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A calling for the Arcturians

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

Seek and ye shall find, search. Best way to know anything ususual is to use your own feelings and set intentions or if you pick up energy , like recognize people you have never met and feel drawn, seek and share, and if set intentions each night the way to the information will come. Some of what I've learnt is from various sites, Project Camelot, Jim Sparks, Bill Holden??? but the info that really counted with the experiences was recognizing others and sharing with someone visiting whose memory banks opened. So, its like team work, we activate each other, and look at et scripts online, they're not the same as the language I am talking about but they can bring back soul memories or memories of contact that might be buried. Dolphin and whale songs, whale is a universal langauge and our souls know it, be really surpised if you meditate to them for a while. So seek and ye shall find.

Tons of symbols to look at here:

Sa'l me't ja'ri'n!

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:36 PM
Are the Arcturians know also as blues and are genemy of earth born inner reptiles or their dracoian parents, mind as well ask to see if im up on things..

[edit on 7/7/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:45 PM
Hmmm I will have to meditate on this.
Unity as usual you add a lot to the thread.

I know this guy that is convinced that the reptoids are coming and they are going to eat us. LOL Now I really do not know if I believe any of these but I did some years ago dream they invaded (with TPTB knowledge of course).

But we as humans should all get what we deserve, whatever that might be.
I personally only trust my "higher self" for lack of any term that would be understood here.

I have been told by many that I am from Arcturus but I am from Louisiana.

I would really love to see some nice ET's however.
Do not believe channeled material, I read and enjoy it but take it with a grain of salt.


[edit on 7-7-2010 by cindymars]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Sure, what the hell, I'll sign. I could use some Arcturians.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Are the Arcturians know also as blues and are genemy of earth born inner reptiles or their dracoian parents, mind as well ask to see if im up on things..

[edit on 7/7/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

The dark blue reptilian hybrids in the earths crust are a different species.
They have sharp teeth, and strong muscles, used to live on the earths surface,
but then moved underground and have been for a long time.

They are relatively independent beings,
but sometimes do trade with other subterranean inhabitants.
Like the Draco's and the Grays.
It's a species I've had past experiences with.

here is more on various blue skinned aliens:

the Arcturians are sometimes considered pale green.
energetically prominent colors green heart chakra, green blue voice chakra, and blue third-eye chakra.
quite possible related to them being of 4th, 5th and 6th density light beings respectively.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:59 PM

I was in sort of a foul mood today. This thread gave me a nice laugh.
So again, thanks for providing some humor.'re serious?

Oh. Nvm.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6

I was in sort of a foul mood today. This thread gave me a nice laugh.
So again, thanks for providing some humor.'re serious?

Oh. Nvm.

Damn, this Arcturian stuff is working already. They truly are about joy.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by NASA is ASAN

Originally posted by Chamberf=6

I was in sort of a foul mood today. This thread gave me a nice laugh.
So again, thanks for providing some humor.'re serious?

Oh. Nvm.

Damn, this Arcturian stuff is working already. They truly are about joy.

That's so wonderful,
my heart goes out to you,
love and harmony.

Spritually intune people,
certainly have the capacity to notice,
the shower of love an Arcturian can give.

If you're really advanced,
can mind-sense communication,
mind-hear their voices and sounds,
mind-see the images they portray.
know it's them by similarity,
to their description.

A mutual sharing can take place.
Perhaps even a dream of a visit to a star ship.
All quite orchestrate-able by our star cousins.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by NASA is ASAN

Originally posted by Chamberf=6

I was in sort of a foul mood today. This thread gave me a nice laugh.
So again, thanks for providing some humor.'re serious?

Oh. Nvm.

Damn, this Arcturian stuff is working already. They truly are about joy.

I know, right? I feel like a barrel of happiness right now! they must be workin' overtime!

Let me go call the Pleiadians and we'll all have a party!

Hell, Bring in the Lizzies, even. they just need to loosen up a little, that's all!


We shall see, though... We shall see...

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:02 PM
Great post, thanks Lowki! What a coincidence. I just contacted the Arcturians in meditation yesterday. They are a magnificent civilization who's whole unified goal is of spiritual developement. They answered all of the questions I had regarding my spritiual path and they exuded great love and compassion. I feel tremendous love for them, I felt at home with them. They have the most powerful starships in the entire Universe, though militerism is so far beneath them. They and other benevolents are already here closeby. They are in another dimension, cloaked if you will like a Klingon vessel in star trek. They do not need to establish an embassy on Earth, that would be just a waste of their time. I call to each one of you to be your own Ambassador. Contact them in meditation, it is easy. It is beautiful. They are waiting for you.


posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:18 PM
It's like a train wreck... you want to look away- but you just cant. *face palm*

So- what we have here is an invisible entity that will only, ONLY come help if people whine and cry at them and 'believe'. Sounds a lot like the religions on this planet- which, BTW- all the whining, begging and crying one can do doesn't even *begin* to fix any of the troubles.

Consider medication. And shock therapy. Or, find a nice large inanimate object (an anvil will do), and whack your head on it oh, about a dozen times. Get a friend to help if you get woozy after whack #4.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:25 PM
This is weird. I just spoke to the Acturians in meditation yesterday. And here I find Lokki's post today! My questions were related to my personal spiritual developement. The main goal of their entire civilization is spiritual developement. They have the most powerful starships in the entire UNIVERSE! No one would even dream of messing with them. But they are so far above the militeristic fray. Tremendous loving,benevolent vibes from them. I really felt at home with them. I knew that I loved them all. There was someone here on ATS that had a great Acturan post, I remember his avatar as a white wedged shape starship. He said that their language was very close to enochian. As for the post...they are already here. Many benevolents are orbiting our earth or in the vacinity (they don't have to orbit to be close). They are in another dimension, cloaked so to speak.( No there are no Klingons cloaked nearby) Why would they establish a physical embassy on earth? They don't have to, if you feel what I mean. If they did so all the sociopaths in charge of this planet would be falling all over themselves to make contact with them which would be just a waste of their time. (The Acturans time) Each of you, contact them yourself. It is easy, meditate, call to's beautiful!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Klaatumagnum

Ok, was the craft like a light ship? White, gleaming, huge, wedge shaped sci fi shuttle kind of with giant platoons moulded to the body at the back on both side to half way along?

I am looking for this high council type craft, this is one that ET_MAN told me only I could see, and had to do with my vibrations, and had contact before it. Dimensional Lightship that perhaps 80 saucers, tr3bs or planes could fit in or more.

This is an acturian craft, but its not like the one I described, but the picture you describe reminds me of what I saw.


Also, could you please share how you connect to the Acturians? I am going to see if directly approaching this is safe and feels right, because I never pursue my contacts except for my Higher Self, I have not actively sought any of this but only for my memories back and Higher Self, connection.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Star for Unity_99 and I do enjoy reading your adventure/experience.

I also would like to comment that I do agree with Unity_99 that I also believe that people should be awake and know who they are first before they inter-act the unknown. At least then people who are un-aware could be given the nudge to do so otherwise it'd probably be safer.

I personally have no worries or doubts that these beings you say are light-beings mean well. I do not judge them as I would expect not to be judged. If they want to come visit Earth, let them and why not, nobody truely owns this earth as we are all here for lessons to be learnt.

Love & Light.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by DClairvoyant

Of course I agree with them coming, and would love to welcome them, this isnt why the caution kicked in, it was the sense that signing a contract or contratual agreement to a group that we don't directly remember, like its always taking someones word, for it, edgar casey, or another channeler of some kind, this is where my caution steps in, its the memories that we contain that matter. So far I remember things, have recognitions of people and races/species contatct triggers a sense of memories usually with, yes dear one, yes I hear you, or send love after this. But....this is a strong stirring under the surface and these words have left my mouth without me consciously remembering who they are. But IO know them and know I know them.

So, I want to know why they want a contract, why not contact more and more. So if my Higher Self says this is ok, not something trying to rope us into something, how do I know edgar casey didnt work for the mason after all, I don't know???? They always conduct their plans long term each taking up a part that was prearranged centuries before while studying astrological signs and numerology.

So, if my Higher Self is in agreement then I wish to contact them, if its possible and beam love at them at any case, because beaming love works even for negatives, seeing everyone as their optimimun selves is a part of the spirit of ho'onoponopono, or cleansing where you do not see the bad, you apologize and take responsiblity for allowing yourself to have seen them as negative role types, and instead, you see them anew, and loving and being directly guided by Creator or the Family of Light depending on your viewpoint.

So I am excercising caution in the context of there being a need for a contract.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by wylekat
It's like a train wreck... you want to look away- but you just cant. *face palm*

So- what we have here is an invisible entity that will only, ONLY come help if people whine and cry at them and 'believe'. Sounds a lot like the religions on this planet- which, BTW- all the whining, begging and crying one can do doesn't even *begin* to fix any of the troubles.

Consider medication. And shock therapy. Or, find a nice large inanimate object (an anvil will do), and whack your head on it oh, about a dozen times. Get a friend to help if you get woozy after whack #4.

One thing, they not only come here when people whine and cry as you say as its up to Humanity to look out for eachother and produce the positive vibration of change as those who are awakened will see for themselves when The Coming Changes play-out next year.

We are not the only light-beings living, walking, striving for success on this Earth/Terra.

I have faith in you that your life like many will change for a positive shift.

I have been told some people have just accepted to be ignorant to the truth yet as much as I have experienced that with some people where the truth has confronted them in person yet they suddenly dismiss it as "impossible" due to fear of the unknown and believe me I've known a few to get scared and suddenly dismiss it as "yeah-right" or "no-way, that's not possible" even though its just happened to them and they choose to go on with their daily lifestyles. Can't blame them though!

Its not their fault they don't understand what they have just experienced. I was once like them, asleep to the truth. It took many years of sightings, meetings, experiences. Before I finally excepted that I was meant to see it happen and learn from this. When I did that night call-out and say well I feel and think I'm ready that's when my Clairvoyancy got really strong in positive vibrations and I began to have really strong psi abilities.

My mates know I have them as I've proved to them on more than one account yet they still laugh and joke about it. But they don't laugh and joke when I can predict danger around the corner for them and then it happens to play out. I have saved lives with my psi abilities and mainly those that are very close to me and much loved.

I now speak of my visions online and hopefully will reach out to those who will listen because I far too far away to say to them either something good will happen to you or danger is lurking around the next corner for you etc.

And yes when I had my incident and received a nasty fractured cheeckbone and skull and boy-oh-boi! Did I have a sore head for weeks and I remember the first day I awoke my life changed forever. I was finding it very hard to open my eyes as everything was really bright even though it was just daylight I felt like I was looking directly at the sun!

My hearing perception got really strong and sensitive, and my learning accelerated really fast. These last 3 years I have adopted another gift of 'photographic memory' which also helps in my Clairvoyance visions/dreams.

And my latest psi ability is sensitive hearing and sense of smell. I can hear a bird making its nest from over 10 metres away and still hear the same loudness of sound as if I'm standing right next to the bird.

The other day I was driving past the petrol garage and saw a person walking with a bag of chips I only had my window down a little but could smell the fish from her bag and she was well over 100+ yards away and just as I passed her the smell got really strong I had to close my driver's window then as I pulled up at the chippy about another 200 yards down the bottom of that road I still got the same strongness of smell when I was stood right next to the battered fish and chips.

Very perculiar and yet fun because now I recognise how to focus my energy on somebody and can choose which function of sense I want to adapt and stregthen by looking at that person/object/animal/building etc.

Love & Light.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by lowki
Here is a hallway picture quite similar to their ships interior,
as I've had the pleasure of witness through astral projections:

I've had the pleasure of meeting Pamela Anderson in a few of my "astral projections", doesn't mean it actually happened. On one occasion she had a twin sister.

Seriously, what is up with threads like these? I'm reading a whole load of information and I've yet to see an iota of evidence, or any reason why we should believe what you're writing. Fiction is fiction, and I've no more reason to believe you than anyone else who comes up with such stories.

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
I've had the pleasure of meeting Pamela Anderson in a few of my "astral projections", doesn't mean it actually happened. On one occasion she had a twin sister.

Low standards?

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:23 PM
Ideas like this are a great way of breaking the ice to get more people open to inviting the 'good guys' down here to hang out with and spend some quality time!

I heard the Acturians are fairly evolved in the sense we look are almost like cavemen to them - so put down the clubs fellas!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by lowki

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Are the Arcturians know also as blues and are genemy of earth born inner reptiles or their dracoian parents, mind as well ask to see if im up on things..

[edit on 7/7/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

The dark blue reptilian hybrids in the earths crust are a different species.
They have sharp teeth, and strong muscles, used to live on the earths surface,
but then moved underground and have been for a long time.

They are relatively independent beings,
but sometimes do trade with other subterranean inhabitants.
Like the Draco's and the Grays.
It's a species I've had past experiences with.

here is more on various blue skinned aliens:

the Arcturians are sometimes considered pale green.
energetically prominent colors green heart chakra, green blue voice chakra, and blue third-eye chakra.
quite possible related to them being of 4th, 5th and 6th density light beings respectively.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by lowki]

I need to chill-out, that proper spooked me just saw the corner of my eye it was the curtain, thought it was that black thing I saw at the Gloucester Barracks in Grantham over two years ago. Where I have highlighted the above text I know it was real and finally you said it with the most simplest of description. That nasty looking being had the sharpest teeth, they were about 2 inches long in diameter as I remember whether it was smiling at me or not both were scary and its eyes were like crystallised, yellow diamonds at least that's how it appeared. This being was taller than 9 feet and it was massive, absolutely flipping huge, massive arms, massive muscles, it was so huge and scary.

It was stood right opposite me at the TA barracks in the early hours I'm guessing around 05:30hrs as it wasn't long until we were all up getting ready for breakfast and all the curtains in our dorm were open to allow the sunlight to wake us up and a few windows were open.

That thing spooked me for life that I signed the contract to end my service for The British Armed Forces as I didn't fancy bumping back into it especially as it came to visit me in the late hours of the night on field exercise a week later. I had my SA80 rifle with me and also had Gator with me on 'Stag Duty'.

I was lightly crouched down and Gator was lying on the floor, he covered my back visa-versa. I saw something walk past the squad so I walked over and called out for the password which was "KILL" and this thing tried to throw us off and called "ATTACK". That's when I raised the alarm to my comrades even though my NCO section commander couldn't give a to-shoes what I saw as he said its all for your baisc training.

Yet it wasn't because the following day Cpl P. kept telling me to shut my mouth otherwise I'd get us all in the sh#t which it wasn't until later that I was approached to go report to SGT A. and his representive was a SSGT and then I spoke of my RTU and then he was asked to send me into the next room where I met a Leiutenant Colonel which had three other official's with him. And he told me they were his bosses.

They sat me down and offered me a cup-of-tea but I refused. I just wanted to know what was going on and they did it in a very relaxed manner however they were still threats. And then 7 months later I ended my service with them and was advised by my companies SSGT to be wary and only speak to family and friend's especially if I didn't want MP guards knocking at my door within the hour.

So that was that and finally this member has just met the same description as mine. Yet I have over an A4 page full of description of this 'thing!

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