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Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Isn't (!)

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:57 PM
Smaller scales are a good start for a larger scale economy. I hope that this type of action can be took into consideration in the economy that I live in (no names). God bless you folks.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Or are we the beneficiaries of it?

That's why we won't revolt just quite yet. We are still the beneficiaries of the rape of nations like Iceland. Until that fact changes, we won't.

It will though. As time demands their fall. And what will happen then? Well, there's a reason Hitler came to power. Monetary security through the gun. Hopefully we will choose that path without the military dictatorship and interment camps. But what happens then will decide the future of the planet because of how powerful America is.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by nosacrificenofreedom

Originally posted by Toolatetotalk
IceLand had a population of around 300,000 people in 2011. If 10% of the population did a OWS scenario than it would explain how come they where able to make the changes they did.

Right now if we did a census of just how many people across America were actually participating on OWS I doubt it would exceed 30,000 which is 1% of our countries total population.

Judging from videos, customers and physically checking out the Seattle OWS three times now I don't even think we could break 20k.

Just my two cents.

There are 320 million people in the US and 1% of that is 3.2 million people! I hate to say this but people in the US have it too good right now and until we have a majority of our population who either realize the truth or live way below the Status Quo we will never see any changes for the better! It's unfortunate that many of us are dumbed down through chemicals illegal or otherwise and so we may never see any actual revolution. I would love to see some real changes in the media and federal reserve because the control of disinformation and the manipulation of our monies are the most important factors facing us right now but we hardly hear anything about these issues and this is not by chance, this is by design! Some day America may realize the truth but it wont be
through some uncharacterized protest without any definition or leadership like OWS! Sometimes the reigns of change must be grasped by the rightous even if the risk is great and the Task huge! I'm sure the colonialist of the revolutionary war knew these things! Though the average American wants change without struggle, sacrifice or any personal risks and think that they can vote change into existance! IMO this will never happen for we have had well over 200 years to see this but still we don't realize this fact! Every time there has been change it has always come through struggle and once the struggle has ceased, we have seen the loss of many of those freedoms! I am tired of telling the same message to those without ears to hear or the understanding to comprehend or the eyes to see and so if this is what we choose then so be it! May God have mercy on our souls
cause TPTB wont!

Thank goodness I have found someone else on ATS that understands the actual reality of the situation.

There are really very few of us that comprehend the psychology and the actions that are needed to change things in a MEANINGFUL way.

Also in Iceland the protesters were becoming VIOLENT and breaking into banks and other government offices and locking out the rulers and executives....This is key.... the VIOLENCE of the masses forced the elite to concede to the wishes of the people there. I have to say that the controlled corporate media in the USA never actually reported on this part of the story, I wonder why?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by IrVulture
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I don't think Iceland had NewsCorp infiltrate their media and spew their propaganda...

Sure... but at the end of the day, Iceland simply doesn't have as many gullible people who are willing to swallow any old BS as part of their regular diet. Icelanders are also more proactive and obviously not as partisan.


posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by IrVulture
I don't think Iceland had NewsCorp infiltrate their media and spew their propaganda...

Wrong, they did ... and they do.

Several years ago, or more precisely about 10 years ago (if my recollection is correct), Iceland was bombarded with interrests about media. It used to have shipping company, that had the true "swastika" on it, but was forced to remove it, from foreign preassure. It was the ancient symbol, not the German swastika ... at the same, and some years before, the media had also gone through "reconstruction". Most of the media in Iceland is today written by "foreigners", who in reality can't even write Icelandic correctly. And it's been like this, for the past 10 years. You're reading "reuters" news, and news from MSM companies ... and the local news are scarse, poorly written garbage.

When the "crisis" rose, there was a group of comedians, called "spaugstofan", that was running in the local television every saturday. These guys are about my age, although I don't know them personally, I met some of them when I was a kid. One of the main character, has the same name I do ... none the less, these guys were extremely sarcastic, and "revolutionairy" in their role of making a farse of the whole situation. Bringing every single item into a big "Saturday night" comedy.

Except they were "fired", for their "anti-government" attitude ... and, just hang on. Not by the government, they were actually protesting against. But by the "socialistic" replacement. And you can guess why ... yes, they were afraid these guys would burn them as well ... this is the "change" that has occurred, and always occurs, when you don't do a revolution. They'll learn how to "exclude" you, from the equation ... just like the military does on their ventures. They now ensure, that the media that they have with them, is pro-militia media, and not some dork who is going to report the next "Mai Lai".

This is the REALITY about Iceland ... Iceland is in DEEP DOH, to be putting it bluntly. Alcoa, the American aluminium giant, has several plants there. And they just "forced" Iceland to put the price down. Iceland, that originally had a lot of possibilities in how to use the electricity they can produce. One of these options was to set a string to the mainland, and sell energy to the mainland. The string would be paid for, by Europe, not Iceland ... but Iceland made the bet on Aluminium, because of good relations with the Aluswiz company that had been there for decades.

What you call a good thing for Iceland ... is a nightmare, for the average citizen of Iceland. They're now literally selling the country to China, for cash. Negotiating the complete overthrow of it's self determination to either the US, China or the European union. Enormous import of foreign goods, including drugs, crime rate and poverty. And the average Icelandic citizen, who has been working up to two jobs a day, for all his life, paying off the morgage of his house ... now owes, more than his house worth. Has lost all he has ... while at the same time, the so called "peacefully" attained government, has allowed every BIG "wall street" type of personality, to literally "strike out" their depts ... and those obligations BY FAR EXCEEDS THE FOREIGN DEPT. And all this money, is on the backs of the Icelandic citizen ... who stand to lose their home and their country.


edit on 30-10-2011 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I think this is all just about money (as usual). Other countries and people lost money on Iceland bank's bankruptcy and are trying to reclaim (some of) it. The Iceland people refuse to pay for this so they take action.

I think it's understandable, however it's self protection not brilliant insight.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 10:31 PM
Fortunately for Iceland they are a mostly homogeneous society of singular racial, ethnic and cultural background. This allows them a far greater amount of cohesion as a body politic than any coalition America could ever patch together. Even during the heyday of the civil rights and antiwar movement far less than 90% of Americans could ever agree on even a single issue.
We're even less cohesive than then and suffering under far too many distractions and competing interests.
We're screwed in the US, but BULLY FOR ICELAND!

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I hope more people will find this article in the future for when they come to be in strife they can know even in this day and age you can make a difference all together. all for one and one for all.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Instead of running to Iceland, I say let's stay here and try to implement what took place there, here.

I'm not a big fan of running away.
I like to stand my ground.

Jail the bankers.

Heck Jail the Congressional and Senate Professional Politicians. Take all their pay and put it towards the debt reduction. And strip the president of pay as well. he doesn't need it seeing all his needs are met by the taxpayer anyway.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:06 PM
Good to see at least one nation stood up to the global banking pirates.

I have a feeling they will take a beating for this later on somehow,
but I agree with the path they have taken.

Too bad other nations did not take this path.

In the past 25 years 21 times major inflation has been instigated
via IMF and worldbank projects to crash the currency and then
try to loot the nation.

John Perkins covers this in Confessions of an Economic Hitman,
an interview is viewable on youtube.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thank God somebody is doing something, even if it isn't in the U.S.
We should tak this as an example that we can do something and we're not hopeless although a lot of people are.

Sure is convenient that the MSM doesn't report on this. Wouldn't want the masses getting any ideas.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by MrSandman
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thank God somebody is doing something, even if it isn't in the U.S.
We should tak this as an example that we can do something and we're not hopeless although a lot of people are.

Sure is convenient that the MSM doesn't report on this. Wouldn't want the masses getting any ideas.

You do realize they DID follow through on very painful austerity measures required to put their economy back on track. And you do realize that they are still going though very difficult economic times? And you do realize they are still in danger of collapsing again?

If you suggest the USA do what they did, then get ready for some rough times like you have never experienced. They will make what you are going through right now look like a walk in the park. Be careful what you wish for.

edit on 10-11-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by MrSandman
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thank God somebody is doing something, even if it isn't in the U.S.
We should tak this as an example that we can do something and we're not hopeless although a lot of people are.

Sure is convenient that the MSM doesn't report on this. Wouldn't want the masses getting any ideas.

You do realize they DID follow through on very painful austerity measures required to put their economy back on track. And you do realize that they are still going though very difficult economic times? And you do realize they are still in danger of collapsing again?

If you suggest the USA do what they did, then get ready for some rough times like you have never experienced. They will make what you are going through right now look like a walk in the park. Be careful what you wish for.

edit on 10-11-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

I don't see any other way to fix what we're in now, do you?

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by MrSandman

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by MrSandman
reply to post by mr-lizard

Thank God somebody is doing something, even if it isn't in the U.S.
We should tak this as an example that we can do something and we're not hopeless although a lot of people are.

Sure is convenient that the MSM doesn't report on this. Wouldn't want the masses getting any ideas.

You do realize they DID follow through on very painful austerity measures required to put their economy back on track. And you do realize that they are still going though very difficult economic times? And you do realize they are still in danger of collapsing again?

If you suggest the USA do what they did, then get ready for some rough times like you have never experienced. They will make what you are going through right now look like a walk in the park. Be careful what you wish for.

edit on 10-11-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

I don't see any other way to fix what we're in now, do you?

Of course i do, ive already explained it earlier in this thread.

Might i ask you what it is that Iceland did that you would like the USA to do? Again, they went through with everything that was expected of them, austerity measure wise. So yes, they did the things the Greeks and Italians are protesting against. They were responsible and lowered spending, decreased welfare benefits and balanced their budgets. I absolutely recommend the US take these measures.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Just to highlight that Iceland will ealry pay some of its Debt to IMF...

Another reason to take this country as an example!!!

Chicago Tribune

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 03:44 AM


posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by 9isfine

I have also seen how Iceland is standing up to the thugs.....And to think just 5 or so years ago this country had no financial problems at all until the big banks moved in and just about crushed them.

All preaching the whole free market scam, same as they did to Ireland, and Mongolia back in the nineties.

The answer is to write off a large portion of the debts of the lower classes, and start taxing the super rich up the wazoo.

The super rich got rich cheating the average people out of their well earned wealth. It is time to re-re-distribute the wealth back into the pockets of the people who created that wealth, the working classes.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by SecondAmendmentUser

What you speak of in the UK is exactly what the elite ghouls are doing to destroy my nation as well. Flood the land with alien immigrants that share none of the cultural and inherent traits of the majority, cater to them as well forcing the taxpayer to foot the bill to provide for the alien invaders.

You have to hand it to the criminal elite they are using "multiculturalism" and "diversity" as weapons and they are effective tools because they have also "educated" the citizens to accept the UNacceptable. OUTRAGEOUS!!! I doubt that most UK or US citizens in either nation understand that they are being genocided at this very minute slowly but surely.

The elites are also doing the same thing here in the U.S..

How can people in the U.S. ignore that the same free market politicians also were the ones who allowed illegals to flood our country.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by bjarneorn

Funny, you try blaming all the problems of Iceland on its socialistic government, as you describe it, then go on to describe how big business screwed over Iceland, and then stuck the people with the debt.

Why aren't you blaming the banks who pulled the scams?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

It is a nice country but there are more and more people who need help because of debts, more people at the foodbanks which have become more popular the last decade, more people losing their jobs and becoming unemployed, pension funds who are getting into trouble, more people who can't pay their mortgages, gas and electricity prices rising. Not the end of the world but it doesn't appear to get any better any time soon more the opposite.

This pretty much describes the U.S. these days, and what is going on in many European countries as well.

It seems the ICBs have about succeeded in screwing everyone everywhere. Personally, I think we should return the favor.

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