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New Creepy 10/28/11 Website Mystery

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by 200457

I remember they had this login page earlier but on a separate html page. It was now putting it on the wiki most will be more eager to 'open'

Maybe the number has something to do with it?


The page login is titled 'time' this might have something to do with the clock 2:30 and the page /0000.html?

My question I want to bother going into the wiki anyway...I've already seen
Unless of course it leads to something new, but how do I know for sure? lol.
If I took the 'time' to work out the code...that leads me to what I already know...that would be quite

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

This is interesting from that link you gave:

You never run out of boxes. You finish one, and then you turn around and you're surrounded. There are boxes everywhere. A thousand, a million, too many to even count. You will never run out of boxes. But running out is not the problem.

The problem is opening them. You need to open them. Every last one of those boxes in an insurmountable mountain of them. It will be crippling—it is crippling—but it has to be done. And there's never enough time, and it never goes fast enough, and sometimes it is just so #ing hard because there are so many boxes filled with so many things and all of them will run away from you and it will take all your energy and effort just to get them into your line of sight. Some (if not most) will get away from you and you'll lose them forever. You can't catch all of them. You can't open all of the boxes.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by KhaliWitch
Blessed be all,
As promised I am back to post my findings on Molimo's dream/ vision.
I do not have good news for you: I started to meditate on the vision you described to get a personal view on it.
I was thrown out of my trance abruptly after no more than 5 minutes. And as those who are more experienced in meditation, coming out abruptly is not good for you ( I have been grounding and protecting my self since midnight my time ). Molimo, I will continue to give you advice and assistance from a distance, but I will not be directly interpreting your visions any more. I am sorry, but I have to think of myself at this moment in time as it has been a long while since I have been attacked in this way ( Someone is trying to "hack" my energy to do me and mine harm and I cannot let them win ). I will still help you Molimo, I will help you interpret and delve deeper in to your vision, but not directly. I am truly sorry about having to say this as I do not like to stop helping someone.


Need to bump this, so Molimo doesn't miss it!


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

We have to let go of doubt period is the key to creating what we want.

I like this. Doubt is like a rock that holds us back from stops us from thinking that we have the ability to do things...

I know this is probably a bit childish (a bit of light humor)...however it is fitting to the concept of getting on the train and is showing the old story of the train that had to get up the hill...'I think I can':
edit on 22-9-2011 by mmirror because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:26 AM
Beliefs are very important
edit on 22-9-2011 by Fraam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Fraam

Blessed be Fraam,
This does hold a lot of merit. Don't you think?


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by KhaliWitch

I'm not sure I understand what you mean...

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by Fraam

The link you posted, has a lot of merits to it, or am I seeing too much in it?


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by mmirror
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

This is interesting from that link you gave:

You never run out of boxes. You finish one, and then you turn around and you're surrounded. There are boxes everywhere. A thousand, a million, too many to even count. You will never run out of boxes. But running out is not the problem.

The problem is opening them. You need to open them. Every last one of those boxes in an insurmountable mountain of them. It will be crippling—it is crippling—but it has to be done. And there's never enough time, and it never goes fast enough, and sometimes it is just so #ing hard because there are so many boxes filled with so many things and all of them will run away from you and it will take all your energy and effort just to get them into your line of sight. Some (if not most) will get away from you and you'll lose them forever. You can't catch all of them. You can't open all of the boxes. [/quote

Runaway boxes? Elusive dimensional levels. Hard to synch to be on the same ones at the same moment?

Sounds like I am going to have to change the rules. I see the precise box running to me, opening itself and staying put.

This all reminds me of a lucid dream I had Roger Rabbit running around with the Mad Hatter saying catch me if you can. Then Roger Rabbit turned around and said "Silly Wabbit, Trix (tricks) are for kids" and zoomed off.They were popping in and out of all of these boxes which to me were the endless internet pages they had use of to hide within and open clues so we could finally synch times.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

Maybe it is about feeling (what boxes am I drawn to open? Following the flow of energy.)...rather than randomly opening them just because they are there. Maybe we only see the boxes that are relevant to us, some we would rather never open, yet others are like christmas has come at once.

What this might mean is that although we try to conform to some sort of structured reality, we are merely moving from one box to the next. The conformity is only in looking outward, where there are many boxes to choose from, yet when we look within, we are still standing within a box. That box which binds us and forms our determinable state, our material framework.

The box is therefore only the material constructs to which form our reality, for our mind can venture beyond that box to many things, it sees choice and determines future and past boxes, in order to give us a journey to partake in. Without Mind the journey would only be then contained within one box.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

Yes I have shared dreams with people on many occassions...we are all connected to Mind. Maybe we shall share a dream one day? I'll let you know if I dream of you again.
I have met people in my dreams to later find them in life...we are all connected and reach out to each other within the mind. It is only matter that separates us.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by mmirror

Did you get my U2U yesterday answering you?

Why do you think they made the wiki off limits? I suppose this means do not send people there asking them what they think of it or telling them to catch up.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:39 AM
Morning everyone. I have been lurking, but between work and pure exhaustion (this pregnancy is kicking my butt at times!) I have been unable to keep up. I'm still about 10 or so pages behind, but I wanted to tell you of my experiences yesterday and the night before.
First my dreams that night were quite vivid, and my night seemed to be packed full of them. Even when I woke I could only remember bits and pieces, but those seemed to be the most important pieces any way. At one point I was helping my son with a project he needed to do. I don't think it was for "school" but he had a deadline to meet with it. We were building and creating things with this goo that you can make from cornstarch and water. I don't know if any of you are familiar with it, but at the right consistency it is both a liquid and a solid. We were molding figures and buildings using this goo (I would say that in this "reality" it would be impossible due to the nature of this stuff). It was a difficult task, and the things we were making would frequently just melt in our hands and we'd have to start over. But as time went on we learned how to handle it in such a way that we were able to create quite a landscape. Complete with Ewoks(any one remember Battle for Endor?), castle walls, two action figures that reminded me of the little monster guys (Archer) from Small Soldiers, and a large rocket similar to THIS one. The deadline approached and we were not quite finished. We started to get scared. We were apparently being forced to make this stuff, though I don't really know by who or why... Finally two men showed up to see what we had done. They scared me even though they were laughing. One of them took a large bottle of rubbing alcohol and started pouring it down the back of my pants. He and the other man were laughing and I kept crying and trying to get away "Please stop!" I said over and over. This actually woke me up for a moment. I was still freaking out and crying. It took me a time to realize that it was just a dream and that I was safe in my own bed.
Jump to flashes of my children, and my step-daughter had a manila envelope with a paper inside. She slept with it under her pillow, and never let go of it. Supposedly it was her adoption papers and they were extremely important to her (she is not adopted). There are so many more flashes that I cannot quite find the words for....

Back to "reality"...
Two days ago, I was sitting here, perfectly still, reading this thread, and something rubbed against the back of my leg (I was here alone, and we no longer have any pets since the passing of my beloved cat last month).
Yesterday. After taking my daughter to the bus stop I sat down here at the computer in the kitchen. Several minutes later a potato on the bar behind me fell to the floor and rolled across the room.
Later I was watching TV on the couch in my daughter's room. A poster on her wall fell and landed on me.
Yesterday afternoon I was laying in my bed and saw (my first) shadow figure out of the corner of my eye. It was about three and a half to four feet tall, with long whispy arms. When I turned to see it, it was gone.
A short time later my daughter arrives home from school and tells me that she was $4.00 short for something she needed to buy for band class. When I went to get dressed to go to town a few minutes later I found exactly $4.00 in the pocket of my blue jeans.
Then, while driving to town, I was watching the clouds. They were beautiful. The more I watched I realized there were spirals everywhere within them. I have never seen so many spirals in the sky.
There's more, but then I would be getting into some quite personal information that I do not wish to share here...

This week has been quite a trip!
Blessings to you all, anything you have to say to all of this is greatly welcomed.
I will now go back to page 621 and finish catching up with you all!!!
edit on 22-9-2011 by avatar22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by avatar22

Blessed be Avatar.
I hope that your pregnancy and childbirth proceeds without problems and I shall pray for an easy birth.


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:01 AM
I would like to tell you about my most recent visions:
They are set in the somewhat near future ( I know this because we have not aged much and we have just been given a financial clean slate ( we are in the first of three years of a debt solution programme ).
We are emigrating to British Columbia in Canada ( precisely: a mountainside along the Thompson River ).
And we have a house thast is powered by a reactor of some sort ( I looked at it in my vision and I thought that looks like a reactor from Star Trek: The next generation ).
We are living about an hour away from the nearest town on the outskirts of a large forest and a lake that has clean, arystal clear water ( I could see the bottom of the lake through the water ).
What is your take on this?


posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by mmirror
reply to post by BlueberryHillBlueStar

We have to let go of doubt period is the key to creating what we want.

I like this. Doubt is like a rock that holds us back from stops us from thinking that we have the ability to do things...

I know this is probably a bit childish (a bit of light humor)...however it is fitting to the concept of getting on the train and is showing the old story of the train that had to get up the hill...'I think I can':
edit on 22-9-2011 by mmirror because: (no reason given)

I was just thinking about where our "train" was. We keep getting thrown all around. Are we not supposed to be making this viral once we understand it? Getting to the wiki was the most organized method for any to start. I was collecting videos to make a video of a train going all over the world picking up everyone . With this new to me snag in wiki linking for our train to fill with passengers seems not to be in Open's plans as a major goal.The video below flashed over my mind which is quite different than the clips I planned to make into a real video adding text and graphics once I figured out how.

I had watched a video of this "train" down to two people going all over the world in a horse draw "train". They were from Holland like you, mmirror. Look at the top of the hill...someone has to jump out for their "train" to make it.We'll be lucky to have two people tracking with continued focus another month.

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by KhaliWitch

first spontaneus thought was wishful thinking...
then i stumbled upon this :
William James

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by vatel
reply to post by KhaliWitch

first spontaneus thought was wishful thinking...
then i stumbled upon this :
William James

Blessed be Vatel, it has been a while.
I am humbly going to admit that this is going straight over my head and I respectfully say
Could you "dumb" it down for me? Just a simple gist, I think I can figure it out from there!

edit on 22/9/2011 by KhaliWitch because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by KhaliWitch

i was thinking abt your vision(dream), in perspective of your personal circumstances (sry i do not wnt to get too personal) and the first thing i saw was wishful thinking that caused your vision. I checked various links on that, music (yes i could have posted a video...but i ddn't), art and then i discovered : The Stream of Consciousness William James (1892), coincidence ?. At the moment it is "over" my head too... but its still worth a read (personal thinking).
2nd option : you will be there ?
3rd option : you've been there ?

I am sorry but following my ideas is quite difficult ...I let myself be led by intiution...

posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by vatel
reply to post by KhaliWitch

i was thinking abt your vision(dream), in perspective of your personal circumstances (sry i do not wnt to get too personal) and the first thing i saw was wishful thinking that caused your vision. I checked various links on that, music (yes i could have posted a video...but i ddn't), art and then i discovered : The Stream of Consciousness William James (1892), coincidence ?. At the moment it is "over" my head too... but its still worth a read (personal thinking).
2nd option : you will be there ?
3rd option : you've been there ?

I am sorry but following my ideas is quite difficult ...I let myself be led by intiution...

I understabd I also let myself be led by intuition.
I have never been to Canada before.
All four of us will be there ( hubby, me, daughter and cat ) and it is something we have been discussing since we met ( the question game, when you meet some one and get to know them ), it turned out that we both have the dream of living in Nature in Canada (Beautiful Natural views and *sighs* no stress!).


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