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Obama Care, Fascism or Feudalism, you make the call

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:53 AM
So, I have been reading a lot on the blogosphere and seeing in some of the MSM that the Obama Care tax bill is being applied not so evenly. I am wondering about this. What would you call it when the government decides which companies are going to follow the law and which ones are going to get waivers?

The fascism component could be construed due to the nature that the government decides who has to follow regulations itself created.

The feudalism component could be construed due to the same argument.

What you cannot describe this is as any shape or form capitalism. The government is deciding who has to pay extra taxation. When did they change the equal under the law provision in our courts? This right here is a perfect reasoning behind calling this tax bill unlawful. If the government gets to decide who is going to have to pay and who does not, this is ultimately just another example of crony capitalism. Notice who the groups are that are getting the waivers. Unions and Mega Corps.

So, how do you people feel about your King or your Corporate Dictator in Chief?

How do you reconcile your position on de Dictator in Chief?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

Teaparty people are destroying America through their ignorance, backward thinking, and obstructionist tactics. If they actually knew anything about the health care package they'd know it was for the American people's best interest. The conservative party has done more to damage this country, and endanger the people then any democratic candidate ever has. If Obama looses to a republican this next Presidential election, things will get even worse than they are, and then who will the Teaparty people, and the republicans blame?

[off-topic site promotion removed]
edit on 11/15/2010 by 12m8keall2c because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Did it ever occur to ANYONE that universal healthcare (that actually works) is the sign of a truly advanced and civilized society??? There are certain things that should NOT be based on profit and greed, and the health and well being of a society should be near the top of that list! Health for profit is just a piss poor way to do things, PERIOD!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Let me guess, you don't pay for your own health care, you wait for the next welfare check to come in and you want the sorry excuse of workers to pay for everything while you stand on your soap box and tell all of us how horrible we are to want to keep some of our hard earned money for ourselves and our families. Grow up.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by DavidKrabs
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

Teaparty people are destroying America through their ignorance, backward thinking, and obstructionist tactics. If they actually knew anything about the health care package they'd know it was for the American people's best interest. The conservative party has done more to damage this country, and endanger the people then any democratic candidate ever has. If Obama looses to a republican this next Presidential election, things will get even worse than they are, and then who will the Teaparty people, and the republicans blame?

Yeah, that evil, terrorist, right wing fringe, blah blah blah blah, organization is destroying the country and the world! Yeah, you should be on the MSM, you would fit right in. The democrats are our saviors.

Hey, you should get your descriptors down a little better, you know, is the Tea Party a fabrication of the Republican party or right wing fringe? Cannot have it both ways. Oh and by the way, how does anything you stated have anything to do with the OP? That would be nothing of course.

How bout blaming the people that are responsible? Those that have set aside their responsibilities of self governance among other things. How bout growing up and becoming responsible? Or do you like those jack boots along with the scraps?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Advanced and civilized society huh? Well, I think the death panels they are setting up to save a few bucks would make your statement highly irresponsible.

Have you not heard the latest? Or do you just listen to the propaganda?

Let us see, how many Corporations and Unions has the White House given WAIVERS to a LAW?

Or how bout the call by Democrat Pundit Krugman for.............wait for it...................wait for it..................

Death Panels

Oh well, I guess you could come up with a better descriptor for what the big government and their pundits are calling for, maybe call them the "Health panels that decide who is going to die and who is going to live panels." I think the Death Panels is a better descriptor.

So nice of the government to step in and force up costs on the private individuals and then decide who is going to get treatment. So "civilized" as YOU CALL IT. I myself would call it dictatorial.

So tell me, once all the 60 million or so are put on the free health care schema, I guess those of us that have put aside for our basic responsibilities, are just going to have to suck it up and just say that is fine that EVEN THOUGH I have prepared and have been responsible, I should stand in the same Death Panel to let a bureaucrat decide who is going to get what I have paid for.

Yeah, sounds REALLY civilized to me. NOT.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by searching411

reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

Two birds, one stone... First of all, I'm a disabled Veteran, so I'm covered by the VA. I live in a state where there is NO welfare system, so if I wasn't covered by my Veteran's status, I'd be SOL without employer based health insurance (which many employers DO NOT provide).

Secondly, I said (go back and reread my post if necessary) a Universal Health Care system THAT WORKS. I in no way said that such a thing exists yet anywhere, and that peice of crap health INSURANCE reform law sure as hell does NOTHING to reform the for profit health care system we have today. We have Death Panels already, and have had them for quite some time... they are called insurance companies, and all they have to do is refuse to pay for your lifesaving treatment to sentence you to death...

Can either of you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that your child's life should be decided on whether the healthcare system can make a buck saving it??? If you said yes, then you are neither ADVANCED nor CIVILIZED! And you told me to grow up! Pull your ignorant head out of the sand and quit swallowing the ignorant propaganda that you're being shoveled by the media hacks! STOP BEING A SHEEPLE AND DEMAND MORE FROM YOU GOVERNMENT AND YOUR FELLOW MAN! YOU'RE ALREADY PAYING FOR IT!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I demand NOTHING from my fellow man or government except to LEAVE me alone. Leave my Property alone, leave my Life alone, leave my Liberty alone.

Some people just do not get it. These measures are available in other countries, why not move there? Oh I see, you want the US to look just like Greece. Gotcha.

Hey, why don't you move to California, they have all kinds of "civilized" attitude to fit your needs. They are so "civilized" as to give illegals the same rate of college tuition as state citizens, yet not the same as for someone say from Nevada. Such a civilized state. Only half a trillion in debt and in only two years, their pension system will dole out more money than comes from taxation. Hmmm, wonder how they are going to stay so "civilized".

I guess in the whole scheme of things, if the civilized world is what you can point to, I would rather be uncivilized.

But of course if I do not like your civilized world, My Property, My Life and My Labor will be stolen with a gun to my head.

Thanks for being so CIVILIZED.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
...I would rather be uncivilized...

It shows in your posts and your attitude... Feel free to move off to a mountaintop somewhere where us civilized folk will leave you alone... BTW, since you want to be left alone, please refrain from using any of our infrastructure, and if we ever get invaded, you are on your own, so be sure to stock up on plenty of bullets in your commune in Montana...

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:53 PM
let's cut the salaries of doctors, the costs of drugs, the costs of medical equipment, eliminate HMO's. that's what has been done in essence to the american worker. his job has been moved overseas (over 4 million the last decade), and the ones remaining have had their wages cut or frozen, and their benefits done away with. why can't that happen to the top 5 %? because to republicans and the right, they're the only people in this country that matter. all the rest of the poor and middle class can find a job for minimum wage. hey ..."mr. don't tread on me" is anyone suppose to pay for 600 to 800 dollars a month health care coverage. we need millions of more people on the street begging anyway, right?? we need those old people that can just barely live on their social security to just die off. maybe we can set up a giant dirt hole in each town, so the people that die out on the streets can just be shoveled up and put into.

we had a new crispy creme donut shop open up here in stockton, cal. and they had a line of 900 people outside applying for 23 jobs. they started lining up at 4 in the morning, but i guess to you they were all welfare scum right?

edit on 15-11-2010 by jimmyx because: to add 4 million

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

For you so intellectually mature, do YOU really believe the infrastructure of this country is supplied by the government? It is almost laughable sometimes.

Fuel taxation, licensing taxation, registration taxation is what is supposed to be used for the national and state road systems.

For your information, who do you think pays for say electrical, cable, water, gas and road improvements when new areas are developed? DO YOU ACTUALLY believe it is the government?

Some people just have no clue as to how the US works. Private developers install all these improvements, so the government does not pay a DIME. They of course than take these infrastructure improvements over and then commence to tax for their upkeep. Of course it all goes into the general fund and gets distributed as they see fit.

You can attempt to just forget or subvert this TRUTH all you want. Tell me, how much of that SS fund is left? That would be zero. How bout that medicare and medicaid fund? That would be zero.

Funny how all these taxation plans to make us more civilized get raided continuously by the government for such things as teaching whores in China not to get drunk while prostituting themselves. Funny how the supposed use of these tax schemes always get funneled to anything the government wants to do.

Actually, those that believe the government supplies ANYTHING should be living in the caves, those of us that have paid for our property, that have created something in our lives, would appreciate it if you would quit stealing our labor, our property, our lives and our liberty.

I think the situation we are in now proves for a FACT that the government is not responsible enough to supply me with ANYTHING, besides more taxes and control. Keep living in your utopian idyllic dream.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:35 PM
Anyone arguing that their "party" has the country's best interests at heart is blind to the truth. Both party's are in an alliance with the major corporations and the banks which own them. Stop fighting each other and realize that both of your parties have been working against America, so they can get campaign contributions, funding, and keep their political office. It's disgusting that the left/right issue is still effective in masking the truth.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Want to know what type of healthcare system actually works?. Educate yourself.

Entitlement programs are doomed from the start. They will always suck up more and more resources until they finally implode. Human psychology guarantees it.

Healthcare in America historically got more expensive, less affordable, and more corrupt in direct proportion to the amount of government involvement in health insurance and healthcare entitlement.

Free anything for everybody is Utopian, and doomed to implode due to moral hazards from its very inception.

If people aren't responsible for their own lives, others who don't actually emotionally give a damn about them will be responsible for their lives.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by NewlyAwakened

Thus proving that we are neither civilized nor advanced... we just like to think we are... and to be against such a lofty goal only proves you also are neither...

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

No, the highway fairies built and paid for it... I won't even dignify such an ignorant post with an actual reply... Apparently you have no clue how the real world works, so you should refrain from trying to tell others how it does... Were you home schooled???

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
Thus proving that we are neither civilized nor advanced... we just like to think we are... and to be against such a lofty goal only proves you also are neither...

Never said I was. You seem to think you are exempt though, which is amusing (would be frightening instead, if you were in a position of power).

edit on 15-11-2010 by NewlyAwakened because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by MGriff

I pray for the day that the majority of Americans can see this truth, it's mindboggling how many people are still stuck in this left/right paradigm as if there is any difference. It's that kind of thinking that keeps us stuck where we are. As far as Obamacare, I hope it gets repealed and something better is created (wouldn't trust the Republicans to get that done either). No one should be forced to buy anything against their will, and in these tough times having to buy that healthcare can be the difference that causes to you lose your home or end up on the street. And finally, how can I have any confidence in a bill that no one read and couldn't find out what was in it until it was passed? Thanks Nancy!

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by NewlyAwakened

I'm not, but I at least aspire to be... Self-improvement, in both the individual sense and the group sense, is a GOOD thing...

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:14 PM
People who defend the republican conservative philosophy of aid ONLY to the rich, and fight against national health care, and don’t even want to give health care to children are just immoral.

Its no use arguing with them because they actually bask in their selfishness.

They hide behind this idea of “let me keep my money for myself”

They have a low-level, selfish, ethnocentric view of the world that is the very essence of what makes the world a bad place to live in.

They were raised with Christian values but I wonder why none of those teachings regarding love, charity, mercy, and empathy for their fellow human got through to them.

No body wants to be taxed excessively. All good natured people are asking for is, for example, children have health care.

People with pre-existing conditions have health care.

And better that all people in the nation have equal access to health care as all civilized modern societies in the world have.

Talk about laws that compel people to do this or that.

What about the law that one has to have automobile insurance; or traffic laws; or the law that one has to give ones children education; or the law that requires a passport to travel; or the law that requires one has to have a license to drive; and register ones vehicle yearly.
Are they a part of the nations dictatorial laws?
Are these laws part of the national dictator’s plan?

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Rynocerous7

It’s not a left right paradigm

It’s a good versus evil paradigm

It’s a generousness versus selfishness paradigm

It’s an intelligence versus ignorance paradigm

It’s a love versus hate paradigm

It’s a peace versus war paradigm

It’s good to feed people

It’s good to provide a good living for people

It’s good to provide health care for people

It’s good to provide education for people

It’s good to help each other

And it is ultimately evil to do the opposite

edit on 15-11-2010 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

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