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Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against West Illinois University Students

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posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:47 PM
Cops actually check ID's and monitor the party all day com/media/storage/paper650/news/2011/05/02/News/Anarchy.On.Wheeler-3997094.shtml This is a link to the Western Courier the campus newsletter. It's says in the 3 page article, that many students were from outside colleges and only were there for the party. Also says, after the riot police had went up and down the street numerous times and the crowd was dispersed, the riot police continued to pepper spray the residents of the street who had retreated to their porches and had complied with police. No more for me on this thread as I believe a certain person, Xcathdra, would argue with a fencepost til he was blue in the face. Bottom line, police wanted to send a message and shut down a "major event" that WIU was becoming known for throughtout Illinois campuses. Similar to the famous Halloween parties held at SIU(Southern Illinois Univ) years ago. When I was there 1990's, the party was mostly WIU students and maybe a few friends from other campuses.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by coldkidc
reply to post by Xcathdra

Now you're just sounding ridiculous,,,

You know it's a lost cause but for some reason you keep trying to spin this like the cops were justified in having that violent of a response.

Anybody with eyes can see that the way they responded was completely unnecessary.

That's why the entire thread disagrees with you - because they are rational and have eyes to see

Originally posted by Xcathdra

Originally posted by OldCorp
Post fail.

]That sums your argument up nicely... Quit cherrypicking and look at the over all pictures. I know you and a few others wont do this because it doesnt fit in line with your I hate the Government view points.

I want to make it very clear that I am PRO Law Enforcement. I too majored in Criminal Justice before switching majors, and I have had a few very dear friends over the years who were active police officers. Many of the deputy sheriffs where I live have worked with our community to plan for the day when TSHTF and we have to blockade our little community here in the sticks.

The only problem I have is when police officers overstep their authority, violate the Constitution, and abuse the oath they took to protect the citizens under their charge. That is CLEARLY the case here. Other than a few misdemeanors, there were no crimes committed, and the bottles were only thrown in response to the advance of the goon squad.

And I stand by my "over my dead body" statement: The Constitution guarantees me the right to bear arms, and I will die before I let some Nazi violate my Constitutional, if not God-given, right to protect myself and my family from tyranny. I'm NOT saying that I'm going to go out looking for trouble. I'm NOT going to go out and start a revolution; but if they come to MY HOME and try to take my weapons they had better come in hard and be prepared to take casualties.

I won't be alone either; one phone call, and they will see a multitude of blue lights BEHIND them. Our sheriff has an APC too, and he is also an Oath Keeper..

edit on 5/2/2011 by OldCorp because: added 2nd quote

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Please.. you werent there so dont even try to push this BS. All agencies have plans in place to deal with incidents like this, regardless of the size of the agency. And I can say with certainty that any town that has a college located in it, has these plans down to the detail as to what to do.

The students got out of hand. The students went to far this year. The students refused to disperse.

The students who refused actred irresponsibly.

Trying to blame the police for the students actions is a joke and holds no water.

Whats next? Blame HAARP?

You weren't there either, and boy I sure will rest easier tonight knowing that there are 'contingency plans' for keg parties!

How is having a party on your own property on a block and in a neighborhood where everyone else is having a party at the same time irresponsible?

Because some idiotic codes were violated, codes that exist as nothing but income opportunities for the Corporate State to be enforced by their violent and brain dead armed henchmen?

Had the police stayed out and just kept a watchful eye the whole thing would have been over by dawn, and everything cleaned up the next day.

Maybe they have to replace a stop sign, like the kids taxes and their parents taxes won't pay for another one, so once again armed henchmen can write profit generating tickets for the state.

This was not a contingency plan, it was a massive pre-planned use of force amongst several departments that had to be deputized in advance to operate outside of their juridstiction.

They wanted to use their toys, they wanted to practice with them in a live drill situation, so they decided to pick on a bunch of drunken kids.

The police deserve every bit of contempt that is scorned on them for actions like these and so do their defenders.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by xuenchen

WHy Hamas and PRessTV let you go as their spokesperson is beyond me.. I really feel like they are missing an experienced BS artist by your departure. I am amazed you and the others are defending Bin Laden..

Maybe you are and ive just missed it form the 1500 thread on that topic.

The videos are there, and there are more on youtube. Just search for western illinois riots 2011 and a whole slew come up.

Have a good night guys.. Ill come back and fight with you tomrrow.


I'm hurt...of all the .....

please provide links and proof.

please provide proof of Bin Laden defense.

and HOW did YOU find out I was fired ?

I still am not convinced about the connection ??

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

i smell something ify here,using selective misspellings by the one your responding

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

I have to say your responses to this thread have been both impressive and surprising. I really wouldn't have expected you to take this position, you are typically pro-state, pro-authority in your posts.

I can honestly say I never thought I would see a day where I would be starring your posts, but I have each and every one of them on this thread.

Clearly a line is being crossed in incidents like these, a dangerous line, that it's even more dangerous to turn a blind eye to and to stay silent about.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by freedom12
Cops actually check ID's and monitor the party all day com/media/storage/paper650/news/2011/05/02/News/Anarchy.On.Wheeler-3997094.shtml This is a link to the Western Courier the campus newsletter. [color=ffff000]It's says in the 3 page article, that many students were from outside colleges and only were there for the party. Also says, after the riot police had went up and down the street numerous times and the crowd was dispersed, the riot police continued to pepper spray the residents of the street who had retreated to their porches and had complied with police. No more for me on this thread as I believe a certain person, Xcathdra, would argue with a fencepost til he was blue in the face. Bottom line, police wanted to send a message and shut down a "major event" that WIU was becoming known for throughtout Illinois campuses. Similar to the famous Halloween parties held at SIU(Southern Illinois Univ) years ago. When I was there 1990's, the party was mostly WIU students and maybe a few friends from other campuses.

I knew it !

I knew it !

now HOW did they know about the party in the first place ??

right......sock puppets !

I knew it !

I knew it !
edit on 2-5-2011 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by bumpufirst
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

i smell something ify here,using selective misspellings by the one your responding

Yeah I wouldn't want anyone to confuse Websters a real dictionary with Weebsters a fictitious one, or Blacks Law a real dictionary with Blaacks law a fictitous one.

Since I was making the post as a joke, I cound't in good faith or concious sully the name of such fine institutions and misrepresent them in that fashion.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by coldkidc

thats all I have to say about that

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

the dumber ones learned to "obey"

the smarter ones learned what one of the heads of The Beast look like.

when my dad would beat the crap out of us
for any old thing, with any old thing that came to hand,
he always said the same thing:

"you're gonna learn..."

the 1st thing i learned was stealth which saved me a lot of beatings
i learned alright

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:02 PM
I would be SUING the pants off of them if my child was gassed and abused in this fashion. This is just an indoctrination into what they are making as an example of for the future. Soon people will think its always been this way.

Shame on you "ILL"inoise like these kids didnt have enough on their plate today.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:03 PM
You know, I've had the news on in the background for a good chunk of the day now, and NOT ONE WORD about this in the MSM.

They'll cover police actions in other countries, but not here. Why do I feel like I live in Iran (or insert other dictator-ruled country here) and not in the USA?

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by OldCorp

I have to say your responses to this thread have been both impressive and surprising. I really wouldn't have expected you to take this position, you are typically pro-state, pro-authority in your posts.

I can honestly say I never thought I would see a day where I would be starring your posts, but I have each and every one of them on this thread.

Clearly a line is being crossed in incidents like these, a dangerous line, that it's even more dangerous to turn a blind eye to and to stay silent about.

What can I say? I'm a riddle, wrapped inside an enigma, covered in mystery.

I have no problem with legitimate authority, none at all; without it, our country would descend into chaos. The ONLY problem I have is with those who violate the Constitution and abuse the authority GIVEN to them by those in whose hands the ultimate authority rests: the people.

If I were a federal prosecutor in that jurisdiction, I would be opening up an investigation of those CRIMINAL police actions first thing in the morning, and there would be a few cops saying hi to this guy:

But thanks for the compliment.

edit on 5/2/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

the cops today will never say "not on my watch"...that pschological profiling done during recruitong has been tailor made for jack booted tyranny.

facts about cops today:

1. They are the extreme opposite of Andy Griffith. meaning they use violence first
2. every cop knows of a corrupt Judge, D.A., or fellow cop.-- I know, cause I was a federal officer in a Bortac (border tactical unit in san diego)-- and wake up the next day knowing.
3. Every cop will admit the system is corrupt but gleefully accept their paychecks and continue enabling a corrupt system.. enablers of corruption!!
4. statitics have shown that a human being is more likely to be robbed by a cop than a criminal (ridiculous speeding tickets) 60 in a 55 type stuff. and then many of them go out and DO THE SAME THING OFF DUTY.
5. participate in unconstitutional searches I.E. CHECK POINTS.. sounds like USSR or East Germany huh?
6. cops only intervene when they have superior manpower and/or weapons..COWARD and BULLY behavior for sure
7. I've seen cops steal money from suspects, snort lines, shoot steroids, drink confiscated alcohol, laugh at parents of murdered kids, lie under oath, the legendary "blue line" even existing breeds corruption.
8. cops are too slow to realize that if noone wore the badge, the corrupt banksters would have noone to hide behind, and therefore would be defeated once and for all.. so, obviously the cops are enemy of the people by proxy no?

my old USMC chief warrant officer and sniper school instructor (MARGARITAVILLE OOH RAH) made us all promise to never become a cop when we got out. his words were ^^^^^^^"cops pin on their courage and strap on their balls"^^^^^^^^ exact quote.. no one with a badge is even close to as brave or honorable as he is.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by antar

if my kid was treated that way i wouldn't sue. but then again I am a trained marine operator. creative actions would be much more satisfactory

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:11 PM
Looks like the president of the school is licking the cops boots:

Wonder how much money the school gets from the state (officially and otherwise), and how much of it goes to him. If I were the parent of any of the kids at that mess, I'd be looking in to him really hard right now.

I also won't be too surprised if some of the more vengeful students do their own bit of justice on some of the cops. They definitely have video of a lot of them, and they can't be in body armor ALL the time.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Please.. you werent there so dont even try to push this BS. All agencies have plans in place to deal with incidents like this, regardless of the size of the agency. And I can say with certainty that any town that has a college located in it, has these plans down to the detail as to what to do.

The students got out of hand. The students went to far this year. The students refused to disperse.

The students who refused actred irresponsibly.

Trying to blame the police for the students actions is a joke and holds no water.

Whats next? Blame HAARP?

A storm is a brewin',...but Mother Nature has nothing to do with it.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

ahhhh he wasn't there, but you were?

showing up at party with weapons is a provocation.
and its usually the cops who are the ones who incite riots with their chest-beating

if the Klan showed up at a celebration of MLK birthday wouldn't that be inciting a riot?

the neighbors there had parties when they were in college themselves so if one of them called the police isn't that hypocritical.

here in PR there used to annual celebrations of each municipalities patron saint
example San Juan's is the feast of Saint Sebastian who also happens to be mine as well.

during the "war on crime" of the mid 80's to mid 90's
this same crap went down back then so people stopped going, the result, those celebrations pretty much came to an end [wow, destruction of culture]

they've come back in recent years but are no longer managed and organized by the locals but instead by a corporate sponsor and are more geared at sucking up tourist dollars, if you are not touristy-looking enough or look like po' folk you will be harassed and discouraged by the local bully-boys

it's all about putting the fear into the people and destroy any little joy,happiness ,gaiety, or fun.


so continue to ignore my posts in order to push your own small view on others.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by coldkidc

wow, that is insane. I was watching the news all night and all they kept showing was Obama about Osama. I had all the major channels on and the web. Didn't even hear about this until I came on here.

The part that bothers me the most in the marching. Like didn't we already beat the guys who came up with a similar March in ww2?

and it's just drunk frat kids. That is a gigantic force, even in inner city Chicago nobody would ever see anything like this. They should take Chicago's police department which is more suited for dealing with party crashing, and give Chicago a true war zone that police force. America is backwards these days. Thanks for the post.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

my old USMC chief warrant officer and sniper school instructor (MARGARITAVILLE OOH RAH) made us all promise to never become a cop when we got out. his words were ^^^^^^^"cops pin on their courage and strap on their balls"^^^^^^^^ exact quote.. no one with a badge is even close to as brave or honorable as he is.

Brilliant post mate. I was a computer nerd with a clearance for the USN, cryptologist. Honor, Courage, and Commitment. Standards and integrity run fairly high in the military because we're trained to believe in it. It's the politicians that ruin us. Your chief warrant officer was a wise man. A lot of leaders in the military, but the wise are far and few

edit on 2-5-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

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