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War declared on Tea Party

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Kitilani

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by HauntWok

The Tea Party here in my town is largely Libertarian, Constitutionalist, with a large Republican contingency, and a good smattering of Democrats. It is not majority Republican by any means.

I would really like to believe that. I can see no good reason to. Can you tell me which TP candidates these Democrats support?

No, apparently he cannot because it is just something they say. The so called TP wanted to look like average Americans. They did not want to be so obvious about being rebranded neocons so they kept claiming they were not just from the right. Yet, whenever I ask someone to expand on a claim like above....there is really no answer that ever comes up. I wish someone in that camp could explain why that is.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Daedal

You did not detect the sarcasm in the post evidently. By the way Japs was the military word a shortened word for Japanese, as you know we fought them in WWII.

Here's your American history lesson

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country.

On February 19th 1942 Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps.
FDR was a wartime Democrat President best known for his enactment of the New Deal(socialist work programs) during the Great Depression.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by Daedal

Exactly what are you suggesting?That we Whites,notice "we",will become slaves to Blacks?Is that how you draw the above quote about the Japanese?Japanese didn't enslave Whites for 400 years and then try to coexist with the same individuals whom they enslaved.That was an act of war..And if I recall,wasn't the first Atomic bomb dropped on Japanese people,then the second as well?

Exactly how many times is the past going to be dredged up as an excuse to blame the actions of some whites for every single ill that hits this country? Frankly, it's a worn out excuse. White guilt worked for awhile, but it doesn't work any more, so please change the broken record already.

I wasn't involved in slavery, my ancestors weren't, and none of the Black Caucus were involved either. So please learn a different tune already.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

We are at war. A scruffy little grass-roots movement, just wanting smaller government and a return to personal responsibility.
We don't want big government. We don't need program after program after program. Personal responsibility. To yourself, to your family.

An analogy I like to use is this; imagine a person with a broken leg.

The Tea Party would like to see the person go to physical therapy, use crutches, a cane, then walk on their own. It'd be painful. But the patient would learn to walk again, and become self-reliant.

The progressives want to give the person a wheelchair (bought by someone else). They don't want the person to go through the painful process of rehabilitation. They want that person to stay in the wheelchair until the legs have atrophied to a point where they CAN'T leave the wheelchair. They want that person to be dependent. They want that person to NEED them.

Therefore, the war. They will fight for every needy person, every dependent person, because without them, their own existence can't be justified.

Just my take on it.

edit on 30-8-2011 by beezzer because: e

Tea Party = Taxed Enough Already
Reduce the size of government.
The U.S. government needs to get out of the way with all of their regulations so Free Market
Capitalism can thrive.
That is all the Tea Party is about.
It's the liberals standing back and throwing labels at them. --------- Terrorists!!!!--------Racists!!!!-----
It's not going to work. Nice try.
That strategy failed in November 2010 and it will fail again.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Daedal

Exactly what are you suggesting?That we Whites,notice "we",will become slaves to Blacks?Is that how you draw the above quote about the Japanese?Japanese didn't enslave Whites for 400 years and then try to coexist with the same individuals whom they enslaved.That was an act of war..And if I recall,wasn't the first Atomic bomb dropped on Japanese people,then the second as well?

America was born in 1776 and slaves were freed in 1864. So where does this 400 years come from? And who among us has been alive since 1864, so what's with this "and then try to coexist with the same individuals whom they enslaved"?

Hyperbole will get you nowhere.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by Daedal

Exactly what are you suggesting?That we Whites,notice "we",will become slaves to Blacks?Is that how you draw the above quote about the Japanese?Japanese didn't enslave Whites for 400 years and then try to coexist with the same individuals whom they enslaved.That was an act of war..And if I recall,wasn't the first Atomic bomb dropped on Japanese people,then the second as well?

America was born in 1776 and slaves were freed in 1864. So where does this 400 years come from? And who among us has been alive since 1864, so what's with this "and then try to coexist with the same individuals whom they enslaved"?

Hyperbole will get you nowhere.

It was in response to a question posed.The indidvidual used the 400 yrs as how long the slaves were held in bondage upto the Civil Rights movement I presume.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by mishigas
reply to post by Daedal

Exactly what are you suggesting?That we Whites,notice "we",will become slaves to Blacks?Is that how you draw the above quote about the Japanese?Japanese didn't enslave Whites for 400 years and then try to coexist with the same individuals whom they enslaved.That was an act of war..And if I recall,wasn't the first Atomic bomb dropped on Japanese people,then the second as well?

Exactly how many times is the past going to be dredged up as an excuse to blame the actions of some whites for every single ill that hits this country? Frankly, it's a worn out excuse. White guilt worked for awhile, but it doesn't work any more, so please change the broken record already.

I wasn't involved in slavery, my ancestors weren't, and none of the Black Caucus were involved either. So please learn a different tune already.

I am not saying that I support the current legislature put in action,hate crimes laws..especially when others aren't held to the same accord.I am merely suggesting a different perspective from others point of view.I too nor my ancestors supported slavery at any time in the past.But it was and is the actions of a few Whites that we fellow White Americans are being hold in contempt for.Is it fair,IMO no.
I do agree that changes need to be made,will it happen,prolly not for awhile,if at all.
So there's no need to bicker about the Black Caucus,they are merely exercising their rights given to them by Whites to begin with.

The true enemy are the money lenders and the big banks,who laugh at us because we point fingers at each other,when it's them we should be contending with.

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Right On! I am there with you. I just find it so hard to see this country dissolve the way it has and the changes are speeding up year to year.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:30 AM
TO the OP, thats quite an overgeneralization you have there, and an incorect one at that.

these people dont sound like they want the hypothetical patient to get help at all. and no this isnt about Ron paul, its about the tea party.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by matthius
TO the OP, thats quite an overgeneralization you have there, and an incorect one at that.

How so? Prove that assertion.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by LooksLikeWeMadeIt

Ahhh, there's the race card. And spending other peoples money for that finest care?

Nope. Sorry.

And there is the true attitude of the tea party.

From the OP:

Originally posted by beezzer

We are at war. A scruffy little grass-roots movement, just wanting smaller government and a return to personal responsibility.
We don't want big government. We don't need program after program after program. Personal responsibility. To yourself, to your family.

An analogy I like to use is this; imagine a person with a broken leg.

The Tea Party would like to see the person go to physical therapy, use crutches, a cane, then walk on their own. It'd be painful. But the patient would learn to walk again, and become self-reliant.

Just who would pay for that physical therapy? Who would pay for those crutches? Who would pay for that cane?

From your own words, "And spending other peoples money for that finest care?"

The attitude, from my experience with other tea partiers:

'Why should we pay for your broken leg? Why should we pay for your physical therapy? Why should we pay for your crutches? Why should we pay for your cane? You should have planned ahead for the future. You need to accept personal responsibility. You should have been more careful. You shouldn't be spending other people's money for your care. Can't afford your broken leg? Tough it up. Live within your means. You do not have a right to health care. You do not have the right to have my money pay for your broken leg.'

And that is the true attitude of the tea partier. If you are sick and cannot afford healthcare, too bad! You go without!

When I used to hang around tea partiers, they liked and respected me at first. Then, they found out that I used to receive welfare. At the time of this discovery, I had a job and was no longer on welfare. They bashed and ridiculed me. They previously knew about my hysterectomy, but then they were bashing me because their tax dollars paid for it. After I lost my job, there was no sympathy. There was no compassion. It was just proof of my 'laziness'. They continued to bash me with Bible scriptures. I went from caring about Christians and believing that I was a Christian to knowing just how much I will never fit in with Christianity. Now I want to round up all the Bibles in the world and set them ablaze. Christianity has no compassion. Mercy was a lie. No Christian has ever showed me mercy. Christians get to lie about you to your face because they are covered under His grace. They get to lie and say you are lazy when you are not. I am disabled, but I worked harder at every job that I had than most others I worked with.

The only difference in their treatment towards me was their attitude towards lower economic status. I was the same person before and after their "discovery" of my poverty.

The only job offer I've ever turned down was prostitution. I actually had tea partiers bash me for that saying 'well at least you wouldn't be stealing my money.' This was from a supposed Christian. But at the same time, they insist that I am unwilling to work. If you don't turn down any job offer, and stay until the job ends (usually temp jobs instead of regular job), then how can someone truthfully say you are unwilling to work? But to the tea partiers, all of these millions of unemployed are lazy, worthless eaters. I have seen the tea partiers refer to the homeless as "feral people" multiple times.

There are not enough lawns to mow to enable millions of unemployed Americans to pay rent, mortgage, etc. Maybe a few would pull it off, but there is only so much demand. There are simply not enough jobs for everyone in this country.

They constantly quote scripture against the poor, saying things like "if you will not work then you shall not eat." Okay, so if society enforces this scripture against the current millions of forced unemployed Americans then this would effectively starve to death millions of people.

They say it should be the job of the churches to feed the poor. Well, since they already judged them as unwilling to work, wouldn't they thus be asking the churches to go against scripture by feeding them if you apply the scripture they quote? Which is it? Can these unemployed 'bums' eat or not? You cannot have it both ways.

I have gone over the years from being a passionate Republican to being nothing. When I first heard of the tea party movement, I jumped right on. From the moment I became their focus for hate because of my lack of greenbacks, I fought/lost a winless battle to show them I was a decent, caring person. I'm not a democrat, so the last thing there could be in a two-party system for me was nothing.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by ararisq
In following many Tea Party threads they all seem to run the following playbook from the other side :

a) Shout "The Tea Party is Racist!" When asked for proof state "I don't need proof its clearly obvious!" or "I saw a sign at a protest!"

Kind of like how most Republicans/tea partiers I encounter have personally witnessed someone pay for groceries with food stamps and load them up in a new Cadillac in the parking lot? Yeah, I get it.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I think your analogy is an over overgeneralization about progressives, being mostly a progressive and other's i know, I dont want the hypothetical "man with a broken leg" to be wheelchair bound and not go through the process of recovery, I think its clear the progressive wants the person to receive all the help he requires to get better and not have the guy spend huge sums of money to do it. From what i see the tea party does want the guy to get better, but we arent all in the position to aford it and to the tea party if the guy cant afford it "too bad for him"

the link i posted is also a bit of a generalization as well, but it makes me think that there are people in the tea party who would prefer the guy to just die if he cant afford it, i hope you all dont think that way, but know that progressives dont want the guy to be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.
edit on 14-9-2011 by matthius because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2011 by matthius because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Jessicamsa
I tried to give alot of thought to how I would respond to your post.
I used the "wheel chair" analogy as an example of growth. Not specifically pertaining to medical issues.
As for your examples of poeple (Tea Party) treating you so poorly, well, I'm shocked. Really. Regardless of what is said or how your treated, keep your head held high. Pride is internal, not developed from external influences.
A pity you never attended our groups. You'd have been treated differently.

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