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Billionaire? Owns sex slaves? Pedophile? That'll be 13 months in a for rich guys jail

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

You say you would, but we all know it's not going to happen.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by just_julie

Lol. You are right in the sense that there will be no mob headed his way today, or tomorrow for me to join.

If you really long to see him lynched just keep your eye on him. As situations degrade around the world for the poor and the working class, the likelihood someone will show up with a guillotine for some of these rich snub their noses at the law and the little people sorts goes waaaay up. Like I said, I didnt even realize he was a hedge fund manager. That alone could get him lynched if things in America get significantly worse.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Anyone ever read 1984 its coming folks get ready. The 'TopHats' millionaires in mansions sleep with any women they want to who works in their factories 'rape' is allowed. Welcome to 1984 and welcome to being a slave to a corrupt system.

Its time to remove the system of

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by XRaDiiX
reply to post by Vitchilo

Anyone ever read 1984 its coming folks get ready.

Can you even be on this website without ever having read that book?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by Area51NightStandx
Not only does he deserve to be locked up for the rest of his life, so does the judge, the DA, and anybody else that was paid off to let him off easy.

I think you will find that nobody was "paid off".

They're probably involved in it themselves.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Maybe thats why most here worships the rich and powerful.
Just mention 100 % inheritance tax or 95% tax on earnings over 2 million
a year and you will not get many stars, and maybe you will be called a communist.
The death penalty is the only deterrent.
ONLY the death penalty for violent crimes and theft over 1 million
would fix things real quick.

edit on 26-3-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Well its funny you mention that, because I was looking at stuff about this guy and came across this,

When she was a college student in Palm Beach, Sjoberg says Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of the late, disgraced Robert Maxwell (seen here with Epstein), offered her a job at the billionaire’s home, answering phones and serving drinks. Of course, her duties were soon expanded.

She claims she was groped by Prince Andrew as well as Epstein, who asked her to do something icky to his nipples.

So apparently there really were some big name players involved in his little house of sex games. Prince Andrew, his ex wife Sarah Ferguson got busted taking money from Epstein and apparently she knew him well. (As well as having a reputation for being a bit of a sexual adventuress herself)

Its not a huge stretch to think that some political sorts or people high up in law enforcement might not have had some link to him that could have influenced their willingness to keep him from paying the real price for his perversion.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:43 PM
It's not the really rich that are the problem. It is the evil who are the problem. In all places, in all positions, in every class. It doesn't matter if we lynch all of the seemingly corrupt rich. Because there are always going to be people who have more power than others, and if a certain percentage of people are people predators, then that percentage of the rich and powerfull are going to be people preditors.

However it's still Bull #t that money can deter justice (the best solution we have to evil), and this should be rectified. Unfortunately I don't have the answers ... I don't see that revolution will fix anything. We need drastic changes in the way we relate to each other, and I just don't have the answers.
edit on 26-3-2011 by renegadeloser because: more to add

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by renegadeloser

I dont think you should lynch the rich because they are rich. Not at all. I think you should eliminate the jerks and it just so happens that a lot of jerks end up rich.

But those who are rich and sociopathic should be treated just like we treat every other sociopath. Jailed, (and not special rich people jails) or executed, or whatever we as a society decide we do with them.

Personally, I think humanity WOULD be better off if we could remove people like that from the gene pool. And behavior has been shown to be strongly influenced by genes, its not all or even mostly environment. And getting rid of all the assholes in a society actually CAN be wonderful for that society. Even if you are just baboons.

In a study appearing today in the journal PloS Biology (online at, researchers describe the drastic temperamental and tonal shift that occurred in a troop of 62 baboons when its most belligerent members vanished from the scene. The victims were all dominant adult males that had been strong and snarly enough to fight with a neighboring baboon troop over the spoils at a tourist lodge garbage dump, and were exposed there to meat tainted with bovine tuberculosis, which soon killed them. Left behind in the troop, designated the Forest Troop, were the 50 percent of males that had been too subordinate to try dump brawling, as well as all the females and their young. With that change in demographics came a cultural swing toward pacifism, a relaxing of the usually parlous baboon hierarchy, and a willingness to use affection and mutual grooming rather than threats, swipes and bites to foster a patriotic spirit.

Remarkably, the Forest Troop has maintained its genial style over two decades, even though the male survivors of the epidemic have since died or disappeared and been replaced by males from the outside. (As is the case for most primates, baboon females spend their lives in their natal home, while the males leave at puberty to seek their fortunes elsewhere.) The persistence of communal comity suggests that the resident baboons must somehow be instructing the immigrants in the unusual customs of the tribe.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:08 AM
You don't need to be rich to do this. It just helps.

Some people use other means. Such a having the judge be of the same religious group they are

oh you wouldn't continue to put a gun to your children's head, right? You'll go talk to some completely psychologically incapable religious counsellor about your rampant narcissism, so we don't need to jail you for showing signs of being a family annihilator - we're brothers in Christ. (actual real life example I know of).

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

As they say justice is blind, no really they put a blindfold on Themis.

Supposedly it is so that it represents there being no bias when dispensing justice. "Whatever thats supposed to mean, sounds like the logic of a 3 yr old came up with it" And that sure as hell is not the case, especially if your rich.

But it is kind of hard to dispense justice when you cant see, to better grasp and judge the difference between right and wrong, because that is a big part of justice being bias'd against the wrong no matter who or what they are. And we do live in the land and structure of the all mighty $, and knowing that, is anybody really surprised when these type of things happen?

Oh Themis.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:54 AM
And still people will deny that there is a worldwide pedophile ring made up of the rich and powerful: politicians, media moguls, businessmen, bankers. The evidence out there is overwhelming.

When you here the amount of children that go missing every year it's scary. Sure, a small amount of abductions are done by the typical lone pedophile. But the vast majority are done by an organized group with plenty of resources at their disposal. It is in fact a pederast warrior cult that believes that sex with children will increase their physical and spiritual power.

Everyone knows about the Franklin Coverup, but not many know there was another coverup of a pedophile ring in Ontario, and I believe in Australia as well. Are these separate gangs or are they connected somehow? That is probably impossible to prove definitively. Whenever a prominent person is implicated, the case is dealt with quietly by the courts and the media. And if someone gets too close to the truth they employ bribery, intimidation, and finally the convenient "accident" to hide it.

I believe this is the dark secret of the ruling elite. Not really that they want to rule the world; they already do that for the most part, but that there is an esoteric pederast warrior cult preying on children all over the world.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 08:05 AM
This enrages me extremely. I agree with most of you the justice system is a joke. I, Like most of you here can't wait for the revolution because we need to get those gallows ready.

The governments we have are illegal we need to remove them. We need to remove the politicians working with the corporations all of them dealings with them to get off tax free. We need to get rid of the bankers the central banks the federal reserve the rothschilds the rockefellers ETC.

We need to unite as humanity and end the madness that has consumed the world. Then once and for all like in the Zeitgeist movie humanity can be rid of its madness and unite to be free of religion repressions poverty and the like.




posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by TheComte

And the sick $&#*#'s hire thugs to kidnap our children on the streets. Down with the governments of the world i say.
This is MADNESS. We need to wake more people up and take ACTION

They are kidnapping children to become their sex slaves. We need to bring justice to these elites.

edit on 31-3-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Aeons

You are right Aeons. Cops often cover for one another too. There are lots of ways jerks cover for one another. Which is why I personally am for a no tolerance jerk policy. Eliminate them. Dont let them breed, and dont let them interact with the rest of society. Whatever that means.

We actually are getting to the point where we can use brain imaging to detect sociopaths, and personally, I am for screening them out of the military, politics, police, any and all positions of power. If they can drug test people, and lie detector test people for jobs, lets start sociopath testing people.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by TheComte
And still people will deny that there is a worldwide pedophile ring made up of the rich and powerful: politicians, media moguls, businessmen, bankers. The evidence out there is overwhelming.

Amen to that.

You can add Portugal, Belgium, the Isle of White, and many more examples of rings that were initially linked to very prominent (so-called) "elite", but the prosecutions were never pursued to the highest levels.

I truly believe something must be said of the tendencies that one must develop when born into a family of immense wealth. There definitely does seem to be a connection to perverse behavior.

I'm not sure if any cult activities are involved, but I do not discount the theory. However, it is clear to me that positions of power very often attract people of questionable morals and ethics.

Sadly, because they control the law, they can get away with it.

There was a local case a few years ago where a teenage prostitution ring was busted. Many high profile businessmen, radio personalities and the like were investigated... then the names of "respected" politicians began to arise... for some strange reason the investigation was stopped almost immediately, and the media ceased any investigative work it was conducting.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:30 AM
I am not surprised by this but still ... this is outrages beyond belief! FUBAR!

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