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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Druid42

23 = G. It is called gar in Anglo-Saxon Futhark.
20 = Ingwaz. makes a "ng' sound
21 = "ph"sound in Attic and Etruscan
22 = Kenaz. Makes a "c or k" sound.

Don't know if that will help but I figured it was worth a shot.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:21 PM
: sorry guys. Um8r311a username

edit on 23-7-2011 by rushunt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:24 PM
Just a thought could the site be a trap for would be hackers?

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:24 PM
I haven't posted on this thread (or any other thread in months because I forgot my password and was too lazy to bother with it)...but I do have a few things to say...

1. I don't FOR A SECOND believe that this is in regards to some actual real world massive event. If you have a secret that will change the world, you don't start a website with a couple of clues that go nowhere and then spend weeks on message boards seeing if people figure it out. You either tell people, or you don't. Whether this is promoting something, supporting some cause, just a gag, or a school project, there is zero chance that it is signifying some actual world event or whatever...although clearly the people behind it want people to think it does.

2. The person stated that his answer is the opposite of misleading when he said that he lives in the country of Michigan. This implies (to me anyway) that part of this fictional storyline involves America splitting up into a series of new countries, or at least the succession of at least one state. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you are saying that Michigan is your country, then you're implying that Michigan will be it's own country.

3. They don't want anyone profiting off of this, and copyrights seem to be an it's entirely possible that this is leading to a shared universe type promotion...sort of a free wiki-universe game...where the people playing can use and contribute to the world that grows and changes as people contribute to the adventure.

4. I am an idiot at computers, so I am useless at decoding the stuff thanks to everyone who has contributed their decoding skills and've made reading about this a lot of fun, which could very well be the purpose of this.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by rushunt
reply to post by watchdog8110

I wondered this I don't think they answer if your not logged in....hmmmmm

I am corrected I apologize, appears some questions have been answered without login in...

I do not want to cast any shadows on this by being untruthful and I appreciate this being brought to my attention....

edit on 23-7-2011 by rushunt because: I'm confused about

Life is life and only you can define it .

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by semperkill
reply to post by WildWorld
]the traffic sign

You're talking about the cles picture I think? I don't get what you're saying here

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Ok So here is my take on everything I have seen. I am one of those people that like to pull the facts. As this has gotten out of hand. So Going through the Formspring and doing a little digging this is what I have come up with compilation of what is important here. Member 175000 is picking and choosing what he is answering. It is not a wall like face book. When you post there he gets a list of questions and he chooses what he answers. These are the facts that I have gathered. Not speculation.

8.3.11 has stated they are not part of ANON and are not marketing anything. No movies, books, games or ARG's
8.3.11 is in Fact the date August 3 2011.
The announcement will be world wide.
Is not illegal what they are doing.
There is nothing to fear.

-.-175000 -.- is morse code for K ------ The member on formspring K175000
..21000 .. is morse code for i i21000
-- 36,000 is morse code for M ------- Is a Girl and is not 21 M36000
68000 is not a person but Codes > 34324/05
18000 is The founder who resides in Michigan

Jake is mentioned as having a birthday on August 15th. Possible member. Or random statement.

About Belle.

Belle is American
Belle is not Dead -However her parents are
Bell knows of the upcoming announcement.
Belle is Six in the picture which make here 83 currently
Belle has a disease but it is not life threatening.
Belle had children
People are focusing on Belle to much.


All of the Recordings are German.
These broadcast's stopped playing in 1990
It does not have anything to do with the Cornet Project. (it's not about code cracking)
However the alphabet they use is the same alphabet used in the Marble Hornet
The diagrams are depicting some kind of communication setup. (Maybe an alternate internet or shortwave radio network)
Please see this article to get an understanding of what the transmission sounds are. German Shortwave Spynumber Networks

This whole process is about spy networks. It is about the fight for internet freedom. (in my opinion)
The word Copyfight is important here. The sounds of shortwave radios that have been used for spynetworks for 80 years. An alternate way of communicating, that not many of us are aware of.

These are the facts I have come up with. I believe August 3 is about some type of communication.

Everything posted here are facts between the formspring board and the 8.3.11 site itself.

My 2 cents. Yankee, Hotel, Foxtrot

edit on 23-7-2011 by bftroop because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:32 PM
Ok – maybe I am getting boring now but I am still running with this Houston Arts Alliance (HAA) thing – the more I look, the more links fit. Still cannot be anywhere near sure but hell it is stopping me from going mad wondering.
So I have updated and added to the points I posted yesterday:

• The event that comes up on the search is dated 8/3/11 – a murder mystery – perhaps not related but link took me to their web page.
• Organised by: Houston Arts Alliance (I believe the 8.3.11 site is run from Texas, so location of origin)
• If you look at the map of the event there is a Bell Street close by.
• On further inspection of Google maps, there is a street called simply ‘Bell’ very close to the HAA building.
• They are a not for profit (as they have said when questioned)
• Donations seems to be a part of their funding. Their web page states their aim as is to: “life and tourism in the Houston region by supporting and promoting the arts through programs, initiatives and alliances” AND “HAA is charged with elevating the visibility of the arts in Houston, increasing audiences, and promoting regional cultural tourism. HAA is also charged with promoting Houston as an arts capital, thereby increasing tourism to Houston”. On 8.3.11 site one of their requests it that others spread the word for them. Well what better way to grab attention than this.
• On 8.3.11 the About Us tab shows a black umbrella - this org. covers many different areas of arts/culture so perhaps the symbol is just that.
• They have links to a Holocaust Museum. Many people across the web have linked Belle to the Holocaust. When asked if we would see more pictures of Belle before 8.3.11 the answer was 'that's up to you'. So our choice to go see their stuff??
• On 8.3.11 site they say the pictures are the key – one picture shows a poster for a lost dog – in Bay Knoll – which is of course in Houston TX. Hint maybe????
• The lost dog imagery – A group/service within HAA is Arts Hound – their logo is a dog.
• The number on the taxi is for a restaurant in Houston on Bellair Blvd
• The use/talk of constellations – well NASA is only up the road – another hint perhaps?
• I found the following info on a NASA page of codes: REGION_UPPER_LEFT_LATITUDE = (41.706,30.555,-3.359,-38.451). Long shot but 38.451% was one of their baffling answers.
• Tonight when I looked at the photos on ‘sightings’ the word Roof appeared in blue text above the photo of the 2 women in the office. Roof – this could refer to Houston Green Building Resource funded by HAA. This makes a big deal of a new roof and the current Green Project. The Program director made an interesting statement; the following is on their green building projects web page:
Program director Steve Stelzer acknowledges there are no silver bullets to our environmental challenges right now, but believes we can accomplish a great deal if we “think critically and engage our collective brainpower.” MMMMMM - collective brain power????
• One Q asks
wtf is up with the bagels?
A: we know right.
Are they taking the pi** out of the dumb questions? Just round the corner from….Bell Street there is an Einstein Bros Bagel shop.
• When considering SAM – I note that Sam Houston Park is right at the HAA address. There is a Heritage Centre within the park that is part funded by HAA.
- The Spanish/Latin American link - 44% of Houston pop. is Hispanic. Could this be why the link is so strong?
• When reloading the photo page tonight more blue text popped up behind the 1st photo. It just flashed but I think it says sold $18000. I am wondering if this is linked to the story of the graphic artist who was sued for this sum a while ago. This could be the copyfight thing.
Too tired to pursue that one now although I think it may have been mentioned on another thread.
I am not quite sure if my last theory links with the rest of it at all – I assume the promotion of Houston would not involve legal arguments. I also note they have stated that the folders saying 'justice' are not relevant so perhaps a tangent.
It is definitely fair to say that there are strong links to Houston. Everything else – well that could be rubbish

So to save me from insanity – good people of Houston please leave your homes now and find these people. LOL.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:32 PM
Well, the FTP site is down now.....

Sorry if I caused a problem...

I won't try that again.

If it was in the mystery, it didn't seem out of bounds to try and get into it.

For the record, I did it on the up and up and announced my intentions and method of trying beforehand, so there should be no misinterpretation that I meant any ill intentions.
edit on 23-7-2011 by tsawyer2 because: added content

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:33 PM
Ok, I didn't want to post this idea here, but now I think I should. Who knows may be it has some truth in it. Sorry, it 's going to be long...
The matter is that when I was reading the answers and it took me a while, I noticed that the tone they are using while answering is very familiar. Especially one answer, when somebody asked something like "Why are you doing it?" and they answered "Because you wont"... Other answers as well,,,
I spent some time thinking why it is so familiar... and then all of a sudden, like a shock - a thought! A while ago I found a channel on youtube. It belongs to a woman, very smart, weird. Most of the stuff she was saying I either agreed with or tended to believe anyway. Some things were extremely crazy and weird, but somehow it kept me watching her videos and listening to her. Then from her channel I got to the other ones she was referring to and it got even crazier.
Anyway, my point is that I have a feeling that she (this lady) might be one of them. She is in her late 40s so she could be potentially the oldest one. You remember they said they 36000 is a woman and she is the oldest member.
She is talking a lot about protecting our children, being mother Earth ,etc,I have a feeling this all is about protection of children. I hope so anyway.
It can be about saving mother Earth from inner and outer enemies, which she refers to as Reptilians.
She is from Canada, but is talking about USA all the time. In my understanding, she is working with native people in Canada and possibly USA. She actually lives in an Indian reserve as far as I understood. She talks a lot about abusing natives and giving them back what belongs to them...Her name is Dana by the way. I send a question about her, but of course didn't get any reply yet.
I will post her channel (she has several, but I will post the main one) and one of her videos.She has dozens of websites as well. Worth being checked out as well. Let me know if you think she has something to do with it. Or am I completely wrong...
Here is her channel
and another one

and one of her videos

one of the websites (didn't load this time)
and another one, which loads so far
I know it's too much information. which may not be even related, but may be someone will find it interesting and find some time to check it out.
Many people will call her nuts, but she has good points too especially in her older about 2 years ago...
Ok, thank you for your patience

edit on 23-7-2011 by quitesane because: deleted a repeated sentence

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by tsawyer2

Followed FTP all the way to the point where it asked for a password. Haven't input one yet if you have a suggestion.

ETA: I will leave it open at the password request in case it will still let me in.
edit on 23-7-2011 by Hellsmight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by tsawyer2

It's down......someone here is watching us.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Hellsmight

If you can get to it try any of the suggestions earlier for a userid...

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by rushunt
reply to post by tsawyer2

It's down......someone here is watching us.

My intentions were not evil....just playing the game.....

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by rushunt
reply to post by tsawyer2

It's down......someone here is watching us.

OMG DOD (not) got them , j/k

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by tsawyer2

Im using Um8r311a as username, but am at password input still. I dont want to try a wrong one then not be able to access it again.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:39 PM
I don't know if this helps at all but on the "Spread the word" page, I pulled the MP3 from the page source code and downloaded it from the direct link. This ended up playing in my video player with an image of "The Conet Project. Recordings of Shortwave Number Stations" and a picture of a square power line thing. On the side, it says "The Conet Project - NATO Phonetic Alphabet". The link to the audio file is here:

go there and save the page. It will save as an mp3 file as it is a direct link to the mp3 file.

Also, found this page:

Seems Yankee, Hotel, Foxtrot means "Our ears to the radio"

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:40 PM
HEY guys and girls, it's getting really creepy. I posted a long post. By the time I got back I saw that there are 2 more long posts posted before me and we all started our posts with "OK". Ha-ha we are going crazy

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by semperkill

Bravo to Semperkill for saying what he feels.

Speaks for a lot of my feelings over the last 8 years - the time after my daughter was born,

which was only 1 month after 9.11. The world changed then.

I started preparing for the worst - thats hard to do every day while raising a kid into this.

But there's only so much 1 man, or 1 thousand can do -especially since we are not working

together as a community anymore. I think though a lot of us will shine when we need each

other and surprise the hell out of those predicting Zombieland. Yes, there will be

zombies when the SHTF. But godfearing, humble people will help others like them, likely

to a fault. for in the end.....

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by tsawyer2

Who cares, take 'em out!!! See if they can be back up by 8/3/11

edit on 7/23/2011 by qonone because: (no reason given)

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