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Starting my own form of Fascist political party in the USA (Texas). The day will come when we have t

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posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 12:56 AM
Hello ATS. I've noticed recently on this forum the word "fascism" elects fear and something to discredit your opponent with, as if you're going to be rounded up and placed with bugged communications, barbed wire, and constant surveillance monitoring every aspect of your lives. This simply isn't so. Let me explain

If you've been paying attention to the news,

watching the signs,

say, gathering the opinions of the average citizen on the street,

as well as extensive study and observation of the nerve centers or infrastructure of the nation,

what you'll find will be quite unsettling, as the raw lines of life in this nation are poisoned in the truest sense, deliberately done so by the most insidious enemy known to man kind. (NWO, Illuminati, TPTB, global conglomerate corporations. They are all the same people) They paint a much more cheerful picture than what reality will present to you, with the current state of things.

What they fear most, is, instead of the population acting like submissive cattle, is they realize what they are doing to us, as a whole. There wouldn't be enough lamp posts on the street left for this kind of treason,

when man is degenerated to that of a 'consumer', a target demographic, a voting block, someone who you feed opinions to, but wear the clothes, eat the brand packaged food, live in the houses, that they own (through banks and real estate properties) and have engineered to be like this.

Imagine if you will for instance. If Big oil, CNN, NBC, Fox News, American Politicians, McDonalds, Safeway, GM, Honda, every state bureaucracy, civil unions, aspects such as public health, public education, Manufacturing plants, and the rest of the endless list of organisations working not for you, but in their exclusive interest, that is, to get more money and influence, and to fu*k you over. Yet the network exists most people can't fathom , there for they are powerless to combat it. They want it that way, as they cover each others tracks, and profit off of your ignorance.

This is where we come in. There are two courses of action this country will take: One, it will continue down this current route, swallowing it's self in her own greed and malice, with a disgruntled, manipulated population they continue to fleece and rape, and become corrupted to the point the combined forced of China, the middle eastern world, and Russia pick at it's corpse. Why is she vulnerable to this? No one thinks it can happen, they are in their own blanket of narcissism and security. When the rest of the world is licking it's lips, getting ready....

Or, our driving, masculine organization will storm the land, win popular support, and only a fool or a man insane with delusion won't be able to see how our American Workers Party will have any method of bringing an end to this madness, and social upheaval, that is considered so normal and such an immediate part of life, that they cannot imagine it being any other way.

As only the Authoritarian type of government can work to the benefit of it's people, who they elect as representatives, working in union with every military interest, civil interest, health interest, that ensures the highest regard for living standards, quality of life, and technological advancement to the nation, all marching in the same direction. It is the only way to survive and prosper, for every citizen in our United States of America. The parasites must be exterminated in all forms for this to happen, no matter what they call themselves. They are only identified based on this criteria alone, and they won't be gloating for long.


posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 01:31 AM
The POWER is held in the hands of the people.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The RIGHT to Life, Liberty and Property is inalienable.

To do no harm to another and to not infringe on another's RIGHT's.

Understand this, force upon another is WRONG, be it by the government or by another individual.

This is where we as a people have gone wrong. Period.

[edit on 8/1/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 02:34 AM
A fascist political movement/party being promoted by someone with the word empathy in their online name? I find that curious and ironic.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Do we really need another Fascist party in the United States? Aren't the Democrats and the Republicans doing a good enough job of covering that aspect of governance already?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 03:54 AM

I agree to the extent of some kind of changes needing made, don't know much about fascism though. This country has changed so much in the last 25yrs or so it's saddening. A time traveler coming here from as recent as the 1980's would be shocked. To be clear, I'm referring to the way the USA is governed currently. (I'm not referring to the technological advances & other things a time traveler would notice.)

Here's a thought, maybe the time traveler would be more surprised we have tolerated the government to empower itself to the point it has? I believe we, as a country, only recently started waking up to the fact our gov.'t at some point changed their priorities. If we don't turn around the government before it reaches a certain point, will it be too late to do anything about it? That's what concerns me. I strongly believe we have to find the right person in the next election.

For anyone who thinks Obama hasn't had time to turn the country around, I agree. I'll say this though. He's had plenty of time and opportunities to show if he's capable of turning this country around and guess what, a Ouija board, used with 1-900-psychics and a Magic 8-ball stands a better chance.

This country needs leadership so bad it almost makes me wanna cry for its future. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth, which I'm entitled to as I pay my ATS fees every month.

Sincerely with American blood,

[edit on 8/1/10. by CBS01]

[edit on 8/1/10. by CBS01]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 04:08 AM
Define Fascism?

Fascism is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.


they see pluralism as a dysfunctional aspect of society, and justify a totalitarian state as a means to represent the nation in its entirety. They advocate the creation of a single-party state. Fascists reject and resist the autonomy of cultural or ethnic groups who are not considered part of the fascists' nation and who refuse to assimilate or are unable to be assimilated


Sounds like a barrel of laughs doesn't it?

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 05:28 AM
OP, save yourself the trouble.

Your party will get nowhere under a banner of 'fascism'.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by drwizardphd
Do we really need another Fascist party in the United States? Aren't the Democrats and the Republicans doing a good enough job of covering that aspect of governance already?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

This is very correct and they do there best to display their fascist feelings
with symbols of that ideology posted prominently where they meet.

But that is just a one off right ?

Uhhh maybe not....

Fasces in the US government

"The fasces was a prominent symbol of Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party and the movement was named for the axe and rods. Fasces are included in the national emblem of the French Republic."

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by CBS01

A time traveler coming here from as recent as the 1980's would be shocked. To be clear, I'm referring to the way the USA is governed currently.

I wholeheartedly agree here, CBS01, Americans have become very complacent of late, haven't they? And the New World Order is apparently stupid, perhaps from all of the inbreeding? They give the people computers, to distract them, and to keep tabs of what everyone thinks. OK, that backfired, yes, they can watch, but now everyone has a voice and can be heard, by millions of people in a very short time. A politician cannot do anything now without a video showing up on youtube the next day. Even police are filmed doing their dirty work. Then they gave everyone a cell phone, thinking that would distract the masses, and it did, except now cells have video capability, and everyone is even more connected now. They, the NWO think we cannot see them, we can. They think we cannot know what they do, we do know.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by empathy5975
As only the Authoritarian type of government can work to the benefit of it's people, who they elect as representatives, working in union with every military interest, civil interest, health interest, that ensures the highest regard for living standards, quality of life, and technological advancement to the nation, all marching in the same direction. It is the only way to survive and prosper, for every citizen in our United States of America. The parasites must be exterminated in all forms for this to happen, no matter what they call themselves. They are only identified based on this criteria alone, and they won't be gloating for long.

Well, your first (goose) step will be to decide on a snappy uniform. There are many historical examples you may wish to consider and these will help identify true followers in the crowd from the common riff raff, who you can boot aside with your proverbial jack boot.

The problem with authoritarian types of government is that not everyone wants to “march in the same direction”. Authoritarian governments don’t like dissent and are by definition repressive and ultimately unrepresentative. Take modern day authoritarian examples like China and Iran where having a political view which deviates from the proscribed norm is treated in ways which we in our comfortable democracies would (and do) find shocking. However, reading your post where...

...The parasites must be exterminated in all forms for this to happen...

I can see that you have already considered how to ensure everyone marches in the same direction – by fear, if nothing else. Naturally, you will enjoy it for a time. However, if you have the balls and a mind of your own and decide that being cajoled and oppressed is not very nice, then I suppose you have to be treated like a parasite because that’s what happens in authoritarian regimes.

Let’s just hope that your sordid little fantasy does not transpire and that you are able to find the time to review the outcome of a fascist state, or similar authoritarian regime, junta, dictatorship etc. Without exception, all authoritarian states demonstrat contempt for human rights and have only taken society downhill or into a dead end.

Research the history of fascism.

- Italian fascism and the National Fascist Party under the fat egomaniac Mussolini, who was shot. Italy is now democratic.
- German fascism and the NAZIs under that genocidal lunatic Hitler, who shot himself. Germany is now a democracy.
- Spanish fascism under Franco, who sadly lived a long time. Spain is now a democracy.
- Various other fascist regimes which have come and gone, such as Japan, Norway, Portugal, Albania, Panama etc., and most – if not all – are now democratic.


posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 10:31 AM
Keep up to date on the media's,the Federal Justice System and the socialist Democrat's , 3rd World mentality, RULE!

In the eyes of the world, they are making us all look like 'Idiot's' for continuing to hide the truth about this treasonous, criminal ,POUS and his Illegal government.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 10:36 AM
More on fascism.

I vote no thanks. But anyone who wants to actually be a fascist? Well, never mind.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 11:12 AM
To say "Long live america" after speaking of "The American workers party", you do not see a contradiction there?The Communist League of America and the and the workers party combined to give birth to The American workers party.

Granted, we have lost nearly all manufacturing in this country and it will be our death. However I prefer to buy my clothes as opposed to sewing them myself. So being a consumer is not a total 'degeneration '. It seems that any party with the name 'worker" included would like to see everyone making the wages of those at the UAW. You do realise that if everyone did, that would be the new minimum wage; and a t-shirt would cost $200.00. And how much did it cost us all to keep those workers working? There is a small country called Greece that you may want to look in to.

"Big oil" and "Big" others pay good wages and pensions; but you actually need to work. Man are they evil.

Tell me how a very, very young country as ours has risen so quickly? Yet you know better; and think communism is the answer. So lets tax and EPA away the greedy "BIG" anything thats left. Well on the bright side, it will cure our immigration problems!

Well you and I can agree on one thing: LONG LIVE AMERICA!!!!!

[edit on 1-8-2010 by nocents]

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Ex_MislTech
Fasces in the US government

"The fasces was a prominent symbol of Benito Mussolini's Fascist Party and the movement was named for the axe and rods. Fasces are included in the national emblem of the French Republic."

Before the idea of a fascist state was ever conceived, the fasces had long already been a symbol of Republicanism. Remember, before the Romans were an empire they had a functioning republic for hundreds of years (albeit an incredibly corrupt one). So, the U.S. and other republican based governments were using the fasces as one of their symbols for a long time (and still do today), but the meaning was and is very different than what it means to fascists.

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