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Stop saying the "M" (midget) word!!!

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by MidnightSunshine

You're quite welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed my response.
I've just got to mention one of my favorite comments about short people though: Dynamite comes in small packages.
Don't tell Homeland Security though, they'll have all small people listed as terrorists. Maybe we should be anyways.
I was working at a store one time that sold very expensive handmade works. These two guys came in one time and purchased a $3000 diamond engagement ring. Long story short, after they left, the check certification place called and said their account was short! (No pun intended) I hunted the mall for them and when I found them, they never even saw me coming. It was nothing for me to walk right up and take the bag out of his hand. I was on the escalator before they managed to pick their jaws up off the floor!

It was all good though. Turned out to just be a mistake. But, lesson learned - don't steal from a little person 'cause you'll never even see them making a direct attack!
edit on 22-7-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:14 PM
The only power words have, is the power you give them.

Why do you think slang words for whites aren't outlawed or have no real sting? It's simple....they simply didn't allow any one word to have that kind of power, and laughed right along with it. Take it from a cracker honkey when I say it...if a word gets a reaction, then you're going to give power to the word, and MAKE it a hate term, as your haters will use it to get that rise out of you.

Personally, I'd be more offended by "Little Person" than Midget. Why? Because the term "Little Person" would imply (if I were a dwarf) that I am somehow inferior to a "Regular Person". At least terms like "Midget" or "Dwarf" are stand-alone terms.

Out of respect and politeness, I will defer to the PC term that any group accepts for themselves, but really, a term only has as much power as YOU give it.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

I find your view of the term "little person" interesting. I have never felt that the term is demeaning. I always felt like midget was for those who were small with short arms and legs. I always envisioned dwarves as being stocky and ugly with bolbous noses.

There's far more terms for short people than there are for tall people. I wonder why this is?

I often ask people if they'd rather be attacked by one big dog or many little ones. Most people admit that they'd rather take their chances battling one big dog.

Besides, when you're the smaller of the species, you have less joint and bone problems as well as other issues. Great Danes have more problems than smaller dog breeds.

I guess we could go around in circles about this all day, but I'll always be happy when a tall person is in the same isle of the grocery store when I need an item from the top shelf!

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Besides, when you're the smaller of the species, you have less joint and bone problems as well as other issues. Great Danes have more problems than smaller dog breeds.

Where did you hear this? I have 4 chihuahuas, and they are notorious for having joint problems in their little legs.

Again though, I'm perfectly happy calling a group by any name they wish. I actually have relatives that are "Little People". They've always been fine with "Midget" to my knowledge, but then again, they are older, so different generation.

As for the shelves...the world is built to fit the majority. I know very fat people (close friends) who face different challenges, such as having to consider the seats of any restaurant they go to, or what rides they can actually go on, at an amusement park....

Personally, I'd always be happy to use my height to help someone else out. I'm only 6', but even that has it's benefits.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Sorry about that, I wasn't meaning that Great Danes have joint problems specifically. They actually have heart problems because their body is so large.

My cousin is 6'1" and has lots of joint problems. Her knees are especially bad.

I guess it's all in what you make it and how you view things large and small. Maybe there's scientific research somewhere that's been done to see if taller or smaller people have more health woes. I'll have to check, but everyone's an individual and may have problems regardless of their stature.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Thanks. I'm not sure what I would want to be called if I were little, I think I would be one of the people who aren't bothered by any of the lables.
reply to post by Afterthought

There's far more terms for short people than there are for tall people. I wonder why this is?

That is a really great question!! I can't think of any other popular slang names for the tall people.


I know a lot people with Achondroplacia Dwarfism (only arms and legs are shorter than average) have orthopedic problems because they are carrying an average sized trunk on smaller than average legs. I don't really know if proportionately smaller people have similar problems.
edit on 22-7-2011 by MidnightSunshine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

I agree with your view... I have a buddy who is a midget... He hates the term little people...

he sees it as the equivelant of someone coming up and saying..."aaawwww look at that little guy."

from experience dude is not some cute little guy... In his words.."I'm a f@%&!n midget G-d D#$*!it!!!!"

Now granted he's drunk half the time and 45 so maybe he's not the best judge of the group's overall view...

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by MidnightSunshine

perhaps you should click on my signature there are plenty of slang names for tall people there...
... most of them I've heard in my lifetime...

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by wearewatchingyouman

Like I said:

You got me, good job great thread! Very funny

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by MidnightSunshine

Glad you enjoyed it....

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by wearewatchingyouman

Hey were you inspired by my post to write your post? If so I think you owe me a flag

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by MidnightSunshine


and a star to boot...

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by MidnightSunshine

Clearly I don't hate everyone...

So, is a misanthrope racist?

And why aren't misanthropic people frowned down upon like racists and bigots?

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Umm, I'm going to say yes, they probably have different reasons hate each race, what do you think? Do you already know the answer to this question. I guess they aren't frowned upon because their lonely existence is punishment enough...

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 07:49 PM
I was reading the posts in this thread and I wish to tell you all of my own personal experiences.
I have a seizure disorder. I was diagnosed when I was three years old. The doctors put me on different medicines until they found one that worked for me. The drug is Depakote. Here is some information:

Depakote is a drug widely used especially to treat depressive disorders such as maniac episodes. Even though it was successfully used for several years, Depakote has always presented some terrible side effects and more precisely birth defects on newborns. In fact, it was reported that all pregnant women under Depakote treatment seem to be at risk of experiencing birth defects issues. Over the years, Depakote attorneys managed to win many cases which imply various those side effects. Lately, Depakote is not that prescribed anymore, especially to pregnant women. Some of these side effects can still cause significant damages. Actually, some newborns faced the following problems from the first second of their life : § Undescended testes § Heart malformations § Pulmonary Stenosis § Hand deformations § Cleft palate The most serious side effects category includes complications that are considered by specialists as life-shortening and life-threatening conditions. These are: Growth retardation Fetal death Neural tube malformations Serious skeletal defects Spina Bifida

Some doctors think that depakote usage by pregnant women can sometimes cause dwrafism in the child.

The spinal disorders in diastrophic dwarfism. Herring JA. Abstract Of seven patients with diastrophic dwarfism, all had cervical spina bifida occulta. Two had cervical kyphosis, which was severe in one. Scoliosis was present in five patients and was always progressive. Lumbar lordosis was seen in all seven patients and was not progressive.

It is my belief that Depakote cause my son's dwarfism. My son hates to ask us to help him to get something from a top shelf, he climbs on stuff to get what he wants to gets, when we go for walks he wants to be in front so, he can see everything and he likes to climb on stuff no matter what it is and how many times we tell him not to climb on stuff. We have told him to get the step ladder, but he still climbs anyway.

My son is bright, socialable, friendly, everybody loves him, he is there to help no matter what it is, he loves to open doors for old people and help with them when they are moving. He just doesn't like to be called a midget....... is that so wrong?"

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by wearewatchingyouman
reply to post by MidnightSunshine

perhaps you should click on my signature there are plenty of slang names for tall people there...
... most of them I've heard in my lifetime...

Boy are you right about that! I was called "Slim" for many year because I was tall and skinny. I always hit my head on ceiling fans and door frames, and often wished I was a little shorter. Also, being a mechanic would have been much easier for me were I shorter.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by TinkerBellAmy

A Star for a very informative post, TinkerBellAmy! Can I add you as a friend? I too know about the Depakote, my wife, bless her heart, took this drug also. She now involved in a class action lawsuit over Depakote and it's side effects. Like you, I too deal with my son's disability, the stares, the questions. I love my son, and to me he is a normal little boy who happens to be short. So what?

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by TinkerBellAmy

My son is bright, socialable, friendly, everybody loves him, he is there to help no matter what it is, he loves to open doors for old people and help with them when they are moving. He just doesn't like to be called a midget....... is that so wrong?"

He sounds a lot like my son! Social butterfly. No, it's not wrong at all. Thanks for posting

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by MidnightSunshine
reply to post by TinkerBellAmy

My son is bright, socialable, friendly, everybody loves him, he is there to help no matter what it is, he loves to open doors for old people and help with them when they are moving. He just doesn't like to be called a midget....... is that so wrong?"

He sounds a lot like my son! Social butterfly. No, it's not wrong at all. Thanks for posting

Yes my son is a Social butterfly. You are welcome. I know a lot on this subject too.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 01:06 PM
People are so funny. There were a few here who told me what they thought, and asked me questions. I answered, corrected, or asked my own questions back, and get no reponse. Funny how people who think they know everything have such a hard time admititing when they are wrong. Just know your silence will be take as you accepting that you are wrong.

To everyone else who werent goofballs, thanks for posting on this thread

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