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It's time for the young to take over !

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

Your argument is awful. Every generation has the same issues. Hey older generations, look at you and Osama Bin Laden. I can't believe you guys ever became in charge!!!!!!

Seriously though, what those kids did is wrong. They are teenagers though, not 20-30. Maybe their 20-30 now, but it only says teens, and I don't know when this was filmed. But again, every generation has these issues. Look at gangs. Look at the KKK. There are rotten people in every generation. So, don't bring up something shocking because youtube wasn't around to film the atrocities in your generation.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

And your generation is full of cynical, egotistical people that wanted so bad to emulate their parents, that they later BECAME their parents.

I'll tell you a secret: In your youth you'll always hate what your parents stand for and swear you'll NEVER be like them, in your old age you'll always become your parents. Believe it or not, we've all gone through the same stuff... we've been teenagers (and remember very well what it was like -- heck, sometimes I still feel like a teenager today, just in a much older body)... we've experienced the frustration and hormonal upheaval and world weariness and desire for dramatic change. You are no different from us... just accept it.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:53 AM
I really didn't want to post this, but meh.

This topic has become quite the rage these last couple of months.

Multiple threads on this site, many more on others. To that, I will say this.

It is a good thing the reccession has come.

Nothing puts the world back into perspective like a little hardship.

Previous generations were not 'bad'. They did the best they could with the knowledge they had at the time. This doesn't mean bad things didn't happen, there was bad people back then, just as there is now.

To look back with knowledge from today to critisize the actions of the past is the worst kind of hubris. That shows that we are not learning from or past. We are doomed to repeat it.

Look back and praise your fore fathers (mothers). Without them, you would not be where you are today. I'm not talking in the simplistic form of not being born. I am talking about the position of knowledge you have at your disposal.

The past generations are the people who built our universities. They are the fathers/mothers of our scientific fields. They set the foundation that you get to build off of.

They did the best that they could do to make life better for YOU.

Try not to forget this, especially when your children critisize your actions.

I've said it before and I will say it again:

I can only see so far into the future because I get to stand on the shoulders of the past.
edit on 13-5-2011 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

Whatever dude! Your generations oldies are the ones who are shoving bs down the young people's throat! They're in control of nonsense. But it doesn't matter, the older generation will forever be desperately hanging on to the last rung of the ladder as life continues on its 2 billion year process. (not meaning you, the people doing the shoving)
edit on 13-5-2011 by 1ifbyland2ifbydebitcard because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:56 AM
You said it best OP....and true what you said to that one ol man, blah blah blah, we heard it all made me laugh hard, especially when he didnt comment back whatta goof, its usually these "oh im so high and mighty because im intelligent and argue like a lawyer"..yea? well who cares...your still old, bitter and mad at the fact you couldnt do jack to help the she said, we grew up with technology, we can educate ourselves unbiasly, not like you who grew up learning the mainstream just comes down to having an open mind, and you older folks dont...simple as that

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:56 AM
I have not read through the whole thread but as a Vedic astrologer I can see that today's twenty-somethings will turn the world upside down. As they started in Egypt.

The constellations are such that the last time people were born in masses with this type of planetary stations was around the time of the Reformation in Europe, which effectvely ended the Middle Ages and started a bunch of peasant revolts and wars for more freedom of religion end beliefs.

Now I hope that the world based on fiat money (like communities bron into debt and crazy things like that) and oil and radioactive wastes etc. will be over shortly, and that process starts now.

Whatever you learned in economics about free trade and markets etc. - please forget it. It is a bunch of nonsense as prejudicial as the medieval theories about the propagation of angels on the head of a pin.

Question everything.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Partygirl

I am 24 years old and can honestly say that I am not prepared to deal with the responsibility that comes with such offices of power. While your idea might have some merit in the idealistic way, young people too often are not prepared to deal with such responsibility. At times I am hot headed, irrational and down right stupid. Same goes for most people until they typically get past their early 30's.

Whilst it's the old corrupt tycoons who have run this country to the ground, the younger generation wouldn't do much better most likely. Not to mention, this sense of "Entitlement" that most young people express is blatantly obvious in the OP.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by 1ifbyland2ifbydebitcard

Wow that ignorant vomit that you just produced really hit one out of the park for someone's point...

Too bad it wasn't yours.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by CarlitosAmsel
I also believe it takes a new bread of people to run the world in a different manner then it has been run up untill today. I am 58, and when I look back, I have seen the following generations getting dumber by the day. First, I had this theory which said, during the great war, most of the stupid ones got killed off and most of the sharp minded ones survived. So I thought, what I see might be the natural growing back of the stupid ones.

It's the opposite.

Both WW1 and WW2 killed off the BEST of us and basically we've been bleeding out ever since.
The survivors and their kids have been taken on a dark road indeed that should never of been taken imo.

I'd say nearly all the wars and the way the Middle East has exploded would of been impossible if we'd not killed each other during both big wars.

This is why we should never aim to have another war like that again so whenever you think it's cool to wage war against Russia or China just remember what cost the last wars had on humanity and the people of yesteryear...

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Partygirl

I agree theres time for some fresh ideas in society, and more spirituality. Young people can revive the nation

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Partygirl

I don't know how young you are, Partygirl, but I would say you are in my son's age group. He has been in a community college for 2 years now and will be graduating tomorrow. He intends to continue with there are other courses he wants to take.
Out of 35 students who started the class with him, he was the only one left to graduate computer programing. The majority just quit the class. Some had to drop out because they had gotten into trouble with the police and some lost their license.
That percentage is just drastic.
My son said that most just were not able to comprehend the course and found it too difficult to continue. He did tutoring for many but still they failed to stay with it. He has one student who was failing that will graduate next year, but he said that student is still not able to function without a lot of help, but he is staying with the class.
You should listen to the people who tell you that each generation blames the older ones for what is happening today. I also did the same when I was young.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Mr. Toodles
reply to post by Partygirl

I am 24 years old and can honestly say that I am not prepared to deal with the responsibility that comes with such offices of power. While your idea might have some merit in the idealistic way, young people too often are not prepared to deal with such responsibility. At times I am hot headed, irrational and down right stupid. Same goes for most people until they typically get past their early 30's.

Whilst it's the old corrupt tycoons who have run this country to the ground, the younger generation wouldn't do much better most likely. Not to mention, this sense of "Entitlement" that most young people express is blatantly obvious in the OP.

You sound like a year of the tiger kinda guy man.

It's common-sense to me that it's the 30s and 40s when people really hit their stride in life.
The 20 somethings ready to take over the world is pure bs in most cases.
The teen's and 20s are when you serve your 'apprenticeship' and it's only in your 30s that you are a 'journeyman' in life...

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by ellieN

I am also in your son's age group.. I agree with you 100%

We are entitled to nothing and have no one to blame but ourselves...

There really seems to be no sense of integrity among my peers.. They think that everything should be handed to them and not earned. The worst thing is apathy though.. Their complete lack of caring about anyone but themselves has caused them to become some sort of monster.. It will be the 5% of us with sense and a head on our shoulders to carry the rest of them.. It will be the ones that mirror the values of of a much more prosperous time and not the values of Sodom and Gomorrah.
edit on 13-5-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:10 PM
When the US government instated a draft, old people rolled over and said "Ok. I don't really want to be enlisted, but I'll do it."

If there were a draft today I believe a majority of young people would say "# off I'm not being drafted! Send me to jail if you want
but good luck arresting us all!"

I think that speaks volumes about the submissive nature of the older generation.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Will you still be sexting each other while you're heading up those universities and elected offices? Will you be covering up all those stupid tattoos, especially the tramp stamps? What a good idea those were. Going to be bringing more great ideas like that to our country? Going to make legalizing weed priority one?

Older people are in these positions because they have the experience to function in them. And I have news for ya - a lot of the wall street criminals that are responsible for stealing our wealth ARE in their 20s and 30s. So there's plenty of blame to spread among everyone's demographic.

Not to totally disagree with your sentiments, but don't think for a minute that you have the experience to make decisions that affect everyone. We're all victims of the greed and corruption here - not just young people. Not everyone over 30 is a corrupt sleazebag, but those types tend to slime their way to positions of power and use that power to keep themselves there. It's going to take EVERYONE to fix it, not just you and your snowboarding buddies.

Since you're young and new to ATS, may I make a suggestion? Read what is being said here. Listen and learn something before you post this kind of discriminatory, presumptive, idealistic drivel.

By the way, it's you young people who made a big difference in getting Obama elected. You proud of your first big accomplishment? I certainly wouldn't be. Wise up before you make another huge mistake.

edit on 13-5-2011 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Mr. Toodles
reply to post by Partygirl

I am 24 years old and can honestly say that I am not prepared to deal with the responsibility that comes with such offices of power. While your idea might have some merit in the idealistic way, young people too often are not prepared to deal with such responsibility. At times I am hot headed, irrational and down right stupid. Same goes for most people until they typically get past their early 30's.

Whilst it's the old corrupt tycoons who have run this country to the ground, the younger generation wouldn't do much better most likely. Not to mention, this sense of "Entitlement" that most young people express is blatantly obvious in the OP.

And posts like this make me hopeful

Yes, with that attitude, it shows that wisdom in some of todays youth does exist...the first step towards responsible power is humility and being humble. knowing that power isn't just being able to enforce your desires, but the profound implications of what responsibility is to begin with.

Pity most politicians aren't even at that level.

And incidently, the difference between a old corrupt tycoon and a young corrupt dealer is simply time. I look at the youth of today and see about the same mix of good and bad apples as other generations of the past...the ops will be a prime example, if she doesn't get ahold of herself and try to temper her ambition with wisdom, as just another power hungry corrupt statesmen. Her ideals are forceful...and history has shown that such people tend to either get exactly what they want, or have people eliminated when they stand in their way...its all about personal vanity over the betterment of the world.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
"Changing ourselves is doable and at the "100th monkey"; then the world shakes out the old paradigm.
This "generational bashing" is as useless as the blind left/right bashing that continually goes on here.

Its 10 billion humans according to the theory. I started out saying the bashing was useless but the arrogance of the wise was to much for me and i jumped in.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Partygirl

hahahahaha!!! that was rich. keep living in fantasy land.

youth think they know everything when in fact they know nothing and are mostly spoiled little brats.

children should be seen and not heard.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by Mr. Toodles
reply to post by Partygirl

I am 24 years old and can honestly say that I am not prepared to deal with the responsibility that comes with such offices of power. While your idea might have some merit in the idealistic way, young people too often are not prepared to deal with such responsibility. At times I am hot headed, irrational and down right stupid. Same goes for most people until they typically get past their early 30's.

Whilst it's the old corrupt tycoons who have run this country to the ground, the younger generation wouldn't do much better most likely. Not to mention, this sense of "Entitlement" that most young people express is blatantly obvious in the OP.

And posts like this make me hopeful

Yes, with that attitude, it shows that wisdom in some of todays youth does exist...the first step towards responsible power is humility and being humble. knowing that power isn't just being able to enforce your desires, but the profound implications of what responsibility is to begin with.

Pity most politicians aren't even at that level.

And incidently, the difference between a old corrupt tycoon and a young corrupt dealer is simply time. I look at the youth of today and see about the same mix of good and bad apples as other generations of the past...the ops will be a prime example, if she doesn't get ahold of herself and try to temper her ambition with wisdom, as just another power hungry corrupt statesmen. Her ideals are forceful...and history has shown that such people tend to either get exactly what they want, or have people eliminated when they stand in their way...its all about personal vanity over the betterment of the world.

Nope. There is a huge difference between intelligence and wisdom. You may be smart as all get out, but without life experience, you don't have wisdom. Sorry - it's earned and learned, not innate.

OOPS.. I reread the post you responded to and that is my bad.. I do agree that the 24-year old does show a measure of wisdom in having that self-awareness. That is rare in most people his age, though.

edit on 13-5-2011 by AwakeinNM because: Packpedal!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Partygirl
Get back on your meds!

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