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help me quite tobacco!

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posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Me and my wife smoked for years, the only thing that worked for us with seemingly no effort was Allen Cars 'Easy Way' method.

I'll be taking it down soon, but the full hour is there.

If you still get cravings after this, print this picture and put it in your wallet, then every time you want/crave a cigarette, pull it out and take a look.

After 72 hours of not smoking, you'll be home free. Have faith in yourself my friend.

- Ellis

edit on 20-3-2011 by YouDeserveToKnow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:08 PM
I feel your pain. I too was once a smoker, but am now free of that habit, and now have a heavier bank account thanks to quitting.

I tried everything I could find, but nothing worked...that is until I ran into the prescription drug called Chantix. I took it with pessimistic thoughts about how it wasn't going to work, and a couple weeks later, I literally woke up one morning with no cravings or withdrawal symptoms, period. And that is how the drug works: no cravings, no withdrawls and no more smoker's breath!

Don't think this is an isolated miracle drug, after I used it - I suggested to seven (yes, seven!) people who are now non-smokers thanks to it! It can be a little pricey (I think it's $100-ish now?) but that's what you would spend in a month on it's worth it's weight in chicken nuggets!

Being a manic depressive, my Dr. told me to keep an eye on my moods, but it never really messed with me in any way. It did take a few extra days to kick in, but you reach a point within two weeks where you just don't want a cigarette, and that is an awesome feeling!

Now, before I sound like an ad for the drug, let me just tell you to talk with your doctor, this could be the best thing you'll ever do for your health!

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:11 PM
I'm not a smoker, so readily admit that I cannot relate. I can tell you how my dad quit. He committed to it. Cold turkey. 30+ years ago. Some say will-power is not enough and frankly, that is b.s. If you decide to commit to quitting, there are no excuses to be made, thereafter. Excuses are for those who have not truly decided this is what they want to do. So first and foremost, you must decide (a decision that comes from your gut) that quitting *forever, is what you want to do.

Beyond that, there are any number of ways to lesson the physical discomfort, my guess is you already know most of them.

Bottom line: Do it. Don't excuse it.

Best wishes, remember Luck is not a part of this.

edit on 20-3-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I've quit three times successfully (yeah I know), but it's true. I 44 and started when I was 18, I quit once in my twenties and once in my thirties. I love to smoke. I quit hopefully for the last time about 3 years ago.

The last time I quit was the easiest, I changed brands to Winston because someone told me it was one of the only brands that didn't add chemicals to the tobacco. I hated the taste but switched to them for about 3 months. I then picked up some lozenges and the patch. The lozenges sucked, but were somewhat effective once in awhile. The patch really helped me a lot, I was able to not smoke while wearing the patch almost all the time, after a couple more months, I would forget to put one on some mornings that eventually led to not needing them at all.

My girlfriend is now trying to quit after 30 years of smoking and it's torture for her, she just switched from menthol to Winston and the taste alone is enough to cut the number in half. She has asthma so is afraid of the patch for some reason and hates the lozenges, but she's managed a week of less smoking so far, personally I don't think she'll make it without help this time but I'm hopeful.

First, you have to really want it, second change brands if for no other reason that to ruin the experience, take all products you can to help (it's only temporary anyway), don't drink (huge help). Do all the positive reinforcement you can stand (sounds corny but actually helps a bit).

You can do it. Good luck.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:19 PM
Switch to a pipe or cigar and dont inhale.

1.3% of non smokers get lung cancer
Among pipe smokers one study said the rate is 7% but that
study probably did not differentiate between those that dont inhale,so
the actual risk might be much lower. Another study said pipe smokers
lived longer than non smokers.

Among cigarette smokers the rate is 23%

They say there are hundreds of chemicals added to cigarettes.
Another conspiracy?

According to a study conducted by the Health Behavior Unit in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College in London, pipe smokers have a seven percent chance of developing lung cancer as opposed to the 23 percent found from cigarettes. Read more: Dangers of Pipe Smoking |

"Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Pipe smoking does have health risks, but they are not like cigarette smoking risks. Pipe tobacco is all natural, and flavored with food based casings. Pipe smokers don't intentionally inhale when smoking a pipe. Cigarette tobacco on the other hand is processed with a boat load of chemicals to change the taste and nicotine delivery of the smoke. Cigarette smokers inhale, cigarettes are nothing but a nicotine delivery device. So in closing, if you want to smoke, smoke a pipe, as its safer, and classy. Pipe smokers have a look of sophistication. Source(s): me, I smoke a pipe with good pipe tobacco"

edit on 20-3-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

at 47 i've been an on/off smoker since i was about 13.

The only very effective way to quit is by using the drug chantix.

Look it up, or here I will for you

The drug may make some people batS*&^ crazy, but it will make you stop smoking.

The drug makes you think your smoking excrement from a donkey every time you smoke.
And the best part is they encourage you to smoke while on the medication. Then over time your brain does not like donkey excrement anymore.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:32 PM
I too started smoking at a young age, though i only smoked for about 15 years i found it very difficult to break the habit. i didnt beleive that the patch or other alternatives were the right path ( as they only substituted the means by which the nicotine is absorbed) so i decided to try and go "cold turkey"

I was warned by many that it was almost never succesful that way but i managed to stay free from cigarettes for just over 4 years, though i will say that every single day was a personal battle, every time i saw someone smoking or smelled the odor i had to fight that craving, for four long years. Eventually i gave into stress of personall situations and started smoking again.

At first i enjoyed it but then i began to feel weak that i had failed after fighting for long, so i began to try and remind myself that each one was making me sick ( and making "others" wealthy) for alomst a year i told myself, everytime i lit up a cigarette, that it was making me sick, i thought that at some point i would get the picture and just quit again cold turkey. As time passed though i began to notice that i was actually feeling sick when i smoked.

To the point that about a year ago i was actually feeling nauseous at the smell and taste of it, this was casuing me to smoke less and less of the cigarette (even though it seemed i was lighting new ones sooner and sooner). One day as i went to light one up, i had barely gotten it lit and taken that first drag and i felt as though i was going to vomit...i put it out only to find myself lighting another one a few minutes later at which point i did actually vomit...i havent smoked a cigarette since then and now i do not find myself even with an urge to smoke, ever.

Sorry for the long post but I hope this gives you some insight on how to help yourself, and i wish you all the luck and good health.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:37 PM
I am a smoker of nearly 27 years myself. I quit 72 hours ago at the time of this post. No matter what anyone says, you might never be in the clear. 72 hours and I still really want to smoke. People will also tell you their religious stories, and I am a Christian, and let me tell you I am not perfect, and Jesus doesn't always take away the desire to smoke. Good luck to you and I will always be a friend and hopefully a help to continue to quit. If it is for you like it is for me, it is really tough, but worth it. When i feel like my body is screaming out for smoke, I breath deep a couple of times. It really doesnt change much except I am much less likely to lash out on someone. What I meant, is it doesnt' make me physically feel much different. Good luck again, and always u2u me or whatever because it will help me as well. Good luck again.

I have tried chantix and so has a few of my family members. heres our score. Father in law= no longer smokes. Mother still smokes, and me=trying to go out cold turkey. Father=cold turkey.The first three of us used chantix. None of us went loony as far as i can tell.
edit on 20-3-2011 by eazyriderl_l because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:42 PM
Change your daily routine.

Instead of that coffee and a cig 'breakfast' to start each day ... try something else ... half a grapefruit and a coupla eggs over easy w/ toast ... something Different.

Break the Routine.

If/When you feel That 'urge' throughout the day ... get a case of bottled water.

edit on 3/20/2011 by 12m8keall2c because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:14 AM
i'm on five weeks no smoking...from 18 years, 2 packs a day. i cheated one day, (5 cigs) and git a little drunk the other night and got some cigars...but otherwise doin ok .

One thing that helps, weirdly enough, are sister brought me to a new age store, and i asked for rocks (stones/ \crystals) that may help in the quitting process....i forget what they all are, but the main one is tigerseye...

they give you certain energies supposedly....they are good to hold and rub when having a nic fit (or throw at someone who is pizzing you off....j/k)

good luck

even though i've been coughing up blood for 10 years now, i still want to is that tough

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:17 AM
Sadly there is no easy way to quit.... For me the habit was stronger than the addiction... All I can really suggest is replacing the habit with something healthy, such as exercise. When you feel like picking up a cig, grab some weights or something like that, instead.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:29 AM

edit on 21-3-2011 by amongus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:30 AM
Smoke untill you puke then smoke more untill your body fools your brain into rewiring itself to no longer want it... Or wait till you are very sick and then do this... bet it helps you quit...
edit on 21-3-2011 by 5StarOracle because: mistakes were made

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by rubbertramp
i'm such an idiot.
at 47 i've been an on/off smoker since i was about 13.
i was doing really well for the past months till i went and had a few beers with a friend who smokes.
i bummed a few and have been smoking like a fiend again for the last few days.
i really want to quit for good, but my addictive personality makes this really difficult.
please, the grosser the images and explanations the better.
any other fiends want to join me?
i know i'm slowly committing suicide, when i go for my hikes i can feel the elevation more than i ever had in the past.
please feel free to call me names, give me a hard time etc........i deserve it.
mods, if possible, cut a bit of slack, i'm asking for it.

One book to cure them all... written by the late Allen Carr.

I put myself in the mood of wanting to quit, started reading the book... caught me up so bad that I read it in two days. Haven't smoked since and dont want to
best book ever for me....

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 02:35 AM
Every time you feel you're "nicking out" ask yourself what is stronger - your desire for a cigarette, or your desire to quit.
Personally, I've never been a smoker of cigarettes, so the truth is that I don't really understand that addiction, but I do understand that when someone really wants to do something, they do it. Do you really want to quit?
If the voice inside your head answers "yes" to that question, then just freakin do it!! Tons of people have quit smoking, if they can do it, so can you. There is no reason to believe that you just "can't". You're not less of a person than they are. Doesn't matter how long you've been a smoker, others who have successfully quit have smoked longer. Nothing matters. Truth is, if you want to quit, you'll quit, and you will live through the withdrawl.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by 5StarOracle
Smoke untill you puke then smoke more untill your body fools your brain into rewiring itself to no longer want it... Or wait till you are you are very sick and then do this... bet it helps you quit...

Agreed that this could be one way, as my Doctor told me the same.
Get a few packets, lock yourself in a room with access to a bathroom for a couple of days.
Smoke one after the other untill spew.
Make sure you have plenty of water.
I am not yet man enough to try this method though.
As I reckon if it doesn't make me quit smoking , it would probably just kill me.
So Im still smoking.

To OP, goodluck. I wish you all the best

edit on 21-3-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 03:51 AM
there is only one problem with stopping smoking. you have to WANT to stop. if you don't WANT to stop - you wont.

if you are serious - this is a really simple method to stop....

1. smoke all of your cigarettes on a friday night

2. sleep for as much of the weekend as you can (this allows the nicotine to leave your body without you having to deal with the worst cravings)

3. every time you crave for a cigarette, immediately start singing the worst song you have ever known in your head.

nicotine stays in the body for a very short period of time. once it has left your body, what you are left with is the robotic action of having spent most of your life performing a ritual (eg you have a coffee and your cig, you've eaten your meal so you light up, you get in your car and then have one in your hand).

this is why you need to retrain your brain to stop thinking of these automatic actions. associating the worst song you know with the action of thinking about having a smoke will soon have your brain making new connections to see the action of thinking of cigs as bad.

within a couple of weeks you will suddenly realise that is been a couple of days since you thought about having a cig and within a couple of months you will realise that you finally did stop smoking as opposed to giving up smoking

good luck

edit on 21-3-2011 by justyc because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Allen Carr - Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Its available as a book, or an audio book.

It was the only thing that actually helped me quit (pack a day 10+ years). I quit after completing the audio book. Literally, as soon as it was over, I was done.

Its not hypnosis, its not a scare campaign. You already know what can possibly come of your addiction to smoking/tobacco. Cancers and the like. This book changes how you look at smoking/tobacco in general, and makes it quite simple to walk away.

Good luck with your endeavor.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

Life is full of choices, amigo. I have been off of cigarettes for nearly 6 years and I do not miss it one bit. My addiction to tobacco was not limited to cigarettes but I also used smokeless tobacco for a lot longer than cigarettes and have been off of that garbage for over 7 years.

I will tell you that there are many tried and true methods. All I know is that I believe that my use of smokeless tobacco led to the removal of 18 inches of my large intestine. Thank God I did not develop cancer. Leading up to the surgery made quitting that stuff pretty easy. Laying in a hospital bed and blacking out because the internal bleeding would not stop really got me thinking. Of course, they rushed me to ICU.

I spent 9 days in the hospital when I should have only been there for 4. It was a real wake up call wondering if I was going to die. I know that for the past 7 months I have been without my mother, a life long smoker. Now she died of esophageal cancer. She was also on specific medication for a rare bone disorder that allegedly causes cancer of the esophagus. I will tell you that there is no way I can believe that cigarettes did not at least contribute to her death.

I miss that person who cared for me. That person who loved me in spite of myself. She was my mom. I have to sit here and only wish I could have spent a little more time with her. But, alas, I cannot. I have to remember how funny she was and have only the memory to make me laugh.

I do not know you personally, but I am sure that there is somebody in your life that is just not willing to say goodbye to you just yet. I honestly believe that we each really mean the world to AT LEAST one person in this lifetime and that, my friend, is reason enough to try and stick it out as long as you can.


posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:51 PM
I started the nicotine patch last monday the 14th. The first few days were pure HELL...then I seemed okay and only had a craving about 3-4 times/day. Well today is one week smoke free and for some reason I am struggling BIG TIME...I have been craving a smoke since I woke up. I am extremely irritable and feel like i'm going to break down in a crying fit!

I hope this passes and it gets easier...because if it's going to be like this for long periods of time I don't think I can handle it.

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