planes that spray substance from them do exist and can be seen flying over cities and such places.
I have seen them doing this with my eyes (lol) where i am living at the moment in New Zealand, bay of islands, it is at high altitude and these planes are cleary visable. I have lived here for a couple of months now and see them almost every day. I will take photos as soon as i can!

Anyway it is clear to see that the trail comes out in several seperate lines as opposed to 1 or 2 thick lines. Its clear to me that they are spraying something. But i guess you are absolutely correct on the fact that we dont know what they are spraying. And i suppose this is the dispute at hand, they are spraying something for some reason, but what and why. I would love to get to the bottom of this for peace of mind rather than to prove anyone right or wrong.

So i have heard of people collecting samples in jars and stuff, although im not sure how this works. Does this stuff eventually fall all the way to land or does it just come down along with rain. is it rain that these people are collecting or the substance on its own?

Either way i would like to collect my own samples and have them tested and share my results.

Namaste x

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by warrenite

Well that's what science has been claiming for decades - since long before chemtrailers were born. Of course, they're all in on the conspiracy and/or totally inept and stupid and incapable is seeing with their own eyes

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 04:31 AM
I have never bought the chemtrail thing, It just doesn't make any sense.
I have tried to no avail to put common sense forward and nobody is willing to think logically.
If 'they' are spraying 'us' then I think airline staff would have a clue about what goes on with their air craft as OP made clear too.
The biggest argument for me though is a simple one, Why are 'they' fine with being sprayed too? and their families, friends and their extended family, and their families friends.
Or do they have super lungs immune to the chemicals? same with tainted food and drink, what are 'they' eating and drinking then?
I think people are still acting like primitive man who doesn't understand what a rainbow is so applies some wild story to it and that becomes FACT for them.
But as I have learnt, this post is a waste of time because it doesn't matter if a team of independent scientists randomly chosen by Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones debunked chemtrails there would be a vague story of some third party witness that saw a guy in a dark suit talking to one of the scientists in a car park one evening and handing over a note while pointing a gun.
Believers are not going to change their minds, its more dramatic and exciting to believe everything that moves has an agenda to destroy us all.
This illuminati plan is rubbish, I could have had the job done by now, they're a bit slow and not very effective in their methods, 15 years have passed since Alex Jones promised me the worlds population would have been dropped by lab born viruses and poisons in our foods and the air, "they are making us all subservient weaklings" then why is there more protests and revolts going on than ever? oh wait, they are all orchestrated aren't they.
I have yet to see any proof of chemtrails, I have yet to see anything but contrails being more than just simple contrails dispersing in different weather, air temperature and atmospheric conditions.
I bought flight simulator today, if you hold alt and press f4 while playing the game you access the chemtrails release button, true story.

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