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Girl that predicted Japan EQ says California is next on 31 march - get out!!!

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:19 PM
Tomorrow, 150000 people will die due to various causes.

I hope my prediction is wrong.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:20 PM
My problem is that I told my Family to get out of Monterrey because of the last prediction, which they did and now I look the fool. Now there is this one. What do I say, move out indefinably or wait until it happens?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Tollon

Again, how does this help people?

Do we really gain anything from such fear propaganda? Do you really think that people are going to heed the warning of a youtube video?

Get real.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:24 PM

What is is, a bad Twilight Zone episode, where we discuss something stupid that won't happen?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Tollon

Im sure that attention whores on the internet may scare you OP.

But they don't scare me. I would not alter my life over some girl on youtube.

Infact the only thing attention whores make me wish is that real life came with an ignore button.

The title of the thread clearly have the words girl and predicted visible in it.
If you don't like girls and more specifically attention seeking girls that predicts things, then you had enough information from reading the title to stay away from reading the rest.

But since you apparently wasn't clever enough to figure that out, maybe you shall ask ATS to include a "ignore thread" button for dummies instead, so that you accidentally don't slip into threads like these again because you didn't understand what they were about...

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:26 PM
no she didnt say JAPAN and MARCH 11 in the same video but she did mention both.. and she did mention them before the date. SHE ALSO MENTIONED RADIATION ... and she happened to be right..

you people go to any lengths to deny that something serious is happening.


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Deezy

And people will go to any and all lengths on here to spread fear.

Yes, the radiation is in the air and the water. Yes, there is a possibility of more EQs.

But, do you have to beat people over the head with it?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Deezy
no she didnt say JAPAN and MARCH 11 in the same video but she did mention both.. and she did mention them before the date. SHE ALSO MENTIONED RADIATION ... and she happened to be right..

you people go to any lengths to deny that something serious is happening.


But isn't it a case of people picking things out of her predictions after the event and then saying... "look she predicted it"?

As far as I am aware no one came on this forum and warned people that on March 11 a big devastating earthquake would occur off Japan.........that's because even this girl couldn't predict it herself.
As for radiation well that's a bit vague....radiation occurs that again is a case of sticking things together after the event.
edit on 28-3-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by spydrbyte25

Happy to know there is at least one person that is so sure about this.
You should apply for a job at NASA - PR or something.

Then everybody can stop asking everybody what is what and start preparing.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Logical one

yes i did pick out and put 2 and 2 together..only because she is turning out to be right.

not in ONE video did this girl claim to predict March 11th Japan..but in different videos she mentioned both.

this girl only had 5,000 views when i first saw that video..and now shes near half a mill if not more... and to this day she still hasn't posted any kind of video saying I TOLD YOU SO... because so many people were cruel to her before march 11th. She just kept posting videos with updates and now she is gonna go where she thinks shes safe. i don't know why everyone is trying to break down every single aspect of this girl to disclaim that she was "wrong". fact is she said something BIG was going to happen on March 11th. AND IT DID. doesn't it make you think if that part turned out to be right.. maybe there isn't coincidences and she didnt just "happen" to be right. because she is not the only person out there that predicted an earthquake in history! maybe they wont be right all the time but they were right ONCE! there are signs there that are helping these people come out with dates.. how can you go and disclaim it all because they don't get them ALL right. nature can't possible be predicted right every time because nature is NATURE. and so everything wont always be the same..but some signs did match to these people and they came out with accurate dates of horrible disasters. and thats fact.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:47 PM
I haven't took predictions/prophecies seriously for a long long time, mostly because they never come true. I suspect this will be the same.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by onyx718
reply to post by raiders247

First of, thanks for the attack....relax a little...i'm not stepping on your toes personally so i dont need to be lashed out at.

Second of all..who said anything about not being prepared....anyone who lives in california SHOULD be prepared for the "big one" at all times as far as i'm concerned....because that's a damn hot zone for EQ activity not because some random on youtube says so. To predict an earthquake will hit los angeles is like predicting the that when i turn the light out it's going to be dark.

Thirdly...can SHE provide ANY proof that she is being experimented on other than just saying so on youtube? lololol come on....just because someone waltzes in and says they are personally being exprimented on does not make it factual. I could say I was, you could say you were...the whole effing world could say they were...doesn't make it true.

Fourthly...I'm sorry but if someone is hearing voices, then yes I would reccommend seeking mental health professionals for confirmation that it's not in fact some sort of schizoid disorder....hearing voices and having somewhat delusional thought (which i'm sorry...i personally think she does) is flag stone for for mental illness. just because you're "hearing the voice of god" or of "angels" doesn't mean its not synapses misfiring in your brain or chemical imbalance.

To respond to your question, having been raised catholic and seeing the hypocrisy of organized religion, the holes in religion and the ridiculousness that it has to offer when people believe because they are Christian they alone will be allowed entry to heaven....there is absolutely NOTHING anyone could say or do to convince me there is a God.

Sorry bro, didn't mean to come off as attacking you, was simply stating my point. We agree on staying prepared while living on fault lines, LA getting hit with a big quake won't come as a surprise we all expect it eventually.

As for needing proof of the government not experimenting on her, or any/all of us for that matter, well that's amusing to me. ATS is full of factual information regarding weather mod, food mod, seismic weapons, the list goes on and on when it comes to current "experiments" the government is conducting on all of us, including her. The internet has all the proof one needs.

If being guided by an "angel's" voice is grounds for mental illness, than the majority of the world is clinically insane to your standards. I understand you are not religious, neither am I, but I wont be so quick to dismiss someones validity because of their spiritual connection with their creator. God talks to me every day, guess my synapses are misfiring huh?

Im 100% non religious and share a lot of your feelings towards it, I dont believe that only a select few will be granted entry to the pearly gates, however I do personally believe in my creator, my GOD, and its' power.

To admit NOTHING will convince you of something is admitting ignorance, no offense.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Deezy

yes i did pick out and put 2 and 2 together..only because she is turning out to be right.

not in ONE video did this girl claim to predict March 11th Japan..but in different videos she mentioned both.

Well, I'm not denying that she "predicted" something happening between March 11 and 15th, in a fault zone.

But what I am disputing is that she predicted the Japan earthquake.

If as you say she was visited by this angel that told her a big quake was going to happen in Japan.........then how come she makes no precise location for her March 11-15 prediction.
How is it that she herself couldn't put 2 and 2 together and outright say on March 11 Japan will be hit by a devastating earthquake.......and I urge all those living in Japan to heed fair warning?

As for not posting a "I told you so" video......well think about it.......when thousands of bodies are yet to be recovered or would it seem if she starts to gloat about her "predictions".
edit on 28-3-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:59 PM
I swear, the way some of you title your threads it's almost like you're some sensationalist tabloid.
The motto of this site is to deny ignorance and yet most of you keep spreading ignorance.
Her prediction wasn't detailed, it was vague and for anyone to lift her up as some kind of messenger is just foolishness. I come here for interesting topics and truth and instead mostly what I see are tabloid type crap and people that believe in such nonsense as reptilians.
edit on 28-3-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:00 PM
I've said it before (about the 3-19 prediction) and I'll say it again. There will NOT be a major disaster in Los Angeles, California on March 31, 2011. All these fear-mongerers are doing is trying to make people panic and fear. Just because she "predicted" the Japan earthquake does not give her any credibility or reputation whatsoever. It's just a sorry excuse, and anyone who is gullible enough to believe such drivel should be ashamed of themselves.

Humans cannot "predict" anything. The only sure way to know the future is by pure statistical analysis. And even that has its major flaws. No, the only one who knows the future is God himself. And the only way he'd tell you is if you listened. Anyone who can hear the voice of God will understand this.

And just as a last word, if this disaster DOES come to pass, then I'll be damned. But it's too bad that it won't happen.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by KamiKazeKenji

You'd be happy if it did?

edit on 28-3-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:03 PM
I agree, I dont know about the 31st but I am sure in the next few days, this is why..... 5 nights before the Japan EQ, it was about 2 30 in the morning and I felt the whole ground shake. No one else felt it, I called my friend cause I was kinda freaked out, she didnt answer. I finally fell asleep at about 6 in the morning. So, two nights ago, I was half asleep and I felt the ground shaking yet again. I fell back asleep easily this time. I awoke the next morning and asked others, "did you feel the ground shake last night?" everyone said they did not. So I was telling a friend about it last night and then it came to me, I felt the same thing before the Japan one, and for once, I'm gonna listen to my intuition and run on this one. So, I agree. As far as the runnin for the hills scenario, I don't think Im quite there yet. I don't like fear, its not good for anyone, and only creates negative thoughts, emotions and energies. I didn't say anything before since I started a thread about a painting I did 3 months before the Japan EQ that showed the Earth personified as a woman crying blood, her black hair turned to the ocean, and above the ocean I painted nuclear waste falling into the ocean, on the other side of the personified earth/me, I drew dead trees with dead leaves on the ground. I got replies such as "you aren't a profit," or "nothing to see here, just a coincidence." So, I'm not going to get laughed at by saying, I predict the next EQ since...... I have had a strong sixth sense since I can remember. Unfortunately, only my friends and family believe me since they are first hand witnesses. I don't talk about it here much, but I had to put my 2 cents in on this one.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by raiders247

I'm not a bro I'm a sista

fine, i correct myself...if someone can come up with cold, hard physical proof, that there is infact a God I will change my tune, but so far that's not been something that anyone's been able to do. There's nothing ignorant about not believing in certain things without proof (within reason...there's some things that has yet to have concrete evidence that i think isn't irrational to on other planets for example...i'm not saying little grey men or anything but I think its foolish to think that earth is the only inhabited planet).

also I'm not saying at all that there's not goverment experimentation...I'm sure there what extent who knows? BUT I'm not going to take someone's word on "oh the government is experimenting on me" when the person is a complete stranger...again, anyone can say that...does not mean it's true.

I'm also not saying that everyone who talks to angels is mentally ill...maybe there's other explinations but i'm simply saying....if a person is hearing voices...i would suggest seeking some sort of medical opinion as it is a symptom of mental illness that's all. If I heard voices, quite frankly the first thing I would do is ask my doctor to investigate a little because I don't want to go stark raving mad and start shooting up some place because the voices in my head tell me it's god's will.

To say the internet has all the proof is kind of funny to me....yes, to some extent it does. But for every ounce of proof of anything provided here or similar sites...there is ten tons of garbage being tossed around...and for every legitimate person that has these claims or says they saw aliens or makes some other widely dismissed claim...there is thousands of other people who are full of it. I don't think its exceedingly wise to take anyone's word on the internet as solid proof or fact or honest truth...the internet is a breeding ground for people that lack attention in their lives and you never know who is one of these people just out to get reactions out of people is all i'm saying.

now a days, what's going to get a # load of attention is predicting doomsday and natural disasters thanks to the whole 2012 phenomeon.

Whether she's legitimate or not is for people to decide for themselves. I don't lay stock in youtube predictions that have a strong likelyhood to come true just via coincidence but that's just me

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by The Sword

You're right, even intuitions I've had before, I've either not listened to them, or not told anyone so none was helped. Thats why I usually don't tell many people, and spread fear or look like an idiot when nothing happens.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:09 PM
I was just doing some reading on the name of this thing. Here's what I came across from what I read.

NIN = god or goddess

ELE = Extinction Level Event

LEONID = The Leonids

A thought of an interpretation.. When it crosses the path of the Leonids, the ELE will come as like in the Gilgamesh, or as in the time of Noah. In other words, the end of the world. Or most of it

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