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9Nania is a fraud.(Youtube girl claiming March 31 is next big one) her hoax revealed

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posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by darkmaninperth

What about the fact that nothing happened?

edit on 31-3-2011 by Nobama because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by dwmjr1985
well there was a 3.1 in socal, near riverside. Maybe she thought it was going to be big but it was just a regular little quake, that happens all the time around the ring of fire.

People like you make this site so much worse. Theres small earthquakes like that every day in california, its not a prediction at all to say a minor eq will happen in california for christ sakes. Why do people like you always have to try to make sad excuses for these doom prediction fails.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by darkmaninperth

I think people are rather using the internet connection, the fact that she's going to the mountains to assumedly live off the grid but keeps checking back in, the failed polar shift prediction, AND this to base there opinons least that's what I'm going on.

I never said nothing COULDN'T happen with what little time there is left in the day. Seeing as she said there was something huge going to happen in LA there's still 3 hours and 45 mins left but its HIGHLY unlikely in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:22 PM
People are getting conspiracy theories messed up with jokes like mysticism and other pseudosciences.

There is a fine line between what evidence surrounding 9/11 is and what a prediction about 2012 is.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:22 PM
Just shows people believe in anything

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:23 PM
I predicted no major catastrophe in California today so everyone should declare me the super prediction master of all time..i'm 1 for 1...wait till my next prediction.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by onyx718
Seeing as she said there was something huge going to happen in LA there's still 3 hours and 45 mins left but its HIGHLY unlikely in my opinion.

I couldn't agree more, I find it highly unlikely that it will also. But, as I said earlier;

what timezones do tectonic plates adhere to?

I for one think that it will happen, just don't know when. 31st could be the catalyst that starts a chain of events that sets all the dominoes falling and cause the big one.

I can't even begin to believe that gravitational forces on the tectonic plates would not be effected by other space bodies. The moon has an effect on us.gravitational forces

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:25 PM
She never claimed she was certain. All she said was that she had a bad feeling. Therefore she cannot be a fraud. Thread closed, OP please use critical thinking skills.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by onyx718

I think people are rather using the internet connection, the fact that she's going to the mountains to assumedly live off the grid but keeps checking back in, the failed polar shift prediction, AND this to base there opinons least that's what I'm going on.

I tell you something, when I was traveling from Mandurah to Perth and had a car problem on a rural back road, I was pleasantly surprised that I had mobile internet connection. I wasn't there a week before. Then U managed to Skype my wife and organise a 'rescue'.

And no, we get very patchy mobile signal at home (semi rural), it is easier to catch her on Skype/ Just goes to show you eh?

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:32 PM
i guess as long as there are people there will be predictions of the end of the world, mental illness does not discriminate ya know.
people everyday on this site and elsewhere constantly preach the end of the world. yes preach, they are on their soap boxes giving their enlightened view and hoping to be the savior of the world. delusions of grandeur i say. i can recall that back in the 1970's folks where predicting Armageddon and when it didn't happen in some circles there where many folks panicking having crisis of faith etc.

anyone remember heavens gate cult? people get hurt when irresponsible folks go around half cocked with psuedo-information, and hype saying the sky is falling, often if not always these folks have an agenda weather to boost sales of gas-masks that they supply or to set themselves up as leaders in their imaginary new Utopian world that will arise after the "end of the world" these folks, deserve nothing but derision and scorn heaped upon their weak, delusional shoulders.

they cause panic and disrupt peoples lives with nonsense.

I in no way am saying that i know that the world will not end, in fact i do believe it will inevitably do just that. however i don't think humankind will be around when that does happen, we will have destroyed ourselves by then.
edit on 31-3-2011 by CaDreamer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:38 PM
T his link was on today.

It shows that the earths gravity is not equal and constant.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:47 PM
The great quake of 1906 in San Francisco happened at 5:12 am.

I suppose it could happen after midnight... or even the day after but I'm not feeling it.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by BastianCain
are you kidding me? plain me? how about the fact that she's instilling absolute fear in all of those who live in CA? how about those who believe her and end up ruining their lives and moving because of this girl's prediction? things like this are disgusting. people putting up fake predictions telling people to move and instilling so much fear. i live in CA. you cannot just make serious claims like this and expect no repercussion. i don't care if she thinks she's right. she can really ruin a lot of lives

If anyone packed up and moved because of her they are as mentally unstable as she is. I don't understand all the hate directed towards her though, she should not be getting ripped on.....just pitied. I feel sorry for her because if you watch her videos it is clear she is not only a space cadet but is terrified. It does not make her a bad person, just makes her off her rocker. She needs help and I do hope she gets help soon because she may actually be a nice person, just in need of some meds. Just because someone has mental issues does not mean that they deliberately tried to cause fear and lie to people. If you watched her vids you can tell she isn't "all there" come on, show a little compassion and pity. Don't tie someone to a stake and have a witch burning because they are insane.

edit on 31-3-2011 by Darkphoenix77 because: spelling and typo

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:01 PM
It's certainly possible she's being intentionally misleading. It's also possible she found a way to retain a connection somehow wherever she fled to. It's also possible she had second thoughts and came back. It's also possible someone else in her home (or elsewhere) signed into her account. I don't like to engage in speculation, personally.

All I know for certain is that 1) with three hours left here on the west coast, nothing has happened, 2) she harbors many beliefs I am skeptical of (although I am always open to the possibilities,) and 3) her claimed correlation between Elenin-Earth-sun alignments and earthquakes failed on March 21st. She spoke of the alignment on the 31st being similar to that on the 11th, but if you look at this you will see that there was a much more distinct alignment (assuming we can establish alignments by eye looking at the JPL widget, which is doubtful in the first place, but I digress) on the 21st. She never mentioned that date, but if nothing happened then, then the claimed correlation seems to me to be disproved, or at least severely in doubt.

As I said in the other topic though, I hope that if she did in fact flee somewhere, that she comes back now and can recover reasonably well from the disillusionment that often accompanies such beliefs being dashed. It can be psychologically devastating to discover that something you think you know in your heart WILL happen was all just a mistake at best, and a delusion at worst. So I hope she will be alright.

Unless of course it really was just a deliberate hoax. In which case I hope she refrains from such antics in the future.
edit on 3/31/2011 by AceWombat04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:09 PM
one star for you Sherlock.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:24 PM
I guess I wont have to be eating that feces then.....

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Everyone on egotube wants their 15 minutes of fame. Thousands of prophets or so they claim to be, with little evidence yet so many sheep and followers of them.

Everyone claims we are sheep to TPTB yet they are herded along like sheep by people who have nothing better to do than make false claims of psychic powers on youtube.

So continue to be sheep to all the doomsayers who have no proof but words and pseudoscience.

Its all a laughable mess. They say prepare, prepare get food, water, supplies. Yet in the end how is this gonna help with a brown dwarf bearing down on planet Earth as so many claim is coming. Its not gonna help you, if that happens my good people you are screwed their is no preparing. Tuck your head and kiss that ass goodbye..

But continue to believe and follow the doomsayers of little proof. Be their sheep and buy their books and video tapes on how to survive 2012, Nibiru, and Solar flares.

My 2 cents.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Sorry op and everyone else. Why do you act surprised?

Common sense folks. That is all that is needed in the information and popularity age.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:40 PM
Ho hum

Seen it all before.

OK, just to give you newbies an update, I'm going to explain what happens when someone "gets too close":

1) They are physically located

2) They are re-located; either voluntarily or, at the extreme level, they are "taken out".

3) Their comms channel account is taken over. A comms channel is either their email account, their BBS account, forum membership, facebook account, youtube account etc. You get the drift. This is normally VERY EASY to do once you have physically located someone.

4) New information is posted to the account that builds trust with the "mass of followers". This information normally contains additional "snippets" of information for the masses but it is NOT coming from the original author. From my review of 9Nania's channel, I would say the videos of the 14th March, 20th March and the 27th March are the "hook" videos. Notice the different formats.

5) The character assasination (dis-information) information/video is then posted. In 9Nania's case, it is the one posted on the 27th March. This video or piece of information is designed to completely discredit the original source and is designed to confuse the mass of followers. It can also normally a "goodbye" video, as was used here. This causes disruption. In 9Nania's case, a "future prediction" is ideal as this is how she gained her polularity - by a prediction. In other cases, a bit of information that can be discredited could also be posted - not "easy stuff to discredit", but information that can be discredited if one looks below the surface. The whole purpose of this video is to disperse and confuse the mass following...and redirect their TIME. How much time have you wasted discussing the 31st prediciton? Think about it.

This is all I have to say on this thread as *I* simply do not have TIME these days

If you're interested in finding more about this technique there was (and should still be) information on this site.



When someone hits the nail on the head, this is what happens...

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by ker2010
But continue to believe and follow the doomsayers of little proof. Be their sheep and buy their books and video tapes on how to survive 2012, Nibiru, and Solar flares.

I've seen this reaction to purchasing such subject matter many, many times. It's always puzzled me. It's perfectly acceptable to buy DVDs, CDs, video games, techno-gadgets, etc that do nothing except entertain us. But when it comes to something that may (or may not) have some truth in it, it's a waste of money. Why is that?

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