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Reputed neo-Nazi leading patrols in Ariz.

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posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:51 AM
If these patrollers were Black or Hispanic, they would be labelled patriots and heroes for trying to protect their country. White People are NOT permitted to show any form of pride without being labelled Neo-Nazis...

[edit on 18/7/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:42 AM
OK i don't normally get involved in the race arguments but here goes.

i thought america was supposed to allow freedoms for ALL, notice that word ALL, that means all colours, religions and personal beliefs. If he is neo-nazi is of no differance than if he was communist or anything else, if he is following your countrys laws where is the problem, all the people that are against neo-nazi belief because its rascist are doing the very thing your protesting about (discrimating)

so in summary, as long as people are following the laws of the land then whatever they say,beliefs, or colour of their skin is unimportant and you should actually defend his rights to have these beliefs cause i have a hunch he would fight for yours

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by jam321

Yet the drug cartels still raise hell in the border states, too many military are stationed overseas with most of the good cops and former ex mil working with contractors. The border is huge and so is the problem, thats why the militia groups are moving in to help. The MSM is just starting a fuss at the request of the White house.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

It has nothing to do with "pride". It's because JT and his gang are actually freaking Nazi's.

Yea, real Nazi's. So I think we can call them Nazi's. Hell, they call themselves Nazi's.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
They need to go in and do raids but chances are they will get shot at lone before the get to the door step.

Civilians need to conduct raids where?

law enforcements knows who these peoples are. They are camped and dug in deep. What is stopping them is a stupid law that is protecting the national forest this is taking place in.

So it allows civilians to shoot suspects?

No ones needs to go into Mexico.. this is all within our borders up to 80 miles inland. No one starts at the border, they start at the 80 mile mark and work towards the border sweeping the area. again, this is for the drug cartels and terrorists that is with them not the regular misguided Mexicans who just cross for jobs.

You are not answering my questions at all then. How does a border patrol protect the border by shooting suspects in America?

Yes, a civilian militia working in cooperation with local officials can conduct raids on the camps these drug cartels have set up.
Did our founding fathers shoot at the red coats?

Of course a civilian militia can shoot suspects if they feel they are going to get shot or if given the o.k. to shoot on sight of an intended target. ( working with local officials) these things are perfectly legal.

The idea is to stop and arrest them first if you can.. but that's not likely to happen with drug cartels. These people are para military hardened killers. They are not going to let themselves simply get arrested. The main thing is we need these drug cartels that are illegally occupying our soil either in jail, or dead. Either will suit me fine.

I do think I have answered your question.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:03 AM
Don't really know how to say what there is to say here clearly, but here goes a try. Sometimes even the most radical of thinkers unite for a common cause?

It would be like conservatives and liberals uniting to, say, stop our country from going to hell. But hell no, that can't happen! I can't work with stupid (___fill in the blank with your favorite label to hate on or that you feel threatened by and will never agree with on principle not even to save your country__)!

To take this example to the extreme, suppose your life was in immediate danger, and suppose this was because a purple person happened to be pointing a gun at you, and suppose an anti-purple zealot came along and started to wrestle the gun away...what would you do? Say, no thanks, I don't want your help because you hate purple people on principle so I'm going to take my chances?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The issue here is illegal immigration and the fact that it's illegal, right? What does it matter what the particular ideology or belief system of the people who also recognize that fact is? Other than to prove some sort of non-existent point, that is.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by Dark Ghost

It has nothing to do with "pride". It's because JT and his gang are actually freaking Nazi's.

Yea, real Nazi's. So I think we can call them Nazi's. Hell, they call themselves Nazi's.

Who says they are nazis?

An article that says they suspect they share the same ideas with nazis or the the clearly biased second link that throws around the term "Glenn Beck look alike". That article even says Ready takes offense to being called a Nazi.

You or anyone else cannot prove that they are neo nazis. That is why this thread title calls them REPUTED neo nazis.

I suggest you look up the capitalized word. I will give you a hint to what it means. hint- no proof can be found.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:19 AM
Ah youll al know what its like to be an illegal alien when you get caught trying to sneal out of an america thats turned against its own people.....
When the canadians ship you back to be interned for dissent against the
"HOMELAND" (dont you see how close that word is to The FATHERLAND....?
Get control of your own goverment before tyhey get control of you!

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Mr. Tinkertrain

I suggest you look up the capitalized word. I will give you a hint to what it means. hint- no proof can be found.

Reputed my ass. Why don't you go to his website?

And OMG Look! Nazi's. Really people, grow up. Fact are facts. Dude is an actual freaking Nazi.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:26 PM
so what if he is a nazi, he isn't acting on those beliefs and is staying within the boundrys of the law, you can't decriminate against him just because he is a nazi that is hypocritical, IF he forced these beliefs on other people or started wiping out people because of this belief then fine but he isn't so let him have his beliefs the same as conservatives or liberals or any other label you want to use have theirs it really is that simple

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

You think a Race War is not brewing?
Expect this group to get alot of media attention, and as well as the New Black Panther Party.

The media will soon be on overdrive to start a race war, that's what it looks like.

I will bet it all, that no matter what, that they will never be able start a race war.

What they really want is not a race war. What they want is a white race that will do nothing for fear of being called a rasist. They want to build a privileged class on the backs of and need the white man picking cotton.

Hay I am just calling it like I see it man. What they plan to do is legislate all this into being.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Anthony Massey

White folks should do all they can to speak out against these Nazis.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by antonia

The NSM website didn't have a picture of Ready and that pick of him in the article showed him in a suit without any Nazi paraphelia on his body.

Show me where he himself claims membership to that organization or is even wearing nazi paraphenilia.

I am also proud to be a white male. I would also march in a white pride parade if given the chance even if it puts me near neo nazis. Does that make me a nazi?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Mr. Tinkertrain
reply to post by antonia

The NSM website didn't have a picture of Ready and that pick of him in the article showed him in a suit without any Nazi paraphelia on his body.

Show me where he himself claims membership to that organization or is even wearing nazi paraphenilia.

I am also proud to be a white male. I would also march in a white pride parade if given the chance even if it puts me near neo nazis. Does that make me a nazi?

There are numerous pictures of J.T. Ready with that group. There was a link to one in my second post on the subject.

As for you marching for "White Pride", well, I'd call you stupid. Which is what i call every person who comes out about how "Proud" of their race they are. What did you have to do with it? You were simply born that way. A rather silly thing to take pride in. It's not even an accomplishment. However, if you decided to regal yourself with swastikas and hang out with people who called themselves a "National Socialist Movement" and carry Adolf Hitler smileys with you, I'd call you a Nazi because that's what you are.

J.T. Ready is the head of the Arizona chapter of NSM 88. Seriously, quit the obfuscation. I get everyone is all happy the guy is out there patrolling, but he's a Nazi, racist scumbag. There's no getting around it.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by antonia

I am damn proud to be white and will show it in any legal way. I am damn proud to live in America and I am damn proud to march along anyone who shares the same pride.

If that makes me a Nazi then the meaning of Nazi has lost a lot of its bite.

edit to add- If he is a nazi then I'm glad atleast one nazi is doing a good job.

[edit on 18-7-2010 by Mr. Tinkertrain]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Logarock
reply to post by Anthony Massey

White folks should do all they can to speak out against these Nazis.

actualy all colours should and don't get me wrong i disagree with the core beliefs of nazi's but what i am trying to say is he is aloud to have these beliefs if you disagree with him reason with him use logic to prove your point, you can't stop him doing things like this just because he's a nazi, what if he was a morman or a black panther.

i will try to keep it as basic as possible EVERYONE is entitled to their beliefs REGARDLESS of what they may be if they act on these beliefs to hurt or descriminate against others then punish them but NEVER punish before any crime is commited, his beliefs aren't a crime

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

This is a load of crap. Note the usage of the term "reputed". That's a device used by leftist journalists to make a groundless implication. They're simply trying to make the implication that anyone who would like to see the border closed, thereby keeping 2012 Obama voters out of the country, is a neo-nazi. In this case, reputed means the other marxist's are saying the same things in their blogs. This is funny, coming from the official propaganda wing of the Obama led marxist party.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by antonia

You should be embarrased because your post of a nazi rally has nothing to do with the border issue. Why do libs feel compelled to make stuff up? If anything, these guys are expressing Obama's sentiments. As a muslim, he doesn't like jews any more than his cousins, the nazis.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by antonia

You should be embarrased because your post of a nazi rally has nothing to do with the border issue. Why do libs feel compelled to make stuff up? If anything, these guys are expressing Obama's sentiments. As a muslim, he doesn't like jews any more than his cousins, the nazis.

What in the hell are you on about? Do you have problems reading?
The thread title is: Reputed neo-Nazi leading patrols in Ariz.
The video is proof the man in charge is a Nazi. That's JT Ready up there. It ain't got a damn thing to do with me being "lib" or a "progressive" (which is funny considering i've never voted for a democrat.). The guy is a Nazi. Get over it.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 10:22 AM
What sickens me and drains my soul is the fact that any group associated with white people is "neo-xx" and white supremacist. No matter how well intentioned these groups. They are labled with these words that Americans are conditioned to hate for now and forever. Selah.

Then you get the entire msm and others rallying behind the New Black Panther group and Illegal Mexicans. Whats next the Free Charles Manson protest? Oh, oops he's white. That will never happen.

By the way I'm an American Indian. If I am biased, it against all of the trespassers on Native lands. That being impossible I'll just be and let be.

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