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Members: Help us design relevant polls and surveys...

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posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by carewemust
Suggested Poll..

Assuming God knows everything and is LOVE, as the Bible states, why does He create children (i.e. Hitler) whom he knows in advance will kill millions of His other children?

a) I have no idea.

b) Because the Bible is wrong in defining God's nature.

c) There is no God, Creator, Overseer, etc..

d) Because God's ways are waaaay over our heads.

e) None of the Above. I'll give my response in the thread dedicated to this poll.


f. The poll starter is still asleep and still doesn't know the truth.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 08:44 PM
Rolling up our sleeves, and fixing america

I believe that america can be fixed... and this survey is long!!!

A= agree
sa- slightly Agree
NO= no opinion
sd= slightly disagree
d= disagree

The source of the problem with america is easily identified?

a sa no sd d

With the economy, budget cuts are part of the issue. With this in mind, I would like to start with conservative issues...
Should the federally elected officals be forced to be cut down to a dollar a year and lose all pensions?

a sa no sd d

Should all federally elected officials be cut off from pensions paid out of taxes? Ex... Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich...among a few

a sa no sd d

Should the millions going to CPS agents as bonuses, be cut by at least 50%?
See the Adoption and Safe Families Act....

a sa no sd d

Should the government stop all monies paid to illegal immigrants out of all federal funds?
yes it can be legally done, all you have to have is proof you are us citizen to recieve federal funds... Because federal law does state somewhere to my knowledge that all agreements to recieve federal funds by foriegn persons is required to have federal approval from the house for every deal...

a sa no sd d

Should the supreme court be forced to define elective procedures?
This is so funding can be cut from medicaid for abotions and other materials...

a sa no sd d

Should the FBI and background check services be included as requirements for all recipients of welfare and medicaid?

a sa no sd d

Should the recent laws on drug testing passed in florida be applied to all reciepients of government services in the US?

a sa no sd d

Should all unions lose federal protection?

a sa no sd d

should they instead have the same status as talent agents managers?

a sa no sd d

Now here are the liberal issues with the economy.... Keep in mind the above cuts as having to take place... now to the ones liberal will love?

Should any company making a profit be forced to pay back all subsidy's it has recieved if it surpasses its profits?

a sa no sd d

If I told you I could cut at least three billion from the DOD's budget without hurting effectiveness would you believe me?

a sa no sd d

Do you believe me when I tell you the war on terror could be won without asking congress for another dime?
imagine freeing up a hundred thousand more troops for the front lines and walking the deck from afganastan to iraq...
with out a single troop reduction...

a sa no sd d

With minus a third of its budget, there is a way to put a man on mars in ten years and keep going back?

a sa no sd d

Would you believe that half the budget could be cut from the Drug War and it could be won signifacantly?

a sa no sd d

Would you accept that the above solution would also cut the illegal immigration down to next to nothing... and the cost of border patrol would also drop by about 75% to 50%

a sa no sd d

That Obamacare could be kept as is with only minor modifacation?

a sa no sd d

Would you accept the following taxes...

All lobbying efforts are taxed at 50%, dually, with no exceptions, and it goes into the federal general fund?
ex... you recieve a dinner with a lawfirm once elected in addition to the present tax on the bill the person providing the lunch pays 50% then the reciepent has to pay a 50%?

a sa no sd d

A cost of labor tarriff on all goods from other countries?
ex- nike pays three dollars to have a crate of shoes made in china and ships them here for cheaper then the american worker can due to minimum wage

a sa no sd d

This tarriff should be more then 50% of the cost of labor production difference between the US and the country it is from?

a sa no sd d

In an effort to improve the tax base, weed should be made legal?

a sa no sd d

It should be taxed on the same basis?

a sa no sd d

In all fairness should this pass, should all the job and benefit requirements on drug testing stay the same.. (please note this is what I think)

a sa no sd d

After these taxes, the US government (including state, county, and city) should be banned from raising taxes and requiring any new liscenes or fees... all are frozen in place?

a sa no sd d

Now on to questions of justice

Should McGraw hill, parent company of S and P be arrested for acts of treason from the morgage crisis?

a sa no sd d

Note: they gave high ratings to a lot of morgages in the subprime issue and enron...

Should all of McGraw hills assets be siezed for the acts of false rating from the morgage crisis?

a sa no sd d

Should the school board members of counties with failing students be arrested for defrauding the public?

a sa no sd d

Should the school where cheating has occur, have all members of staff arrested for the fraud they have commited for the money?

a sa no sd d

Note: reference to recent teaching scandal

Should all persons in US custody recieve the same rights gaurenteed by the constitution to those in our domain?

a sa no sd d

Should a list be made and voted on by the American public as to who does not qualify for said protection?

a sa no sd d

Should police officers who are facing charges for various crimes also face treason charges because their departments have recieve federal funds?

a sa no sd d

Should all forms of censorship be banned in america?

a sa no sd d

Should anon be celebrated as acting in the name of freedom?

a sa no sd d

Should the members of anon be arrested?

a sa no sd d

Should judges be given the leway to still offer misguided youth the chance to join the military?

a sa no sd d

Should all sex slavers be hunted down like dogs by the US military?

a sa no sd d

Alive for trial?

a sa no sd d

Should any politician who lies on the campaign trail be prosecuted for fraud?

a sa no sd d

Should it be found out that a prosecutor convicted an innocent person, should that prosecutor go to jail for that
action? (ex-dna evidence)

a sa no sd d

Should it be found out that the police arrested an innocent person should they go to jail for that? (ex-DNA evidence)

a sa no sd d

I am sorry but I will be adding a lot more to this idea but I got to go pick my baby up from work... Yes she works for a living.....

I am RIPCONTROL and will post more to this later

edit on 12-8-2011 by ripcontrol because: OPPS one part

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:31 PM
IMHO.. this has to be the most inspired idea.. EVER!! I don't think there has ever been a thread that has got me thinking this much?! Not just here, at ATS, but anywhere!! Whomever owned the brain that formed the nerve impulse that fired the synapse that passed from the axon terminal to a neuron muscle cell, and in the process, formed this genius idea, gets some well earned applause from me*

JUST one of those ideas that comes around once in a blue moon. It's really got me thinking, and totally inspired. I'll definitely be submitting my idea for a poll, and think it will focus upon ATS members personal experiences, and be based around why they believe what they believe. I've had my own personal experiences; which has given me a belief system and shaped my point of view that's, let's say, not very conventional. So, I guess, my poll will be based around that. I can't wait to see what other Members come up with, too. THIS IS ATS, AFTER ALL!!
Should be REALLY interesting!!

* I don't know what I'm talking about here.. if it makes sense, it was pure fluke!!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

Really good idea for a poll, and well thought out, too!! I know there's been a poll slightly alike this, but this takes it in another direction, and is actually a good continuation from the first poll. At one point I was almost rubbing my hands together with glee; as these are just brilliant questions!!
I already know what I'd vote for!! They also definitely bring to light all the injustices that are happening, and raise a lot of questions that need putting to the people responsible. The poll, IMHO, is definitely something I'd vote for, but it's not up to me
However, it's one of my favourites, for sure!!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:17 PM
Great thread and flag. My Fantasy Football site allows it's members to create their own polls. Might be worthy to look into it , but not sure how hard it would be to implement. A a good start and while being able to control the poll threads.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:34 PM

I think we should do a poll on who is really feeling this financial crisis, or knows someone who is. I think this would be an eye opener, and hit home for many of us, that feel alone. Or are suffering in silence, and may not have an outlet, except ATS.

I am sure that there are some of us/or know of someone who probably didn't eat last night. Or, has to decide where they will be living in the next few weeks.

This I think would send a message that no matter the politic, or those who claim to speak for us, we ourselves live it everyday.

Peace, NRE.
edit on 13-8-2011 by NoRegretsEver because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Subject: The upcoming US election cycle.
  1. What do you believe is the single most important issue facing the US in the next four years?
    • Iragi/Afghani war
    • Foreign impressions
    • Immigration
    • National debt and credit rating
    • Economy (jobs)
    • Gay rights
    • Size of government
    • Other
  2. What do you believe is the second most important issue facing the US in the next four years?
    • Iragi/Afghani war
    • Foreign impressions
    • Immigration
    • National debt and credit rating
    • Economy (jobs)
    • Gay rights
    • Size of government
    • Other
  3. Based on present impression, which Republican candidate do you prefer?
    • Michele Bachmann
    • Herman Cain
    • Newt Gingrich
    • Ron Paul
    • Rick Perry
    • Mitt Romney
    • Rick Santorum
    • Other Republican
    • I would never vote for a Republican
  4. Based on your present impression, who would be your second favorite Republican candidate?
    • Michele Bachmann
    • Herman Cain
    • Newt Gingrich
    • Ron Paul
    • Rick Perry
    • Mitt Romney
    • Rick Santorum
    • Other Republican
    • I would never vote for a Republican
  5. How would you rate your present opinion of Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama?
    • Strongly prefer Obama
    • Somewhat prefer Obama
    • Neutral
    • Somewhat prefer Clinton
    • Strongly prefer Clinton
    • I want another Democrat
    • I would never vote for a Democrat
  6. Do you consider yourself:
    • A Democrat
    • A Republican
    • An independent voter
    • I do not vote
    • Not in the USA
  7. How much influence do you believe the Tea Party will have on this election cycle?
    • A lot
    • Some
    • A little
    • None
  8. How much influence do you believe the Tea Party should have on this election cycle?
    • A lot
    • Some
    • A little
    • None
  9. Do you believe the President has the ability to make the changes you want to see?
    • Absolutely
    • Probably
    • Not sure
    • Doubtful
    • No
  10. Do you believe the US elections are rigged?
    • Absolutely
    • Somewhat
    • Unsure
    • Maybe a little
    • No

The beauty of this is that it could be repeated a few times in the upcoming year to get a picture of how ATS is moving.


posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 10:02 AM
When shown hard evidence of conspiracy like the Wolfowitz Defense Planning Guidance Doctrine, my reaction is...

I will do my best to educate others of this so that we may take some sort of action.
I can't do anything about it.
I am too disturbed by it to acknowledge it.
I am a supporter of clandestine operations.
I have my own life to worry about.
It is God's will.
God will judge the true perpetrators in the afterlife.
I don't concern myself with this world as I am waiting for the afterlife.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Subject: Geographic Locale and Globalization
  1. In which geographic region were you born?
  2. In which region are you currently located?
  3. Which region constitutes your permanent residence?
  4. What ethnic background do you hail from? (multiple choice)
  5. Across all the locales, where do the majority of your family members live?
  6. If you could live anywhere, which region would you choose?
Possible choices are:

-North America
-Central/South America and the Caribbean
-Middle East
-Mainland/Central Asia and Far East
-Oceania and Pacific Islands

This can be broken up of course to provide greater granularity, but you get the idea.
Oh and is it possible to restrict the poll to ATS members only? Or at the very least separate the answers of members from non-members? It would be interesting to compare the results to the quantcast stats. If possible create some pivot charts showing (a) how many people have changed region since birth, (b) divergence between current region and permanent residence, and (c) how many people are currently isolated from their family members -- this would be particularly telling. On the whole I think this could be useful way to help better understand the cultural identity and background of the user base. A more comprehensive poll would include gender, economic status, employment, and other cultural markers like education level.
edit on 22-8-2011 by Xtraeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:17 PM
I think it be quite interesting to get a look at the psychogical makeup of ATS members. So in that spirite, I suggest something like the Myers-Brigg (Jungian) test, which would let us see what percentage is introverted/extraverted, intuitive/sensing etc.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by CorneliusRandom

I thought you might like this so here is some more of the questions...

Conspiracy based questions

Would you agree that no president should be tried for crimes period?
a sa no sd d
note: State of disorder put it best....

would you join riots in your city if they broke out like they have in london?
a sa no sd d

If America was invaded would you defend her if called upon by the federal government?
a sa no sd d

If thier was a second civil war would you side with the federal govenment?
a sa no sd d
note this is the feds vs any major outbrake....

Would you celebrate if all of the US congress was killed?
a sa no sd d
note: question is meant as hard not the smile it has brought to everyones face I have asked

Your first action upon disclosure of intelligent alien life existing would be:
Take a minute to reasses (or longer)
a sa no sd d

to panic
a sa no sd d

to contact government officials?
a sa no sd d

to be upset?
a sa no sd d

You would join a free mason lodge if offered?
a sa no sd d

The Masons are good people?
a sa no sd d

The shriners do good work?
a sa no sd d

Their is a secret war going on between the various secret societies for control?
a sa no sd d

Hello kitty is part of their plans to control the world!!!!!
a sa no sd d
note: it is a vast and evil conspiracy I have recently observed... shhhhh

In the name of propaganda, the world governments have destroyed a large part of our history?
a sa no sd d

How would you respond if you found out the president of the United States put together a special forces team to hunt down and kill ALL those responsible for 9/11?
(mind you this includes any member of the us government or civilians involved… this will be with out trial and all you find on them is a recruiting card for the marine corps recruiter that is in the city the president is from)

Vote them in another term?
a sa no sd d

Insist on a trial?

for pres

a sa no sd d

for those being hunted?

a sa no sd d

Or should clemency be granted only on contingency of 100% acceptance of guilt and intense interrogation with all the methods at our disposal to prove statements…

a sa no sd d

Speaking of this I am a firm believer that all interrogations should be made available on pay per view…

a sa no sd d
(hey we need money to pay for obama care this is one of many ways…)

Would you pay to watch Americas enemies be tortured for information?
a sa no sd d

Would you believe me if I told you the Bilderberg group can be convinced to play ball and work with americans?
a sa no sd d
(It takes one hell of a leader to pull this off…)

Would you believe me If I told you the Skull and bones can be brought on board as well?
a sa no sd d
(This is where none of the canidates have a shot but I know it can be done)

Would you be willing to forgive the good hard working sailors if you found out we have already taken the high ground, Space….
a sa no sd d

Do you agree if the above is true China should be stopped from having a space program unless they pay to ride in american ships?
a sa no sd d
(knee cap em…)

Should ____1_____ be forced to make new episodes of ____2____

1) broadcaster options


a sa no sd d


a sa no sd d


a sa no sd d


a sa no sd d

2) show options

Star Trek?

a sa no sd d

Babylon 5?

a sa no sd d

Star Gate?

a sa no sd d


a sa no sd d

a sa no sd d

Terminator: Sarah Conner chronicles
a sa no sd d

(I see it does belong in the conspiracies part)

Now I am moving on to the I have got to HARD BALL questions!!!!

Should any State, County, And City government that goes into the red should be taken over by the federal government ?
a sa no sd d

Should all those officials in those government be sent to gitmo for treason?

Please note
State level= governor, legislature, attorney general, states supreme court, comptroller
County= all county employees and officials (including judges and clerks) (school board?)
City= mayor, city council, city manager, Code enforcement, city secretary, chief of police,

a sa no sd d

a sa no sd d

Should the States also be applied (above two questions shot or gitmo) as being in the red if say 3 counties, five cites, one county and three cities, or one school district are
(note each one is an individual condition)

a sa no sd d

Should the counties be applied as being in the red if two cities in its borders or one school district are

a sa no sd d

(Please note only politicians will be hurt in the making of this)

I have a lot more but my baby is on lunch till then
edit on 26-8-2011 by ripcontrol because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 03:45 PM
Should ATS stop making these silly trivial polls?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Undecided.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:09 PM
potential poll

The East Coast has suffered from an earthquake and a hurricane (Irene) in one week in August 2011. what will the next disaster be? after all, traditionally bad things come in threes.
A) Volcano
B) Locusts
C) Joint tour; Al Gore and Sarah Palin
D) UFO invasion
E) All of the above

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:32 PM
I think it would be interesting to see a survival knowledge poll. if an apocalyptic event ocurred would the majority of survey takers have the knowledge to survive? Im not very good with making surveys so if anyone is interested in this idea then please turn it into a survey. Thanks

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 08:00 PM
All these are good ideas...

Looking forward to seeing more polls. I think the frequency should become regular too.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:16 AM
How about a poll about the Norway spiral.

I think it would be interesting to see what the the general belief was.

Do you think it was a missile?

Do you think it was HAARP?

Do you believe the official story etc.

posted on Sep, 8 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
maybe a poll on whether people believe if nibiru exists or not... be interesting to see how many people believe this rubbish..

Or... The age of Nibiru believers.

a) 5-12
b) 13- 18
c) 18 and up

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I would like to know how much a persons religion, education, wealth and handedness have to with their political affiliations.

For example, I have a theory that society and politics is divided up into left and right brain dominant individuals. Even though..

While functions are lateralized, these are only a tendency.

The Republican/Conservative RIGHT being more what we think of as unabashedly logical and the Democratic/Liberal LEFT being more unfocused and creative.

Broad generalizations are often made in popular psychology about one side or the other having characteristic labels such as "logical" or "creative".

Brain function lateralization is evident in the phenomena of right- or left-handedness and of right or left ear preference, but a person's preferred hand is not a clear indication of the location of brain function.

No but it is a loose guide...

So whether you are left or right handed is one important question.

Do you identify as a
Liberal Dem,
Republican or
Conservative Republican or
Independent or

Are you

Did you attend public
or private schools?

Level of grade completion
and secondary education?

Gross income?

I think it will be divided like this at the outside extremes:

Most conservative republicans will be wealthy, highly educated private schools, Jewish or Christian and over all for the most part, right handed.

Conversely at the other end I think the most liberal democrats will be middle class to poor, public schools and midlevel education...and many more of this group will be left handed.

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by cluckerspud

Originally posted by Misterlondon
maybe a poll on whether people believe if nibiru exists or not... be interesting to see how many people believe this rubbish..

Or... The age of Nibiru believers.

a) 5-12
b) 13- 18
c) 18 and up

Nibiru believers are just readers of Sitchin. It is like people who watched Star Trek still go to the Conventions and I think they really do believe there is such a thing as a Vulcan.

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