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Am I a Bank?

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:09 AM
What makes it ok for banks to print money out of thin air and not me?
why cant everyone do this, considering banks are no different to any other corporation
the argument that it would ruin the economy isn’t very relevant considering how stuffed we are because of the banks anyway

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

Banks dont print money out of thin air. The federal reserve does that. Banks dont need to print money. The federal reserve allows them to more or less leverage deposits into 9 dollars of loans for every dollars worth of deposits made. This is why banks need to be insured, because if we all went in and asked for our money they wouldnt be able to give it to us. In fact if just 15% of us wanted our money back, they would be SOL!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Convicted
reply to post by UniverSoul

Banks dont print money out of thin air. The federal reserve does that. Banks dont need to print money. The federal reserve allows them to more or less leverage deposits into 9 dollars of loans for every dollars worth of deposits made. This is why banks need to be insured, because if we all went in and asked for our money they wouldnt be able to give it to us. In fact if just 15% of us wanted our money back, they would be SOL!

the federal reserve is banks. well atleast mostly owned by.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

I think you need to do some research on the Federal Reserve my friend.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Convicted
reply to post by UniverSoul

Banks dont print money out of thin air. The federal reserve does that. Banks dont need to print money. The federal reserve allows them to more or less leverage deposits into 9 dollars of loans for every dollars worth of deposits made. This is why banks need to be insured, because if we all went in and asked for our money they wouldnt be able to give it to us. In fact if just 15% of us wanted our money back, they would be SOL!

Isn't it $9 for every $10 deposited?

The thread title reminded me... I inquired about selling my business. It turns out that the modus operandi for selling a business is that I get 1/3 of the sale price, then I have to hold the paper myself for the remaining 2/3 for the next 5 years and hope the new "owners" don't go tits up? Sorry, but *I* am not a bank, either. What the EFF? How come the broker gets paid, the bank gets paid, the lawyer gets paid, but *I* can't get paid? I own the damn business - shouldn't *I* be getting paid?

Perhaps a bit off-topic, that second paragraph, but thanks for listening.

edit on 4-10-2011 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:48 AM
Printing money only works if you have the actual physical value to ensure it.

Banks dont, they rely on your money - which is as equally valueless - to maintain it.

it's all a scam

you dont pay, they dont get value for it.. money decreases in value.

it's absolutely the biggest lie ever told, your money means anything.

Your money is bollocks.

the nutsack of nothingness.

Trace a piece of paper back to a bank, it results in a n electronic number, if you can even get that far, beyond that, it is held by some fat bastard who cares not about you but making you give him more...

He just allows you the facade of using it.

Hahah youre money is nothing more than a whim at the luxury of a prick...

a rich prick who at the end of the day, creates the illusion that you peons are in control.

Banks.... wankers...

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by UniverSoul
What makes it ok for banks to print money out of thin air and not me?
why cant everyone do this, considering banks are no different to any other corporation
the argument that it would ruin the economy isn’t very relevant considering how stuffed we are because of the banks anyway

i think it's called counterfeiting.

try it, great hobby, btw. can find some kits on e-bay.

bleach some $1 bills and turn them into $100's.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:07 AM
I would give this thread a S&F, but since you talked about printing money which is illegal instead of how people reap what we sew so they can be on welfare, then that would of been a different story....So technically we are banks because we pay taxes for lazy people to live off of.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:09 AM
My question is-
If a corporation is a person,
Is a person a corporation?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 05:43 AM
You could probably print your own money but if it was different than what is in circulation now, who would use it? How would you convince others that your money is good? Would stores accept your money unless you could prove that it is backed up by gold or silver?

If youd want to print current bills, you would need the plates, paper, ink etc..... and most liekly the federal reserve or whoever would make sure that it doesnt happen. Would probably accuse you of fraud and send you to prison
A limited amount of people would probably love the idea of printing money but you would need masses to enforce it and get it accepted.

Feel free to comment, I could be wrong

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by UniverSoul
What makes it ok for banks to print money out of thin air and not me?
why cant everyone do this, considering banks are no different to any other corporation
the argument that it would ruin the economy isn’t very relevant considering how stuffed we are because of the banks anyway

You are the executor of the public trust. HJR-192 of 1933. WE the people give our signatures to the Fed to print money for us, then they charge us a "usury fee" in the form of income taxes. We pay them to use their printed paper. I can't explain it any simpler than that, but if you do some research you will find all the info you need.

thi is why most places will not accept personal checks, YOU are printing your own money in competition with the Fed.

You are the authority behind government. So the government NEEDS your signature to create "money", do you think for a second that credit card companies have any money? NO, they are lending you nothing and getting you to sign for it so they can turn in the reciepts for credit FROM the government, it's a circle jerk and we are in the middle. Once everyone figures out the scam and puts a stop to it through UCC filings, the big boys are done. They have nothing to play with because we do not consent.

the Federal Reserve Charter is up in 2012, THAT is all that that date is about, if congress does not renew the contract to the Federal Reserve to print money, welcome in the NAU and the Amero. We lose our borders and become on nation known as north america, south america will folow and the rest is history, we as mankind are done in by the Elite. That's it in a nutshell.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 08:28 AM
Ok, start with "fractional reserve banking". Understand THAT first. And yes, $9 cash is printed for each $1 "deposited". And if those $9 go back into the "bank", $81 comes out. And if that $81 goes in ...
You get the idea. Basically, for each $ you "borrow" from the bank, they're making 27 times that. Plus your repayments, with interest, and fees.

The second part of your question is harder. Yes you are a bank. You are an UNLIMITED bank. However, you've gotten yourself tied into contracts that limit yourself. You need to identify, and evaluate those contracts. Then establish their validity, because you cannot just accept an obligation, which is what you've done your whole life.

You only have to accept what is advantageous to you.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

It's not okay for you or the bank to print money out of thin air. The bank isn't supposed to do that either. First of all, people like to say that fiat money is worthless because it's not backed by anything. But that's not true. Fiat currency is backed by something. It's YOU!

when it comes to fiat currency it starts with taxes. Since you have to pay your taxes in fiat, it creates a government mandated demand for the money. That's why the Sixteenth Amendment, which allows congress to levy an income tax, was passed the same year as the Federal Reserve Act. Because all fiat currencies start with taxes. That's how you get the demand for your fake currency rolling. Nobody would want it otherwise, but if they throw you in jail for not paying your taxes, well, that's a different story isn't it?

Why would they print money, give it to us,and then ask for it back? It doesn't make any sense. Why don't they just keep what they want off the top before they give it to us? Answer this question and you will know exactly how the money system works. Because they'll throw you in jail if you don't give it back!

Without slavery, money does nothing. If you didn't have tax slaves, there wouldn't be any demand for the US dollar. People could use gold, silver, or whatever they wanted. This is also why having oil priced in US Dollars is so important. It makes even more demand for the dollar because now it's easier to deal in oil if you have dollars.

So, basically the government prints worthless pieces of paper, and makes them worth something at the point of a gun.

However, the bank isn't supposed to just print it out of nowhere. Only when loans are taken out is the money supposed to be created. This is another thing that makes the fiat money have value.

Some people say the money isn't backed by anything. But it is. It's backed up by YOU! It's backed up by your HOUSE, your CAR, your TV, or whatever else you took a loan out for. And if you don't pay the loan they'll take your stuff, like your house that actually has real value.

That creates demand for dollars because now you'll do things for money like go to WORK! Because you have to pay back the loan. Because if you DON'T they'll take your HOUSE or your CAR at the point of a GUN if they have to and ruin your credit so that you cannot buy or sell. See, fiat currency. Worth by force.

This is what people mean when they say debt slavery. People want money because they know you'll work for it, like a slave, to pay back your loans.

But that doesn't mean the bank is supposed to print money out of thin air. They're only supposed to print it when another bank, business, or someone like you takes out a loan for it or there is some demand for it.

If you print it out of thin air then the money becomes too easy to get and people just spend it like crazy cause there's no loan they have to pay back. It's just free money. This causes prices to shoot through the roof and you have inflation. When governments do things like QE, it's usually a last ditch effort and usually hasn't solved the problem in the past when others have tried it.

So, in short, the reason you can't print money out of nowhere is because you're not a government and you have no authority to tax it back from people. If you can't do that then you can't make your money have worth. If you want to print your own money you have to have enough force, at the point of gun if required, to make people want your money.

If you print US dollars, the government will stop you, AT THE POINT OF A GUN, because that's their money. They got more force than you. So their dollar rules, your dollar sucks.
edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma
My question is-
If a corporation is a person,
Is a person a corporation?

The answer would be an absolute YES.

Your name in all capital letters is a corporate title. You are actually traded on the international markets. this has been discussed before. Go to..Dunn and Bradstreet and type in your full name in all CAPS. See what you find!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by tinfoilman

Well you were partly correct. The "government" DOES NOT print money, the print T-bills or what is otherwise known as Treasury Bills or Bonds. Your birth is the collateral for those bonds. When you were born, a $1,000,000 treasury bond was created in your name, then THAT bond is traded to the Federal Reserve, much like an order form is handed to a clerk, and $1,000,000 worth of Federal Reserve "Notes" are printed in exchange. Now it cost a mere 4 cents to print a $100 bill, so you see the profit there? Then this money is distributed to the banks and the interest, which is illegal for banks or any company to charge BTW, increases the wealth of the Fed, you pay usury fees in the form of taxes for the "use" of the printed IOU's.

The Promissory Note To Pay Our Debts

HJR-192 of June 5, 1933 is the promissory note (the promise of Abraham) the government issued to balance the exchange to credit the people. The Promissory note is on the debit side of the United States Governments ledger, which was a debited from their credit, created by the Executive Order of April 5, 1933 when they took the gold out of circulation. Public Policy is rooted in HJR-192 and is Grace that creates our exemption. This is your temporal saving grace. Under grace, the law falls away to create a more perfect contract. Public Policy removed the people's liability to make all payments by making a contract null if it required the payment to be in substance, because the people didn't have any money to pay with. All that must be done now is to discharge the liability. Pay and discharge are similar words but the principles are as different as Old and New Testaments. The word "pay" is equated with gold and silver, or something of substance like a first-born lamb, which requires tangible work to be invested in it to remove the liability because an execution must occur. The word "Discharge" is equated with paper, or even more basic, simple credits and debits, that exist on paper only, like the slate held by the agents/angels of heaven that get swiped clean. You cannot pay a bill with a bill and you cannot pay a debt with a debt.

What HJR-192 did was, remove the liability of an obligor (someone obligated to pay a debt) by making it against Public Policy to pay debts. All that needs to be done now is discharge the debit with an appropriate credit "dollar for dollar." Debt must be discharged dollar for dollar in the same sense, as sin was discharged on the Cross. The moment a debt exists, it must be written off. The catch is, we can't write off the debt because we are not in possession of the account in deficit; our fiduciary agent is in possession of the account so we must provide him with the tax return (by the return of the original offer) so the fiduciary can discharge the liability through their internal revenue service (the bookkeeper). Most feel that when the money was taken out of society, the people became the slaves, this is not true, the people were freed from every obligation that society could create thus freeing the people from any obligation which they may incur simply because we cannot pay a debt. Ask yourself the question, What are you charging me with? And how do you expect Me to pay? Simply said, there is no money, plain and simple for me to make the payment with and on top of that, if I were to pay, who is paying Me to pay that guy and who's paying that guy and so on... Public Policy is the supercedious bond because it limits our liability to pay. It is the more perfect contract because it operates on grace to pay our debts after we have done all that we can. We go as far as we can to fulfill the obligation (acceptance and tax return) and after we have done all we can, mercy and grace kick in being our exemption to make the payment. Grace creates our exemption in the industrial society so long as we accept the charge.

Understand the contract law and trust law and you will see the big picture and how we have been decieved.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by daddio

Well you were partly correct. The "government" DOES NOT print money, the print T-bills or what is otherwise known as Treasury Bills or Bonds. Your birth is the collateral for those bonds. When you were born, a $1,000,000 treasury bond was created in your name, then THAT bond is traded to the Federal Reserve, much like an order form is handed to a clerk, and $1,000,000 worth of Federal Reserve "Notes" are printed in exchange.

I know it is just a dream but...
I have always wondered how large a fit the government would throw if home births became popular/trendy once again? You would have to send the child to a private school or home school but it would be a crack in the chains of slavery.

Imagine if this happened for a decade? each home birth 1 less of those 1,000,000 treasury bonds?

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by UniverSoul
What makes it ok for banks to print money out of thin air and not me?
why cant everyone do this, considering banks are no different to any other corporation
the argument that it would ruin the economy isn’t very relevant considering how stuffed we are because of the banks anyway

You may want to read the link, very good conversation there.

Might give you a bit more insight as to what is going on.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by daddio

Yeah, but those are details and I didn't have enough space to go into details. Please do so more if you wish. I was just hoping to give a basic framework of how every fiat currency functions at a base. The specifics of each each currency, well that would take up a book.

I was just hoping to show how it's all based on taxes and loans and it's all debt based. But the debt itself (IOUs) are the actual currency. When you have dollars, you're actually holding someone else's debt. Someone else's loan that they have to pay off. That's why they'll work to get the debt certificates back. To pay off their loan.

And underneath that it's all based on bullets. That the threat of violence is really what makes the currency worth something. People want money because they have to pay taxes and if they don't pay taxes the government gets violent and puts you in jail. If you don't pay off your debt the government gets violent and takes away your home.

If enough people stop taking out loans, the system breaks down, banks collapse, and currency collapses, and they have to break out the guns. They threaten you with martial law if you try to stop taking out loans and turn away from the currency.

Now we know why things like this happen. This is what happened last time people stopped paying their loans.

Can't have that. If people don't pay their loans, the currency falls apart. That's what the currency is based on. Time to pull out the guns.

EDIT: Also remember if the paper has no inherent value, then it has no inherent value. It doesn't matter what you print on it. It still has no inherent value. So even if you print the word T-BILL on it, that doesn't mean anything. It's still just a piece of paper with no inherent value.

You can't back a worthless piece of paper with another worthless piece of paper. So printing T-Bills when I'm born doesn't really mean much and it doesn't automatically make the money worth anything. What did they print to back up the T-Bills? S-Bills? It would just lead to infinite regression. They're all worthless pieces of paper.

So again it comes back to being backed by the people. The paper is only worth something because they know people will work for it and pay it back in taxes. They'll work for it because they all want cheap crap from China and Mc Mansions and so they'll take out massive loans to pay for all their junk and become debt slaves. Everything else is just theory. In the physical realm, it's the work people are willing to do for the pieces of paper. And if you don't, they'll bring out the guns. That's how money really works.

edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by VforVendettea

Originally posted by daddio

Well you were partly correct. The "government" DOES NOT print money, the print T-bills or what is otherwise known as Treasury Bills or Bonds. Your birth is the collateral for those bonds. When you were born, a $1,000,000 treasury bond was created in your name, then THAT bond is traded to the Federal Reserve, much like an order form is handed to a clerk, and $1,000,000 worth of Federal Reserve "Notes" are printed in exchange.

I know it is just a dream but...
I have always wondered how large a fit the government would throw if home births became popular/trendy once again? You would have to send the child to a private school or home school but it would be a crack in the chains of slavery.

Imagine if this happened for a decade? each home birth 1 less of those 1,000,000 treasury bonds?

Exactly, we should go back to the one room school house, maybe every other block or different neighborhoods could have one? A cirriculum could be drafted which tells the truth and teach this to all school children, that government was established ONLY to deal with comerce, between the states and with foreign countries. THAT is the truth and WHY we are "created" as a commercial property, so government can have CONTROL over what they create..........PEOPLE. That is soooooo wrong.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by tinfoilman

Thing is, you can file a UCC-1 and reclaim the name and bond. That stops them from trading you as YOU now own and have first right and lien on the corporate title. Take your birth certificate and write across the front...NULL AND VOID. send it back to the treasury wuith a bill of exchange for the account number for the bond. You then may write off all your debt to the account, the treasury has to pay all your bills FROM the account acrued by the sale of your corporate title.

The redemption manual, Read it, forms included inside it. Copy and paste. The more that do this the quicker it falls apart and we rebuild it correctly.

for more info go here, join this group,lets get it going!! Lots of instructional videos.

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