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Could Humanity Withstand An Invasion Of Earth By Evil Aliens From Outer Space?

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posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Unless Earth has some secret assets we aren't familiar with, we are toast. Unless the invaders -want- to engage in down and dirty traditional Earth style combat, they will just drop rocks on us from orbit, or use directed energy weapons from orbit, or release a 100 different engineered diseases on us and that as they say will be that. I have heard some talk of guerilla resistance, outlasting the invaders, unconventional warfare etc. well thats just hogwash. That kind of warfare only works when you can hide from the enemy one way or another and if the evil aliens have crossed the stars, you can bet they have the tech to find every last human without breaking a sweat. A Human saying would be very apt for the aliens to adopt.

"Kill them all and let their God sort them out."

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:18 AM
I always thought about aliens... and them possibly coming here. If they would come to fight... I don't think we'd even know it. If I was invading a back water planet like earth. I'd 'nuke' the population with some sort of virus from space, wait for a bit... do some sight seeing around the system. Keep some humans alive as slaves or experiment subjects. Plunder and pillage.

So who knows what they'd have at their disposal. Why would I send ground troops if a virus will do 90% of the job. Send drones and have them wipe out pockets of 'resistance' I mean survivors. lol resistance... resistance is futile!

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:47 AM
If I was an alien general...Id just drop down multiple virus' made to wipe out the population...then come in and take the planet...however if they want us alive as slaves...theyd have to have some serious controlling tech because I think alot of us would fight til the end....i dont think we could be completely erradicated unless the planet itself was destroyed....there would be pockets of humans living in places the aliens didn't get to or didn't care to get to.

I can only hope that if their tech is so far advanced then so is there philosophy and state of mind...that they wouldn't want to invade.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 09:14 AM
I think the full frontal assault type of attack by aliens makes for some great sci-fi, but is unlikely because it would be unnecessary and resource intensive. An interdimensional attack in which aliens sought to subtly influence us to do ourselves in safely from a coexisting parallel dimension would be far more efficient and, if they are clever enough, leave them with a relatively undamaged planet to plunder.

I suspect we may be under an attack of this nature at this time, although its purpose may be something far less easily comprehended by humanity than simple conquest, for example, the psychic enslavement of mankind, or perhaps the Matrix-like farming of our spiritual energy by inorganic alien entities. Perhaps we are and have always been just the psychic cattle of an interdimensional alien civilization who have gone so far as manipulate the course of human evolution in order to improve our value as psychic food stock.

edit on 25-9-2011 by Elbereth because: tyop

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Are ants considered evil when they forage for food and resources to keep the colony alive and functioning
What would make them evil? The real question appears to be could we stop a superior technoloy bent on absorbing our planets resources? Probably. If they thought it was too much trouble and they have to option to move on to another planet, I think they probably would. Unless resources like ours at star and few between, then we would more than likely, have a fight for survival on our hands

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by EagleTalonZ

good ole Robert Silverberg,correct?
I also read that book years ago,unfortunately must of either lost it or sold it,cannot find it now.
If I remember correctly it had a very retro twilight zone feel to it.
great book none the less.

I do not have anything new to say that probably hasn't been said before already in this thread but
I will have to add that as others have said,if these so called "aliens" were to invade,whats to say it would not be done secretly and could of already happened...for all we know,There cold be an invisible war going on right now,without a soul being privy to it,anything is possible.

think body snatchers or something along some type of covert infiltration,destroy & control from the inside out.
we could be completely unaware,just keep feeding us our reality t.v.,sports and telling us how to live,that's the ticket.

I think if anything "Evil" would be involved,forget resources...a much more powerful,rarer energy would be the target,if one believes in the soul..of course.
a war for that energy source would be quite scary,who knows if it is not going on as we speak

ETA: I personally believe that their are all kinds of offensive/defensive weapons from governments,especially the major players [usa,uk,china,russia etc] that we have no clue about,most have never needed a reason to be utilized,if it isn't broke,don't fix it. I am sure if encountering some type of outside..or maybe inside force,the tech. would be revealed.
edit on 25-9-2011 by PerfectPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by blocula

blocula!!! Good/ET & Bad/Aliens interesting question... See in the lower plane of the phases of life and deaths phases WITHIN EXISTENCE understanding? An alien attack on ANY CREATOR DESIGNED ENERGY * you me we ALL lol automatically will have a re balance occure. Hmm this 1 means in the best understanding way to explain in the which are called planes of low dimensions ALL interior inhabitants of this little universe
have mirrored reflections to return the balance energy positive or negative some neutral not many they distributed within this containment for multi flavored energies to mature advance or be replaced recycled* with that a pathetic alien force to enslave rule weak destroy without including themselves FULLY in the destruction process to make it refine ALL energy even destroyers so yes weak destroy energies that thrive on praying on those considered weaker energies that may just be maturing on a much higher level then these techno. Advanced evol aliens who feel they are great but no see they are energy to those in their ways of understanding greater then them. This is where the evol aliens will lose and were many would say how can the CREATOR be so destructive is validated by their evol actions. See creator not mean just rebalance energy elder only due to entering containment universe early but ignorant to developing energies they slow evolution process of energies on omni level so therefore a balance must seek them to redistribute their fails in lil universe. So humans developing energies maturing their could be issues with techno advanced majik mind evol energies workers lol at first THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CONTAINMENT WHO STRUCK FIRST AND THEIR INTENTS LOL EVOL ENERGIES COME TO EARTH TO PLAY RULE ATTACK HMM THEY SHALL FACE IT EVEN WORST AS ITS SAID HUMAN POSITIVE ENERGIES PASSAGE =ONCE LOL EVOL ENERGIES WILL FACE TWICE DEATH FINAL CAST THEY CAN NO CRY NOR BEG NOR APOLLOS LOL APOLLOS FOR THEIR ACTIONS DURING THEIR TIME OF BALANCE NO............. THEY WILL BE BATTLED IN LOWER PLANE S MULTIPLE TO REFINE THEIR SWEET NEGATIVE ENERGIES THEN ONCE ENTER THEIR SECONDARY PHASE IN LIFE AND DEATH PHASES WITHIN EXISTENCE. THEY WILL BE DOMINATED *
MIRRORED BACK WITH THAT IN WHICH THEY HAVE IGNORED WEAK DESTROYED HELPED LEARN HOW NOT TO EMPLOY UNIVERSE INTERIOR. So basically overall the positive energies within this and any plans will overcome A SLAVE IS STRONGER THEN ITS MASTER FOR ITS WORK REQUIRES STRENGTH THAT OF WHICH THE MASTER HAS NOT! So humanity will be ok the human is not just y dimensional energy trapped as are some who are consider evol aliens. They the evols will be eaten as they have and with each bite they WILL UNDERSTAND what they did to receive such energy drains placed on their energies within.




edit on 9/25/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by solardez
Could Humanity Withstand An Invasion Of Earth By Evil Aliens From Outer Space?


we could turn your "planet" into a barren wasteland if we wished it.

we could destroy every living organism on this world if we wanted to.

but we have no interest in doing such so.

the entirety of humanity poses no threat to us.

any of us.

But another Human on the barbi is not out of the question....

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by blocula

blocula!!! Good/ET & Bad/Aliens interesting question... See in the lower plane of the phases of life and deaths phases WITHIN EXISTENCE understanding? An alien attack on ANY CREATOR DESIGNED ENERGY * you me we ALL lol automatically will have a re balance occure. Hmm this 1 means in the best understanding way to explain in the which are called planes of low dimensions ALL interior inhabitants of this little universe
have mirrored reflections to return the balance energy positive or negative some neutral not many they distributed within this containment for multi flavored energies to mature advance or be replaced recycled* with that a pathetic alien force to enslave rule weak destroy without including themselves FULLY in the destruction process to make it refine ALL energy even destroyers so yes weak destroy energies that thrive on praying on those considered weaker energies that may just be maturing on a much higher level then these techno. Advanced evol aliens who feel they are great but no see they are energy to those in their ways of understanding greater then them. This is where the evol aliens will lose and were many would say how can the CREATOR be so destructive is validated by their evol actions. See creator not mean just rebalance energy elder only due to entering containment universe early but ignorant to developing energies they slow evolution process of energies on omni level so therefore a balance must seek them to redistribute their fails in lil universe. So humans developing energies maturing their could be issues with techno advanced majik mind evol energies workers lol at first THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CONTAINMENT WHO STRUCK FIRST AND THEIR INTENTS LOL EVOL ENERGIES COME TO EARTH TO PLAY RULE ATTACK HMM THEY SHALL FACE IT EVEN WORST AS ITS SAID HUMAN POSITIVE ENERGIES PASSAGE =ONCE LOL EVOL ENERGIES WILL FACE TWICE DEATH FINAL CAST THEY CAN NO CRY NOR BEG NOR APOLLOS LOL APOLLOS FOR THEIR ACTIONS DURING THEIR TIME OF BALANCE NO............. THEY WILL BE BATTLED IN LOWER PLANE S MULTIPLE TO REFINE THEIR SWEET NEGATIVE ENERGIES THEN ONCE ENTER THEIR SECONDARY PHASE IN LIFE AND DEATH PHASES WITHIN EXISTENCE. THEY WILL BE DOMINATED *
MIRRORED BACK WITH THAT IN WHICH THEY HAVE IGNORED WEAK DESTROYED HELPED LEARN HOW NOT TO EMPLOY UNIVERSE INTERIOR. So basically overall the positive energies within this and any plans will overcome A SLAVE IS STRONGER THEN ITS MASTER FOR ITS WORK REQUIRES STRENGTH THAT OF WHICH THE MASTER HAS NOT! So humanity will be ok the human is not just y dimensional energy trapped as are some who are consider evol aliens. They the evols will be eaten as they have and with each bite they WILL UNDERSTAND what they did to receive such energy drains placed on their energies within.




edit on 9/25/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

Meds my friend meds......

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

smh..... Any way its clear the war is not based on techs lol its based on spiritual energy. Their attacks weaken them so when mirrored by !? They are easy to absorb. Meds get you some for its not a simple game that your mind of denial wishes to see due to your fear of them smh your fear is your weakening device place upon you. K

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by LeTan

Originally posted by vedatruth

Originally posted by Frostmore
I can't think of any way that we could withstand interstellar technology... It's kind of like sticks vs. nukes.

We are no longer carrying 'sticks'. We have nukes and missiles. US, Russia, and possibly China have microwave weapons. US has laser weapons. What more do you want??

Lightsabers and Deathstars.

Ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by Xtrozero

smh..... Any way its clear the war is not based on techs lol its based on spiritual energy. Their attacks weaken them so when mirrored by !? They are easy to absorb. Meds get you some for its not a simple game that your mind of denial wishes to see due to your fear of them smh your fear is your weakening device place upon you. K

Ask the dodo bird and 1000s of other extinct by man species about spiritual energy...

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Ask the dodo bird and 1000s of other extinct by man species about spiritual energy...

im speaking on good energy man not bad energy smh. Are we done here?

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by blocula

blocula!!! Good/ET & Bad/Aliens interesting question... See in the lower plane of the phases of life and deaths phases WITHIN EXISTENCE understanding? An alien attack on ANY CREATOR DESIGNED ENERGY * you me we ALL lol automatically will have a re balance occure. Hmm this 1 means in the best understanding way to explain in the which are called planes of low dimensions ALL interior inhabitants of this little universe
have mirrored reflections to return the balance energy positive or negative some neutral not many they distributed within this containment for multi flavored energies to mature advance or be replaced recycled* with that a pathetic alien force to enslave rule weak destroy without including themselves FULLY in the destruction process to make it refine ALL energy even destroyers so yes weak destroy energies that thrive on praying on those considered weaker energies that may just be maturing on a much higher level then these techno. Advanced evol aliens who feel they are great but no see they are energy to those in their ways of understanding greater then them. This is where the evol aliens will lose and were many would say how can the CREATOR be so destructive is validated by their evol actions. See creator not mean just rebalance energy elder only due to entering containment universe early but ignorant to developing energies they slow evolution process of energies on omni level so therefore a balance must seek them to redistribute their fails in lil universe. So humans developing energies maturing their could be issues with techno advanced majik mind evol energies workers lol at first THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CONTAINMENT WHO STRUCK FIRST AND THEIR INTENTS LOL EVOL ENERGIES COME TO EARTH TO PLAY RULE ATTACK HMM THEY SHALL FACE IT EVEN WORST AS ITS SAID HUMAN POSITIVE ENERGIES PASSAGE =ONCE LOL EVOL ENERGIES WILL FACE TWICE DEATH FINAL CAST THEY CAN NO CRY NOR BEG NOR APOLLOS LOL APOLLOS FOR THEIR ACTIONS DURING THEIR TIME OF BALANCE NO............. THEY WILL BE BATTLED IN LOWER PLANE S MULTIPLE TO REFINE THEIR SWEET NEGATIVE ENERGIES THEN ONCE ENTER THEIR SECONDARY PHASE IN LIFE AND DEATH PHASES WITHIN EXISTENCE. THEY WILL BE DOMINATED *
MIRRORED BACK WITH THAT IN WHICH THEY HAVE IGNORED WEAK DESTROYED HELPED LEARN HOW NOT TO EMPLOY UNIVERSE INTERIOR. So basically overall the positive energies within this and any plans will overcome A SLAVE IS STRONGER THEN ITS MASTER FOR ITS WORK REQUIRES STRENGTH THAT OF WHICH THE MASTER HAS NOT! So humanity will be ok the human is not just y dimensional energy trapped as are some who are consider evol aliens. They the evols will be eaten as they have and with each bite they WILL UNDERSTAND what they did to receive such energy drains placed on their energies within.




edit on 9/25/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

Lol this would make sense if we all were on mushrooms too man.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Jrocbaby


posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:34 PM
evil alien's may have aleready tried to wipe us out with disease,the plague.the black death of the 14th century which killed around 75,000,000 people,close to 1/2 the population of what people actually saw back then,it's really weird and frightening >[e ditby]edit on 25-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by blocula
in a mere 60 years! our technology has advanced from horse drawn carriages -1900, to the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier -1961...amazing! if a superior alien species were advancing for only 1,000 years beyond us. the technology they would posess would be incredible! and if they were advancing for 10,000 years beyond us. what they would have invented and be able to deploy against us would be unbelievably powerful and fantastic! and if they were advancing for 1,000,000 years beyond us. their technological innovations would be almost beyond our ability to comprehend and imagine! they and their advancement's would appear magical to us and some of that species technology we would call the rain,wind and snow,a star going nova...they would be gods!

the ants on the ground,so busy building their hills and tunnels,look up and see us and our technology and as we casually and thoughtlessly walk,drive and fly around them,they have no way to perceive or accurately comprehend what's really going on.when we see the aliens and their ufo's and flying saucers,i don't think we really know who they are or what they are doing...
edit on 25-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)
what do ant's think of a SR -71 black bird? or a b-1 bomber? as they roll out of their giant hanger's,over and above the ants and then fly off into the sky? the ants are "totally unaware" of what's going on around them...just like we are?

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

The "hitting at high speed" theory has serious problems.

You have to choose 'speed vs maneuverability'. You can not have both.

A high speed particle (or object) acquires the properties of light, that is it travels in straight line.

There is considerable Physics behind it. It is not possible to write this stuff here.

You can understand it this way, an ET ship has to slow down considerably before it enters solar system, and it will continue slowing down as it approaches our star (the sun).

Next problem is always the intention. A spaceship is a very expensive piece of equipment, that an ET civilization probably built over 100s of years, at a very great cost. Sacrificing such a ship for just a foolish 'destroy the earth' wish does not seem reasonable.

You may not realize this - it is VERY EXPENSIVE to build a viable spaceship. If you doubt me - look at the cost of building space station, the one that does not even move.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by blocula
evil alien's may have aleready tried to wipe us out with disease,the plague.the black death of the 14th century which killed around 75,000,000 people,close to 1/2 the population of what people actually saw back then,it's really weird and frightening >[e ditby]edit on 25-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

The current earth human are very foolish, and very capable of destroying themselves.

If anything you need help to protect you from yourself.

edit on 25-9-2011 by vedatruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 07:53 PM
"the moth factor" > the way we look at and perceive a moth, is the way that aliens look at and perceive us...

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