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Warning! Illuminati elites will feeds majority of Human race to their Reptilian gods

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posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

If I were you I'd look harder for a rational explanation, rather then let your imagination fill in the blanks. One person's interpretation of the world is completely different from another, we interpret the world through a series of signals detected by biological mechanisms, meaning the results will vary. In addition, all interpretation is controlled by our associative memory.

We often just see things. I've seen the road melt into itself when I was a young teen (sober), among many other things. They're just tricks of the mind. Don't look too far into it.

Also, loose skin is very common. Usually means rapid weight loss or old age.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Nightchild
Also, I very much would like to know according to whom they are supposedly telling this about them being the creators? I am aware of the claim, yes, but alot of people on the web and unfortunately also on ATS, play Role Play-games and tells stories that are pure inventions, and not seldomly these games goes along the very lines that some being or entity have been telling them this or that. So I am very sceptical when people claims that some enconutered or channeled entity have told them things, although I DO believe in the existence of channeling in itself.

You were talking about the Vedic texts and I was reminded of a few of the allusions in the Bhagavad Gita and specifically a qoute from Prabhupada who said something along the lines of "Yes they are always telling us this" (reffering to the Naga and their concept that they created man).

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by sstark
reply to post by Getsmart

If I were you I'd look harder for a rational explanation, rather then let your imagination fill in the blanks. One person's interpretation of the world is completely different from another, we interpret the world through a series of signals detected by biological mechanisms, meaning the results will vary. In addition, all interpretation is controlled by our associative memory.

We often just see things. I've seen the road melt into itself when I was a young teen (sober), among many other things. They're just tricks of the mind. Don't look too far into it.

Also, loose skin is very common. Usually means rapid weight loss or old age.

Agreed. Although, I would like to point out that sometimes the "things" you see is actually exactly what you see. However, what you interpret them as being, is a whole other issue.
What I mean is, that while one person might see an Angel, another might surely see a Demon, although they all saw the same Alien.

Also, I agree about the ageing thing. People these days are so accustomed to Botox-frozen faces that they have almost forgotten completely what ageing looks like.
I mean, it is just not nice when an old gentleman is cold a lizard because of his older age.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Majestic23
You were talking about the Vedic texts and I was reminded of a few of the allusions in the Bhagavad Gita and specifically a qoute from Prabhupada who said something along the lines of "Yes they are always telling us this" (reffering to the Naga and their concept that they created man).

Well, as far as I know, the Nagas were the created, unless it is a very old political cover-up and smearing-campaign in workings, such as the Jehovah and Satan-drama.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Nightchild

Originally posted by Majestic23
You were talking about the Vedic texts and I was reminded of a few of the allusions in the Bhagavad Gita and specifically a qoute from Prabhupada who said something along the lines of "Yes they are always telling us this" (reffering to the Naga and their concept that they created man).

Well, as far as I know, the Nagas were the created, unless it is a very old political cover-up and smearing-campaign in workings, such as the Jehovah and Satan-drama.

I believe also that they were created and do not represent anything near godlike power. Do you not consider that they genetically and spiritually intervened in man's development though?

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Majestic23

I believe also that they were created and do not represent anything near godlike power. Do you not consider that they genetically and spiritually intervened in man's development though?

Impossible to be certain, really, but sure, it's possible that they interviened via inbreeding or something.
Who knows, maybe they are even one of the good guys, but is getting a bad rap because of their looks.

Would actually be interesting to meet one. A Reptilian, that is. For no matter what their intentions are, it is obvious that they can indeed be "Mannered" and behave civilised, so it would be very interesting to actually meet and talk to one to build a better opinion.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Hi Ophiuchus,

No, I was walking home after dropping off my wife and parking my car a few streets away. It was around 2:30 PM and I had a 'normal amount of wine' to accompany a long lasting dinner with friends.

Correction of my priro post: it was not 2:30 PM - sorry for that TYPO which ATS won't let us edit beyond 4 hours - it was shortly after 2:30 AM in the middle of the night during the fall of 2007. Here is a link to my first account of this some two and a half years after it happened. Yeah, it took me that long to muster up the courage to talk about it, not because I was afraid of anything other than getting near one again, but because I really couldn't explain what it was.

Original Sighting Post

From the Open Minds forum:

"Phil Schneider, a builder of US underground bases, told the writer and researcher, Alex Christopher, that when children reached the point where they could not work anymore in the slave conditions underground, they were consumed by the reptilians. They prefer young children because they are not contaminated like adults"...

"Satanic rituals and human sacrifice, especially of children, are performed on a vast scale and involve some of the most famous politicians, business people, media owners and entertainers on the planet"...

"These rituals and human sacrifice have always been the foundation of the Brotherhood 'religion' since ancient times. And the Brotherhood manipulates its Satanic initiates and 'gofers' into the positions of political, economic, business, military, medical and media power, and into influential positions in the world of entertainment"...

"Apparently, according to former Satanists I have met and read about, some world politicians are addicted to blood taken from a victim at the moment of sacrifice because of the adrenaline which is produced at that time. I am told this addiction is quite common among Satanists, and researchers into the reptilian question suggest that this is the substance the reptiles also want."

Here is a link to that very disturbing thread where a person claims to have had prophetic visions which correspond uncomfortably with what I witnessed, both in terms of aspects of physical appearance and predatory behavior against humans.

Open Minds Forum 2017 Reptilian Invasion

The entity I was was different in several ways but also similar in significant ways. He apparently probably had wings high up on its back folded into a bunch, which unfolded might looked like those in the illustration. His neck was a good bit shorter, closer to its shoulders which were a good bit wider giving his torso an abruptly tapered angle to a much thinner waist. His posture was more upright and athletic and he had longer legs and no tail. His skin was leathery with large iridescent segmented scales of dark brown, dark green and dark red hues. It had no visible tail. His large egg-sized eyes had a disturbing deep dark red glow.

The poster's illustration of his prophetic vision

Original text from Plutron of the Open Minds forum

"The above is a crude but accurate depiction of a winged Drakko Reptilian, - - one individual which I observed out of tens of thousands, who were flying out of the bottom of huge hovering black triangle space-craft. The sky was dark with the magnitude of quantity of high-altitude craft in the sky over Los Angeles. They were making the last (third) pass through the area in their 'blood-lust', a periodic practice which Reptilians do for 'fun' on Earth. The blood-lust happens after hostile scaler-weapons exchange between Russian Military and the US Military that disable the electrical systems on Earth. I perceived that blood-lust event as transpiring sometime around 2017"

"The blood-lust happens after hostile scaler-weapons exchange between the Russian Military and the US Military that disable the electrical systems on Earth. I perceived the blood-lust event as transpiring sometime around 2017. The Drakkos fly (technologically assisted), hop and walk, - - they were eating Humans and anything else they could catch. They stun their prey with a telepathic pulse from their '3rd eye' if within range. There is more to the story."

What I also find disturbing is these sightings / visions coming at approximately the same time as the New World Orders' AGENDA 21 for sustainable development and protection of the Ecosystem, by removing the greatest nuisance to the sacred planetary biosphere, human lives. The plan is to leave only 500 million survivors parked in concentrated centers near railway tracks, now doesn't this sound strangely like the way industrial farming raises chicken?

Agenda 21 - Human Depopulation Culling and Herding

Those involved in this plot against Humanity are possibly not human themselves, but perhaps stealth Aliens masquerading as humans in "skin suits"? We remember the movie They Live based upon a book whichexposed that Reptilians used beamed technology to conceal their infiltration and maintain their disguise without being detected. Here is an outtake from that movie.

They Live

Recently also a Live Television Broadcast

There appears a pattern, real or illusory, of an Elite conspiracy to fulfill an Alien Agenda associated with a Reptilian influence from behind the scenes throughout human history and within the Elite Brotherhood of Serpent among the bloodline Illuminati and Royal Families who practice satanist child sacrifice rituals and a cult of evil. Whether fully or partly human or of Alien origin these groups of individuals circulating freely among us and pulling most of the strings of today's power structures are by all accounts of their actions and motives fully INHUMAN.



posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:05 PM
cant we just give them a few cows

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by lewman
Deny Ignorance

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by XxRagingxPandaxX

i dont think this is going to really happen, does that make me ignorant or do you agree with my point of view?

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 06:14 AM
Have any of you seen Stargate Atlantis? They fight an enemy called the "Wraith" - they come down and harvest people from their ships using teleportation technology. There are a few interesting concepts in the series, such as "Wraith Worhshippers" - people who worship the Wraith (so the Wraith do not feed upon them) and they receive powers and control in return. Also, civilisations that are not powerfull enough to fight, so they collect all thier prisoners at each of the "harvesting" seasons - so that they can get rid of their "undesirables" and also satisfy the Wraith. I think that we often say "Reptillians" and "Greys" because they seem to be the only "aliens" that we are aware of. Perhaps there are many more, many more that are far too advanced to allow themselves to be detected like the traditional UFO's. I think (my personal view) that the Greys and Reptillians are kind of like our current understanding of "Muslim" or "Middle-Eastern" people and "terrorists" - it is only a few of them that give the rest a bad name. I mean, if you think about it, these aliens must have children, must have evolved just like we did. And if we understand life correctly, then it is a simple case of survival of the fittest. It seems like the more advanced races are also the races that are very isolated, and very controlled. And the other races, the ones that have conquest as an agenda, are far more numerous across the galaxy, although they might not have as advanced technology. We have to look at ourselves when thinking about these things, look at the way we treat our own animals and livestock.
edit on 11-12-2010 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
I think that we often say "Reptillians" and "Greys" because they seem to be the only "aliens" that we are aware of. Perhaps there are many more, many more that are far too advanced to allow themselves to be detected like the traditional UFO's.

Totaly not true. There are other types of ET's reported aswell in regards of Alien encounters- Types that are even just ascommon as the Greys, snd in some åarts of the World even more so, namely the Human-looking ones. For some odd reason, though, people not seldomly tend to ignore them, perhaps because of the Human apparence that may feel "threatening" top some, hence rather choosing to focus on the "Gray guys", I do not know.
But, fact remains, that the Human looking ET is very common, and are even the type that- in modern times and the latest century- were reported long before the Grey ET.

And in regards of Reptilians during Alien encounters... Well, the only reason people have heard about them is because of Icke and "V", otherwise the only types of ET's most people would be aware of would be the Greys and the Nordes, as those types are the ones that people are generally reporting about.

Still, it is worth mentioning, that during hypnosis sessions with abductees, Reptilian beings were quite rarely mentioned backwards in time from the 1990's and back(ALthough they sometimes were), and the "Inhuman" beings were more often described as almost "Insectoid" in apparence, and often being covered with a hood and very rarely interferring.

Anyway, just adding some info.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by lewman
i dont think this is going to really happen, does that make me ignorant or do you agree with my point of view?

Hi Lewman,

You don't know just how much I want you to be right, so you're not going to get an argument from me. Had I not seen the being that night it would all be fear-mongering reading about it here or elsewhere. Not disbelieving in the possibility of Aliens out there somewhere, I always thought that an Alien Invasion of any sorts would have to be a faked one run by the Black Ops dating back to the Nazis, since it was Hitler's friend Wernher von Braun who told his colleague Carol Rosin that we'd be tricked this way.

Von Braun in 1974: "The 'Last Card' will be the Extraterrestrial Threat"

I find it disturbing that an entity such as the one I saw could physically exist. And even moreso that one could have been right down here among us without the entire world being alerted of a major threat. Especially given the violent mental image it projected of its recent deed. This is possibly one of the things that froze me up from being able to tell others what I saw. Either my mind was able to branch off seamlessly into an entirely different reality where everything was one hundred percent the same except for this being's ominous and threatening presence - or it was factual but with such cover-up complicities that nothing could become known about it publicly. It isn't likely that it was an "implanted experience" using mind control or similar sightings would have happened to others concurrently to spread a false rumor. As far as I know my sighting in that time-frame was unique.

In today's news we learn that the Air Force Space Command has just decided to share data from its array of Military Satellites regarding "Fireball Space Bolides" entering Earth's atmosphere which some believe to be UFOs I therefore pay special attention.

U.S. Military in Talks to Share Fireball Data from Secret Satellites

Could this be due to a plan to bring wide disclosure of UFOs either to prepare the population to accept the loss of national sovereignty under the Banner of the New World Order to protect us from the threat of an impending Alien Invasion, or possibly to prepare us for their "Feasting" during such an invasion?

The bottom of this article points to something else, to a PRIVATE Space Company partly funded by one of PayPal's co-founders.

Space Dragon Soars! Photos From SpaceX's First Space Capsule Demo Flight

We can better understand where the money PayPal scams its customers of goes to, as this is the usual Black Ops criminal and corporate Modus Operandi for funding agency secret projects. The nomenclature used in this program makes me uneasy. I can assure you that having crossed paths in person with a Draco Reptilian Dragon-man there is NO WAY I would ever want to use its name for any undertaking..

At the bottom of the article here is a link to a number of photos and artist renderings which illustrate the program. Here's instant access to that photo gallery.

Gallery: Photos of the DRAGON Space Capsule

I have selected a few of these pictures for discussion, as they may give hints to what this topic is about. I shall embed them here followed by the original image captions as they can be found on the website.

Photo caption:

The Creator Has a Master Plan
SpaceX's Falcon 9 is being readied for its debut flight in 2010. PayPal co-founder turned rocketeer Elon Musk has backed the venture.


This image and its revealing caption backs up the assumption that PayPal, just like Facebook and a number of other allegedly private corporate organizations are antennae of the Intelligence Agencies and used for the extension of their operations into the civilian arena. Privacy of Black Operations grants Corporations the protection against Federal investigation since private firms are not obligated to report their activities to Congressional Oversight. If you're not aware of how Facebook ties in, here's a short video explanation.

The CIA Further Infiltrates our Daily Lives

According to the following article — SOURCE: Google, Facebook, eBay, PayPaL—Evidence is mounting that these internet giants could all be CIA frontsSOURCE: Google, Facebook, eBay, PayPaL—Evidence is mounting that these internet giants could all be CIA fronts

"In 1999, PayPal became the world’s first virtual banking system, making it possible for surfers everywhere to send and receive money via the internet. The idea was conceived, and the website founded, by US futurist, entrepreneur, and 2009 Bilderberg attendee, Peter Thiel."

"These days Thiel is recognized as the godfather of what was recently dubbed by Fortune Magazine the ‘PayPal Mafia’, a group of super-wealthy Silicon Valley venture capitalists with alleged business ties to the CIA."...

"As the evidence reveals, that “super-smart search engine” would manifest itself in the form of Google. But first, the seemingly ubiquitous Peter Thiel"

"For the record, PayPal was not Thiel’s only internet success. He is also the ‘face’ behind Facebook."...

"Indeed, given what we now know about the internet’s most omnipresent search engine, the question must surely be asked: who really bought YouTube—Google, or the CIA?"

"The PR story circulated at the time was that the nerds in question (YouTube’s founders) were former PayPal employees, itself sufficient to set sirens wailing."

I had my own 'experience' with PayPal's seizure of my personal funds. It was in the context of eBay sales of precious metals. The reason they used to seize the funds from my sale of the goods in question was my refusal to disclose to them over the phone the exact physical location where I kept this precious metal bullion. Anyone with an ounce of brains would know not to tell a total stranger where they can go and find their ounce of gold.

The people I spoke with over the phone sounded very much like low level CIA operatives. I've been around and recognize the respective terminology, communication protocol and general mode of expression of both such agents as well as employees of private banks and corporations. There was no mistaking these for regular employees hired through the want ads.

I conclude that this occurred either in a systematic targeting of vulnerable assets for theft by the agency to appropriate them for criminal funding purposes, or maybe for a second reason to economically weaken Truth Seekers who are classified as opponents of this criminal operation's uninterrupted Nazi heritage.

An example of my active denunciation of the CIA

LINK to my testimony of Illegal PayPal Asset Seizure

So we can definitely establish that the supposedly "PRIVATE" Space Exploration Company with its alleged leisure purpose and strictly commercial objectives is strictly a Civilian Extension of the American Intelligence Community. Elon Musk's improbable name could be a humorous agency moniker as an anagram of "Lone Skum". For those who know the CIA it is usual procedure that Agents are on their own, and not helped if ever found out. Also the CIA makes underworld mobster morals seem pure and humane, meaning that an Agent is expected to act like Scum, ie. Lone Skum in this case?

The SpaceX venture is apparently piloted by the Bilderberg Group, given that the other PayPal co-founder Thiel was an attendee to that annual event, during which the Illuminati are dispatched with ORDERS for the forthcoming year. Whom they obey yet to be ascertained, but it is very distressing to consider that those at the TOP may not be Human? Glance back up at the heading of that photo caption, and you will read:

The Creator has a Master Plan

We can only hope that the Bilderberg Group attendees have not been deluded into believing that Draco Reptilian Aliens are our Creators having genetically engineered humanity eons ago. If so we're in deep trouble meaning that all of the Earth's Elite are obeying a race of INHUMAN bloodthirsty dragons. Do they believe that they are Gods? This would explain the widely practiced Satanic Human Blood Sacrifice Rituals of Illuminati Occult Devil Worship.

Kubrick's depiction of the Illuminati

Stanley Kubrick Died To Open our Eyes

Could there be additional clues in the SpaceX Program?

Photo caption:

The Falcon and Dragons of SpaceX
"The Dragon qualification unit being outfitted with test Draco thruster housings. Depending on mission requirements, Dragon will carry as many as eighteen Draco thrusters per capsule"


With the most fearsome and dreaded protagonist of UFO lore being the Dragon Aliens from the Alpha Draconis star system, why would this company chose DRAGON to be the name of its Space Capsule? Also, it cannot be mere coincidence that they also named this Dragon's thrusters DRACO Thrusters. This is a clear reference to the Draco Dragons. So why would this space capsule be named after them? Is it to send Billionaire Illuminati 'Clients' to some high-level Satanic Rituals in Outer Space? Or is it to honor the Dracos as our real LEADERS? Or could it be part of a program to contest the authority of the Draco over Earth and counter their attack?

We can also ask ourselves, why the odd number of 18 Draco Thrusters? Are they grouped into three groups of 6? This could spell out 6 6 6 which is known as the number of The Beast -> Satan -> Lucifer -> Draco ?!?

When I recently told a neighbor of my experience of the Draco sighting, she yelled out: "You mean to say that you saw The DEVIL ?"

Photo caption:

Tonight When I Chase the Dragon
"A SpaceX Dragon cargo ship approaches the International Space Station in this artist's illustration."


Here the caption tells us something. "Tonight when I chase the Dragon." Is there a secret war against the Draco going on in Space to which certain factions of Black Ops are participating in? In this case would our Illuminati's "Overlords" be of different Alien origin? Or are they at long last rebelling? Maybe I'm reading too much into this and there's nothing to see, only somebody bored at their job jotting off captions from the top of his head.

There is however something else which does strike me as unusual. I wonder if this capsule might not be used for some sort of joint Human / Reptilian project. The reason for this is the unusual graphics of this company's SpaceX insignia as illustrated on the hull of the Falcon 9 Spaceship. Let us only reflect that they call it that, a "Spaceship"!

More photos of the Spaceflight nicknamed "Enter the Dragon"

There they show us the following image.

Photo caption:

Gumdrop Space Dragon
In the SpaceX hangar at Cape Canaveral, the Dragon spacecraft prepares for integration with the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Visible at the base of the spacecraft is Dragon's heat shield, made of PICA-X, the SpaceX manufactured variation on NASA's Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA) heat shield material.


First they refer to the "Gumdrop Space Dragon". A gumdrop is an appealing candy few can resist chewing and swallowing. It is a tempting tasty tidbit easy to pop in your mouth and ingest. This is why the rest of the caption is interesting.

The Dragon capsule is a "Coated Gumdrop" using a material called PICA-X. While the name of this heat shield material has its justification in the technical description of its composition, we know that many letter descriptions can be known to have several meanings. If we look into what the word PICA usually means it is defined as the EATING OF UNHEALTHY SUBSTANCES which is a dietary disorder which can affect humans or animals. We can therefore wonder if the Humans who will be placed in these capsules, knowingly or not, could be themselves some sort of "coated gumdrops" which will induce PICA in the Draco who ingest them? Might this be a use of this capsule to contaminate the Dracos with bio-engineered viruses as maybe our only strike capability?

Link: Wikipedia definition of PICA disorder

Photo caption:

Astronaut Customers
"When SpaceX sends unmanned Dragon cargo ships to the International Space Station, astronauts and cosmonauts will have to pluck the vehicle from space using the station's robotic arm and then unpack it. They may even eventually ride into space on a seven-person version of Dragon, which SpaceX is also planning."


Here we note that there are plans (possibly it is already ongoing but unannounced to the public) to send up 7 people at a time on missions. They will then be "Plucked" out of space maybe to become tasty treats? Hopefully they won't make for pleasant digestion. Unless our various races exist on Earth after we were engineered to different characteristics to make for varied flavors at Draco dinner parties? If the case then our Gene Pool would be covertly modified by abduction and genetic sampling to improve the taste properties of forthcoming human cross-breeds?

That this capsule is used for some form of EXCHANGE of Humans for something else might be found in the name of the company. We all know, without a second thought, that OF COURSE the term ForeX means "Foreign Exchange". If this is the case and you agree, then why doesn't Space-X mean SPACE EXCHANGE ?


This picture slightly rotates the script above the DRAGON's doorway. This is the same insignia which is on the side of the Falcon's first stage launch rocket. It is also the official scripting of this company which we know is funded and controlled by the CIA. It clearly reads: SPY CEX. The first part is self-explicit. The second part is open to interpretation. I would vote for Capsule for Extraterrestrial Exchange or CEX. But that's just my first guess.

This whole thing wouldn't be as worrisome of there weren't suspicions that the CIA has been at the help of a program to abduct Children throughout the world for what has been noted as use for Satanic Cults. Allegations have also been made that similar operatives have abducted people, predominantly children, who were kept underground at the DULCE Alien/Black Ops Genetic experimentation laboratories.

FBI bureau chief accuses CIA of Child Abductions

Draco Reptilians at the Dulce Base

There is definitely some sort of message being given to us through this CIA Space Program. Whether it is hostile to Humanity as were its Nazi founders and Allied with the Dracos, or in an unexpected shift of allegiance hostile to the Dracos and Allied with US is yet to be determined - we can only hope for the latter.

Photo caption:

Must I Paint You a Picture?
"An illustration of SpaceX's Falcon 9 and Dragon spacecraft lifting off from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral, FL."


Here is something of a declaration customarily used when people aren't taking a hint. The caption for the last picture is titled "Must I Paint You a PIcture?". This means that obviously we may still haven't gotten the message, because we are Eyes Wide Shut: So Let's Wake Up and Get Smart.


posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

you're explaining away your theory with cheezy numerology and really weak references to business names. This is not helping your argument, just makes us skeptics even more so.

Again I stand by my opinion that this is nuts.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by sstark

you're explaining away your theory with cheezy numerology and really weak references to business names. This is not helping your argument, just makes us skeptics even more so.

Again I stand by my opinion that this is nuts.

Hi sstark,

I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, my posts were only to explore what I think "might" be an unlikely possibility, and only so because of my own sighting. Otherwise I don't think I would have been as open minded as you, in posting a reply.

I also stand by your opinion: "Yes, it is nuts". Who could agree something so crazy? But this is exactly what I was confronted with in a close encounter of the third kind. Already acknowledging the reality of the existence of a Draco was crazy. Which means that if the scenario mentioned in this thread title was for real, then we'd be dealing with a very crazy situation and not one we're prepared to contend with. For that reason this is the sort of possibility we must address from a contingency perspective - to know what, if anything, we could do should things get unexpectedly nasty. Let us hope that the very idea is absurd and impossible. We'd all prefer a world where such entities do not exist, and where we remain the ones at the top of the food chain.

Personally, I can no longer believe that we are due to what I witnessed which impressed me as being carnivorous. I felt like a chicken for the plucking. Were I not in my own shoes, i.e. having still the choice to not believe it, I'd rather keep this outside of my reality construct. So I cannot condemn anyone who can't wrap their mind around this possibility, either because it is irrational and incompatible with what we know or because it is too creepy to consider plausible.

But my bubble has burst and this brings me to warn others - not of any form of certain impending danger but of the possibility that such entities are actually predatory carnivorous creatures. Although apparently not "Humane" or endowed with compassion or what we call spiritual qualities, they are possibly intellectually, psychically, physically and technologically superior to us. Admittedly there is no tangible evidence that they exist, as most of those who got too close never reported back - was I lucky that my instincts took me out of harm's way? And hopefully there is no relevance to the warning given in this thread. Yet, when we cry... Draco are we just crying wolf ?

I agree with you that my references to those business names were weak if bizarre coincidences. However they were not in themselves purporting to be the foundation of a theory, only possible subsidiary elements which seemed to fit in. I was not trying to do more than ask myself what this might mean, if anything? The reference to the PayPal co-founder's name is actually more of a tongue in cheek commentary, meant to illustrate the typical character of certain CIA corporate operatives. This, of course, may not be accurate and remains to be confirmed - it could well be that his parents named him that, wouldn't he be so lucky?

SpaceX may have nothing to do with "X for exchange", although this is one of the main references used for that letter in its use for insignia. It might instead have to do with the X-files or possibly just have been chosen out of the blue without any prior thought or projected significance. But the most relevant names found are not interpretations. Dragon is a name which comes from mythology and refers to a flying reptile. You may find that this has nothing to with the coincidental use of identical terminology in a Space Program with the same terms describing Alien Visitation phenomena in the UFO community. After all, Draco is just the word Dragon in Latin. And the engineers who designed the Dragon's thrusters may have called them that out of fond memories from their high school Latin class? Unless somebody in this Space Program, quite likely funded by American Black Ops banking, chose these names as bearing a certain significance.

Regarding references to numerology it isn't exactly correct that I made any such propositions. If you look again at that post I was not toying with contrived numbers but simply noticing an unusually large number of reactors. I had never before heard of so many being used to direct a craft. I noted their positioning six by six within three separate arrays in order to get a total of three times six (666) boosters.

I am therefore only guilty in this instance of mentioning a pattern of physical features on the SpaceX Dragon capsule, and not of compiling any sort of numerological derivation, given I never used any special calculations or assembly of numbers other than those found by directly observing the design of the craft. The number of physical DRACO boosters found on the DRAGON capsule -without compilation or manipulation - happens to coincide with a number which, to my knowledge is not numerological (please correct me if I am wrong) but has been used as a CODE NAME or a symbolic representation of the DEVIL. This also happens to be - in my opinion - a religious interpretation of THE BEAST which I saw, known by the UFO community to be a DRACO Reptilian warrior cast presumably from the Alpha Draconis star system or one of its outposts.

Here is a description given of this specific species of Alien outlined among others, which does NOT mention them being a threat to us or having a sweet tooth for human flesh.

Reptilian Biped: Draco

These least sighted entities are 7 to 12 feet tall. Draco, Latin for dragon, is similar in appearance to the Reptoid, but there are some differences. They have wings, capable of flight, made of long, thin bony spines protruding from their backs, joined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin. The scales are brownish green. Glowing eyes are red and they have horns. Some witnesses have reported seeing these creatures wearing capes. The Draco Prime has white scales.

SOURCE: Reptoids – Reptilian Bipeds Cryptids or Space Aliens?

Now we can wonder how anyone can make an authoritative list of alien creatures which are not recognized by any official organization or institution, much less by governmental agencies entrusted to ascertain risks and defend our security. I wouldn't know about any of them other than the one mentioned here, noting that I only suspect that it had wings due to a high positioned hump in its back, and did not see any horns as he was wearing a hood. It was definitely not a Draco Prime to whom they refer. The most shocking and striking physical characteristic once you get past its disturbingly disproportionate size are the eerie dark red glowing eyes which I still can't explain - how could eyes GLOW? Nonetheless they did emit steady radiant red light more intense yet less bright than a car's brake lights.


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:45 AM
Well! one of the most well known method of those Reptilians eating Human Flesh are: sucks prey's innards until it's dry like mummies(pretty much like traditional Vampires sucks victim's blood except in this case, they are also sucks Victim's flesh), and uses it's empty skin as makeshift biosuit(and that's was pretty much like we drinks fruit juices from it's boxes when they are ate us)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:47 AM
And since their Population makes World's Population looks nothing, I'm sure Earth's Humans aren't the only ones that they uses as their livestock

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:49 AM
And those Reptilian Jinns are bleeds Ichor/Grey Goo(modern term for Ichor due to poisonous nature to mortals)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by sstark

When he speaks of them eating you he means by world disasters many will be killed. After many are killed they Annunaki shall release a nanobot that will eat all the dead flesh. When the flesh is being eaten the energy released is to be beamed up (wi fi style) to their craft for energy distribution. Making it very easy to basically absorbe any species ALMOST. Read some of masonicon writtings they are very interesting. Sometimes seems like they speak from experiences.. thanks again
edit on 12/6/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

This can be the good explanation why The Dead are still decays even when they are completely sealed in the metal boxes and embalmed to the point where the Dead are utterly inedible to Worms

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by masonicon

Do they use a straw to suck out the insides? How do they do that? Do you know? When I eat pickles, for example, I suck out the insides. Is it kind of like that?

What do they do with the skin and bones and hair?

edit on 15-12-2010 by Antoniastar because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2010 by Antoniastar because: It's a girl thang.

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