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Evidence of HAARP activity (for real this time)

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posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:12 AM
1886-8: Nikola Tesla invents system of Alternating Current power source and transmission system. As 60-pulse-per-second (hertz) AC power grids spread over the land, Mom Earth will eventually dance to a different beat than her usual 7-8 hertz frequency.

1900: Tesla applies for patent on a device to transmit Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums".

1905: U.S. Patent #787,412 issued for above.

1924: Confirmation that radio waves bounce off ionosphere (electrically-charged layer starting at altitude of 50 kilometers).

1938: Scientist proposes to light up night sky by electron gyrotron heating from a powerful transmitter.

1940: Tesla announces "death ray" invention.

1945: Atomic bomb tests begin 40,000 electromagnetic pulses to follow.

1952: W.O. Schumann identifies 7.83 hertz resonant frequency of the earth.

1958: Van Allen radiation belts discovered (zones of charged particles trapped in earths magnetic field) 2,000+ miles up. Violently disrupted in the same year.

1958: Project Argus, U.S. Navy explodes 3 nuclear bombs in Van Allen belt.

1958: White House advisor on weather modification says Defense Dept. studying ways to manipulate charges "of earth and sky, and so affect the weather

1960: Series of weather disasters begin.

1961?: Copper needles dumped into ionosphere as "telecommunications shield".

1961: Scientists propose artificial ion cloud experiments. In 1960's the dumping of chemicals (barium powder etc.) from satellites/rockets began.

1961-62: Soviets and USA blast many EMPs in atmosphere, 300 megatons of nuclear devices deplete ozone layer by about 4%.

1962: Launch of Canadian satellites & start of stimulating plasma resonances by antennas within the space plasma.6

1966: Gordon J. F. MacDonald publishes military ideas on environmental engineering.

1960's: In Wisconsin, US Navy Project Sanguine lays ELF antennae.

1968: Moscow scientists tell the West that Soviets pinpointed which pulsed magnetic field frequencies help mental & physiological functions and which do harm.

1972: First reports on "ionospheric heater" experiments with high frequency radio waves, at Arecibo. 100-megawatt heater in Norway built later in decade; can change conductivity of auroral ionosphere.

1973: Documentation that launch of Skylab `'halved the total electron content of the ionosphere for three hours"(by rocket exhaust gases).

1973: Recommendations for study of Project Sanguine's biological effects denied by Navy.

|1974: United Nations General Assembly bans environmental warfare.

1974: High-frequency experiments at Plattesville, Colorado; Arecibo, Puerto Rico; and, Armidale, New South Wales heat "bottom side of ionosphere".

1974: Experiments airglow brightened by hitting oxygen atoms in ionosphere with accelerated electrons.

1975: Stanford professor Robert Helliwell reports that VLF from power lines is altering the ionosphere.

1975: U. S. Senator Gaylord Nelson forces Navy to release research showing that ELF transmissions can alter human blood chemistry.

1975: Pell Senate Subcommittee urges that weather & climate modification work be overseen by civilian agency answerable to U.S. Congress. Didn't happen.

1975: Soviets begin pulsing "Woodpecker" ELF waves, at key brainwave rhythms. Eugene, Oregon, one of locations where people were particularly affected.

1976: Drs. Susan Bawin & W. Ross Adey show nerve cells affected by ELF fields.'s

1979: Launch of NASA's third High-Energy Astrophysical Observatory causes large-scale, artificially-induced depletion in the ionosphere. Plasma hole caused by "rapid chemical processes" between rocket exhaust and ozone layer." "ionosphere was significantly depleted over a horizontal distance of 300 km for some hours."

1985: Bernard J. Eastiund applies for patent "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, ionosphere and/or Magnetosphere,'' (First of 3 Eastiund patents assigned to ARCO Power Technologies Inc.)

1986: US Navy Project Henhouse duplicates Delgado (Madrid) experiment -- very low-level, very-low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields harm chick embryos. 20

1980's: In the later part of the decade the U.S. begins network of Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers, each to generate Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves for defense purposes .

1987-92: Other APTI scientists build on Eastiund patents for development of new weapon capabilities.

I1994: Military contractor E-Systems buys APTI, holder of Eastiund patents and contract to build biggest ionospheric heater in world (HAARP).

1994: Congress freezes funding on HAARP until planners increase emphasis on earth-penetrating tomography uses, for nuclear counter proliferation efforts.

1995: Raytheon buys E-Systems and old APTI patents. The technology is now hidden among thousands of patents within one of the largest defense contractor portfolios.

1995: Congress budgets $10 million for 1996 under "nuclear counterproliferation" efforts for HAARP project.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:13 AM
1994-6: Testing of first-stage HAARP (euphemistically named High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) equipment continues, although funding was frozen.

1996: HAARP planners to test the earth-penetrating tomography applications by modulating the electroject at Extremely Low Frequencies

1998: Projected date for fully-operating HAARP system.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by MaxJohnson

Bare bones, it's a good idea. The results of the research done are far from "hidden".
We are very dependent on communications. The ionosphere has a great effect on communications.
We are very dependent upon our power grids. Studying the ionosphere can teach us about how solar activity can affect them.

No. It is not possible for HAARP to produce microwaves.

ELF does not produce heat. HAARP does not transmit ELF.

The HF radio waves produced by the heater are absorbed by ions in the upper atmosphere, the altitude at which that occurs depends on the frequency used and the conditions up there. The transmitter is "tuned" to affect the desired altitude.

Thank you for the reply. The proliferation of these facilities worldwide suggests there's more to it than solar study. If a massive CME occurrs, I highly doubt any knowledge regarding the dynamics of the occurrence can curtail the end result. So is it to predict said outcome? Why so many? Is it to compare and contrast multiple data from multiple sites? Is it possible that these ions could escape our atmosphere by toying with them? Sorry for all the questions but you seem pretty knowledgeable and my own research leads to crazy assed theories and such.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by MaxJohnson

How many is "so many"? How many astronomical observatories are there? What makes you think that they are all doing the same research?

Ions don't "escape the atmosphere". The small region affected by the IRI returns to normal very quickly.
The Sun has millions (billions) of times the effect that HAARP and the other heaters do.

edit on 12/20/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Phage
They aren't really trying to "achieve" anything other than a better understanding of the ionosphere and magnetosphere. By studying the way the ELF radiation propagates, much can be learned about both. About how solar activity affects them.

What if any military advances could come from better understanding the ionosphere and magnetosphere?

I understand ELF happen faster than a blink of an eye. Also they can not been seen by the naked eye like Pixies.
What understanding will the military use this information for?

Is it comman knowledge that HAARP belongs to the military. Navy mostly?

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by zysin5

What if any military advances could come from better understanding the ionosphere and magnetosphere?

Are you kidding? The whole thing got started as an interest in ducting and sporadic-E. There's a ton of information about the ionosphere we don't understand that relates to communications, detection, and interdiction. It's a C3I smorgasbord.

And then there are the serendipitous discoveries. Like being able to clear high-speed particles out of the inner magnetosphere following a CME or high-altitude nuclear burst.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam
The whole thing got started as an interest in ducting and sporadic-E. There's a ton of information about the ionosphere we don't understand that relates to communications, detection, and interdiction. It's a C3I smorgasbord.

And then there are the serendipitous discoveries. Like being able to clear high-speed particles out of the inner magnetosphere following a CME or high-altitude nuclear burst.

Nope not kidding, that is why I am asking in this thread.
I have my own ideas and conspiracy theories about HAARP, non of them being much good for the people on this Earth. But I do try to keep that in check by showing some skepticsim when it comes to these things.
If you have any information you would like to share with me about C3I, I would be happy to check it out.

Its just not everyone seems to agree that HAARP is a military investment, and is directly run and owned by military scientists.
As when it comes to the military. The only reason they research is to make something that will cause harm, or used as a weapon.
Its not often that something comes out of military based sciences that "help" mankind. Normally its the other way around.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by zysin5

Nope not kidding, that is why I am asking in this thread.
I have my own ideas and conspiracy theories about HAARP, non of them being much good for the people on this Earth. But I do try to keep that in check by showing some skepticsim when it comes to these things.
If you have any information you would like to share with me about C3I, I would be happy to check it out.

Welp, there are just a ton of fairly well known and, as it happens, accurate ruminations about why the military is interested in HAARP, and 90% of that deals with communication, having communication someone else does not, making it difficult for others to communicate and the like. That stuff all falls under the aegis of C3I. The field of study has been going on since the 40s. The fields of atmospheric ducting and sporadic E communications were really hot, until someone asked the question - why does ducting and sporadic E happen, and why don't we see if we can cause this ourselves on demand? And after many years, thus do you beget HAARP.

Among other things the mil guys have been pranking around with the array when the post-grads weren't using it include being able to build a radio wave mirror with which you can listen over the horizon, same for building a mirror you can use to scan distant territory with without requiring anything predictable like a SARSAT, interdiction of satellite uplinks, creation of stable radio ducts over long long distances, a few things I can't mention that are sort of related to this.

They get all the raw research the students do, as well. Thus there is a way to clean out the upper magnetosphere of CME induced particles using the IRI, but these days it's done from satellite. That's true of a lot of military research done out there. You develop the basics, but the IRI is a general sort of thing, you can get better end results by designing a piece of ad hoc technology. For instance, there's an undiscussed plasma mirror facility on the east coast that's carrying on that tradition, as it were, and the cyclotron resonance precipitation thing is aloft on a set of satellites now.

Some of the things I can't talk about were tested on some of the less-well-documented STS missions as well, and are implemented from orbit too. That's because the array can't reach very far in terms of angles - you only get a 15 degree deflection from vertical, although you can squeak a bit more in the right band.

When we were bidding some related design work on the upgrade, we were given a lot of stuff from Siple Station for raw data, I suggest that you research Dr Helliwell and Siple Station, his work is - um - legend in the HAARP community, not all of it will be on the net, and while a lot of it IS on the net, or available for the asking from Stanford or the like, the military implications of it will require a lot of groundwork for the researcher - it's in Egghead. They've gone a long way past that but it was a starting point.

Its just not everyone seems to agree that HAARP is a military investment, and is directly run and owned by military scientists.
As when it comes to the military. The only reason they research is to make something that will cause harm, or used as a weapon.
Its not often that something comes out of military based sciences that "help" mankind. Normally its the other way around.

Of course it's a military investment, and it's run by the Navy and AF. But it's used by civilian researchers, mostly. The military invests in a TON of basic hard science research. If it wasn't for the bucks the military plows into basic research, you wouldn't have a lot of nice toys. Like the computer you're using. Or the net.

Grant you, it might be hard for the casual observer to deduce WHY the Air Force is interested in the behavior of Bose-Einstein condensates or the like, but they fund the hell out of research into them, along with thousands of other topics. And these days, you're really supposed to look for "dual use" excuses. For everything I bid, I've pretty much got to come up with "and this is how this would be used in the civilian world someday" essays. Sometimes it's blatant bs and gets by anyway, but you are expected to try.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam
Welp, there are just a ton of fairly well known and, as it happens, accurate ruminations about why the military is interested in HAARP, and 90% of that deals with communication...
The HAARP website actually mentions communication, and it seems entirely reasonable that would be an important military function and interest related to HAARP.

It's interesting to me, but not as intriguing to conspiracy theorists as modifying the weather or causing earthquakes.

Can you say what the other 10% deals with?

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur


Not earthquakes though.

NOT communicating, that's interesting. There's a contingent that's interested in placing patterned charges on the upper ionosphere. You figure out what that's for, we'll both know.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Thanks for your reply and the information you posted for us here.

I would like to have Phage's thoughts on the matter, about being a military/Navy funded operation.

And what if any conspiracy theories out there might hold some weight with this facility.
edit on 3-12-2012 by zysin5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by zysin5

As I said here, HAARP receives funding from the DoD.

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Phage

Thanks for the thoughts I found via the link you provided. Well more than thoughts, those are the hard facts that are on paper. With this information I can finish the report I am working on with HAARP.
I have an over whelming amount of friends who are very dead set in their way of thinking, and I was asked to back up what I had to say with some facts. While I can find so much online and with google, my own personal research lead me here, and I do respect your thoughts on this matter Phage. Your one of the few members on here I tend to side with when it comes to being skepitical. I am a skeptic at heart, but again I do have these ideas and feelings about HAARP, they are just hard to back with any real evidence.

Thanks again for your time, and droping in here to answer my question Phage.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Looks like an experiment in ELF production to me. I think the 2MHz signal is from the heater and the ELF signals are the result. It should be pointed out that the ELF signal which is produced is very weak, much weaker than the signals which are produced naturally in the magnetosphere by its interaction with the solar wind.

And no, no major earthquakes. I checked.

You flip flopped. Before the 2MHz was the Heater now its a natural sub-storm.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Sagitaris

You flip flopped. Before the 2MHz was the Heater now its a natural sub-storm.

I beg your pardon? What are you talking about?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:25 PM

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Sagitaris
reply to post by Phage

previous theory on 2MHz noise at strock of midnight.

1) I said there was no substorm.
2) Learn the difference between Hz and MHz

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Phage


posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Phage
reply to post by CastleMadeOfSand

ELF radiation at these low levels has no effect on the environment.

They aren't really trying to "achieve" anything other than a better understanding of the ionosphere and magnetosphere. By studying the way the ELF radiation propagates, much can be learned about both. About how solar activity affects them.

Firstly, WRONG! ELF waves can and do effect the environment, hence why your instruments can pick them up.

Secondly, they are trying to achieve a GREAT many things besides just a better understanding of the ionosphere. My dad BUILT HAARP. He tells me many of the same stories you will tell me. But the problems is that he has told me other stories too. About working for AFRL, JPL, the Battle Space division, NRO, and Nasa. He has a key card to the NASA control rooms lol. Before I disagree TOO too hard with you, would you kindly like to take a guess at what sort of things they can do once they "understand the ionosphere"?

posted on Jun, 21 2020 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: kdog1982 it's not gonna hurt animals their communication will stay not f!*#ed with.

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