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Why was Barack Obama put in office by TPTB???

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:41 PM
And who do you mean by the PTB? Pretty sure it was American citizens who voted Obama in.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by SuperZepto
And who do you mean by the PTB? Pretty sure it was American citizens who voted Obama in.

To some degree I do believe that sir,but what I meant was,to better quote the post,"Why was Barack Obama deceptively put in office by American Voters"?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:47 PM
Quite simply it stifles debate. it's a ready- made wet towel to throw on any dissension of the "TPTB"'s intended policy.: Too much dependence on redistribution of the wealth through social entitlements??
You are obviously a "racist". And it encourages defense of the TPTB's plans because merely by accusing such a "backward thinking anti progressive" of "racism" obviously absolves the accuser of any vestigial racial guilt deeply felt by white liberals.
edit on 2-9-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by SuperZepto
And who do you mean by the PTB? Pretty sure it was American citizens who voted Obama in.

In this;" the age of the paperless die bold voting machine" you can say that with a straight face?Whoever counted the vote put him in office.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:55 PM
Obama was put into office to stop any future black men from ever holding the office.
Black people will now feel like they had their chance and they blew it. This is becoming apparent everyday that passes, he is in over his head and even he knows it.

What's next? I predict a "Latino" will be the next "failure" after the "great white president" "saves" us from catastrophe.
(sorry about all the air quotes but they felt appropriate at the time)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Why was Barack Obama put in office by TPTB

I remember millions of americans saying we want change. Everyone was in an Obama trance for a while.

I feel he was put in to keep the masses calm and make false promises of hope and change.

But that is only my opinion. Junkie logic

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

Why was Barack Obama put in office by TPTB

I remember millions of americans saying we want change. Everyone was in an Obama trance for a while.

I feel he was put in to keep the masses calm and make false promises of hope and change.

But that is only my opinion. Junkie logic

While the corporatists and Elite finished off America and made away with trillions.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:19 PM
I would say never underestimate your opponent. Because it seems he is taking them out at the knee caps and they don't seem to notice. The GOP is dazzled in the spot light thinking its all going so well like Nacy Carrigan coming off the ice rink. Just befor the goons take out the knee caps.

And if you want to know what im talking about. Just think about this. Obama says he just found out hes Irish so he is making a special trip to Ireland? Well then he made his trip around Europe meeting with the top. The Queen herself. After that you got leaks that came out of Ireland of all places and then the Queens house itself about News Corp phone hacking. Heres a link now its up to 15 people arrested. The Republican News Network is crashing. Thier Richard Nixon spying and propaganda network is collapsing. Wikileaks just released all the unedited diplomatic cables loose on the internet.

Then you have to ask yourself what will the GOP be when Fox News is taken from Murdoch family and put under new management or just completely shut down. Broke and begging for money the old fashion way and finding it hard to do because they lost thier propaganda machine also. After that it will be hard for them to have S&M slave master sex parties as ways to attract big donors and not get laughed out of town.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by ProfessorVeritas

You may have something there.

My take on it is that it is and "in-your-face, you stupid Americans, we will do as we please" attack.
If they just wanted a black man in office, they surely had plenty of qualified men to pick from who had a legitimate Birth Certificate, and available school records. There would be folk in his schools who would remember him. And who were not associated with a controversial Preacher and a few other things that have been discussed.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:45 PM
My take on it is this: Whomever put him in power wants to polarize the nation, make it black/white, no in-between. When he is assasinated, (hopefully never), this will most probably create the most violent and horrific race riots ever witnessed. The mayhem caused by the multitudes of dis-enfranchised people will be Watts of the 1960's times a million. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but looking at some of the near future scenarios that may happen and some that have, like the "dream act", will increasingly destabilize any balance of race relations in place today.
The "patsey" that will bring this about, will, of course be the obligatory white male "skinhead" with nazi tattoos so that the obscene action will hastily have a face and agenda to blame as adjudicated by the mainstream media.
The nation will die.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by NightFlight
My take on it is this: Whomever put him in power wants to polarize the nation, make it black/white, no in-between. When he is assasinated, (hopefully never), this will most probably create the most violent and horrific race riots ever witnessed. The mayhem caused by the multitudes of dis-enfranchised people will be Watts of the 1960's times a million. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but looking at some of the near future scenarios that may happen and some that have, like the "dream act", will increasingly destabilize any balance of race relations in place today.
The "patsey" that will bring this about, will, of course be the obligatory white male "skinhead" with nazi tattoos so that the obscene action will hastily have a face and agenda to blame as adjudicated by the mainstream media.
The nation will die.

You know I thought he may be potentially assassinated as well,possibly from defecting from the Elitist control and actually consciously making decisions for the country,due to pressure from the Black community and political constituents.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Daedal

Originally posted by NightFlight
My take on it is this: Whomever put him in power wants to polarize the nation, make it black/white, no in-between. When he is assasinated, (hopefully never), this will most probably create the most violent and horrific race riots ever witnessed. The mayhem caused by the multitudes of dis-enfranchised people will be Watts of the 1960's times a million. I sincerely hope I am wrong, but looking at some of the near future scenarios that may happen and some that have, like the "dream act", will increasingly destabilize any balance of race relations in place today.
The "patsey" that will bring this about, will, of course be the obligatory white male "skinhead" with nazi tattoos so that the obscene action will hastily have a face and agenda to blame as adjudicated by the mainstream media.
The nation will die.

You know I thought he may be potentially assassinated as well,possibly from defecting from the Elitist control and actually consciously making decisions for the country,due to pressure from the Black community and political constituents.

I don't believe he has defected. Even though the tribal members of his staff has steadily declined, the ones that leave are almost immediately replace with a new tribal member. That being said, I believe he is just as entrenched in the "tribes" demogogary as ever.
I believe the reason for this is that Obama's final act has yet to be played and whatever it is will be promulgated by the tribe. When this happens, America will be on its knees and we (white/black non-tribal) will wring our hands and gnash our teeth. Probably nuclear in several places across the continent.

He has definitely not defected from the blacks. They will stand behind him even if he turned out to be an Uncle Tom. He "belongs" to them and they to him. All you have to do is ask a politically connected black person. This creates a certain edge to his "reign" as he can count on them to "guard his rear". I know of no other die hard constituents that even come close except for maybe Ronald Reagans' (God rest His Soul).

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:42 PM
I think he really believed the stuff he was saying before he got elected. The smile on his face changed after he had his first meeting with the CIA.(I think I had a video somewhere) To me he was never the same after that meeting . Think about it, who is easier controlled, a man with a wife or a man with a wife and YOUNG KIDS. One of these days I'm going to research presidents with young kids to see if there is some connection

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:42 PM
I think he really believed the stuff he was saying before he got elected. The smile on his face changed after he had his first meeting with the CIA.(I think I had a video somewhere) To me he was never the same after that meeting . Think about it, who is easier controlled, a man with a wife or a man with a wife and YOUNG KIDS. One of these days I'm going to research presidents with young kids to see if there is some connection

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 09:01 PM
Just my take here but..

I am looking at what this President possibly meant to the American people and the world.
The first is a no brainer.

The Great American dream.
For years the office of the President has been to every American the symbol of freedom,democracy and security. Never in our history has a black man held this office, for many, to see a black man rise to the highest office of authority in our country represented a mending and healing between the people. A step forward in progress as a nation and not a step backward, (slavery) that in many minds was a tarnish on the very flag that blacks, whites and every other minority in our country swear an allegiance to. It presented actual proof that equality was taking shape. Another sign that slavery and prejudice was dead and that the American dream was really obtainable.

The second I think was on the part of Congress.
After 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq and problems with the Islam religion, Obama by name, life experience and affiliation could speak to a part of the world no white Christian President could speak to. And he did. Flew right in and spoke to the very heart of the middle east (Egypt) filled with islamic people and accepted them as brothers in a time where the Us had to bomb the very people he publically, Historically and constitutionally embraced by using the very object of their hate to win over their hearts and minds. Americas freedom of religion and local mosques. He asked for peace where there was none.

The third was the failure of the Republican party.
Partly due to the Bush era, people were sick of war and felt insecure for the first time since pearl harbor. The republican party did nothing to address these issues properly in choosing what came off to be a tired old senile veteran and a woman who had no clue about foreign policy during wartime. Those two crucial issues devastated the republicans throughout the campaign. With Obama making promises he couldnt keep and no real opposition to his views on this, they literally gave him the office.

The fourth, the endorsement of world leaders.
It would be a failure on anyone's part to neglect the backing he got from world leaders. For them his election and message of change meant new stances and views on their countries situations. As it stood then and stands now, nothing gets done without notice of the oval office, the most powerful seat in the world. Note how they embraced him so quickly after his win and after a short time went on to consider him to be, and to quote the President "more of the same."

That's just my guess.
Personally, he didn't get my vote and neither did McCain. He did manage to win over my younger sibling who felt that his personality, humor and policies were charming. To quote her, "He is better than Bush and his wars and that other dumb old guy, so he gets my vote, plus he said he smoked weed once."

As for the "PTB", the most irritating initials on ATS outside of NWO and the saying "rolling in their graves" I have no clue why these invisible forces chose this "puppet" but thats what I gathered from the "MSM" because I apparently enjoy the "Tyranny flavored Kool aid".
edit on 2-9-2011 by Nephalim because: edit buttons rock. so do "sheeple."

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 02:14 AM
Obama was installed by TPTB to seamlessly continue the Bush administration. Obama expanded the Afghanistan war, bombed in Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan. He has tried hard to cut Social Security. Obamacare is a carefully designed plan to kill Medicare, and to place another regressive tax on the middle class. Homeland Security, FEMA camps, all this continues. No investigation into Bush administration crimes. People losing their jobs, no new jobs available, an economic Depression. The banks continue to get bailed out. Clearly the same people who owned Bush own BO.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by SuperZepto
And who do you mean by the PTB? Pretty sure it was American citizens who voted Obama in.

Didn't Bilderberg give Obama their "blessing" to become president?

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 11:25 AM
Because the people want a "change" remember that was the big word for his campaign, all so we wont revolt.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 12:03 PM
In these last days of Babylon Obama was put there to keep the people distracted just long enough for the real criminals and their Wall street cronies to run out the back door with the last of the money. America is a sinking ship and as the corporate interests scurry around like rats Obama stands there holding the violin. That man is far from stupid....but this is a machine much larger than any one president. He seems a lot more like the kid who has been entrusted with the keys to the store and lets his friends come in and trash the place after hours. He probably thought that he would be able to handle the responsibility but his buddies had other ideas.

posted on Sep, 3 2011 @ 12:37 PM
Obama was put in office to distract you from the REAL criminals: The Bush Regime. I guess, we've forgotten what happened, 10 years ago. Instead of getting to the REAL truth, regarding nine-eleven and serving JUSTICE to the culprits involved...we were distracted by a 'birth certificate'. We forgot about the rigged elections...and focused on this president's "illegal" tenure. Which leads me to believe that TPTB are about a decade or more smarter, than us. Let me guess, a woman president will be next; with her own set of distractions...pushing us further away from the TRUTH regarding nine-11; which, if you haven't noticed, was the day ALL of our lives changed. And i do mean ALL and CHANGED!

And, for those of you that think Obama's presidency somehow fulfills Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, "I Have a Dream" speech, THINK AGAIN. MLK's speech had nothing to do with an individual person...and EVERYTHING to do with UNITY, as a whole; ALL NATIONS, ALL COLORS, ALL TONGUES, ALL RELIGIONS.......LIVING AS ONE! That was MLK's dream...and we're FAAAAR from it.

We MUST go back, and re-write his-story; or live with the consequences, for generations to come. "RIGHTEOUSNESS EXALTS A NATION"!

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