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Warning! Illuminati elites will feeds majority of Human race to their Reptilian gods

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posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by sstark

When he speaks of them eating you he means by world disasters many will be killed. After many are killed they Annunaki shall release a nanobot that will eat all the dead flesh. When the flesh is being eaten the energy released is to be beamed up (wi fi style) to their craft for energy distribution. Making it very easy to basically absorbe any species ALMOST. Read some of masonicon writtings they are very interesting. Sometimes seems like they speak from experiences.. thanks again
edit on 12/6/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

that's even worse of an explanation. They could then 'absorb' anything, even things they create via chemistry. Again, no reason for that.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:41 AM
Having seen a Reptilian in the flesh and gotten a very vivid impression that he had just feasted on our fellow humans I was struck with horror and physical terror, my body literally 'moving me' out of his path. This is the only reason I grant credence to this sort of scenario, which my logic would prevent me from considering even for an instant. Now I know, from direct experience, that these creatures do exist. What they are I cannot say, and almost fear to learn given the gruesome truth of their existence. However, I can now understand just how the Illuminati could be driven by fear to serve their purposes. The representations of the Devil were far less shocking that the reality of these creatures. Describing my encounter to a friend she retorted: "You saw the Devil !" which stunned me because I had not made a connection with what looked to be a fearsome Alien of Dinosaur descent and not a being with a historical or religious connection to mankind.

There has been a lot of speculation and moult theories about War and how this is used either to provide food from the corpses for Aliens' physical sustenance or for harvesting of souls in a spiritual battle for energy and power. When confronted with the contrived warfare often arranged between brethren we can also wonder about that. Even in the Book of Enki translated by Sitchin the Reptilian Annunaki foster war, possibly for these same hidden reasons?

I find it quite disquieting that there is a possibility that such entities could come to Earth in a massive expeditionary force, as it is likely said when asked how numerous are they: "One is too many". In such instance we can only hope that factions of our Military have kept secret weapons which can help defeat them as the one I saw is roughly 3 times our size and weight and endowed with exceptional musculature and physical prowess, not to mention such heightened psychic awareness and hypnotic powers to make them quite hard to do battle against.

We appear to be at a tipping point today and we can only do our best to weigh in the right direction hoping that the Satanist blood drinking Illuminati will lose their supervisory control over us and that we can muster up a global alliance to counter such threats should they be found to be real. The incredible massive concentration of military warships in the Gulf of Aden with most nations' navies being present shows that something, whether in the nature of a Stargate or more understandable underwater Alien bases, is a potential threat requiring such a dire mobilization of our Earthly defense resources. Yet we are to believe that this unheard of deployment is to defend tremendously large shipping vessels from hungry teenagers in inflatable rafts?

It is no wonder that we speculate wildly, possibly once in a while striking the jackpot, when our governments and the mainstream media do such a pitiful job with implausible cover stories such as the Somali pirates. Next, they'll be telling us that the greatest danger to humanity is a couple of guys in turbans hiding out in a cave somewhere we can't find them. Taking us for idiots will only last so long until they get the backlash which is coming to them.

PS. For details of my alien encounter use the word Reptilian and my member name in the ATS search function. That I saw one doesn't mean that anything read about these is accurate, use your own info to decide.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Majestic23
Wait........your assumption that there is no connection to the reps is that the whole theory is based on people being gullible and not reading scripture correctly.......and also just being willing to take onboard any theory.

In short, yes. The people preaching about the Rep-theory mostly/But not always) have not researched AT ALL what any texts says themselves in the matter they are preaching about, but have only read and snapped up what other individuals opinions about it on blogs on the web, and then passed it on further, perhaps adding on some more "juicy" details, and so the whole thing have transformed into a tell tale-thing with very little facts and very much fantasies.

Mind you, I KNOW that some ancient texts indeed speak about rep-people, but NONE of the texts except for the Dogon-legend, claims these reps to be from Space. In fact, in the Hindu-texts the rep-species Nagas is said to have been created by the god Vishnu. In other words and according to the Hindus, the supposed Reptilians were created by the gods, as one of their hybrid-experiments when they played around with different animal-Man combinations.

So your take is that blonde haired blue eyed are traditionally seen as children of the gods because.................why?

Because that was how the majority of the gods were described as looking; Tall, quite white skin and often lightblonde or white hair and blue eyes.
In short, when people were born with these "traits" they were therefore automatically assumed to be an offspring of the gods or Angels. One example is the Biblical Noah, whos apparence where described like this(By his Father Lamech, that was convinced that his wife had been unfaithful with a "Son of Heaven");

his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful

I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike Man, and resembling the Sons of the God of Heaven; and his nature is different, and he is not like us . . . And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels.

The almost exact same way was also the Mesopotamiam Siuzudrah described, although, in that case the Mother had indeed had an "affair" with one of the "Sons of Heaven", or more exactly, with a God. Something that the father of Siuzudrah also suspected instantly when he saw the child, and confronted his wife at once if she had been with a God, or, a "Igigi".

By the way and while on the subject, This is the Sumerian Ruler Gilgamesh. He was said to be "Two thirds God" and therefore considered it his Divine right to also recieve the immortality of the Gods, which was the reason that he descided to visit the gods in their abode in the Cedar Mountains. When he after much trubble reached their entrance, he was met by two guards at the gate, wondering what brought him there. Never the less, they saw no problem letting him in, as they saw that "His Body was of the flesh of the Gods".
Now what did they mean by that? Look at the picture of Gilgamesh once again and the answer might be found.

Three schools of thought there. They are a literal expansion of an alien race ie: Aryans=Summerian.

Or they are hybrid.

Or the varied ancient cultures had that idea because of asthetics.

Yet you have already expressed knowledge of vampirism so I will rule out the third. Now, which one of those choices or both?

Well I am not sure exactly what you are asking? Do you ask what origin I believe that those "Aryan Gods" where of? If so, I believe in them both being an "Actual race" or even Species, aswell as hybrids(Their offspring).
Now, if they were ACTUAL ET's, or if they were let's say originally Earthlings and survivors from some ancient High-tech Civilisation, I do not know. I have often wondered about that, actually.

The choise of an "Aesthetic explanation" could be ruled out, as the same descriptions is even found in areas of the Globe where the natives is very darkskinned, even in Africa, interestingly enough.

So you have to believe in an alien base gene pool of some kind right?

Indeed. Several, actually.

So why such hostility to the reptilian idea?

I am not rejecting the "existence" of Reptilian in themselves, as some texts and legends indeed speak about those beings. I am, however, tired of the outlandish intertwining of them and made-up fantasies, such as them being the creator-gods, and on top of it using them as some sort of synonyme of Evil. That, is something that ALWAYS makes me react strongly, when a whole genetic folkgroup is labeled as Bad or Evil.

What are the scriptures you mention and how do you explain the proliferation of reptile and reptile humanoid in ancient history and modern conspiracy?

See answers above.

edit on 6-12-2010 by Majestic23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Powerful statement my friend.
If it doesnt place you in danger were you serving in a armed branch when you encountered "it"? Like Dark Marines?
edit on 12/7/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:54 PM
powerful... imaginations!

If you've seen a reptilian, start taking your meds again!

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Nightchild
I am not rejecting the "existence" of Reptilian in themselves, as some texts and legends indeed speak about those beings. I am, however, tired of the outlandish intertwining of them and made-up fantasies, such as them being the creator-gods, and on top of it using them as some sort of synonyme of Evil. That, is something that ALWAYS makes me react strongly, when a whole genetic folkgroup is labeled as Bad or Evil.

Good answers, I see more where you are coming from now.

I agree perhaps too much creative licence is used in terms of reps however,,,,,,you mentioned disinformation. So what would be the source and cause of this.

They are always synonymous with tricks, hidden knowledge and life force and genetics.

Do you not think they themselves are the cause of this? Because they are always telling us that they created humans, in the astral and in the past I believe they would have tried to convince humans of this in physicality.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Majestic23
Good answers, I see more where you are coming from now.

I agree perhaps too much creative licence is used in terms of reps however,,,,,,you mentioned disinformation. So what would be the source and cause of this.

They are always synonymous with tricks, hidden knowledge and life force and genetics.

Do you not think they themselves are the cause of this? Because they are always telling us that they created humans, in the astral and in the past I believe they would have tried to convince humans of this in physicality.

I am glad you understood how I meant.

If the supposed Reptilians could be the source of the disinfo or parts of it? Sure, it's always possible, although, to take a guess, I do not think so. Could ofcourse be wrong, but it seems too much of another blaming the scapegoat, so to speak.

Also, I very much would like to know according to whom they are supposedly telling this about them being the creators? I am aware of the claim, yes, but alot of people on the web and unfortunately also on ATS, play Role Play-games and tells stories that are pure inventions, and not seldomly these games goes along the very lines that some being or entity have been telling them this or that. So I am very sceptical when people claims that some enconutered or channeled entity have told them things, although I DO believe in the existence of channeling in itself.

Or, the supposed contactees could be mistaken the beings for Reptilian when they in actuality are not. Maybe they believe them to be Reps because that is what others have told them that they are?

Although, in benefit of the possibility of this being true, that indeed selfproclaimed Reptilian entities have actually made such claims, then it could be true or it could be lies. Just because it supposedly comes from them, it does not either strengthen or weaken the hypothetical truth of their claims, really.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:41 PM
Feeding off humanity only starts making sense for the Reptilians at 10 Billion inhabitants. The reproductive surplus of that can feed the Reptilian Nation close to earth. So we have 3 Billion more to go before dinner starts. Eating a majority of humans at this point makes no sense at all. They wouldnt want to eat off the seeds of their future feast.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

When do you think Ea will hit 10 billion. Just asking?

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 03:01 PM
It sounds like the Wraith to me - with their cullings. Even they didn't limit themselves to one planet, though. Why'd Earth be so significant, I'm sure there are other planets with interesting species on them/in them...feeding-wise. Also, by ''feeding'' are we speaking in metaphors or are we literal here..

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 09:39 PM
Well! this video has the part about Science(the word science here is have nothing to do with Conventional Science) behind Human Sacrifice:

It said Human Body is a vehicle for going around in 3d world that can be also vehicle for Demonic beings like Anunnaki where when it sacrificed, it opens Stargate for summoning that beings by it's bioelectromagnetic field in additions of being used as food for those beings and when Illuminati elites performs Worldwide Ritualistic Human Sacrifice, that can easily summons great army of those Anunnaki to our world via Stargates that opened by Bioelectromagnetic field of those that sacrificed in that Human Sacrifice which in return, they will eats their dead bodies
edit on 7/12/2010 by masonicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

When do you think Ea will hit 10 billion. Just asking?

In 2018...which renders the 2012-hype obsolete.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by masonicon

Wow you present a very complicated scenario with multiple events happening in a domino-like event and the way you lay it out it sounds that it is a done deal can you offer a way that we can keep it from happening I am not able to spend much time here (here being ATS) and am not familiar with this predicted event will it happen no matter what?


posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Interesting thread, here's the closest footage that I have seen from reptilian shape-shifter so far.

Just think how advanced their brain must be, their entire nature is lie to survive.
You can also located them by using your third eye.
Here's an example.

Think that lady was human? I don't think so.

They want to screw us up. I don't think they can go against free-will tho, I think it's some Universal rule. They can't kill an entire species all at once, so they do it by influencing weak minded individuals.
All too farfatech I know, but after seeing a couple of videos I changed my mind.

edit on 8-12-2010 by _SilentAssassin_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 03:37 PM
I doubt the reptilians like their meat cooked by radioactivity. They would want us nice and fresh.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by yak055h
reply to post by masonicon

Wow you present a very complicated scenario with multiple events happening in a domino-like event and the way you lay it out it sounds that it is a done deal can you offer a way that we can keep it from happening I am not able to spend much time here (here being ATS) and am not familiar with this predicted event will it happen no matter what?


don't stress about it, it's gibberish.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 11:50 PM

What if reps raised and stored human meat inside some distant moon?

Or somewhere else? Is it possible that they could engineer finger-lickin human-chicken that isn't corrupted with chemicals and diseased with cancers?

What if human meat to them is like chicken to us? Except their chicken isn't tainted or poisoned with genetically-molested feed.

What if their prized human-cattle is not over-crowded or abused?

Organic Human anyone?

Warning: The following video is highly disturbing and might cause nightmares for some.

edit on 8-12-2010 by Antoniastar because: it's a black ops thing.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Powerful statement my friend.
If it doesnt place you in danger were you serving in a armed branch when you encountered "it"? Like Dark Marines?

Hi Ophiuchus,

No, I was walking home after dropping off my wife and parking my car a few streets away. It was around 2:30 PM and I had a 'normal amount of wine' to accompany a long lasting dinner with friends. I don't take drugs, and considered myself very stable mentally until this occurred. Of course, the first thing I wondered when it happened was "have I gone mad? This can't be!" So I then used every manner of discernment and checking with my relation to the rest of my familiar neighborhood surroundings and assessed in the most analytical and discerning manner possible any number of pertinent details about that being.

I'm just a regular Joe, one who has taken a strong political stand against those who keep us in the dark and manipulate society for reasons known only to themselves. It is interesting that I also had another unusual experience, this time not alone but amongst neutral witnesses when I was assailed by a Man in Black on the subway. Both these experiences were paradigm shattering given that nothing which I knew about explained them. I had thought that it was all a Spy and Power game among deluded satanist Elitists. Now I can't stick with that as a sufficient explanation of the reality I have experienced first hand, and I'm too much of a nobody for any of this to have been hypnotically planted into my mind.


posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by sstark
powerful... imaginations!

If you've seen a reptilian, start taking your meds again!

Believe you me - I sure wish it was as easy as all that. I'd far rather be crazy and hallucinating than having to confront such a brutal insight into something so very real that I can only pray my entire life is a dream. But it is as much a very real part of my life as anything I have ever experienced, possibly more so yet because my disbelief was so great that I really tried very hard to make sure I wasn't 'losing it'.

I even wanted to get to the bottom of it by walking right up to him, come what may, to verify his physical substance by confronting him with my own meek carcass. But it was as if my body was moving me away against my will. I resisted but it signaled me somehow by turning me away from my trajectory that it wasn't about to be mauled because I'm too stupid to steer clear! This had never happened to me before or since. I didn't know one's body could take over and message our mind in this way, contesting our will.

Regarding 'my meds' I don't even like taking an aspirin and avoid anything other than a glass or two of wine during a meal. The others we had dinner with ate the same thing as me (no. there were no mushrooms served) and drank the same wine. I was in familiar surroundings and the event took the time I described given that my wife counted only around 10 to 15 minutes since I had dropped her off until I got home pale as a sheet and very shaken.

Please note that I am not trying to convince anyone here, nor do I have the faintest idea of what happened or what I saw. I can only describe the presence of a very physical full fledged reptilian humanoid of great size in a place where it should not have, if not could not have, been. Also, prior to this I was 100% sure that all this reptilian stuff was idiotic tripe which only retarded morons could ever believe, so I wasn't in the least predisposed to 'imagine' such a thing. And if I cannot attest to the reality of that being then I can't attest to anything else either - I really checked it out like nothing else, short of kicking it in the shins.

I am only posting this here not to make a spectacle of myself but despite that, in case my experience can offer some possible perspective to this thread's topic, if you glance again at the title. My impression was that, given two factors which are not simple to explain away, that there was some Illuminati Elite complicity to bring this entity into a 'rendez-vous' situation with those who were his unexpected victims, and secondly that his departure on foot in a large city was protected or covered up by high level complicities reaching to the police. I would expect that the gore scene he left behind was most necessarily also cleaned up by a specialized wet team trained to be discrete for such events, like the one in the movie "The Day of the Condor" with Robert Redford.

When I add my eyewitness experience to the known history of humanity making on most continents human sacrifices to Serpent Gods, then this thread topic does worry me a lot. Also after my sighting I did all I could to research what exactly what this entity I saw was. I discovered a strange book by a woman who was found drowned shortly after publishing it, after saying her life had been threatened. Body Snatchers - Reptilian Aliens and the Control Matrix by Susan Reed was an account of Reptilians possessing people psychically and controlling them physically. Another source mentioned his vision according to which a major convoy of the Reptilians is about to stop over on Earth on their way someplace and expects to have a party with a blood fest, flying down from their motherships and enjoying gourmet human swooping down using their wings like in the wizard of Oz.

Granted, this is a far stretch and tends towards rumor mongering. I don't say I believe it for even the bat of an eyelash, but I do wonder what these beasties are. The one I saw seemed too sophisticated, intelligent and advanced to be created my us mere mortals, but maybe those in the shadow government and their black ops have far greater know-how than we suspect? Whatever it was, it was one mean, nasty creature I would venture to nickname The Beast although I don't know why 666 would be ascribed to it. Other than the fact that 666 was near that time posted on my building inside an Illuminati triangle?


posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by NightchildIf the supposed Reptilians could be the source of the disinfo or parts of it? Sure, it's always possible, although, to take a guess, I do not think so. Could ofcourse be wrong, but it seems too much of another blaming the scapegoat, so to speak.

Yesterday during the evening news, my wife who is as skeptic and straight laced as they get and thinks I'm sort of an unusual personage, said about a government minister being interviewed: "There is something really weird about him, I don't know what, but it looks like somebody is inside of him wearing a human suit." I looked and for the first time noticed the same thing. His skin was sort of loose all around his face, his eyes somewhat inset and his face didn't move at all with his speech. This is the sort of thing I would have normally attributed to cosmetic surgery making the facial tissues too taut, but it really did look like somebody was inside a wrapper.

While I have not seen a shapeshifter since I was a child, and you know how we tend to be suspicious of our own childhood memories as we cannot be assured of their accuracy at a most impressionable age, I neither believe in or disbelieve that shapeshifters exist. However I do know that a full fledged Dragon Man, or Draco Reptilian, is something to be contended with. Whether there are shapeshifters, android synthetic host bodies used to replace our leaders, or some other form of telepathic possession or mind control exercised against our free will, something strange is going on and every one can verify this for themselves or stay hidden in their cave.


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