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Sick footballer kicks injured owl off pitch (video)

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 05:19 AM
It's always funny how crazy some people go over a stupid animal on this site

Thanks for the entertainment guys, but some of you should check into a mental institution
Going crazy over a stupid useless owl.....ha

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 06:07 AM
Kicking a animal, any animal, when I am around: you go home with a broken nose or missing teeth.
No discussion, not questions ask.
Hope they kick the sh*t out of him one day.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by lokdog
He was just trying to clear the field so they could play.The other team shoulda kept there bird in its cage lesson learned i hope.

No damned game is worth another living beings life. He's a lousy bastard and I hope he gets injured so he can never play again.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
It's always funny how crazy some people go over a stupid animal on this site

Thanks for the entertainment guys, but some of you should check into a mental institution
Going crazy over a stupid useless owl.....ha

You are a disgarce! a stupid useless owl? then what are you?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:19 AM
My blood is boiling over this video. Here are my comments:

1. This player should be attacked by animal rights groups across the planet, and fined (if not suspended/fired) heavily.

2. Why was the owl on the field? To have a live animal as a mascot is one thing, but to not keep the animal safe from instances like this is inexcusable.

3. The actions of this player and the comments of ShadowAngel85 in this thread show that neanderthal-like mentality that some people still have. People like this contribute to the resistance that opposes the natural desire of a civilization to evolve, to grow into something stronger.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by ShadowAngel85

I hope you come back as this owl or another "useless" animal and treated with disrespect much worse than this poor owl was. In general, I hope your next life or existence (if there is one) is full of misery and sorrow. So heartless...

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by upgrader

Spot on Upgrader!...

Replusive to think one would hurt anyone/anything when you have choice!! Those that laugh about this topic.. Shame on you.. I trust if you have Children, they will not be without better thought dispite your take/value on life.

I could go on forever on this... most of us here already understand this insight of those that don't care...

Hard to argue with they are!



posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

i would kick that man square in the head , im sick of the human race and its selfish views towards animals , that owl has as much right to live as that so called man does

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

A bit ridiculous dont you think?

Its just an owl. and it should have never been on the field in the first place.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Great, now I have to go on Youtube and watch 10 kitten videos to counter this.

I don't even like kitten videos.



posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:37 AM
I swear some of you folks take this kind of thing way too far.
saying he should be severely punished, beaten up, attacked, banned from playing ever again.
this is just crazy.

just an owl, you act like he was punting babies up and down the field.
Yes he was wrong for kicking it, but im sure thats not the reason it died.
Check the vid, the owl was already sitting on the ground, then it got smashed with a ball.
im sure it was going to die anyway.

You people act like animals dont die everyday. Its the cycle of life, we live-we die. period. stop acting like you're some super peta agent.
And he didnt even really kick it. he more or less scooped it with his foot. theres a difference.

Seriously, does anyone make such an uproar when a animal gets hit by a car? Nope, no one gives a sh*t. they go on about their day. No one threatens the driver with violence, they just go on about their business. So stop acting like you give a sh*t about this one freaking owl. if it had died out in the woods no one would have even known much less cared.

If you want a person to point the finger at(which is what you guys love to do)
blame the idiot who thought it was a good idea to let it on the field.

~Life goes on.

Why is this even a thread?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I'd like to see that sick s.o.b. try that with me or any one of my riding bro's...he'd only try once! Remember the doctor who took his golf club to the Canada Goose because it was ruining his concentration? Like that doctor, this creep has committed the one act for which he'll be long remembered, if he manages to survive the anger of the football fans. I've a feeling it's going to be a long season for this creep, and I can just imagine the "missiles" he'll have to watch out for. What goes around, comes around! As angry as I am about this, I just have to ask....Was he offside?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by silo13
I saw the notice and just couldn't watch the video.

I hope the repercussions of this (so called) man's actions are far reaching in his life.

He deserves NOTHING good to come to him for a long long while.

edit on 2-3-2011 by silo13 because: add grrr!

Thats some BAD mojo, I would NEVER EVER mess with Sacred Owl...
Owl brings ill omens and dark magic at times...
Brother Owl will have way in this I promise.

I hope his feet fall off personally.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Were the people cheering?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull


I like your analogies and what you said makes sense, i hear what you say...

Being angry sometimes though should not be seen as a negative because by removing Emotion from all or any communication "santizes' and 'sterilizes' any conversation, debate or exchange...

I do think people nowdays are all too quick to complain and cry foul, a generation has grown up in our society whom do not know how to take critizism or aggression and deal with it.......... Schools teach and have taught that 'all kids are winners' and that 'there are no losers''.....!

I'm really sorry but that is B.S. and some need to realise that society is a heirachy of strength and weakness, intelligence and stupidity, leaders and sheep............

I do not care if people don't want to listen to me or if I come across 'barking' from the shadows.......I'm not in this to be a meglomaniac or to be part of the political classes 'marshalling' the public BUT if i do come across Ruffling feathers and getting a few upset THEN GOOD because it offers a different perspective AWAY from the Politically Correct Sanitised world which is actually NOT REAL....



posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Seriously people? You are all condemning this man. Calling for his head. Wishing he "loses his feet" or "gets his head kicked in". Alright , let me point out that what he done was wrong! He shouldn't have done it and should be punished. A fine and a few games ban is justice enough.

BUT you can't come one here and hope terrible things happen to him personally. Especially when people KILL cows, sheep, pigs and BIRDS, just to fill thier stomachs. So either you are a vegetarian and are right to say such things out of anger. Or you eat meat and can just stfu...Because you are being a hypocrite.

He's a human being.

I don't condone his actions, but everyone makes mistakes. Even you.

PS: I am sure it wasn't his intention for the bird to die and he feels bad about it.
edit on 3-3-2011 by Chipkin9 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2011 by Chipkin9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Eternalchef said:

Seriously, does anyone make such an uproar when a animal gets hit by a car? Nope, no one gives a sh*t. they go on about their day. No one threatens the driver with violence, they just go on about their business. So stop acting like you give a sh*t about this one freaking owl. if it had died out in the woods no one would have even known much less cared.

How can you for one second be serious with what you are saying? Are you not actually thinking about what you are saying? Are you upset and just responding with emotionally-fueled ramblings? There is quite a bit of difference between an animal's accidental death and death caused by human cruelty. Of course no one would be upset with a driver who accidently killed an animal with their car. But to kick an injured animal off a soccer field is appaling and subject for punishment. It matters not if the owl was going to die from the soccer ball injury, no one should treat an animal with such barbarity. Does this not make sense to you?

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 01:52 PM
Men are called "Men" because they are mental. Here is a video that clearly shows the degree to which that is so true. "Mental" ? Yes. In what sense ? In the sense that men never think about the consequences of their thoughts and words and actions. Men are of the opinion that men are so important [paranoid delusions of grandeur]. When in reality they [men] are simply less than dirt. Dirt that will simply blow away in the wind. Like as Jesus said two thousand years ago "Not one stone will be left standing upon another". Men never learn the easy way, they always end up learning the hard way. Down in the depths of the Nightmare of Hell. Or worse ?

There is an absolute law in the Cosmos called KARMA. It is simple in that as you do to others then so shall it be done unto you. Be kind to others as you would like others to be kind to you. It says in the Bible that the law by which you judge others will be the law that God will use in judging you. Men who counter this religious point of view with the retort that "God does not exist" are simply not applying the scientific method. What does a football player know about such things ? Obviously this particular footballer is going to be having a few problems when his day to pass over arrives. God will no doubt kick him in just the same manner. Only more so.

Before anyone goes kicking the life out of such a poor creature I recommend that they watch the movie THE FOURTH KIND. In that movie you will see dramatisation of real events that took place in the year 2000. The town of NOME in Alaska was and may still be haunted by the ghost of a mysterious Owl and her UFO friends. Interestingly in Jewish religious tradition, based on Pagan traditions that existed long time before Abraham or even Noah, the Owl is symbolic of "Lilith" who were the first wife of Adam. They divorced and thus Adam later married Eve instead. Owls are more powerful in the Cosmos than one might think ? I sincerely hope that this poor Owl, that was kicked to death, will have the satisfaction of having the idiot football player kicked to death by God and Her Angels.

The message in all of this is surely that we must never be cruel to animals. They the poor animals will always have their rights protected by Almighty God. Like as it says in the Bible "Blessed are the poor". Dare I say that the life of such a poor creature matters more to God than does the life of even all the men that have ever lived and shall ever live ? The poor Owl will get true justice before the Bench of Almighty God. She will have her revenge.

She [the poor owl] "Lilith" as a powerful winged predator and invincible Angel of OUR LADY [Almighty God] will come down upon him [the stupid football player] out of no where and with her gigantic tallons she will take hold of him and fly with her mighty wings to a high place in heaven. She will then rip off his head with her powerful beak and proceed to eat him.

edit on 3/3/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
I do not Retract or apologize for anything I have said !

Maybe not directly, but it's obvious that you have backed down, retracted, and tacitly withdrawn the original intent that was contained in your overexcited comment that I pulled you up on.

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
If I want to have a RANT about something then I WILL have a rant......OK.....?!

I never suggested that you shouldn't be able to rant on here.

Does somebody calling you out and correcting you normally put you into this ''siege mentality'' ?

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
Your continued pursuit of trying to highlight me as a Xenophobe or hater of anyone else is laughable

Don't take it to heart.

Your comments were xenophobic, as you clearly made derogatory comments that were specific to Colombia and Colombians.

How is it a ''continued pursuit'' ?

I replied to your initial comment, you replied to reply, then I replied to your reply to my reply... This is how it normally works until there is nothing more to add to the discussion.

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
Regarding my RANT, I do not wish to start a war with Columbia or any other countries with 'Inbred' populations (though there are many to choose from :-)) , It could have been the Dubious populations in Brazil or the Stupid Americans or the potato eating Oirish or the Drunk Brits or garlic eating homo French or the cowardly Itlatians.....................or whatever !!!!!! Do you really think that because I wrote those descriptions that I REALLY MEAN that....? That I really BELIEVE that those people in those countries REALLY behave as per my descriptions above ???????

Do you mean ''interbreeding'' as in mixing races or as in breeding within a closely-knit community ?

You see, I took it as the first definition, as the majority of Colombians are a mixture between two or more of the three predominant races within the country.

I'm now not sure which way you meant it.

As for whether I thought you were being serious with any other generalisations ? Well, I wouldn't know, as it would be hard to tell based on just reading text.

Also, your ''rant'' came across as heated and emotional, so why would you just slip in a comment based on ''light-hearted'' stereotypes in the middle of it ? That doesn't make sense.

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
Of course NOT!!!!! If I can't say what I want then haven't we lost the right to free speech ??

It's you who has got this idea that I somehow wish to restrict your right to say something on here.

Nowhere have I remotely suggested that.

Originally posted by PurpleDog UK
You and Nobody else will tell me what I can and cannot say ...... I know what is right and wrong and I am fully aware of 'crossing the line'' but that is my choice and if you don't like it then don't read it .....


This is an internet discussion forum. People post what they want ( providing it remains within the terms and conditions ), and subsequent discussions based on these comments may ensue.

Your problem seems to be entirely based on me pulling you up on your comments. Do you expect everything you say to be treated with impunity ? Do you expect nobody, on an internet message board, to disagree with what you post ?

If you can't accept or handle criticism of your comments, then perhaps you should try another medium for putting your views across, other than an internet message board.

''If you don't like it then don't read it''.

How do I know whether I like or dislike the comments in a post until after I've read it ?!

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 02:21 PM
I hope he faces animal cruelty charges.
That was completely disrespectful and uncalled for.

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