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It's time for the young to take over !

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:20 AM
"We are the children of the age of Aquarius...."

SOSDG (same old S***, different generation) Im only 26 ,however, I don't even feel close to maturing fully yet. While I am more worldly wise and more knowledgeable than when I was 19 and have lived life to the max through my University years, I don't see myself donning the cloak of responsibility just yet.
edit on 13/5/2011 by ATSecretAgent because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by CarlitosAmsel
Parents dont pass on their knowlwdge to their kids anymore, because the leftist socialist rat cases have disturbed the ties between parents and kids, so the kids reject what ever parents try to tell them. If it were'nt so, we would not have to fear a III world war, because we could have passed the horrors of world wars on to the young, but, alas, the leftist socialists knew how to prevent that...-

Look back a hundred years and you will find, every new generation came up with life styles that broke the ties between them and their parents. Where did the kids get them from? From progressiv leftist socialists...-
edit on 13-5-2011 by CarlitosAmsel because: (no reason given)

This is because the parents would have already been dumbed down to not know how to raise children. Its all a matter of how far back you want to say the conspircy goes. was it done on purpose or was it people just trying to make money?

There is no reason why any child shouldn't be wise by the time they leave their parents house and from there they will only build.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Well, bloody great. Its only, that Aquarius will not help much and it surely wont prevent the nessecity to stand on your own feet on a ground that has been shaped befor you came into this world.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Doublemint

Originally posted by CarlitosAmsel
Parents dont pass on their knowlwdge to their kids anymore, because the leftist socialist rat cases have disturbed the ties between parents and kids, so the kids reject what ever parents try to tell them. If it were'nt so, we would not have to fear a III world war, because we could have passed the horrors of world wars on to the young, but, alas, the leftist socialists knew how to prevent that...-

Look back a hundred years and you will find, every new generation came up with life styles that broke the ties between them and their parents. Where did the kids get them from? From progressiv leftist socialists...-
edit on 13-5-2011 by CarlitosAmsel because: (no reason given)

This is because the parents would have already been dumbed down to not know how to raise children. Its all a matter of how far back you want to say the conspircy goes. was it done on purpose or was it people just trying to make money?

There is no reason why any child shouldn't be wise by the time they leave their parents house and from there they will only build.

It must have started about a hundred years ago and it was done on purpose to destroy the family bond and tradition in order to bind the children more to the state- You can see it carry on today for instance in the way home schooling is supressed. Its old traditional social engineering. If you want to see reasons why children should NOT be wise when they leave their parents house and DONT BUILD from there on, just look around you. Families are being deliberately torn appart and children deliberately torn away from the parents to make them dependent not on the parents, but on the state... Its everywhere. In Germany, home schooling is forbidden by law. We had a family not long ago, who was granted political asylum in the USA because they fled the persecution in Germany, not wanting to send their daughter into brainwashing, political indoctrinating government schools. Yes people! Wake up! Its happening all around you! Families must be destroyd because they prevent the binding of the children to the state, to make little Nazis out of them, Boy Scouts who search for Gun Owners, canon fodder!
edit on 13-5-2011 by CarlitosAmsel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by DragonRain311

You state this..:

You believe that we are all jaded and greedy blah blah blah.

Then have the audacity to make this statement?:

so be a little more insightful as to the comments you make.

Aint that the pot calling the kettle black?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by DaMod

Very comical, and yet so very my gOd!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Have not read the entirety of the posts, but will OP. Its half day for my son because of national testing this week. Besides, what a pathetic load of cr*p. from some of the posters. Obviously a Freudian defense for having never gotten off their *sses and into the game. I have been in the game all my adult life. Its thankless, nuts and crazymaking. But if you want anything close to a free state, if you have to get in the fight.

Well done and bravo for this thread OP. I have been sad that it seemed your generation was not in the streets or the lobbies or the rotunda and screaming at the top of your against this stuff.

I think your generation is great and know you will do a great job. But the 40 to 50 somethings have to fix some sh*t before we pass it all on. But start anyway, get busy. Roll up those shirtsleeves, we need the help. Then as a matter of the process you all will automatically take over the processes.

I was listening to talk radio taking my son to school this am and they were commenting that Glen Beck attacked Meghan McCain for her skin cancer ad. Beck said she was ugly and pretended to vomit in the trashcan and then told her to put some clothes on. (I took host’s words, did not see the clip.)

This upset me and the talk show hosts. I asked my son what he thought. He said, "Why should I care?" And I said, "Because we must protect our new young leaders. She has the possibility to be a great leader and we cannot let them attack her for her beliefs or form of expression. I believe Meghan McCain, you and others like you all will make great leaders. My son, is in leadership in his class at a large school. I think it hit home.

Your generation will do great and I am proud to pass the gavel on! S and F.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Hey I gotta add to this brilliant thread!

Timothy Leary said:
"The horizons of the current younger generation, in terms of expanded conciousness, are light-years beyond those of their parents."

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

And your generation is full of cynical, egotistical people that wanted so bad to emulate their parents, that they later BECAME their parents.

Here's a human news flash: We all become our parents. So close It's damn scary:

Here's an addendum: We also find our parents weren't so crazy after all. See human beings have been around a long time. Same animal; Same motivations; slightly different names;but the game just keeps going on. I learned that changing jobs through various manufacturing plants in our area.Trying to find "work nirvanna" Know what? Different companies/products/machinery: same a-holes....basically the same power struggles and problems. The societal hampster wheel goes round and round.

That's what having a long term view and experience teaches you. Charismatic professors do not.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Realms

I disagree- as a student my self in a J-school program my class mates think logically and question everything.
Now maybe its just the trade it is what we do, but my electives as well seem to display curiousty and questions of logic from the students.
I think young people need to get involved and yes they need to be at the top.
All the old guys in govt DO NOT give a rats ass about us youth. They've lived their lives and made enough for their children. And the older generation has let the shenannigans go on for too long.
We are not stupid- and our classroom discussions can sometimes be a lot more productive than lets say a house of commons meeting. I watched a bunch of full grown man argue like 3rd graders and all the while I couldn't help but think both sides meet up afterwords for a cocktail.

Im sick of the tolerence for BS. The old people are so messed up from WW2 and constant fear of the commies they believe hostility is dominance.
Thats why I didn't vote this year- didnt even waste my vote on the green party. Screw this two party dictatorship

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:05 AM

I'm part of the "young generation" you speak of. My generation has to be the biggest bunch of immature idiots that have ever walked the planet. You think we should revolt against the old? Thats a joke.


posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:05 AM
While it is unfortunate the truth is those my age around me right now are very very dumb, immature, irresponsible, and careless. They let things own them and when they do work it is to acquire more things for what already own them. There is no work for them to own stuff it is work for the things that own them, this is of course when they are not partying, drinking, smoking, running away, cutting themselves, committing acts of violence against people and property, and leaching off of others.

Too many of the parents raised the kids on their mentality of "I just wanted to give my kids what I never had" meaning material items which, in the end, are worthless. The problem also lies with the lack of interaction with the immediate community since roots have been or continuously are being severed. How many people today can say they live in the same part of the same town their grandparents or great grandparents did, hell even they did when they were young?

How many could find the simple things in life to enjoy like fishing, baseball (not run by the school), and other outdoor or even indoor activities which are enjoyable away from social networking and digital communication? Sure the kids can give you the year the revolution began but can they tell you why the people felt outraged enough to revolt? Can they read Shakespeare and tell you what the heart-felt meaning of the plays were?

I doubt this is just a problem with this generation because every generation is considered worse than the last, at least until they grow up. The problem I see is that we are rapidly at a pace never before seen, except perhaps during the 1960-70s, losing touch with our identity. Whether this identity be national, regional, local, cultural, family, or individual.

Entitlement mentality is so prevalent because they lack many of the obstacles that must be overcome and learn the difficulties in life. They are being coddled well beyond the appropriate age. They should be taught that life is hard, it's not fair, you must work for what you have, and only you can take care of you.These values come from not being coddled until and even through college. Parents should be more tough on their children. Discipline them more than sending them to their rooms with their computer and playstation or taking away their cell phone for a few weeks.

The entitlement mentality has to be the most destructive mentality possible for developing humans. If you feel entitlement to certain things then that creates not only laziness and complacency but a sense of normalcy where nothing bad can ever happen... until their entitlement is taken away. This feeds ignorance, stupidity, immaturity, and destructive or even criminal behavior.

Luckily I was raised different than most and have far different values than almost everyone else in my same age group. That could also explain my social exclusion and lack of topics to discuss because I do not use a cell phone (choose not to), hardly ever play video games, watch TV shows mostly from the 50s and 60s (I Love Lucy, Flintstones, Looney Tunes, Three Stooges), do not use facebook/twitter/myspace, and am rather lacking in my understanding of technology overall mostly because I do not care for it except the internet for research.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by 1ifbyland2ifbydebitcard

Is that why most of the youth today lives in their own little universe?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Partygirl

The whole problem here democracy, young people are naive foolish and ignorant, guess what will happen when we take the power, nothing good. Yes, democracy is what the majority of people want, but who said the majority is smart or knows what they need?

If we could just know who is truly smart, inventive and "good" we could put him or her on the power and let him/her guide us, but we don't know, thus we are doomed to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl

Originally posted by Realms
Yeah...let me know how that works out for ya?

It is proven that the children of today and tomorrow have no pride in themselves, and expect a handout at every curve. I used to work in the educational field, ( a university to be exact ) and you wont believe some of the most naive comments and thought processes that come from the college students of today....our country is doomed with that type of ignorance. Not to mention a wasted education.

blah blah blah I've head it before...

Our brains are configured in a different way because we have grown up with technology. Technology has accelerated us to the next level of reality.

Already its a well-known phenomenon:

These are the people who will save us!

I hear you on the indigo thing, but I think you're going about it the wrong way.

We need the old folks as much as they need the young ones.

I'm an in-betweener, a generation Xer who is well aware of being one of the 'lost-generation' as the boomers just stripped things out. But that's just the way the zeitgiest was and not their fault per sa...

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:08 AM
and what makes all you "adults" so smart? You're style of running things got us into this mess, so I really don't think you guys should be so judgemental. Your just go to college and get a good job approach to life IS NOT working anymore. Thus, it's time to change things drastically and if that means old folk backing off and letting competent youth grab the reigns; atleast have the grace to know when to step down and to step down gracefully.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by 1ifbyland2ifbydebitcard
Hey I gotta add to this brilliant thread!

Timothy Leary said:
"The horizons of the current younger generation, in terms of expanded conciousness, are light-years beyond those of their parents."

offtopic deleted:sorry.......
edit on 13-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:11 AM
They don't promote young people, because they think they're not experienced enough at life, they're impulsive, immature and reckless. its a bunch of bulls**t. I know some kids who've seen life at its bitterest, they know significantly more than most adults, and you get the point. Adults rule this world.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
In my opinion 30-40 year olds are from the best gen.

No Wai dood.

Sorry, but even though I would like that to be true, it simply isn't
The greatest generation was aptly named..actually, there was a few good gens at the turn of the 20th century...the flappers of the 20s, the strong minds and backs of the 30s, the war heros of the 40s.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
this is of course when they are not partying, drinking, smoking, running away, cutting themselves, committing acts of violence against people and property, and leaching off of others.

I agree with you for the most part. However, that can be applied to many generations.


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