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RE: Every thread complaining about OWS

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posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Maybe a little off topic but your avatar always makes me smile....

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by GhettoRice

I love that list. It's the best one I've seen in a long time.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by wagnificent

Well said, plenty of us feel the same. Sadly you are wasting your breath, as the people you are complaining about refuse to listen or be objective. they have been handed talking points, and that's all you are going to hear from them. It would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad.

Objectivity? Tell me how it is then, when OWS supporters say there is no communist party influence, but communist Party signs, protesting and website backing, as well as the socialist party, the nazi party and other scurrilious groups have been shown to be flocking to the scene. And you all thing opponents of OWS have our heads in the sand. I guess it all boils down to whether you want free enterprise Capitalism or you want communism/socialism.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

The occupy movement never started in the US.. It can be traced back to the Arab spring... But in your favour the Arab Sping was ignited with cables released from WL and the whistleblower Bradley Manning. It is a global movement and its crosses nationality and religion.
It is egocentric to refer to it as OWS and thats not meant at you I do it too...

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by wagnificent

There has been an obnoxious amount of complaining going on about the occupy movement recently, so I decided to start this thread rather than express my response to these complaints in every one of those threads individually.

There have been far more obnoxious amounts of complaining from those who so arrogantly insist that they represent "99%" of the population, and of course, one of their most obnoxious complaints is that those who do not agree with their methods and obvious ideology are just "obnoxious".

Trying to undermine the occupy movement is pointless, especially via ATS.

Trying to shove this messageless message of an agendless agenda all the while attempting to undermine the detractors is pointless, yet here you are, on ATS, doing so.

It's clear that things are going to have to change one way or another, and the occupy movement is essentially deciding what those changes will be.

It is precisely these kind of threats that make, at the very least, the supporters of the "Occupy" movement so damned obnoxious. This messageless message is that you have an agendless agenda, but somehow that agendless agenda will decide for all what and how changes are going to be made. Yet, this "Occupy" movement has no interest at all in "occupying" the State of Delaware (the State responsible for more multinational corporations and Fortune 500 corporations than any State in the Union) to demand that Beau Biden (the current States Attorney General and son of Joe Biden) begin the process of charter revocation for those corporations that are guilty of corporate malfeasance. This is not a part of the so called "Occupy's" agendless agenda, but why?

Why does those who claim to represent 99% of the population, and have no qualms of pointing to corporate malfeasance have no interest in all in actually exerting their claimed force and showing corporatacracy just how fragile their existence really is? Perhaps because, in "deciding what these changes will be" the pretense of a leaderless group has leaders who have every intention of keeping corporatism alive and well. After all, who will give all those "99%" jobs? The "99%" have no interest in working for small to midsize companies because they know full well they cannot get the benefits package and high pay they think they deserve by working for small businesses.

The "99%" could care less about small businesses, and actually adore corporatism, just as long as they get their share of the plunder corporations are so good at. The "99%" is fine with plunder, just as long as they are getting part of that plunder, and if not then they will get really, really, really, loud and obnoxious and plant their asses on sidewalks and refuse to leave until someone let's them plunder too.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Why can your kind only repeat the same stuff over and over, seriously, find facts, find pictures, find real proof about the evil things about the protest...

And stop crying wolf, its typical when one has nothing real to bring to the table

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Why can your kind only repeat the same stuff over and over, seriously, find facts, find pictures, find real proof about the evil things about the protest...

And stop crying wolf, its typical when one has nothing real to bring to the table

Why can your kind only pout like victims and sputter babble about what victims they are insisting I should go find "facts, pictures, and proof' while your kind continually insists they don't need any facts, or proof?

Stop crying and pouting about your problems and fix them. I haven't done a damn thing to get in the way of that, but that is not your interest, you want everyone of us to fix your problems while you take credit for that change.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by wagnificent

Are you sure this is not an attempted play of the victim card?

I mean, I am keeping up, and see a couple of new supportive threads each day, but rarely one complaining.

Of the three threads I have seen today, one is very much like this one and the other is something about "Time to go home."

But, before you answer, can we please stop the threads complaining about my trying to be reasonable?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 08:10 PM
i just see the OWS as an equivilent of bug agianst hitler. yeah so you might be able to stop some banker from being courupt and yeah money migth get distrubuted a bit better but you lot dont understand is.....

Money is a courupt system it will never be fair, you fighting for a system of unequalness, people will always be gready there gready for power, ther addicted to power, and if there is money there will always be power that comes with money and people addicted to this power and control and because of this there will alway be 1% people owning the majority of it.

they earn money for power, we earn money to feed ourself and buy houses, they will never understand our life becuase it is a million miles away from theres, the thought of even buying food is forign becuase they own so many farms they get a pick of what they want, the rothchilds have had billions since the 1800's and that is NOT including inflation!
edit on 3-11-2011 by definity because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2011 by definity because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-11-2011 by definity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by wagnificent

Wow. How obnoxiously ignorant of you. Are you condemning people with an opinion because they disagree with the opinion you agree with? Is that some kind oxymoron, an unashamed bask in Hypocrisy perhaps or just the plain narcissistic behaviour which runs right through "occupy"? Are you in practice of the very thing "occupy" claims to be against yet has so far failed to show it?

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:28 PM
And there was me expecting to see a lazy anti-OWS thread by a poster copying the title of an existing pro-OWS thread and adding RE:. Carry on!

PS Healthy, even heated debate is a good thing and there is certainly plenty of that going on lately. This must surely be in part at least, thanks to them?

edit on 3/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: Added a PS

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by steveknows

no i am not dissagreeing with any of them infact i think what they are doing is good, what they are doing is for one reason and that one reason is "A positive change" so using the word "condeming" isnt too accurate. the question i pose is.

why are they going after people that make millions mabey a few billion when there are people making trillions?

but to me the idea of just turning up some where, and then hoping the whole global ecomonic status will change just becuase you shown presence we are talking about people that are addicted to a million/billion dollar lifestyles that own the federal reserve, they will not just turn around and go. Well i have been rumbled time to give it all up! to me seam optomistic to say the least.

not saying this situation is at all bad, personally i hate the whole money system it is courupt the only winners are the 1%. Buhddah said "money is the root of all evil" it turn good men it to gready pigs that will trample of loved ones and friends becuase they need to get there next fix.

The cause is noble and great the method that these people go about showing it to me isnt the greatest of ways, but none the least it is a noble and great cause like i said and i appreshiate them all for doing it, i have even been down to st pauls (london) last week to see it all

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by definity

Well said sir! While we may not all agree on their methods, views, tactics and actions, it must surely command a certain level of respect as they are making at least some kind of voice. Unless you are happy with what you don't have. Small things like honesty, truth and liberty.
I have an idea for a slogan for them with an Obamaesque flavour in there.
"Yes we will!"

edit on 3/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: Typo, forgot a word

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:37 PM
im not trying to insult people in anyway, i just want to get my views across. If it seams that way i truley am deeply sorry. the onyl problem with Web Forums is that you can hear the expresionas and the feeling that people put into words they speak so they can come accross as quite rude and abrupt. I mean no offence to the people that belive in the cause like me at all. i just wanted to give my 2cents from a diffrent side of the fence.
edit on 3-11-2011 by definity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by definity

Yer doing just fine dude. You come across as calm, reasoned and you state your opinion plainly and clearly. No need for apologies.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:02 PM
I tend to agree that we should all disagree. Its the fundamental nature of man. If everyone believed one thing only and one way...nothing would change. And change is something we need. But, the scales need to be tipped one way or the other: positive or negative.

Im a supporter, but not to the extreme and extent of the group as a whole. I think the issues are many and varied, and that they are not all on the same page about it all.

But, understand this. Differences of opinion...good and bad...are need to come to change. Otherwise...we just kill all the opposers. And thats not the way.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:07 PM
There seem to be some posters in unrelated threads that only adopt a negative position to anyone attempting any kind of change or shift in opinion, thought, or idea of the status quo of things. In these people's posts, in often unrelated subjects, there is only one real thing you notice. They are always "for" the way things are.

At the end of the day, I am not aware of any law-breaking, other than refusing to leave an area they had been occupying peacefully and legally and then refusing peacefully to leave said area. Riot squad gets sent in to disperse the crowd and then "things" happen which the media can shed a negative light on.

Oops! Almost forgot. Then there are the people who ridicule peaceful protest (the only kind allowed by law?
) as a waste of time, space, energy and attention. These people are not stating an opinion, they are trying to impose a mindset. That is just my 2 cents. I won't spend 20 pages stating those 2 cents though. I'm not that rich!
edit on 3/11/11 by LightSpeedDriver because: Typo type smiley code error

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:20 PM
I was surprised at the tenacity of some of the people on ATS, who know who they are, as they just keep spouting the same junk over and over again, despite the fact that others have tried to educate them, but they have so far refused to listen.

That is either fanaticism, or since they refuse to comprehend the evidence, ignorance. I am also sick of seeing the "argument" that all the protesters are free-loaders who want handouts from the government. Of course this isn't the case, and I and others have pointed out that the only "handouts" being protested at OWS are the ones given to the financial institutions.

I seriously think that those who say this are terrified of change, and are also ignorant of the true situation. It is just an opinion, but what other conclusion can I draw when it is obvious that Americans are fed up with the current balance of power, where the multi-billion dollar corporations are literally pillaging our economy and government, all the while driving our society into ruin...

I have lost some respect for a couple of members who usually post intelligent things, but after seeing the same person touting that OWS is full of welfare-mongers or something, I just cannot hold them in the same esteem.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by wagnificent
Occupiers are dissenting against the government, thereby participating in democracy.

I don't support OWS because the above is a lie (and I very rarely use that word here). They are most definitely not dissenting against the government. They are protesting Wall Street, bankers, investors, and the rich in general. Their anger is directed at the money, not the laws. Most OWS protestors appear just as greedy as the bankers. But at least bankers and investors don't pretend to be anything else.


posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by The Old American

i think there just angry at the goverment for letting this happen for so long, and also for letting it build up to this terrible economic situation, that has left so many people with out houses or jobs.

I agree if any of us was given a job where we could earn millions how many would say no...

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