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War declared on Tea Party

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Kali74

Sorry, but you are going to have a hard time explaining that to the black members of our Tea Party here in my town.

The Tea Party is not racist in the slightest bit. Maybe there are a few exceptions as individuals, but the party itself is for smaller government and more personal responsibility, it has nothing to do with race.

And, as a white person that grew up in a town where I barely even saw a black person until I was old enough to drive, the racism in my old town was anything but subtle, and you know what, those same folks making racist jokes and innuendos would be the first folks to pull over and change a tire for a traveller of another race. Those same folks that might joke and cut up and say politically incorrect things, would also be the same ones that would step up and quickly defend a stranger if they were being mistreated.

Racism exists in exquisitely small circles of radicals from both sides, and it exists in the press and the liberal government, but it rarely exists in small-town America. Political incorrectness is rampant, but actual racism is almost unheard of.

The Tea Party is most certainly not Racist, not even in any subtle sort of way, and anyone that thinks otherwise must be bi-curious! As in, if you hate homosexuals you must be one, if you hate racists you must be one, if you see subtle racism in everything people do, then you must be racist on some level. Instead of looking for subliminal messaged in the Tea Party's actions, perhaps you should look at your own thought pattern?

Why is it that no one can read what I'm saying? I do believe some of the TP in congress are racist, but I'm not talking about the whole of the TP movement as a whole being racist. I am asking WHY do the non racist supporters not stand up and say it is not tolerable? Non action is unacceptable. You don't want to be a viewed as racists then tell the racists that show up with their BS to go home, they aren't welcome. Is this really that difficult to comprehend?
edit on 31-8-2011 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

ETA I was going to ignore this but...insinuating I'm a racist is a ridiculous, low and weak argument. I see it because I'm not blind.
edit on 31-8-2011 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Nope, and I agree with you on that aspect, and I think it is being done everywhere except in the press. A racist would not last long at all in any of the local Tea Party events I have been to, but the cable news shows seem to thrive off this stuff.

You can take 4 people, and have 1 or 2 racists, and get the right camera angle, and take a 10-second sound bite, and put it on Youtube, or on the Cable News Networks, and it looks like the whole Tea Party is racist. They never show the part where those people were escorted away, or totally ignored and isolated from the larger group.

I might have been harsh in my response to you, because there are an awful lot of people that think 1 or 2 people and 10 seconds of sound taken out of context represent a group of 100s of 1000s of good people. It is frustrating.

ETA: In response to your ETA, it is a low and weak argument, and I threw it in there to make exactly that point. Just because someone opposes Obama doesn't make them racist, and typically the people that cry racism the loudest are the ones the most intrigued and involved by it. You may not be racist, but in my experience, you are more likely to be racist than someone who never gives it a moments thought. I know with relative certainty that there are no racist members of my local Tea Party, and I know that the subject never arises, but I have my doubts about the folks that keep tossing that card onto the table. Either they are, themselves racist, or they just have no real, intelligible platform of their own to stand on.
edit on 31-8-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Wrong. Considering the alternative to your little fantasy, government-run everything!

Like anyone wants or thinks the government is capable of running everything.

The people should have the power and corporations should be subjugated to the people. Unfortunately Bachman, Palin, Rove, Cheney, and the rest of the TEA Party believe that the richest 1% are the only people in the country that are capable of running things or creating jobs.

The Democrats aren't any better with trying to cradle to grave every person ensuring the US becomes one large massive bureaucracy until everyone drowns in the red tape.

But it doesn't excuse the TEA Parties want to destroy our republic and hand it all over to their rich masters.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by beezzer

So where is the Hispanic Caucus on this? The Asian Causcus, The Hindi, The White, The Native American? Why does it always boil down to black and white? With everyone else being lumped into white who isn't black? Give it a rest! Please - sick of this color topic, as long as they exist they perpetuate racism. The Tea Party has nothing to do with what they are complaining about. Just another target and I am tired of paying for everyone else. Get out of my wallet and leave me alone!

As previously stated Socialism always fails! You run out of other peoples' money.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Agreed! People need to look up the original meaning of the N-word. Has nothing to do with color either but a type and quality of person. At the end of the day we all bleed red and will die. Get past it folks.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Where did any of those people state they want the 1% to control the nation and end a Republic? That is the problem with people like you and your party, you make outlandish statements with no factual backing, thinking it is correct and people will believe you. Makes you look naive and uneducated. Sorry.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by mantarey
reply to post by beezzer

So where is the Hispanic Caucus on this? The Asian Causcus, The Hindi, The White, The Native American? Why does it always boil down to black and white? With everyone else being lumped into white who isn't black? Give it a rest! Please - sick of this color topic, as long as they exist they perpetuate racism. The Tea Party has nothing to do with what they are complaining about. Just another target and I am tired of paying for everyone else. Get out of my wallet and leave me alone!

As previously stated Socialism always fails! You run out of other peoples' money.

Good question. I didn't declare a war, the CBC did.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant

Originally posted by lkpuede

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by lkpuede

In many posts you have said nothing. Provided no links. No proof.
You are incredulous at your core...are you anything more?

are you really serious right now? you need a link to the Constitution? you need a link to the Electorial College? are you REALLY serious right now? here's a link for you. copy and paste this in your browser: The Constitution of The United States. here's another something you can copy and past into your browser: The Function of the Electorial College of The United States. when you are done with that, you can look up "how many Presidents were there before George Washington".

get a cup of coffee and get've got a lot of reading to do.
edit on 31-8-2011 by lkpuede because: (no reason given)

I have a copy of the Constitution. And George Washington was the first President since that document was implemented. Most all Dems would like to get rid of the electoral college and go with the popular vote once and for all. Maybe you were not aware of that. Why would I fight you on it? Smell the coffee buddy. You have no links eh? It is just like I thought. Lot of wind...

edit on 31-8-2011 by newcovenant because: When a profile shows a poster to discuss one topic exclusively you sort of suspect they are an operative working to promote a far right agenda more than a concerned citizen fighting for our collective freedom.

i didn't say anything about "since the document was implemented", you said that. all i said was there were 14 individuals that held the office before George Washington did. way to pay attention to detail.

and it doesn't matter if the Dems want to change the consitution, the only way they can do it is to have a Constitutional Conference...which is not likely to happen.

just like i thought. Lot of wind...

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

Whose actions? The Tea Party? Or the GOP?

And...what actions? Not doubting you, just hard to respond when I don't have the information of which you speak.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by kellynap43

They say it every night on FOX News when they laud and praise the "job creators" (see that's newspeak for wealthy elite) Every time you hear someone on FOX News talk about "job creators" they are talking about the wealthiest 1% and they want that 1% to have all the rights, all the freedom, and all the privileges, while the rest of us serfs bow to them as our masters and beg for crumbs from their banquet tables.

and that's the American dream of the TEA Party.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Your impression of the Tea Party is 180 degrees out of whack. You are confusing the GOP with the Tea Party, and it is Fox News' fault!

The Tea Party is definitely not pro-corporatism and elitism. We are working class folks, in each and every community, and we want less government intrusion in our lives, and we want more and more personal responsibility for our own decisions.

We want less tax, less govt spending, less legislation, less criminal laws, less domestic spying, less TSA, less Sealed Warrants, less Foreign Aid, less Foreign War, less importing, more domestic infrastructure expenditure, more small-sized business grants, more State's Rights, etc.

Click the banner in my siggy for the Ron Paul anthem, or read Ron Paul's Platform. The Tea Party is not the Republican Version you see on television. Get out of the house, go to a rally and see what it is really about!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Um dude...the bailouts were one of the inspirations of the TP forming, and strongly goes against what the TP stands for. Are you a liar or just an idiot? If you don't agree with them, great. But disagree with the truth, not lies.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by saturnine_sweet
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Um dude...the bailouts were one of the inspirations of the TP forming, and strongly goes against what the TP stands for. Are you a liar or just an idiot? If you don't agree with them, great. But disagree with the truth, not lies.
Well said. TARP (Bush) really irritated the heck out of most thinking people. Subsequent bailouts (Obama) further irked most sane people.

Though others applauded Obama while slamming Bush.

Irrationality at its best.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by mantarey
reply to post by beezzer

So where is the Hispanic Caucus on this? The Asian Causcus, The Hindi, The White, The Native American? Why does it always boil down to black and white? With everyone else being lumped into white who isn't black? Give it a rest! Please - sick of this color topic, as long as they exist they perpetuate racism. The Tea Party has nothing to do with what they are complaining about. Just another target and I am tired of paying for everyone else. Get out of my wallet and leave me alone!

As previously stated Socialism always fails! You run out of other peoples' money.

What has happened is that the Democrat Party has become the umbrella for every minority. Obama appeals to minorites and that is overwhelmingly what his value to the Democrats is, to garner that extra vote. I am sorry to say that he is no more extraordinary than any other person or candidate, but the Democrats used him precisely so they could pull out the race card any time they wanted. The glass ceiling has been broken now, so it's time we understand that aside from the obvious race issue, there is the underlying Marxist issue. I always focus on this, because class warfare is an express tool used by Marxists, and when that didn't work as well, the race card came in handy.
The Prez is just one person out of a number of Marxist socialists with an agenda to "fundamentally change" our country and even the Constitution. This is very dangerous. People wanted to believe in his hope and change, but it was still the same old Marxist belief system with a new mask. I heard one person here complain that we were like Medieval Rome regarding healthcare and the Prez and I found that so interesting as the Prez has attached this whole new hope and change and Progressive agenda to an ideology of the mid 1800's.
It is also amazing to me that supporters of the Prez have overlooked so many obvious things which would have made any other candidate ineligible. If Hillary runs in 2012, I promise to point out her Marxist socialist agenda as well, as that is what I and other Tea Partiers oppose and what seems to be most represented by the Democrat Party of today. It may not have always been that way, but the Unions tend to represent the proletariat class promoted by Marxism.
The whole soak the rich thing really gets tiring because those at the top promoting it are usually quite wealthy themselves and hide their own money in tax shelters and they know very well raising taxes is not going to affect them or other extremely wealthy people. This is what makes the entire Progressive campaign disingenuous, because they know they are lying about the whole tax thing.
edit on 31-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by HauntWok
reply to post by beezzer

Wrong. Considering the alternative to your little fantasy, government-run everything!

Like anyone wants or thinks the government is capable of running everything.

The people should have the power and corporations should be subjugated to the people. Unfortunately Bachman, Palin, Rove, Cheney, and the rest of the TEA Party believe that the richest 1% are the only people in the country that are capable of running things or creating jobs.

The Democrats aren't any better with trying to cradle to grave every person ensuring the US becomes one large massive bureaucracy until everyone drowns in the red tape.

But it doesn't excuse the TEA Parties want to destroy our republic and hand it all over to their rich masters.

I don't believe I have ever heard Palin or Bachmann making any such statements to that effect. If you can find any quotes directly from them stating they believe an elite group should control things, that would be interesting. Creating jobs? Well isn't it Obama who thinks he can create all the jobs we need right from his desk in the Oval Office, oh wait I hear he uses another one on a different floor...
I know that I believe in free enterprise for job creation, not in Big Brother.

Our system of govt was set up for educated people elected by a majority to make important decisions. It is interesting that liberals have suggested that Palin is not educated enough(she didnt go to Harvard, she went to too many different schools, yadda yadda) and yet they think our country can be run by a majority of people with possibly no education past 6th grade.
The whole proletariat thing really points to mob rule by the working class and there is no guarantee of educated people running things.
However, we do find an intellectual elite on the Progressive side. These are the Harvard grads, the lawyers, the college professors, etc. They are truly running things behind the proletariat and just use the mob when it's convenient, like when they need the Unions to protest a republican governor....they know how to manipulate lots of people. Saul Alinsky even wrote a book about that.
edit on 31-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Your impression of the Tea Party is 180 degrees out of whack. You are confusing the GOP with the Tea Party, and it is Fox News' fault!

The TEA Party IS the GOP, just an extremist faction of the GOP.

The Tea Party is definitely not pro-corporatism and elitism. We are working class folks, in each and every community, and we want less government intrusion in our lives, and we want more and more personal responsibility for our own decisions.

And yet, the TEA Party is for deregulation which would be a boon to huge multinational corporations. There's nothing wrong with personal responsibility, I am all for that, I am also for less government intrusion into my life. (although how it is now, I have very little government intrusion as it is.)

We want less tax, less govt spending, less legislation, less criminal laws, less domestic spying, less TSA, less Sealed Warrants, less Foreign Aid, less Foreign War, less importing, more domestic infrastructure expenditure, more small-sized business grants, more State's Rights, etc.

This is where the TEA Party fails. They somehow expect mega multinational corporations and the richest 1% to pay absolutely 0 tax. (and they still scream for more tax cuts!) When GE didn't pay any tax, how exactly are they supposed to lower 0%? Please let me know how exactly are they supposed to lower the tax rate from 0? They extended the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy that you all were screaming for. Now tell me, did it result in the jobs that the corporate oligarchs promised? Weren't we promised by the GOP TEA Party people that extending the Bush era tax cuts (tax cuts that were not paid for with decreased spending by the way) would result in a boon of jobs?

It's also interesting that you want less war when just a few years ago, it was the GOP (that's the main body that the TEA Party is an offshoot) wanted to go to war with Iran. It's hard to sell us less war when just a few years ago y'all were so pro war. (not you personally, just conservatives and extremist conservatives specifically) Let's not forget that it was these same people who were basically calling for the blood of any Muslim who dared to even think the word mosque in their town. Less war? Please don't lie, it's not befitting.

Click the banner in my siggy for the Ron Paul anthem, or read Ron Paul's Platform. The Tea Party is not the Republican Version you see on television. Get out of the house, go to a rally and see what it is really about!

No, thank you, indoctrinating propaganda is something that I specifically try to avoid.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

The Tea Party here in my town is largely Libertarian, Constitutionalist, with a large Republican contingency, and a good smattering of Democrats. It is not majority Republican by any means.

But you will never believe that, because you refuse to go visit a real Tea Party event, and instead you choose to believe whatever the magic box tells you to believe.

And, for the record, de-regulation fosters competition, not vice-versa. Right now everything the government does is benefitting big business and running the little guy out of business. Spiderwebs of regulation and licensing authorities make it impossible and/or unprofitable for a little guy to open a small business. Instead, they are forced to work for a larger corporation which might be largely immune to the same regulations. Many of the regulations have loopholes for wholly-owned corporations with high-dollar assets. Usually the loopholes are the result of some powerful lobbyist, but they are justified by the elevated risk factor a large corp has to litigation. The current business environment is not conducive to start up businesses. We have crushed our innovative spirit with too much regulation, and only the big corps can survive.

In any instance, how dare you criticize an organization that you won't even go check out for yourself?

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

This is where the TEA Party fails. They somehow expect mega multinational corporations and the richest 1% to pay absolutely 0 tax. (and they still scream for more tax cuts!) When GE didn't pay any tax, how exactly are they supposed to lower 0%? Please let me know how exactly are they supposed to lower the tax rate from 0?

There is actually an answer to this. Pepsi's CEO put it very well in her interview earlier this year. The current tax rates make it too expensive for corporations to realize high profits in the US, so they shelter their money overseas and avoid taxes. They have billions of dollars in these shelters just waiting to come home. If we lower the tax rates, and give them an incentive to actually pay the taxes and reinvest the profits inside the US, then we raise the overall Revenue.

Yes, they paid $0, because the tax rates were too high. If we lower the tax rates, they will actually keep their money inside the states and pay the taxes.

The same goes for the wealthiest 1% of individuals. Instead of paying teams of lawyers and accountants to avoid taxes, why don't we let them just pay a fair amount of taxes and avoid all the extra expense?

History has shown that total Tax Revenue never increases when taxes are raised. The total revenue always drops.

For the record, I support a flat tax.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Its amusing that the the party completely ignore the true mennase behind our decline. Which is actually the corporations. This is all the Neo Cons fault and now the poor and the weak get punished because of washington and wall street greed. It is outer insane it reminds me of how the Germans blamed the Jews for their Economic troubles. When in fact it was them who caused their own demised. This country used to be the richest and mosts prosperous in the world and in 8 years we have lost it all. And now the working middle class are going to pay for the mess the elite have made.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I love your posts. You are the voice of reason. And I agree with you! I agree about de-regulation. I have noticed a lot of people talking about how de-regulation caused all the Fanny and Freddie mess, etc. and yet it is excessive regulations which force businesses to move operations overseas, as well as the high corporate tax base.
Also, I heard Sean Hannity talking about the fair tax yesterday. A progressive caller came on and it was quite interesting to hear her justify higher taxation.
edit on 31-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

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