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posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I'll even make it a nice blunt so they can enjoy the tobacco flavor.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by Lysergic]

That's what we call a spliff.

Quit the pot 3 years ago, easy. The other is not so easy.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:38 AM
Really? I've always called a fat joint a spliff. I do enjoy a good philly rolled up fat n' tight. Yes it was very hard to stop. I haven't smoked weed since June 17th... hehe


posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Really? I've always called a fat joint a spliff. I do enjoy a good philly rolled up fat n' tight. Yes it was very hard to stop. I haven't smoked weed since June 17th... hehe

In our area a spliff was Hash mixed with tobacco. And back in the 80's, it was GOOD hash.

Don't know if this should be on the board though.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 01:08 AM
Ahh it can be on the board, theres tons of threads on ATS about marijuana, so now worries friends. but then agian, i dont run this site so who knows!

I just call all of it weed. Never call it anything special. Just weed. tis simpler that way. well, ok, I call it either weed or dro. never smokedit though. never smoked anything actually. gosh im such an angel

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Scat never smokedit though. never smoked anything actually. gosh im such an angel

You can call yourself, " one lucky bastid." Or smart. Either way, it was a compliment.

The next post is EXACLY what I was saying. Thanks Relentless.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 05:25 AM
I think many of you have missed the point of this thread. It's not about whether or not you smoke or want to be around it (and I personally don't think occassionally being out in public around smoke is enough to give you long term problems).

It's about the rights of a business to not have it legislated how to run their establishment. A business has the right to offer an atmospere to their clientelle and if the clientelle don't like it they can choose not to go. There are some places where mandatory signage was enacted to alert the consumer whether the establsihment was smoke free, smoking permitted or smoking areas permitted. The consumer knows when they walk through the door and can choose to frequent the place or not. It has worked fine. The establishment is then free to choose it's own target market and succeed or fail by choice.

The government simply banning it flat out IS out of control. If this were any other topic more people would be jumping on the bandwagon of the gov't overstepping their bounds and infringing on rights.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:16 AM
People have a right to smoke no matter how filthy it may be. People should have the right to run their own places too. I say legalize pot and ban ciggerettes. At least those with nicotene, that chemical is not needed except for addiction.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:19 PM
My old job used to be in a twin building to another company and in their lobby level was a chinese deli. Great place to run real quick for coffee break, lunch and smoke break with a paper and cuppa. The employees wanted to ban smoking because they were being engulfed in it, but the smokers stopped going and they lost a lot of money in just a few days' time. So they tried to make smoke free areas, but it was such a small place that it really wasn't practical. They gave in and let the smokers run free because they just couldn't afford to lose the constant traffic in and out of there that smokers provided. I felt bad for them so got my stuff and went outside to smoke with it.

Lots of places designate smoking areas, but they are grudging nasty little holes that are not taken care of. Our company gave us a small utility type room in the 2nd level of the parking garage. No ventilation. The cruddiest furniture they could scrape up. Nasty. And they wondered why nobody wanted to use it. I think letting the businesses who have enough room for it divide into smoking and non-smoking is sufficient and fair to everyone.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:36 PM
I dont smoke but I don't have a problem with other people smoking.

If it bothers me I just move someplace else and that's that, so I try not to make a big deal about it.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

The next post is EXACLY what I was saying. Thanks Relentless.

[Edited on 11-7-2004 by intrepid]

Hey no problem, I think you are the only person who has ever NOT blasted me for stating something on these boards - LOL.

The irony I think is how many people who are at this very moment screaming for their right to smoke pot and unabashedly admitting to indulging in illegal activity, while us poor smokers, who aren't even breaking the law are treated like the dogs. (Apparently it has come down to more people will admit to pot than they will cigarettes - this is INSANE.)


posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 07:24 PM
Yeah I smoked weed so tfw, you aren't having to inhale my 2nd smoke, thats my beef with it, I don't want to inhale your delicious 2nd hand cig smoke, AND THATS MY RIGHT!

So futhermore


Have a nice day

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 07:33 PM
Relentless, you are 2 things, 1- a smoker. DIE,DIE,DIE

and a lucid thinker. You are right. Why are we looked down on more than the people that inhabit our jails. Because, we know it's bad for us, BUT we're addicted. I quit hard drugs easy, I quit soft drugs easy, hell, I quit drinking for a year. Smokes, hard one. I think the problem may be that smokers have been slapped to the point that, even though non-smokers won't go to those places, it better be non-smoking, if I want to go.

I'm almost to the point that, you don't smoke, I'll kick your butt. They're much more agressive than that. What's next, pull me out of my car?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Yeah I smoked weed so tfw, you aren't having to inhale my 2nd smoke, thats my beef with it, I don't want to inhale your delicious 2nd hand cig smoke, AND THATS MY RIGHT!

So futhermore


Have a nice day

Okay, sorry Intrepid, I messed up again. I didn't want to get away from the point of this thread! It is valid!!!

Lysergic, maybe I am too old, maybe I am too stupid, but I don't understand your acronyms or your point for that matter.

My only point was I find it ironic that a legal sustance is now so shamefull that tobacco smokers are less likely to go public than pot smokers. It's just hysterical!

A perfect example is the amount of traffic the "weed" thread has over this. So head there if you want to continue this train of thought. Your expertise in this area will be appreciated and you can enjoy the posts there that have confronted me on that topic. I have already had enough fun over there though so I will see you in again in another time, in another world, on another thread............

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
I think the problem may be that smokers have been slapped to the point that, even though non-smokers won't go to those places, it better be non-smoking, if I want to go.

Yea, and have ya ever noticed that ya never met a person actually allergic to smoke until all this hellabaloo started. Now everyone feigns asthma the minute they see a butt.

Give me a break!


Not that I belittle the people with legitimate asthma, but there's a lot of you out there who are just a bunch of wah wah's and you know who I mean!

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:00 PM
My eyes glazed over reading your response, but neverthe less I am playing the worlds smallest violin for you.

ps: tfw = the # what, as in so the # what. I got lazy typing, yammer yammer blah blah, my yadda yadda then blah blah.

My rant is having to breathe in disgusting 2nd hand cig smoke, atleast crack a window

and please don't take anything i've said to heart

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
My rant is having to breathe in disgusting 2nd hand cig smoke, atleast crack a window

and please don't take anything i've said to heart

Hey, no problem. I for one always provide an ionic filter and an open window - LOL.

Besides, you solved my fried egg problem.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:04 PM
See this is the problem, no-one is actually listening to interpreds point. Yes we know smoking will hamr us ad other people. I agree with him, it should be up to the individual businesses whether they allow people to smoke or not. If they tried to pass something like that in australia the majority of pubs and clubs would go out of business. I for one wouldnt go out to places that banned smoking, coz when i drink i like to smoke as well. And i know many many people who feel the same (including non-smokers who's smoking friends would be affected). This isnt a debate about the health risks its about the fact that businesses arent given the choice to decide, which in turn gives the consumer the choice to decide

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 01:47 PM
I wonder if the businesses can file a suit for being forced to discriminate against smokers. It would seem like enforced discrimination would be wrong and thereby arguable in court. Especially if they've gone out of business due to the loss of income.

As for the smoking part that's become a sub-section of this thread... it's something of a great equalizer. Once my job booted us out it was the first time I'd seen mailroom guys chatting with VPs, all huddled under the foyer overhang to keep out of the rain. If nothing else, it certainly opened some interesting lines of communication! *L* It's tough to quit. Sometimes I miss it, even though I know it's bad for me.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 05:07 AM
hey guys only just picked up on this rant......
the government over here in blighty is at this present time debating about banning smoking in public places ie. bars, clubs and restaurants. apparently it has worked in the irish world, well thats wot the government bods are saying!!!!

just waiting to see wot happens if it does go through and how it will affect the buisinesses over her, although the government are already trying to stamp out the binge drinking problem over here, maybe this is one way of stopping people binge drinking, who knows!!!!

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 06:07 AM
smoking is bad. no way! did they just find this out last week? do we need a warning to tell us inhaling smoke regardless of what is being burned bad for our health? the fact the body tries to reject it should give you a #ing clue.

but this isnt about smoking being bad for you. its about businesses being told who they can and cant have in their business doing what they want. thats an intrusive government. remember when the government tried outlawing alcohol? yeah we know how that turned out.

a private business should not be told by the government that he or she cannot let their customers do what they want in their own establishment, in this case smoking. going to a business like a bar is a choice and if the owner of said bar you have to go topless or not be allowed to go in, those who dont want to go topless wont enter. going there is a choice, a priviledge as it IS a PRIVATE business, not a right. just like many companies had already adopted no smoking policies prior to the "i want the government to play bully for me" trend started. dont like a place where people smoke? dont go there is all i can say, the owner should be able to set their own policies on such matters.

it was one thing with hospitals, noone should smoke there. grocery stores also. but a bar? give me a break! some no smoking policies i can understand and even agree with but banning smoking in all bars is just retarded, period. people can just stay home frink ooze and listen to loud music, do it for less and still be able to smoke. the bar loses business and if it gets bad enough goes out of business entirely.

so what do such bannings do exactly? in a way its discouraging consumerism. why go out for a bite to eat if you cant sit in a smoking section and smoke? you can stay home eat for less and still smoke.

i dont smoke and i hate smoking but i also realize that its a freedom people should continue to have. i dont like drinking alcohol but i dont think alcohol should be outlawed and i dont think bars should be closed down because of drunk drivers.

if we take peoples rights away based on another persons sense of morality or how we should live then we'll lose more and more rights as stupid as some of the activities may be.

although i wait for the day when its completely outlawed and goes the same way booze did. just more money being thrown down the drain by the government to try and stop something that cant be stopped.

we need to stop telling business owners how to run their own business in terms of what their customers can and cant do. we need to stop telling each other how to live, OUR way to live isnt everyone else's way.

thank god we all dont think alike or live the same way, this planet would get awfully boring awfully quick.

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