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If you can believe in God you can believe in Aliens.

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posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Agreed ButterCookie. After I'd contributed my earlier post I re-read the Bible story of the Exodus and the 40 year wanderings in the desert of the Children of Israel. Firstly, "Jehovah" seemed very spiteful in dealing with the Egyptians. In Exodus Jehovah acts out many childish and selfish traits like anger, revenge, causing famine, plagues and death to demonstrate his power. There's far too much listed in Exodus to go into on this occasion, but briefly consider the following verses taken from the New American Standard Bible:

Exodus 4:14 - Then the anger of the LORD burned against Moses.
Exodus 4:21 - The LORD said to Moses, “When you go back to Egypt see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders which I have put in your power; but I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.
Exodus 7:3 - I will harden Pharaoh’s heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.

It appears that Jehovah decided to use Pharoah as an example of his mighty powers and inflict horrible suffering on the Egyptians from the Royal Palace down to the lowliess mud huts. Why make the rank and file Egyptians pay such a huge price for things that they never did? Why did the entire nation have to suffer so? The Bible goes on to say that Jehovah used them as an example to make his name feared and great. So what kind of heavenly love is that?

Also during the wandering in the wilderness, Jehovah sends plagues amongst His own people and 14,700 died as a result. He had the earth open up and swallow the sons of Korah for grumbling against Moses heavy-handed leadership of the people. How patient and kind is that for an all knowing and ever merciful God to be? Later on when Joshua was chosen by Jehovah to replace Moses as the leader of Israel, he was directed to completely slaughter every man, woman, child and animal of the peoples that were living in the Promised Land. Doesn't that sound a bit heavy handed? Also, Jehovah seemed to have a real conflict going with Baal, the Canaanite diety. If Jehovah is all powerful how could any other being stand in His way or hamper His plans for His chosen people? But... if both Jehovah AND Baal were aliens, then petty jealousy and competition seems plausible.

In the Book of Numbers, Chapter 6: Jehovah became angry and sent poisonous snakes amongst the people and they were dying from the snake bites. Then Jehovah did a very strange thing: He had Moses fashion a bronze serpent and place it on a staff. He then told moses to walk through the camp with it raised above his head. And anyone that looked upon the serpent was healed. Quoting: "Make a seraph and mount it on a pole. And if anyone who is bitten, looks at it, he shall recover." Why would Jehovah choose a serpent for his healing tool? Might it be that Jehovah was actually a reptilian himself?

In "Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past" authot R.A. Boulay uses many ancient texts that describe alien gods as reptialian in appearance. Consider the Chinese belief in flying dragons. And the Aztec belief in the feathered serpent. According to The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Culture: "The Feathered Serpent was a prominent supernatural entity or deity, found in many Mesoamerican religions. It was called Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, Kukulkan among the Yucatec Maya, and Q'uq'umatz and Tohil among the K'iche' Maya. The double symbolism used in its name is considered allegoric to the dual nature of the deity, where being feathered represents its divine nature or ability to fly to reach the skies and being a serpent represents its human nature or ability to creep on the ground among other animals of the Earth, a dualism very common in Mesoamerican deities."

There seems to be so much information relating to ancient human interaction with aliens that has systematically been covered up, destroyed or distorted nearly to the point of not even being recognizable any longer. Considering the magnificant ancient cities and monuments built by the ancient Egyptians, Nubians, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, the civilization of the Indus Valley in Northern India and Pakistan, the Chinese and The Khmer or Angkor Civilization that stretched as far as the modern Thailand-Burma Border in the West and Wat Phou of Laos in the North during its peak. How did all of these civilizations all suddenly attain such high degrees of astronomical knowledge without telescopes? How were they able to chart the movements of heavenly bodies with such percision? Why did they all have pyramids and astronomically aligned temples in common? And for me what may the the biggest mystery of all - why did they suddenly and without explanation vanish? Personally, I think they were all taught and led by advanced alien beings who decided to remove them from this planet.

As someone mentioned earlier in this thread that it takes faith to believe in either god or aliens. I suggest that we look closely at the evidence that we have with open minds and reconsider our rigid religious beliefs. The Bible is slient on the subject of dinosaurs, but we've found thousands of fossils that can not be denied as proof that dinosaurs did exist. Why is the Bible silent about the great ancient civilizations all around the world? Wouldn't their existence point to the creative genius of an all mighty God? There is too much evidence, much of it found right in the bible that aliens have interacted with humans for millenia. Just consider the Nephilim, ofter misquoted as giants. The word Nephilim actually means those who from heaven, or the sky came. And there was cross-breeding between the Nephilim and earth women, creating a hybrid race of humans / aliens. That took place thousands of years ago. How could anyone be so naive to believe that aliens aren't still among us and continuing their agenda of DNA manipulation? BTW: what ever happened to those alien / human hybrids? Perhaps their development became advanced enough to cause them to blend perfectly into human society.

I continue to have more faith in the existence of aliens and UFOs then the stories in the Bible.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by fishing4truth

It matters not what you have faith in, it matters what you do with your beliefs. You could even believe you yourself are a God, does that matter? It matters not how or what you believe only what you choose to do with those beliefs.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:40 AM
History Decoded.

Hitler quickly rose to power and began taking over the world. He rose to power using a symbol so you could recognize the German presence wherever his armies had gone. He used an ancient symbol that can be found all over the globe that far predates his rise to power. This symbol is widely recognized as the swastika. To cite examples of what I mean you can refer to this and many other websites that will explain the same exact thing, that the symbol far predates the tarnish it has acquired due to its use in Hitler’s campaign.

Now this symbol can be traced back to a race of people called the Aryans. The Ayran peoples and the Sumerians lived amongst each other in our ancient past. As you probably know Hitler used this knowledge to then try to “purify” the human race into becoming Ayran again. He then used the Jewish people as a sort of scape goat and began trying to wipe them off the face of the earth, as well as the other “unpure” or “defected” people. If you trace back Judaism it get its origins from Sumerian tablet creation stories. The Ayran people believe in a circular way of thinking this is evident by the belief in reincarnation. The supporting evidence for this is if you trace where the symbol goes reincarnation philosophies follow. Judaism gets it origins from the Sumerian tablet creation stories and linear thinking begins.

For the longest time I could not understand why Hitler choose the Jewish people, it made no sense to me at all, why not choose another religion? I’m going out on a limb here but please stay with me. Now as you may or may not know Hitler was obsessed with the occult and belonged to an occult society called the Vril society. This occult society believed in a supernatural force called Vril that can be used to create or destroy. The Vril society believed in a subterranean master race the Ayrans. They also believe that the Ayrans were the descendants of the lost city of Atlantis. They believe in a hollow earth unlike how we view the earth.

If you haven’t yet started to put more of the pieces together, let me fill some more information. Hitler controlled much of the world and was able to dig up forgotten and ancient knowledge from around the globe. IF Hitler had in any way thought that the Jewish people over the thousands of years had withheld the ancient knowledge of Vril/Ayrans and their true existence from the rest of the world there is a problem, for whatever reason nefarious or not. You now have “a” justification of wanting to commit genocide on an entire belief system. If you incorporate the use of eugenics in with this it then becomes clear as to why he began systematically started killing off all the “unpure” and “defected” races etc.

Furthermore if the Ayran are a race of humans which according to history they were, even if the Ayran race exists on this earth today secretly or not there is no way to prove their true existence without causing much chaos, and or making themselves look like a crazy person. Even if you knew the truth and you went up to the president and started talking about how Ayran's live under the earth and use magic, you are going to end up in a straight jacket injected with sedatives the rest of your life. Not only would no one believe you but the people who are behind this and know its true have a perfect cover, you are insane.

Now all of this being said, I am no fan of violence, but how angry and pissed off would you be if you had discovered a secret as big as this being kept from the world and knowledge of a substance that could create and destroy matter like magic. I am in no way justifying what Hitler did. I personally believe in love, peace, and harmony with ALL.

I am not suggestion that the Jewish people are nefarious or that the Ayran's are nefarious, however if we have two waring factions since the begging of time and secret knowledge of this has been passed down from generation to generation without the general public knowing It starts to explain why Hitler was doing what he was doing.

You all should know that at the end of the World War II many top German scientists went to either Russia or the United States. The code name for this operation in which the United States assimilated the German scientists was called Operation Paperclip. That being said, IF the German scientists, eugenicists etc had the occult knowledge that Hitler had and they were assimilated into Russia and into the highest ranks of military science in the United States we once again have a problem. This could easily be the reason that the United States and Russia were at a standoff in the 80's because either side could have suspected the other as being compromised by the German scientists. Also something worth mentioning is that the FBI released declassified documents not to long ago that suggest that Hitler could have possibly escaped to Argentina via submarine in 1945. This FBI document can be found on the official website here Now with this information one could come to the conclusion that the third reich was never really stopped, and instead their plan could have been to infiltrate Russia and the United States as a last ditch effort to hold on to their power.

Moving on, if you are familiar with the historical character Jesus from the New Testament of the Bible you would know that he traveled around for the first 20 or so years of his life and learned from many different people in his travels and was known by a few different names in different areas of the middle east. Jesus historically told the pharisee's AKA mystics that the Kingdom of God is found from within. Jesus also states in the Bible that we would one day do greater things then he. Now what Jesus learned on his travels was the same occult knowledge that the mystics had, and they just couldn't have that. The mystics were obviously threatened by what Jesus was saying because they inevitably had him killed, by inciting the people into freeing Barabbas (a convicted murderer) instead of Jesus and Pontius Pilot had to have him killed.

Some of the knowledge that Jesus had learned was that the body has 7 energy centers that are interconnected. These energy centers are well known in the eastern religions as Chakras. Instead of the Christians referring to them as Chakras they are refereed to as the 7 seals of revelation of the apocalypse. Once you unlock all 7 seals you have a direct connection with the divine and all the knowledge that comes with it. Some of you may see the word apocalypse and assume it has a negative connotation because of how it is incorrectly used in literature today. The word apocalypse by definition means "lifting of the veil" or "revealing of secrets" aka revelation of divine knowledge and finally some truth. It DOES NOT refer to the end of the world, just the end of the current age and the dawn of the Golden Age of Man.

Now to define what God is or isn't, and also an easy explanation for all you atheists whom prefer science as well.

"People want to know what is God, and what is God consciousness. The reality is that consciousness IS God. Consciousness is totally singular, as is God. They are two names for one thing. The illusion is that there is an individual separate from God or separate from consciousness. The 'individual' seeks to know God or to be in God consciousness. But first one must understand what that individual is.

The 'individual' says "I am this or that". There is an assumption that they are limited, that the consciousness of 'I am' is limited. But when 'I am' is not equated with this or that, when it remains simply as consciousness, as awareness, it has no boundary. This is the consciousness which is 'God'. In the Bible, God says, "I am that I Am". Not that God is this or that, but consciousness itself. The best example that can be given is that of the ocean and the wave. A wave is nothing but the ocean. A wave has no individuality of it's own. It is in fact only the ocean taking the

form of a wave, pushing up as a wave. If the wave believes it is separate from the ocean, it may wish to reunite with the ocean. But water is water. There is not a boundary where the wave ends and the ocean begins. It is only the form which arises that suggests waveness different from the ocean.

If the wave were to inquire as to what it actually is, it would find that it is nothing but water. Not water as wave, but simply water. In the same way, if we inquire as to what we are, what is our pure subjectivity, we find that we are simply consciousness. All of the this's and that's are not what we are. When we say "I am this" or "I am that", we are identifying with an object. Even a statement like "I am consciousness" identifies us with something. But when we recognize that we are ONLY consciousness, there is nothing to limit us. The wave saying, "I am the ocean" suggests that there are two things, the wave and the ocean. But when God says, "I am that I am", there is not two things, only one. When we let go of any and every identification other than being pure consciousness, we are no longer limited to individuality or form. We are what is. There is not a separation between the consciousness that we are and the consciousness that God is. They are one consciousness. God arising or occurring as human, as everything. So the question is not, "What is God consciousness?", but rather, "What is NOT God consciousness?" It is only a matter of letting go of all identifications, including being God or not being God, being individual or not being individual. Simply be as pure consciousness, I am that I am, and then you are that all."

Now for those of you who are still not understanding or not following this because you are an atheist or otherwise, I have a scientific explanation for you too. Keep the above information in mind and then watch and or

Now we can move on to Evolution. Just because you believe in Evolution doesn't mean you can't also believe in God.

Its quite obvious that 'evolution' based on the wiki definition below is correct, its the theory of how/why the changes occurred that I question. "Evolution (also known as biological or organic evolution) is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of organisms."

IF we were genetically altered or tampered with we may not detect the tampering if it was our last evolutionary step that landed us as homo sapiens. Meaning if we evolved perfectly normal like everything else on the planet and then something came along and saw that pre homo-sapien man had potential so they genetically altered us to what we are today. Meaning all of you people who believe in Darwinian evolutionary theories of survival of the fittest are correct but, only up until we were altered by some other outside influence that made us into homosapien. This also explains the missing link issue that some of you have as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that just because evolution is true doesn't mean that God didn't create the organisms or matter etc in the beginning that started off the process. The reason why I give both of the above propositions is to leave room for all you ancient astronaut theorists that postulate that we were created or altered by an Alien/Extraterrestrial. Also make note that by definition God could be classified as Alien, Extra-Terrestrial, and or Extra-Celestial by dictionary definition.

Those of you who are still thrown off by the word God, please just think of this like an unseen force of nature like for instance Gravity. Just because gravity has an effect on you and your surroundings doesn't mean that it has a "physical" presence. Think of movie like Star Wars and the force. For newer examples think about the book The Men Who Stare at Goats. This book is supposed to be based on actual events and projects within the US military in which they took people and taught them to live in love, peace, and harmony with all, and they were then able to do supernatural feats. For more information on The Men Who Stare at Goats, you can refer here It was recently turned into a movie.

Now one thing you have to understand is that, if you want to to start this process you must not eat animal dna whatsoever. It has an adverse effect on your pineal gland/third eye which is the organ that allows information to flow from the divine. You also need to avoid drinking anything that contains fluoride in it. Fluoride also has an adverse effect on your pineal gland. Realistically you should eat only fruits and vegetables and drink non-fluoridated/chlorinated water. You also should do a water fasts for a day or two, or at least very little food to cleanse your body of all the toxins that are contained in or everyday foods. This will fade over time as you find balance. I myself have been on well water my whole life so this wasn't an issue. Coincidence? I see no coincidence, I only see synchronicity.

Also you need to know that to an untrained/undisciplined person the information flow into your mind can be overwhelming mentally and emotionally. Mainstream western medical science calls these symptoms Mania, and if an extreme happens, Psychosis. So if you find yourself not making sense and you have racing thoughts, you need to meditate and center your mind. So remember if you are going to do this at first it is just a jumbled mess of thoughts entering your brain. As you learn to meditate and center your mind you can calm the thoughts. You also need to know that if you have any emotional blockage, like fears or depression etc these need to be fully overcome first or this process WILL NOT WORK. I am NOT a doctor, but from my understanding most of the medicines we take for depression/bipolar/mania/etc are complete garbage. This is because man has completely misunderstood what we really are. And the majority of these things can easily be overcome by eating a correct diet, getting exercise, and drinking the substance that covers 75% of the globe. I'M NOT TELLING YOU TO STOP TAKING YOUR MEDICATION. DO THESE THINGS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Please also keep in mind that when you are receiving this information that your pineal gland will make cracking noises in your head on occasion, this is perfectly normal. Another thing to note is that in the chakras around your body since you haven't used them before they will create discomfort. You will feel a discomfort over time rise through your spine and into the base of your skull, as this energy is rising you will feel different sensations, and like I said discomfort as well.

Now you might be asking yourself right now how I came about these conclusions.

It's quite simple really, Ive done it.

"After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth."

Welcome to the 2012 ascension humanity.

*Citation for God definition

*as I add to this information, the updated information will be added here


edit on 3-6-2011 by MattPreuss because: added

edit on 3-6-2011 by MattPreuss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:07 AM
I personally don't have enough evidence to be sure that God exists, but I also can't prove that God doesn't exist.

I personally don't have enough evidence to be sure that alien visitation is happening, but I also can't prove that it isn't. It is possible that alien visitation is occurring, but we just don't have the proof.

When it comes to whether aliens exist elsewhere in the universe somewhere (and not necessarily visiting the Earth), my "faith" runs much deeper. I think that based on the sheer size of the universe, plus based on what we know about planet development and the tenacity of life here on Earth, I can take a "leap of faith" and be almost certain that intelligent life DOES exist elsewhere in the universe.

I believe in life elsewhere in the universe more strongly than I believe in alien visitation or the existence of God because I think better evidence exists for life elsewhere than exists for alien visitation or God. Of course, I can't be 100% sure until we actually encounter that life, but I can be pretty sure -- based on the faith of the scientific understanding of the universe and life.

edit on 6/3/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:09 AM
To answer the question someone posed earlier "If you believe in God, can you believe in aliens, too", I say sure -- why not?

A person could believe in some sort of intelligent entity OUTSIDE of our universe that created the universe -- the entire universe, from Earthlings to aliens and everything in between. That entity would for all practical purposes be God. Maybe not the literal God from the Judeo/Christian/Muslim teachings, but God nevertheless. I think too many people think of the idea of "God" as ONLY being the Judeo/Christian/Muslim God -- i.e., a God that requires reverence "or else!".

Someone may ask "Well, where did THAT God/Universe creator come from?"
My answer to that would be, "I don't know -- 'outside the universe' is such a foreign concept to humans, that we can't even begin to imagine how something can come into being 'outside the universe' ".

But as I said in my post above -- I may not have the evidence that this supreme creator of the universe (who created a universe that spawned humans AND aliens) actually exists, but I also have no proof this creator of the universe does not/did not exist, either.

edit on 6/3/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 04:12 PM
My thanks to MattPreuss for such a lengthy contribution. I appreciate the time you spent with that, but am left wondering what point your wanted to make. You began with Hitler & the Vril Society, Nazi scientists working both the U.S. and Soviet Union, went into the Aryan's and ended up with Chakras. If you wouldn't mind refocusing your writing, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Dear Soylent Green Is People; your open-minded stance is wonderful. You come across as grounded and balanced in your views on God and Aliens. I look forward to future contributions from you.

We're all free to believe whatever we like. Often our opinions can be biased by life experiences or programming as children by our parents and teachers. As for myself, I have over 30 years invested in fundamental christianity with nothing to show for it. A Christian friend asked me the other day, "Why doesn't God provide jobs for out of work Christians?" I thought to myself, "Coz nobodies home when we're knocking on His door." I've found that folks don't usually decide there's no God without negative life experiences involving Christianity. How does a young person reconcile being sexually abused by a pastor or priest? Both are portrayed as God's representatives and should be trusted. To believe that there's a Heavenly Father who is always watching over us and ready to come to our rescue is comforting. But anyone who puts their life on the line for Christian beliefs eventually gets a clearer view when the rubber meets the road. The rose tinted glasses begin to slip, and eventually fall off. That person may be faced with the stark possibility that the God portrayed in the Bible may not exist at all. I know when I came to that conclusion that I was crushed in my heart & soul. What? No Salvation or Eternity with God in Heaven? I felt like an orphan that was dumped out of a car and left to fend for himself. Maybe Aliens aren't all they're cracked up to be either. But the possible explanations of Alient interventions and teaching humans mathematics, science, engineering, agriculture, law, physics, a monetary system, animal husbandry and astronomy makes more sense to me. Somebody had to be involved with human beings because the leap from Cro-Magnon man to Homo-Sapien didn't just happen over night all by itself. Mankind went from dwelling in caves and crude huts to building cities with straight streets and multilevel buildings. Mankind began to track the star processions and knew about lay lines or magnetic power grids within the earth. Man began to build massive structures along those power grids, or alighning temples astronomically. I watched a documentary that said not only did the Dogon know about the star Sirius B as far back as 3,500 BC, they also knew about advanced physics and densities. How could a tribe in Western Africa that didn't even have writing skills have such advanced technological knowledge? Their oral traditions of being visited by advanced reptilian beings who taught them that knowledge seems to be at least the best possible explaination for this mystery. I also watched a documentary about an ancient megalithic site in the Nubian desert that predates ancient Egypt. The site is similar to Stonehendge with large rock markers laid out in a circular pattern. The archeologist said that he first discovered that the two gateway rock placements were perfectly alighned to Orion's Belt and Sirus, depending on which one you were looking through on either the summer or winter solstice. He then said that he wanted to know the reason for the 6 remaining stones in the center of the circle. He said that he discovered that those stone markers perfectly alighned with Orion's belt during different phases of it's procession through the sky. Is all that just a coincidence? Why did ancient man go through so much trouble to precisely measure and map out their monuments and temples? What was their obsession with Orion's Belt and Sirius to begin with? The Cambodian templex complex of Ankor Wat is perfectly alighned to Sirius also. Why? I would suggest that the alien connection may be the answer. I offer the possibility that the alien beings who were teaching early man about the heavens were themselves from those star systems. Even the pyramids at Giza are a perfect represenation of the stars of Orion's Belt. How could the ancient Egyptians have been able to place them in such perfect alighnment, since that can only be seen from above?

This entire discussion comes down to personal beliefs and biases. We're all free to believe whatever we want. The possibility that world religions are nothing more than fables is a possible reality. Christians would argue that all this is a Satanic deception meant to draw believers away from their faith in Jesus Christ and rob them of Salvation. Well, it seems a bit egomanical for mere men and women to believe that almighty God and Satan are fighting over their souls. Doesn't an almighty god have anything better to do? And why would that same almighty God need to create a protagonist to fight against Him in the first place? Oh yeah, I forgot - to give mankind the choice to choose God over Satan.

I'll leave the rigid religion to others who choose to follow that path. I'll wait and see what materalizes. It can't be both ways, there's either an almighty God in heaven that will eventually reveal Himself to us according to His word. Or perhaps a fleet of alient spacecraft that will land on earth and declare that they have been involved with our development for millenia. I have read that an alien mass landing is forecast and world governments have neen notified of that. Whatever the truth is, we'll all know sooner or later.

All the best,

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:38 PM
History Decoded.

Remember, history is always written and rewritten by whoever is in power at the time.

Let me give you a little background on myself. My childhood was amazing. I have an amazing family immediate and extended whom all love an care for me. I went to a private school starting at the age of 4. I had a very difficult time sitting still and concentrating in class so on came the zombifying drugs. I was started on Ritalin, that gave me terrible headaches, and neurological ticks. I was then put on Adderal and had very similar results. Then since I would get frustrated being in some classes that I cared nothing for at all because they were not being conveyed in a manner that that I found interesting, and the fact that I couldn't sit still or concentrate on anything that I wasn't totally into. The only subject I enjoyed at all was science, and I always had average to above average grades in it, but most of my other classes were average to below average.

So we then move into the realm of all the depression treatment drugs because I didn't want to learn a subject that was completely boring to me. The fact that I couldn't concentrate on things I didn't enjoy learning, didn't help and inevitably lead to bouts of depression my whole life until very recently since I have learned to control my emotions and to purge negative ones. I have been put on a slew of other prescriptions drugs that I don't recall the names of because I have been on so many. NONE of which ever worked as intended for me. I then graduated from private school and went on to a public school education. My 9th grade year I took physical science out of the same book I had taken in the previous year and it was an even easier cake walk than before. The rest of my classes in public high-school bored me to death.

Here in Florida we have a standardized test in the public school system called the FCAT, the public school system spent more time trying to get the student body to pass this test than they did teach. I took this test in the 10th grade scored rather high, and also took the science portion that had never been taken before, it was completely optional. The majority of the student body did very poorly on the FCAT where as I did very well the first time, and didn't have to retake it like many of my fellow peers. This all being said, I did poorly in the classes, yet did very well on the standardized tests.

I ended up dropping out of high-school because of personal reasons, and really had no plans on finishing. I was then "coerced lol" into going back to high-school in night-school to finish the 2/3 of my senior year that I had not finished. This took me another 3 years because I never went to class. I finished the final class and then never showed up to pick up my diploma or grades. Honestly I don't even know if I'm truly eligible for it, because I don't even know for sure that I finished all the needed credits. Now you have taken the time to read all of the information I have laid out here in front of you. Most of you are thinking that I must be lying. I implore you to look into my personal life and talk to my friends and my family and people whom know me and ask them for the truth. They are going to tell you the same thing as long as they are telling you the truth. Now onto decoding history.

Hitler quickly rose to power and began taking over the world. He rose to power using a symbol so you could recognize the German presence wherever his armies had gone. He used an ancient symbol that can be found all over the globe that far predates his rise to power. This symbol is widely recognized as the swastika. To cite examples of what I mean you can refer to this and many other websites that will explain the same exact thing, that the symbol far predates the tarnish it has acquired due to its use in Hitler’s campaign.

The Ayran peoples and the Sumerians lived amongst each other in our ancient past. As you probably know Hitler used this knowledge to then try to “purify” the human race into becoming Ayran again. He then used the Jewish people as a scape goat and began trying to wipe them off the face of the earth, as well as the other “unpure” or “defected” people. If you trace back Judaism it get its origins from Sumerian tablet creation stories. The swastika is ancient sun symbol, that means well being, luck, and also represents reincarnation. The supporting evidence for this is if you trace where the symbol goes reincarnation philosophies follow.

For the longest time I could not understand why Hitler choose the Jewish people, it made no sense to me at all, why not choose another religion? As you may or may not know Hitler was obsessed with the occult and belonged to an occult society called the Vril society. This occult society believed in a "force" called Vril that can be used to create or destroy. The Vril society believed in a "hidden in plain site" master race the Ayrans. They also believe that the Ayrans were the descendants of the lost city of Atlantis. Which is supposed to be another very technologically advanced civilization. They use the symbol of hollow earth or a circle with an opening at the top and an opening at the bottom and a sphere in the center hidden in plain site wherever they set up their operations especially today. Other common words for Vril are Prana, Chi, Qi, AKA life force. This could also be interpreted as an atom. Meaning you can use the knowledge to create life, or to destroy life. This would be accomplished through means which we would call nuclear fission, fusion or a combination of both.

Hitler controlled much of the world and was able to dig up forgotten and ancient knowledge from around the globe. IF Hitler had in any way thought that the Jewish people over the thousands of years had withheld the ancient knowledge of the Atom and how it can be used (for obvious reasons that I explain further along). You now have reason of wanting to commit genocide on an entire belief system. If you incorporate the use of eugenics in with this it then becomes clear as to why he began systematically started killing off all the “unpure” and “defected” races etc. There is also evidence that Hitler was already working on building a nuclear weapon before his "defeat".

I am not suggesting that the Jewish people are nefarious or that the Ayran's are nefarious, however if we have two waring factions since the begging of time and secret knowledge of this has been passed down from generation to generation without the general public knowing It starts to explain why Hitler was doing what he was doing.

One example of forgotten knowledge in history is the history of medical science. The first recognized instances of cancer stem back in history to the ancient Egyptians. There is evidence shown that the ancient Egyptians were able to tell the difference between malignant and benign tumors. They had a process in which they could remove the tumors, but didn't have a cure. How can one logically conclude that the ancient Egyptian people were an unsophisticated race of people whom lived thousands of years ago with very basic knowledge. How can we have a mainstream conception of this ancient culture being less advanced than us today, but that had that kind of knowledge?

I'm sure all of you have heard of the period of history called the dark ages. How can one logically conclude that during the dark ages we used to drill into peoples heads to release demons from their skull etc. How did we lose so much knowledge? The peoples in 1500bc Egypt had knowledge well beyond their years. In addition to this, our mainstream theories on how the pyramids were built are just unrealistic. You are going to tell me that these people that had that kind of advanced medical science but, used slave labor and elephants and basic bronze axes to make the world largest structures that have stood the tides of time? Not to mention the fact that the pyramids are so well astronomically aligned to Orin's belt, its almost insanity to suggest that an unsophisticated people could achieve such a feat, or any of our ancient relatives for that matter. That being said, there have been recent discoveries that show evidence of Egypt being a lush jungle environment and many lakes and rivers and a thriving civilization. Where did all the civilization go you ask? Well if you follow Antoine Gigal who has spent her entire life studying ancient languages as an Egyptologist she will tell you that there is lots of evidence in plain site that suggests just that. She also explains that there was an enormous "earthquake/explosion" that was recorded in Egyptian history that had devastating consequences. You can see information about her work here

If we look into the ancient Sanskrit epics of the Mahabharata there is information presented about warring factions once again. Contained in the information there are references to immensely powerful weapons being used that had devastating consequences. Some people even suggest that these weapons were in the nuclear variety. The suggested evidence for this is a process called vitrification. The wiki definition is as follows "Vitrification (from Latin vitreum, "glass" via French vitrifier) is the transformation of a substance into a glass." Meaning that materials were so far super heated that they were turned into glass. If we go back and reference the work done by Antoine Gigal she explains that that whole area of civilization was very fertile and lush jungles. If the middle east was struck with a immensely powerful weapon such as a nuclear device that was so powerful that it not only destroyed the majority of civilizations in the middle east but totally devastated that entire area due to radiation fallout. That would explain why that entire area is a baron wasteland today. If we look further into the epics they have information on flying ships called Vimanas. This gives us even more look at technology that is far more advanced than we give them credit for. Just because ancient peoples used hieroglyphics/symbols does not imply a lack of intelligence, sophistication, or knowledge. We can easily see this today by the fact that the countries like Japan, and China still use them today. Just because the artwork was a basic boat shape etc, does not automatically imply that these were not sophisticated technology disguised as normal objects, so the masses of the people on either faction revered their leaders as Gods. (I will further explain what I mean further along)

You all should know that at the end of the World War II many top German scientists went to the United States. The code name for this operation in which the United States assimilated the German scientists was called Operation Paperclip. That being said, IF the German scientists, eugenicists etc had the occult knowledge that Hitler had and they were assimilated into the highest ranks of military science in the United States we once again have a problem. This could easily be the real reason that the United States and Russia were at a standoff in the 80's because either side could have suspected the other as being compromised by the German scientists. Also something worth mentioning is that the FBI released declassified documents not to long ago that suggest that Hitler could have possibly escaped to Argentina via submarine in 1945. This FBI document can be found on the official website here With this information one could come to the conclusion that the third reich was never really stopped, and instead their plan could have been to infiltrate the United States and wherever else as a last ditch effort to hold on to their power.

If you pay any attention to the disclosure movement for extra-terrestrial intelligence, and have happened to catch one of the many press conferences that have been hosted by the United States government on c-span you would be familiar with all of our soldiers/officers reporting UFO's/Flying balls of light hovering over nuclear silo bases and the weapons or the base becomes completely inert. One of the many examples of this can be found here It would make sense that an intelligence (not necessarily extra-terrestrial) could be doing this as their way of preventing history from repeating itself once again or just using it to their advantage. One of Hitler's secret weapons were called Foo Fighters Remember when something from a higher light frequency than our sense organs can perceive comes into our spectrum we would perceive it as pure light.

Moving on, if you are familiar with the historical character Jesus from the New Testament of the Bible you would know that he traveled around for the first 20 or so years of his life and learned from many different people in his travels and was known by a few different names in different areas of the middle east. Jesus historically told the pharisee's AKA the occult that the Kingdom of God is found from within. Jesus also states in the Bible that man would one day do greater things then he. What Jesus learned on his travels was the same occult knowledge that the occult organizations had been holding onto for who knows how long, and they just couldn't have that. The occult were obviously threatened by what Jesus was saying because they inevitably had him killed, by inciting the people into freeing Barabbas (a convicted murderer) instead of Jesus and Pontius Pilot had to have him killed.

Some of the knowledge that Jesus had learned was that the body has 7 energy centers that are interconnected. These energy centers are well known in the eastern religions as Chakras. Instead of the Christians referring to them as Chakras they are refereed to as the 7 seals of revelation of the apocalypse. Once you unlock all 7 seals you have a direct connection with the divine and all the knowledge that comes with it. Some of you may see the word apocalypse and assume it has a negative connotation because of how it is incorrectly used in literature today. The word apocalypse by definition means "lifting of the veil" or "revealing of secrets" aka revelation of divine knowledge and finally TRUTH! It DOES NOT refer to the end of the world, just the end of the current age and the dawn of the Golden Age of Man. Does it make logical sense that I could possibly deduce all of this with zero higher level education whatsoever? Regardless of your answer, if you keep on reading I will explain how I am able to do such things with no extra education.

Now to define what God is or isn't, and also an easy explanation for all you atheists whom prefer science as well.

"People want to know what is God, and what is God consciousness. The reality is that consciousness IS God. Consciousness is totally singular, as is God. They are two names for one thing. The illusion is that there is an individual separate from God or separate from consciousness. The 'individual' seeks to know God or to be in God consciousness. But first one must understand what that individual is.

The 'individual' says "I am this or that". There is an assumption that they are limited, that the consciousness of 'I am' is limited. But when 'I am' is not equated with this or that, when it remains simply as consciousness, as awareness, it has no boundary. This is the consciousness which is 'God'. In the Bible, God says, "I am that I Am". Not that God is this or that, but consciousness itself. The best example that can be given is that of the ocean and the wave. A wave is nothing but the ocean. A wave has no individuality of it's own. It is in fact only the ocean taking the

form of a wave, pushing up as a wave. If the wave believes it is separate from the ocean, it may wish to reunite with the ocean. But water is water. There is not a boundary where the wave ends and the ocean begins. It is only the form which arises that suggests waveness different from the ocean.

If the wave were to inquire as to what it actually is, it would find that it is nothing but water. Not water as wave, but simply water. In the same way, if we inquire as to what we are, what is our pure subjectivity, we find that we are simply consciousness. All of the this's and that's are not what we are. When we say "I am this" or "I am that", we are identifying with an object. Even a statement like "I am consciousness" identifies us with something. But when we recognize that we are ONLY consciousness, there is nothing to limit us. The wave saying, "I am the ocean" suggests that there are two things, the wave and the ocean. But when God says, "I am that I am", there is not two things, only one. When we let go of any and every identification other than being pure consciousness, we are no longer limited to individuality or form. We are what is. There is not a separation between the consciousness that we are and the consciousness that God is. They are one consciousness. God arising or occurring as human, as everything. So the question is not, "What is God consciousness?", but rather, "What is NOT God consciousness?" It is only a matter of letting go of all identifications, including being God or not being God, being individual or not being individual. Simply be as pure consciousness, I am that I am, and then you are that all."

Now for those of you who are still not understanding or not following this because you are an atheist or otherwise, I have a scientific explanation for you too. Keep the above information in mind and then watch and or

Now we can move on to Evolution. Just because you believe in Evolution doesn't mean you can't also believe in God.

Its quite obvious that 'evolution' based on the wiki definition below is correct, its the theory of how/why the changes occurred that I question. "Evolution (also known as biological or organic evolution) is the change over time in one or more inherited traits found in populations of organisms."

IF we were genetically altered or tampered with we may not detect the tampering if it was our last evolutionary step that landed us as homo sapiens. Meaning if we evolved perfectly normal like everything else on the planet and then something came along and saw that pre homo-sapien man had potential so they genetically altered us to what we are today. Meaning all of you people who believe in Darwinian evolutionary theories of survival of the fittest are correct but, only up until we were altered by some other outside influence that made us into homosapien. This could also explain the missing link issue that some of you have as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that just because evolution is true doesn't mean that God didn't create the organisms or matter etc in the beginning that started off the process. The reason why I give both of the above propositions is to leave room for all you ancient astronaut theorists that postulate that we were created or altered by an Alien/Extraterrestrial. Make note that by definition God could be classified as Alien, Extra-Terrestrial, and or Extra-Celestial by dictionary definition.

Those of you who are still thrown off by the word God, please just think of this like an unseen force of nature like for instance Gravity. Just because gravity has an effect on you and your surroundings doesn't mean that it has a "physical" presence. Think of movie like Star Wars and the force. For newer examples think about the book The Men Who Stare at Goats. This book is supposed to be based on actual events and projects within the US military in which they took people and taught them to live in love, peace, and harmony with all, and they were then able to do supernatural feats. For more information on The Men Who Stare at Goats, you can refer here It was also recently turned into a movie.

Now one thing you have to understand is that, if you want to to start this process you must not eat animal DNA whatsoever. It has an adverse effect on your pineal gland/third eye which is the organ at the center of your brain that allows information to flow from the divine. You also need to avoid drinking anything that contains fluoride in it. Fluoride also has an adverse effect on your pineal gland. Realistically you should eat only fruits and vegetables and drink non-fluoridated/non-chlorinated water. You also should do a water fast for a day or two, or at least very little food to cleanse your body of all the toxins that are contained in or everyday foods. I myself have been on well water my whole life so this wasn't an issue. Coincidence? I see no coincidence, I only see synchronicity.

Also you need to know that to an untrained/undisciplined person the information flow into your mind can be overwhelming mentally and emotionally. Mainstream western medical science calls these symptoms Mania, and if an extreme happens, Psychosis. So if you find yourself not making sense and or you have racing thoughts, you need to meditate and center your mind. So remember if you are going to do this at first it is just a jumbled mess of thoughts entering your brain. As you learn to meditate and center your mind you can calm the thoughts.

You also need to know that if you have any emotional blockage, like fears, depression, anger etc these need to be fully overcome first or this process WILL NOT WORK. If you are angry you need to center your mind or get it our of your system. If you are sad, simply force yourself to smile, continue smiling until you laugh. If this doesn't work and you are still depressed try to make yourself cry, cry and let it out all. I am NOT a doctor, but from my understanding most of the medicines we take for psychological disorders are complete garbage. This is because man has completely misunderstood what we really are. This knowledge has been kept from us the masses. The majority of these things can easily be overcome by eating a correct diet, getting exercise, and drinking the substance that covers 75% of the globe. A correct diet would be that of a vegan. I know this is going to be very difficult for some of you, it sure was for me when I started. The holy grail and fountain of youth exist all over the place. The key is not the object of the grail but the water.

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but Autism is on a huge rise today than ever before. IF you eliminate that its not environmental, vaccine, mercury, or the ridiculously silly idea that all these children are being born in such a way that their bodies no longer use the same vitamins as the previous generation and this is a "defect". What kind of conclusion is that? This is the next step in human evolution under our noses and we have yet to get our heads out the sand and add it together. I myself had a few of the symptoms of autism, If you read all the symptoms and types of autism there are and related disorders they are such generalized symptoms, I don't see how everyone in the last 30 years hasn't been diagnosed with autism. Autism can also lead to extremely high "IQ". Autism is the western medical science way of diagnosing children and putting them on medication. When realistically these are actually Indigo children and they are at the forefront of human evolution. Here is a link to information about indigo children Notice how in the first sentence its being listed as pseudoscience, before the reader is even given a chance to determine anything for themselves.

Since I was a child I have pretty much been diagnosed with the entire text book of psychological issues such as, ADD, ADHD, depression, mania, bipolar, tourettes, psychosis, migraines/cluster headaches you name it, Ive had a man or woman with a doctorate diagnose me with it. How can you possibly have gone through the same education process and come up with every diagnosis in the book for the same person? This makes no logical sense whatsoever. If you are still unclear as to how I came to this conclusion, simply read the dictionary definition of evolution and then read all the information on autism here .

Please also keep in mind that when you are receiving this information that your pineal gland will make cracking noises in your head on occasion, this is perfectly normal. You may also feel unusual sensations on your forehead. Another thing to note is that in the chakras around your body since you haven't used them before they will create discomfort. You will feel a discomfort over time rise through your spine and into the base of your skull, as this energy is rising you will feel different sensations, and like I said discomfort as well. This discomfort will subside, but can also return.

If you recall the Ayrans use the symbol of a planet with a hole at the top, and a hole at the bottom and sphere in the center. The main use of this symbol today is on Alex Jone's website Ron Paul and Alex Jones have teamed up. Regardless of how Ron Paul has voted or his ethics its quite clear he does not want a unified humanity. With his semi isolationist ideals and his pro-monetary system. It's quite obvious we are moving towards a new golden age and he doesn't want that. The problem is we have Alex Jones who uses fear to coerce people into thinking a certain way. No person who claims to be of pure intentions would ever do this. This makes Ron Paul the one of the biggest wolves in sheeps clothing the world has ever seen. If I recall correctly Ron Paul has a solid voting record and has always voted the same way. However he is dividing the American people, by separating parents from their children. No man with true intentions would do this. No youth in their right mind would not want a unified world world without their parents either. The problem is that a lot our parents are stuck in yesteryear and he uses that to his advantage. No person with true intentions would cause a divide in the people of his nation, especially parent from child. The man has worked his whole life promoting life and family yet, his actions now show otherwise and his audience are playing into his tricks. We have also finally caught Paul in a lie if I recall correctly. He said he WOULD NOT run for 2012 election. There went all his credibility. Since he is lying about that, what else is he lying about?

The founding fathers didn't create a system that would ensure liberty, and justice for all. The founding fathers created a system in which they could stay in power forever, but it backfired. Because they didn't expect the Rothschild family to allow the Rockefeller Family to have discounted rates on their rails within the United States. This gave the Rockefeller family the advantage to make sure the founding fathers, aka the Freemasons, would never get power back again but meanwhile giving it back to Rothschild hands. The reason the British demanded taxation without representation is for the reason of preventing yet another group to create a break into yet another opposing society to start up a war from ancient times AGAIN. The Freemason have occult knowledge as well. Their symbol is a variation of a compass over an upside down pyramid meaning technology over truth. We have yet another group of people whom established another secret society with knowledge of the occult the Illuminati, in the same year the declaration of independence was signed in 1776. What we have are several secret societies with knowledge of the occult all fighting for power over the world since the begging of time.

As long as man has a monetary system and a ruling class, the masses will forever be enslaved. The best means of accomplishing this non-violent revolution is by doing it through the Venus Project. Don't just take my word for it, do your own research and decide for yourself. ITS TIME TO UNITE THE MASSES OF HUMANITY UNDER ONE BANNER OF PEACE LOVE AND HARMONY ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Now you might be asking yourself right now how I came about these conclusions.

It's quite simple really, I've connected with the divine.

"After eliminating all other possibilities, the one remaining-no matter how unlikely-must be the truth."

*Citation for God definition


*NOTE* refer to this link for updates. I will just be posting comments, the previous long posts, contained incomplete thoughts and not all the information was put together correctly, I do apologize.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by mb2591

As per my word I have watched the entire Ancient Aliens episode you linked in your OP and responded to it in my own thread here:

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 01:57 PM
Hello MattPreuss, I am familiar with the swastika being an ancient symbol of good luck. What surprised me is that it Heinrich Schliemann discovered the hooked cross on the site of ancient Troy. I had always associated the swastika with Tibetan Buddhism. Yes, Hitler was obsessed with the Occult and Nazi scientists including Wernher von Braun, who admitted that the Nazi’s had help from ET’s in the development of their rocket propulsion systems and other advanced design weapons & aircraft. I have no doubt that his statement is true given the futuristic designs and capabilities of Nazi aircraft, including their flying saucer. Their Bell flying machine is believed to have also been a time / space travel machine.

Associated Links:

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by MattPreuss
reply to post by igor_ats

Who said anything about forgetting? The God of the bible supposedly works in mysterious ways and certainly isn't always transparent with his/her methods etc. God does not reveal all of the universes secrets, he/she allows his/her creations to find them out for themselves. Otherwise, don't you think we would have been created with all knowledge?

Funny how when a contradiction or something incongruent is presented it's all "mysterious ways" rhetoric.

If you need to cover his actions and lies of ommission with the same old "who are we to judge" attitude then maybe there is no God?

It would be incongruent on any level for God to put all emphasis on man and forget to mention the million and 1 other far more advanced beings.

"yea don't worry about them kid, it's all on a need to know basis." - God.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 12:48 PM
I believe in God but, not aliens. However I will say space is a huge ever expanding place, so who's to say what might actually be out there. The Bible after all doesnt tell us everything.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 03:23 PM
I agree with you igor_ats.

In my 30 years as a Christian I constantly heard other Christians covering up for God or making excuses for Him. If my eternal life hangs in the balance of what I do with my faith regarding Jesus Christ, then I'd really like the road map (Bible) to be crystal clear on what steps I need to be taking. I also need to hear from God when I honestly and humbly seek His guidance. As a Christian I've been at so many crossroads and needed to know which way God wanted me to go. I've prayed, prayed & fasted and asked others to pray for God's guidance in answer to my prayers. Nothing, Nada, Zippo. How much sense does that make? The Bible says God knows our needs before we even ask and His answer is already on its way. Eh? That sure wasn't a part of my 30 year wandering through the wilderness of faith in Christ. I was always scratching my spiritual head wondering what God wanted me to do. So many things in the Bible just don't stack up. Why did Jesus decide to appear after millennia of generations of God's creations have lived and died? And the Bible's explanation that Jesus went into Sheol to preach to them for 3 days after His crucifixion, so they had the chance to hear the Gospel and accept Christ by faith doesn't wash with me. I see a pattern of Churches re-writing church doctrine whenever a puzzling anomaly arises. How many times has the Catholic Church had to change it's theology to create answers for puzzling issues? And how many Popes lived a life of sin and debauchery? Same with the Jehovah Witnesses; once their ranks got to 144,000 they had to create an addendum to their original doctrinal statement to compensate for the additional Jehovah Witnesses. As one JW explained to me; there's the original 144,000 in heaven and the rest will repopulate the earth. How convenient, but why wasn't that originally part of their statement of faith? Also, the Book of Romans 9:22 say's that God has created people to be objects of His wrath and destruction. Wow, that sounds like the God of the Old Testament is up to His angry / vengeful shenanigans again. He gives us temporal life and we get to hear about His eternal plan for future life in glory with Him, then when we get to His throne of judgment we get rejected and suffer eternal damnation. The whole matter of placing the onus of maintaining eternal salvation on the individual believer is ludicrous. It's like walking a tightrope over a flaming gorge with God sitting on His throne looking on passively knowing that we may slip and fall to our doom. But just to be fair, maybe God's actually cheering us on hoping that we won't fall off the tightrope. I just don't buy any of the Christian belief system any longer.

So I guess since I was gullible enough to believe in God once, it's OK for me to believe in aliens now. At least I can visit YouTube and see dozens of UFO videos. Last time I checked, there aren't any videos of God saying or doing anything.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:00 PM
My personal belief is that the God in the Bible was an Extraterrestrial. If the Bible is true, which i believe it is, then this can be the only rational explanation.

But then i also believe in some other intelligent force who's mind is the Universe.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 07:32 AM
Anyone can believe...believe in God and believe that evil exists....also people can believe in Aliens and believe that there is no God. Believe is not a very reassuring thing that something does exist even if there is proof or no proof. I believe (excuse the pun) that it all comes down to faith of believing in something. I personally have faith in the believe that God exists. Where do people draw the line with believing in something that is not worth believing in?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by MattPreuss
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Another thing I would like to point out, that pyramids seem to pop up over all corners of the globe during the same generalized time period, even though main stream historians would have us believe that these peoples did not have contact with each other. Yes, the pyramid is the easiest way to build tall buildings for an unsophisticated people but the fact remains that they seem to pop up all across the globe in the same general time period.

Pyramids are also just one example of things that seems to spontaneously pop up in cultures all around the world that had no contact according to main stream historians. My research has been mainly on symbols that pop up all over the globe through ancient history in cultures around the world yet there is no possibility for this because they were not in contact.

So this leads me to four possible conclusions:

1. We have peoples who were in contact with each other using ancient technology.

2. We have peoples who were in contact with each other who had way more advanced knowledge and technology than we give them credit for and then somehow this has been lost to the world since.

3. We have peoples whom were contacted by "Gods/Aliens" and they brought these technologies and symbols with them when they traveled the globe.

4. We have a universal consciousness and that's how these spontaneous events/ideas seem to happen in unison without contact.

You have hit the right spot. This should obviously lead us to the next question. How come the pyramids in Egypt and those in Teotihuacan are perfectly aligned with the Orion constellation? My point is similar to yours. The mainstream archaeologists say people weren't exactly seafaring at that period of history and yet these ancient colossal megaliths, fundamentally similar and disconnected by oceans are standing there and laughing at us. It's a paradox really when you come to think of it. If there wasn't one single parent religion or a cult setting up stalls across our globe commandeering the construction of these structures then how did it happen? A coincidence of this proportion is unheard of. I am not saying that the aliens erected all of these themselves, its just that they could have easily guided us to achieve such extraordinary feats. I am not trying to take away anything from our great ancestors or belittle their achievement in any way but I just simply can't overlook such 'in-your-face' kind of common features all these structures happen to share.
edit on 2-8-2011 by Analzoid because: typo

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by mb2591

aliens are not a belief, they are out there... in this one galaxy alone there are over 200,000,000,000 stars, our one star we call the sun contains life and has 9 planets, why wouldnt any other planet out there. there are millions of galaxys aswell. its stupid to think they arent out there...

the bible is an old ass book, outdated...and its so missinturpeted no one even knows what its about anymore.....
edit on 2-8-2011 by tinarg because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 08:49 AM
What the heck...?

This isn't a post about God, this is a post about ancient aliens. The stuff in the pictures most likely doesn't have anything to do with aliens. I am convinced you are a disinformation agent, or your mind has been hypnotized by disinformation agents!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by greyer
What the heck...?

This isn't a post about God, this is a post about ancient aliens. The stuff in the pictures most likely doesn't have anything to do with aliens. I am convinced you are a disinformation agent, or your mind has been hypnotized by disinformation agents!!!

I just came to the same conclusion.
They must get paid a lot to bash traditional religions whilst promoting the ever infamous "ancient mysteries"..
How on Earth do any of those photos suggest aliens? What about the much more plausible idea of:
1) man was advanced at one time and was nearly wiped out in a great catastrophe? Or perhaps, a fraud designed to deceive?

You know, everyone is entitled to believe in anything, however, you have Faith in God. Can't have that in aliens, so whilst your human life slowly ebbs away , I'd suggest that everyone remembers

According to John 1 v.10-11, "He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him." "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." (v.12)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by tinarg
reply to post by mb2591

aliens are not a belief, they are out there... in this one galaxy alone there are over 200,000,000,000 stars, our one star we call the sun contains life and has 9 planets, why wouldnt any other planet out there. there are millions of galaxys aswell. its stupid to think they arent out there...

the bible is an old ass book, outdated...and its so missinturpeted no one even knows what its about anymore.....
edit on 2-8-2011 by tinarg because: (no reason given)

Couldn't agree more. People are ready to believe in something fantastic and intangible like GOD but not something more logical and natural like Aliens. I would rather have faith in something which is logical and can be explained with reason than something utterly rubbish such as a god or angel or whatever. I personally believe that all the apostles of god or gods themselves that have appeared in the religious texts are nothing but an interpretation of ET as something celestial or divine. I have tried imagining winged dudes and damsels descending from the heaven, I have even tried imagining a GOD holed up in some sort of safe house in the clouds(so called heaven) and delivering justice, in the end none of the two came out that well
If anything's out there then its aliens and not some god wearing a tiara and drinking his mead.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 12:37 PM
God made people but we can't see Him.
There is no urgency to discuss the so called alien.
Belief in God is the most important belief and makes good one's life.
The subject of Aliens and UFOs is a cover for the peaceful use of energy
from the environment that God gave us and that Tesla discovered until bad
people started hiding the technology from the world.

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